Just Keeps Getting Uglier

Kiera had heard that her roommate, Katalina, was in the hospital wing. Kiera had freaked out a bit the night before when she had not come back into the room. She had been worried about the younger girl for quite some time now; Kat seemed to be wasting away. She had finally landed herself in the hospital. Kiera got dressed quickly before she rushed down to the hospital wing.

Kiera entered the room and saw Kat, lying on a bed. Her eyes widened with surprise as she saw the younger Gryffindor was eating some breakfast. A huge grin broke out on Kiera's face. She practically ran to her roommate. "Kat! Are you alright?" she asked the younger girl who was like a little sister to Kiera.
Kat's heart felt like it might explode. He did love her...not that she ever doubted that fact. She smiled weakly at the love of her life and entered into the room and back to her bed before curling up and falling into a dreamless sleep.

Kat swallowed the mouth full of food she had, starting to fill some fullness in her starved stomach, as Kiera came into the hospital wing. Smiling weakly at her best friend and roommate Kat said, "I will be. Guessing I gave you guys a start when I didn't come up last night, huh?"

Kiera hugged Kat, not too hard. The girl still looked like she would break. Kiera narrowed her eyes at Kat as she asked if she gave them a fright. "Of course! I was worried sick about you! I thought you might have collapsed somewhere and not been able to get help!" she said with concern. Kiera let a little smile pass across her face. "At least your finally eating." she admitted. Kat hadn't fooled Kiera one bit. Kiera knew the girl hadn't been eating. She had been through this all before with Bella.
Kat cringed slightly when Kiera said something about collapsing. "I, uh, well Chace was there when that happened so I wasn't just left somewhere by any means," she said not looking her friend in the eyes, feeling horrible for worrying her. "So you knew too? I swear do you and Andy have some sort of radar for this kind of thing?" It amazed her that her roommates were so finely honed in on every move she made, but then again she was the same way with them. "I'm sorry. For everything."
Kiera was relieved to hear that someone had been with Kat. It made her feel better that her roommate hadn't just passed out on the floor. Kiera smiled as Kat asked her if she had known. Kiera nodded her head. "Yes, I could tell when you started dropping weight. Bellatrix went through the same thing a few years ago. She was like a skeleton. She finally collapsed and I took her up here." she said motioning to the room. "I actually talked to Andy about it after you left for the Yule Ball." she admitted to her friend. Kiera's eyes warmed as Kat apologized. "Its 'kay. Just don't let it happen again. You have to eat!" Kiera told the younger girl sternly.
Andy had gone to her dorm late having spent most of the evening curled up 'studying' with Bruin on the large sofa in the common room. These days that's all she seemed to do and seriously didn't mind it at all. It was a relief not to have to worry about everyone else all the time but as she finally made her way into bed she had noticed Kat's was empty and sat up for another two hours waiting for her return. She didn't know what time she finally dosed off at but the next morning she woke to see Kat's bed hadn't been slept in.

After getting herself washed and dressed she made her way to the common room, there weren't any classes until later that day so she knew herself and Bruin could have a leisurely breakfast chatting the time away. A second year passed and Andy smiled in greeting before asking off hand if she had seen Kat anywhere. Her heart nearly dropped when she was told that Kat had apparently fainted the day before and had been seen by quite a few being carried up to the hospital wing by a Slytherin. Knowing Bruin would completely understand, Andy didn't waste another second as she made her way out of the common room and down the stairs to the hospital wing.

At first she was angry and worried as she skidded to a stop outside the doors and attempted to compose herself before entering but how could she? Her bestfriend had collapsed again, was trying for lack of another way to put it, trying to ruddy kill herself. Andy pushed the doors open and saw that Kiera was there too and sighed with relief. At least Kat hadn't been alone. Walking over she gently touched Kiera's arm and gave her a smile.
"Hi, how has she been?" she didn't trust herself to ask it of Kat who she now turned to look at.

Andy felt more angry with herself above all else. Had she been so loved up for the past month with Bruin that she hadn't seen the further deterioration in Kat? How could she forgive herself this? The blatant neglect of her friend. Her eyes filled with angry tears as she finally found her voice to speak to her.
"I'm not even going to say I told you so, you big lug" she walked to the other side of the bed and looked at the frail body lying there, carefully she sat down on the side of it, "I'd hug you but you'd probably snap in two".

She attempted a smile but couldn't quite carry it off.
Kiera turned her head as she heard the door to the hospital wing open. She saw that it was her friend and roommate. Kiera nodded her head as Andromeda touched her arm. Kiera smiled back at her other 'little sister'. Andy asked how Kat was doing but directed the question to Kiera. Kiera smiled slyly at Kat before answering Andy.

