🌹 Rose Giving Just doing my job (Pink)

Elijah Edogawa

definitely not an expert
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
After his delivery to Winnie, he was able to stick around because he knew that Ignatius was also on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He would surely be hanging around here somewhere, right? "Ignatius?" He wasn't as familiar with the guy though, so was making sure he was talking to the right person before just handing over a rose.​

@Ignatius Wolffort
Ignatius didn't see the point of all this rose business. Sure, he'd sent some out of a sort of obligation, but nearly everyone was completely awful. Even his mother and father had been so distracted over the break they'd barely noticed his Quidditch bruises. He didn't expect any, given the aforementioned awful nature of everyone, and was quite surprised to hear his name called from a voice he didn't recognise. "Yes?" he asked, a little guarded.
Eli holds the pink rose out to the older boy and hands him the attached note. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He didn't seem like he was having a great day, to be honest, and Eli hoped that he would feel even a little better with the addition of a rose.​

Sorry about all those bludgers! I was just doing my job. Sunny

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