Just Keeps Getting Uglier

Pearl watched as the boys left the room, maybe now her patient could actually get some rest. She looked over to the crying girl in the bed, poor thing, every things coming crashing down. Listening to the girls question Pearl nodded, "I think we should, but I'm not going to tell your parents, thats between you and them" she replied thoughtfully. Pearl walked over to the bedside and sat on a chair next to her, "Now please be truthful with me, have you been eating properly?" she asked.
Kat breathed a sigh of relief when the nurse said that she wasn't going to notify her parents. There really was no sense in worrying them over this after all and she prayed that they wouldn't find out...ever. Now that the potions were starting to work their magic Kat finally felt as if she could rest properly, but the nurse had other ideas it seemed. "I...well you see...I've just been really bogged down with studying. I have OWLs coming up this term you see and sometimes I get so into studying that, well...I just don't get a lot of time for meals so sometimes I just skip them. It's nothing serious...honestly. Really, I think I have the flu or something...that's all," she stammered horribly over her words.

Outside of the hospital wing Kat heard something that sounded like someone falling and then another. Her mind immediately shot back to earlier in the year, when Sumner and Chace had fought outside of one of the classrooms. Trying to be optimistic in this horrible situation Kat pushed the thought that they may once again be fighting out of her mind. She was going to give them both the benefit of the doubt. Surely they wouldn't do something so stupid...would they?
"Its very unhealthy to skip meals dear, it can make you light headed, grumpy, its not just bad for your insides either, not eating can cause hair loss, dry skin, tooth decay..." Pearl said softly, ignoring the noises coming from the hallway.
Kat's eyes widened in horror as the nurse explained everything that not eating could do to you. How could wanting something as simple as losing a few pounds spiral this far out of control. Her hair had been falling out in clumps lately, but she had chalked it up to simply keeping her hair tied back in an elastic band practically all the time everyday. Not really wanting to talk about this anymore Kat looked at the nurse and said, "I...um, would it be okay if I just slept for a little while? I'm very tired and those potions really have helped." She knew that she'd most likely be in here for several days given the condition she was in...she could barely stand on her own two feet without help for Merlin's sake. The only thing Kat hoped for now is that no one would find out that she was in here...especially Andy since the last thing she wanted was to see the 'I told you so' look on her friends face.

Just then Kat heard another crash outside...it was faint, but a crash nonetheless. Oh please Merlin don't let that be the two of them. Oh stop it Kat, they are grown boys...surely they can put away their differences for now. Right? She wasn't so sure as she rolled over on her side and just laid there, really unable to sleep, but not wanting to talk about this anymore for now.
"Of course dear, try and get some rest, you look exhausted" Pearl replied giving Kat a small smile. Standing up she pulled the curtains around the girls bed to give her some privacy from any other students that could come in the night. She heard a large crash outside and cringed Why does this always happen when someone comes to the hospital wing!? she thought before pinching the bridge of her nose and walking into her office keeping the door open encase anyone needed anything.
Chace's satisfaction did not last. He had Sumner on the ground, trying to pin him down as best he could. Before he could get in a punch or two, the Ravenclaw's elbow connected with his throat. The Slytherin sputtered, clutching his neck as a phlegm-like substance gathered in his gullet. His eyes dancing with anger, he wrinkled up his lips and spat a glob at Sumner's face. Normally this would have disgusted Chace, but he wasn't going to be above fighting dirty. As dirty as it could get.
The feel of Chace's throat giving way slightly felt good. It didn't last long. Sumner jerked and yelled, his fingers coming up to wipe away the saliva in his eyes. "Bloody f-" he coughed. Blinded he could do nothing except try to rub the stuff away. It left him open for anything Chace threw his way.
With a malicious smirk, Chace buried his knee into Sumner's stomach. He swung his arms for all it was worth. Hands balled up into fists, he attempted to land as many blows as he could before his enemy could retaliate. Sumner had wiped the floor with Chace's ass last time. This time around, he was determined to make the stupid git walk away with twice the number of bruises and cuts.
Hard knee to his gut drove the breath from his body. Even harder blows rained down on him; his chest, his throat, his face. One smacked against his ear so hard he heard nothing but a pop. His arms up, he tried to cover himself from the torrid of punches. The pain fueled his hatred, his rage until with a snarl he threw out a jagged right cross and heft his hips up and over to dislodge the bloody Slytherin.
Chace managed to plant quite a few punches on Sumner. His temporary glory dissipated as Sumner finally retaliated, fist connecting with cheekbone. A lightweight, the Slytherin found himself rolling off of Sumner. He landed flat on his back. Chace did not have much time to protect himself as he waited for Sumner to retaliate. If he was lucky, he could land in a good kick.
Sumner staggered to his feet, holding his sore ribs. "Get up," he said coldly. Damned if he was going to fight on the floor anymore.
Chace glared daggers at Sumner. There was no way he was going to play by his enemy's rules. With a snarl, he kicked at Sumner's calves, in an attempt to sideswipe his opponent to the floor. The Ravenclaw had the advantage in both size and strength. Respectively, the Slytherin would do anything he could to try and get the upper hand.
Son of a b1tch. Sumner's hours of training paid off; he jumped lightning fast over the kick and used his airborn momentum to fly down toward Chace, elbow first, his long body out to the side. His target was the bastard's gut, to repay him for earlier.
Chace did not have time or means to curl up into a ball and protect himself. He let out an oof as Sumner's elbow smashed into his stomach. Having the wind knocked out of him, he twisted and writhed in agony, trying in vain to pick himself up. He swore in frustration as he kicked futilely at the other fifth year.
Kat just laid there thinking about everything that had happened today...over the last few weeks actually. It had been filled with good days and bad days. Today counted as the worlds worst day possible for the young Gryffindor. She was absolutely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she heard several more crashes coming from outside the hospital wing. Not being able to tolerate not knowing any longer Kat slowly pushed herself up out of the bed, holding onto the chair beside her for support.