"Well she is eating her breakfast. So that's a start." Kiera said to Andromeda. It was definitely an improvement for the girl to eat anything. Kiera heard Andy say that she thought the girl might snap in two. Kiera let out a small laugh. "I was worried about that too but she's still in one piece. You are probably safe to give her a hug." she said. Kiera was in a much better mood now that she knew Kat was getting help.
Kat was just about to reply to Kiera when someone else entered the room. She bit her lip when Andy asked Kiera how she was doing and got a little annoyed that she hadn't just been asked herself, but kept from saying anything. Taking a few more bites of food while the two continued their exchange Kat made a little bit of a sour face when Andy called her a big lug and said she was afraid to hug her. "I'm fi...Andy I'm going to get better," she said after having nearly said 'I'm Fine' but then thought better of it because if she actually had been fine she wouldn't be laid up in some hospital bed. "I'm sorry. For everything. I...I don't know what else to say," Kat started sadly, a rush of emotions washing over her and she started to cry. She'd pushed everyone away over the last few months, keeping them all at arms length in case they wanted to change anything that she had inflicted upon herself.
Andy smiled at Kiera's word but as her eyes were nearly blind with unshed tears she didn't look up from her perch on the side of the bed. Kat telling her she was going to get better set her off completely though, as did her apology. Andy leaned over making sure not to touch any of the precious food that Kat had forsaken for so long and hugged her, tears pouring down her face.
"I'm sorry, I should have forced you to get help or something. I should have done more, paid more attention. What are they doing to help you?" she moved back a little not wanting to release her but knowing she had to.
Kiera smiled as the two girls hugged. Andromeda's tears broke her heart. She should have known Kat's eating disorder would have been upsetting Andy. Kiera was so glad Kat was finally getting help. She nodded her head anxious to hear the answer to Andromeda's question. Kiera kept silent as she waited for Kat to answer.
Andy hugging her and apologizing just made Kat cry harder. "You did try...remember? I wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with. Not that that's anything new right," she said trying to make a joke, but it was weak at best. Kat pulled back, picking up her glass of pumpkin juice and taking a few sips to wet her whistle before continuing. "Well yesterday I was in so much pain. Felt like I had the flu or something. I just ached all over so the nurse gave me a few potions and now I'm feeling much better as far as that goes. Still feeling a little tired though, but they said that's to be expected. I did some sort of therapy session or something earlier and am supposed to do another one this afternoon. They're going to keep me in here for a few days which I'm not particularly thrilled with, but I'm going to do what they want me to do," she said rapidly trying to recall everything. She sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose and said, "They said I need to tell my mum. She's going to murder me!"
Last night, Cyndi hadn't returned to her room until very late after a night of studying in the library. By the time she had returned to the room, she had been so burned out that she had thrown herself into her bed and fallen asleep with hardly a word to her roommates. It wasn't until the next morning that she realized that something was off about Kat's side of the room, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

It wasn't until Cyndi passed a couple of younger Gryffindors in the hall, who were whispering about someone being in the hospital wing, that she realized what it was. Her bed didn't look slept in, Cyndi thought to herself as her heart skipped a beat and she rushed over to the young cubs. In a few seconds, the seventh year was rushing to the hospital wing, having heard that Kat had passed out. Dammit...I know I should've said something sooner, she berated silently. She had been worried about Kat ever since the Yule Ball when she had caught a glimpse of Kat as she had changed into her Yule ball. She had kept putting off talking to her, however, because she didn't want to believe that anything was really wrong.

As she reached the door of the wing, Cyndi didn't know whether to be angry with Kat for what she had done to herself, relieved that something was being done or upset with herself for her inaction. As she walked into the hospital wing, Cyndi saw that her roommates had beat her there. What made her even happier was that a plate was sitting in front of Kat and the food on it appeared to have been eaten. "Kat...I just heard about you passing out" Cyndi said with tears in her eyes as she approached her friend's bedside, "are you alright now?"
The other two girls hadn't even had a chance to respond to what Kat had just told them before Cyndi arrived. She grabbed the older girls hand and gave it a gentle squeeze saying, "Not now...but I will be."
Andy wiped her face as Cyndi came in and slowly stood up from the bed, wiping whatever residue of tears streaked her cheeks before turning to greet Cyndi. She then turned back to Kat and sighed.
"Keeping you here for a few days is a good thing and I'm glad they're telling your mom. Of course she'll be mad, one of her babies was hurting herself" Andy didn't mean to load the guilt trip on but her mouth seemed to just go on and on, "But at least you'll get the support you need when you go home."
Cyndi returned the squeeze with a faint smile as she listened to Kat say she would be fine. She smiled at Andy and Kiera and then listened to Kat and Andy speak. It seemed that the school would be notifying Kat's mom, and as she listened to Andy say she was happy about that, Cyndi pressed her lips together. She thought it was a good idea too. "Yea...you have us to support you while you're here and your mom when you head home." Cyndi reasoned aloud.
Kiera didn't have time to respond to Kat as Cyndi entered the hospital wing. Kiera smiled at her other roommate and friend. She listened as Cyndi and Andy responded to Kat. Kiera smiled at each of the other two girls as they talked. Kiera nodded her head in agreement. "You always have us Kat. We will help you here and your mom can help you at home." she said smiling at her friend.
Kat attempted a smile, but it wasn't very convincing. "She's going to murder me you know that right? Bye bye Kat. It really was nice knowing you guys," she joked before adding, "She's really really going to be pissed. It would be so much easier if the nurse would just owl her, but no...she thinks that I should do it. I mean what kind of therapeutic bull crap is that?" The thought of having to face her mother was making Kat's stomach turn so she had to focus on something else. "At least I don't have to do this by myself. That makes this only a fraction better," she said honestly, grateful that she had such incredible friends and roommates. Looking at the three of them standing there together she actually gave a genuine grin and said sincerely, "I love you guys!"

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