Just for a while

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Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
Things are getting way out of hand for me, and I need some time off from HNZ mainly because of my school work. Because of the flu, I got majorly behind in Calculus, and that is my first priority, since for a bit, I was choosing this site over schoolwork, which is probably why I keep forgetting about English, which my grades have slipped in it too. No, I am not blaming you awesome people, I am blaming my multitasking skills and my forgetfulness. So, I am going to take a break.

I need to get other things done, and I will only be RPing in major plots I have planned. So, don't bug me about not responding to a topic, because I am way busy in real life, and I haven't forgotten about the RP. I tend to remember about all my RPs, and I will get to it in time. Patience is a virtue after all. As for the graphics, I will have them done before the Yule Ball, if someone requested one for that. Once more, patience is a virtue. :lol:

I'll try to be more active as my grades go higher. So, I'll see you guys in GD every once and a while.
- Sir Kaitlyn
Aw Kaitlyn, we'll miss every moment you ain't here! <:)

You'll have your grades up in no time ya smart cookie, so we'll all sit around waiting for you to come back for longer, 'kay?

I'm missing you already!
Good luck 'n all, blossom.
Kaitlyn :hug: I completely understand! Take your time. :D You are indeed a smart cookie (mm cookies) and if you ever need any help with anything, let me know. ;)

Gonna miss ya!! :hug:

Ignore my random outburst please. Take your time and focus on your grades a bit, I'm sure you'll be fine no matter what you do. And if you need anyone to bug or help you with something I'm always willing to help...except on mondays. :lol:
Of course I'm gonna miss you..even if I'm sort of MIA as well.

- Jessye
Multi-tasking is way more difficult than it seems. You should give yourself some more credit. :lol: I know what it's like to have your grades slip because of HNZ. :r It's too distracting for its own good *loves it anyway :wub: *
Take your time, get your grades back on track and we will see you before we know it! :D :console:
Miss you until then! :hug:
This break starts today, and from now on I will be online much less, and the only on Skype. I can do homework and stuff while voicing. That will probably be the only way to reach me, and I will attempt to roleplay while I am on at school or when I am done with my stuff.

So, that is the newest update. ^_^
:cry: Nooooo

Well I'll make sure to be on skype then :r: Just no more Calculus talk :doh:

Anywho, good luck with the catch up Kaitlyn and I hope you aren't away from us too long :hug: :wub:
:hug: I hope your break is a good one. I think you're doing the smart thing by taking off to do schoolwork. :) Kick some ass on those assignments! We'll all be here for ya xD
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