just let me sucker punch you

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Grae Kanu

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Phoenix Feather

I've been listening to the album all day. Poor film, awesome soundtrack.


Okay, so I told myself that I wasn't going to make a new character for a while, considering the
amount of studying I should be doing. But, I went to see Sucker Punch yesterday and there was
an ad for the film Thor. With this PB in it, and I was like, I HAVE to have. So, I came home and
created this german guy. Now, Grae is pretty much a closed book that sits on a shelf of an antique
store, slowly gathering dust. He's very closed off, and quiet. He doesn't see the point of friends,
since he can't really hang out with them outside of school. He lives with his grandparents, who are
old, and need him to look after them when he's at home. But, Grae is not bitter about that, he cares
deeply for his family, but he is embarrassed about what he does outside of school. So, in school, he
sticks to himself and doesn't bother with other people. He'll appear cold and mean but, he's actually
a very nice person, who is caring and loyal.
Friends, Enemies, Final. Is everything he needs.
Now, if you take a look at his CD, you'll see his twin went missing when he was 3, now, if you'd be
interested in RPing her, then PM me.
I can offer you Zahna Kawamura as a girlfriend/Final. Reading that post makes me think they're very similar. As one of the youngest Kawamura's, she's been almost forced into being like everyone else in her family (Think of Lykke Wu...xD) and she doesn't actually care. She likes to study more, and actually make something of herself, rather than become a Death Eater (Whether she will or not i don't know. Depends what happens) She's a Sixth year durmstrang, and 16 :) Let me know what you think
:wub: Love that photo up there, blue eyes dreamyy!!

Uhhum, anyways.

Gwenneth-Adrie Linde. German as well. 5th year as well. Despite all her troubles last year while she was in Hogwarts Scotland, she is a very bright and open type of person, you usually won't see her without a smile, even it's a small one while she's walking. She loves to run, every morning she'll get up and run. It's her hobby now that she no longer takes part in Quidditch. They could find companionship in their German, as there isn't many other German speaking people at the school and Gwen is constantly missing her native language.

Adalyn Jez. 4th year, but hangs with the older kids. She's appart of a rock band that a few of the older students and her put together, it's very rock and roll. Alot of people consider her outfit choice Racy, but she's comfortable and ignores the glares and stares all the same. She doesn't have many friends outside of her brother and the bandmates, everyone else just seems boring to her. But then again she's closed off because she's dealing with the lost of her twin brother which no one knows about, though she would be able to connect with him on that level if one of them were to open up. She doesn't have a final yet so she is open, but it'll all depend on how well they get to know each other and if they become close :p ;)

:) p.s. I didn't know it was you, but I thought to myself, you know this guy seems very Emzies like.

Pheebz - Hmm, I think they'd be better as a small fling type thing. Like they go out for a while, but it doesn't really work out. And they break it off mutually, and stay friends. But, if they get along well as friends, depending on how things go, they could end up trying again. What do you think? Would you like to start something?

Steph - Gwenneth, I think he'd like someone who was also german. Someone to specifically speak the language with. He'd maybe never open up to her and they would have much conversation other than school for a while. But I think building a foundation like that would mean they'd be good friends for a long while. What do you think? Would you like to start something or Shall I?

Adalyn, Gah! I have wanted to RP with her for ages. Lol. Moving swiftly on, I think that could work quite well. He chooses to not have very many friends. He doesn't really see the point in them, so, it would take a while before he chooses to open up or talk about himself in any way. I think the two could be good friends. And I think we should see how they RP together before deciding if they'd make good Finals. And he wouldn't be bothered about her clothes choice. He really wouldn't care about it.
I think he would be able to finally open up to her, which could lead to them being closer.
What do you think? Would you like to start something or Shall I?
Grae Kanu said:

Pheebz - Hmm, I think they'd be better as a small fling type thing. Like they go out for a while, but it doesn't really work out. And they break it off mutually, and stay friends. But, if they get along well as friends, depending on how things go, they could end up trying again. What do you think? Would you like to start something?

Steph - Gwenneth, I think he'd like someone who was also german. Someone to specifically speak the language with. He'd maybe never open up to her and they would have much conversation other than school for a while. But I think building a foundation like that would mean they'd be good friends for a long while. What do you think? Would you like to start something or Shall I?

Adalyn, Gah! I have wanted to RP with her for ages. Lol. Moving swiftly on, I think that could work quite well. He chooses to not have very many friends. He doesn't really see the point in them, so, it would take a while before he chooses to open up or talk about himself in any way. I think the two could be good friends. And I think we should see how they RP together before deciding if they'd make good Finals. And he wouldn't be bothered about her clothes choice. He really wouldn't care about it.
I think he would be able to finally open up to her, which could lead to them being closer.
What do you think? Would you like to start something or Shall I?
Gwen- That could work out really well for the two of them, she doesn't really have any casual friends, which i think she should have, so they'd really just be there for each other to pass the time and talk about classes, it could work out :)

OOCOut of Character:
Haha, you know when i first saw your post i was afraid of rping with you but I've actually been enjoying it alot and have been on the look out for your characters to rp with too :p

I don't like agreeing for Finals right of the bat either so it's a plan to see if they work. Good friends for now'll work :) and Once he does open up maybe he'll be the person she can open herself up to as well. She doesn't like that burden of unequal knowing, if she knows more about someone she is always compelled to let them in on one of her secrets.

I'll tell ya what, since there's two you choose one and make it and I'll do the same for the other ::D

Gwen&Grae, Sounds Awesome.

Adalyn&Grae, I like that. he'd be the same with the secrets thing.

How about I start the Gwen&Grae one, and you can start the Adalyn&Grae one?
Alright sounds like a plan :)
I can play the lost twin if you want :r

but i srsly need help with PBs... xD

I can offer Zac Mathews as a good friend. :)

Zac doesn't go to Durmstrang, but he's 14, can also be fairly quiet to begin with and is a generally lovely guy. Zac's a musician and is very interested in guitars, but also sings a bit to, which is what brings him out of his shell really. Maybe Zac could help Grae out with his socializing a bit??? :)

@ Pheebz, Posted, thanks for starting it.

@ Antonio/Zac, I think it could be interested to see how they interact. Would you like to start something or shall I?
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