Slowly, Kat managed to sneak over to the door and out of sight of the nurse and open it. What she saw shocked her and the tears immediately started flowing freely again. She was pretty much spent of all the energy she had left in her so she sat on the ground with her back against the cold stone wall, pulling her knees up to her chest saying as loud as she could muster, "Please stop." She just said the same thing over and over again, feeling like the world was caving in around her.
Sumner stumbled and fell, his knee receiving the brunt of the kick. Something felt like it tore and he went down hard. He grabbed his knee, flung his head back, his teeth gritted in pain. But he refused to make a sound. He dropped to his back and when the pain disappeared just stayed down, panting. Faintly he could hear something.

Thinking it was Chace, he turned his head and felt his heart drop. Sh1t.
Pearl was in her office trying to ignore the sounds coming from the hallway, when all of a sudden she saw Katalina walking out the door and into the hall. Standing up and pulling out her wand Pearl stormed into the hallway to see the two boys trying to kill each other and Kat sitting on the ground. "Would someone please care to tell me whats going on here?" she asked in a calm voice but she was very clearly livid.
((Pearl, how are you levitating Chace and Sumner? I'm not against the minor godmod but both of us are a little confused, and you may want to edit. :) ))

Chace smirked as he managed to somehow get on his feet. His insides were writhing in pain. He brought a hand to his eye, which had nearly closed shut. It was already beginning to puff and swell. This was not going to be fun at all. He started towards Sumner once more. The Slytherin was angry, and he had no qualms with kicking someone while they were down. Stopping in his tracks as a voice called out at them, he glanced to see Kat. His lips contorting into a frown, he took a few steps away from the Ravenclaw. He was horrified that Kat had to see this. Staring furiously back at the nurse, he spat, "Nothing- nothing at all." He hated the feeling that Kat was going to despise him all over again, that he had probably torn their new relationship to pieces. Chace hated the injustice of it all. He had only been defending himself.
Kat sat there quietly, still crying into her knees as the nurse came out and inquired exactly what was going on. She looked up, first looking to the woman and then looking to the two bloodied and bruised boys in the hallway until her gaze fell onto the one she loved. "Please, no more. Not now," she said as she got up and slowly walked over to Sumner, but first turned to Chace and said, "Thank you. I know you didn't have to bring me here, but you did and I am eternally grateful for that. You are such a good friend." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently then released it before turning to her boyfriend, grabbing both his hands in hers, tears slowly starting to cease flow. "Please stay with me. I can't do this on my own anymore. I don't want to do it anymore," she said weakly.
Sumner had gotten up off the floor. He looked at the nurse and did what any guy his in his position would do; lie through his teeth. "I tripped and fell." His lips tightened as he watched Kat make her way to him. He endured watching her near the Slytherin then nodded as she spoke to him and folded her within his arms gently, rubbing her back, burying his face in her hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. "I'm here. I'll always be here for you."
It was time. Time to come clean as everyone was going to find out eventually. Maybe she did need help...she didn't know what she needed anymore, but it wasn't this. Kat was getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. How on earth had she let things spin so far out of her control? This wasn't her at all...she needed help and for the first time she was actually willing to accept it. Looking up at Sumner she said, "I love you." At this realization and voicing it out loud Kat turned to the nurse and said, "I...I think I'm ready to talk now." This wasn't going to be easy, but for her own sake, her own life, she had to do it and knew that she could do anything as long as she had those she loved and cared about by her side.
Every step that Kat took pained Chace. He smiled weakly as she took his hand, peering back at her through a completely swelled eye. There was at least some hope for their friendship. "I wouldn't have left you there..." he murmured, his voice trailing off. When she turned to Sumner, defeat washed over him again. The Slytherin didn't have the energy to be angry anymore. Looking sadly over the happy couple, he suddenly turned heel, making for the dungeons as quickly as he could. The 'I love you' spurred him on even more quickly. You won. Sumner would always win, no matter what Chace tried to do. He should have realized that a long time ago.
Pearl smiled at the girl when she said she was ready to talk, "thats good, would you like to go back and lie down first though? You look like your ready to pass out on the spot" she said in a kind voice.
Kat watched with sad eyes as Chace walked off. She knew he was hurting and some day, some how she'd make this up to him. Nodding at the nurse, Kat looked back at Sumner one last time, not knowing if he'd follow or not, and walked slowly back to the hospital wing feeling a sense of dread and hope all at the same time. Things were going to be different now...they had to be.

The next morning Kat awoke feeling very out of sorts and like she'd been hit by a two ton dragon. There was a tray of food sitting on the table beside her and she swallowed back the lump that formed in her throat. Today was the first day of the new Kat...the start of a healthier person, the person she used to be. She knew it was going to be a long road before she was completely recovered and there was a part of her that knew her image issues would now be something that she'd fight forever. Sighing heavily she took the tray of food and sat it in her lap. It did smell wonderful so Kat picked up her fork and took a few bites of eggs before picking up a piece of toast and eating nearly half of it.

Sumner warred with himself. Should he leave and come back? Give her time alone? The sad look she cast his way made up his mind for him. Walking quickly up to her, he gently slid his arm around her, offering her his support; physically and emotionally. He had stood there stupidly while her words washed over him. "Kat," he stopped her before she could go in. Voice low, for her ears only, he said, "I love you too."

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