Just Call Me The Arsonist

Lukas Malkov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Vinewood 13 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
'Closing doorways as your building a fire.'

Ruby red flames soon engulfed the building that Lukas had just finished going through, he often looted whatever he could from a building before he burn it to ashes. If there was one thing Lukas had and would ever fall for in this word it was the act of setting objects on fire, recently it had become more like an art form to him. Some people would cause him a Pyro, but that word was actually reserved for those who merely played with fire. It was more alone the lines of him wanting and needed to watch things as burn at times, sometimes he created a lot of damage with the fire's he started as well. People have died, and gotten hurt but he did not really care, nor was he in his right mind after all of this anyways. Lukas preferred the term Arsonist and those who bothered to care about his motives enough to question him would always get the simple answer of; 'I like to watch things burn.' He wasn't even sure why himself actually. Maybe after being locked up for so long by his parents made him a little out of his mind, or maybe he was just naturally attracted to the element. Whatever it was he was not going to allow it to be changed, nothing had replaced his fondness for those flames and nothing ever would so long as he could help it. With one last smirk Lukas stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned down into an empty alleyway. It was best to get away before the Aurors could investigate or even catch sight of him because he was not only known for causing various fires around New Zealand..he had killed people while doing it.

Continuing down the dark alleyway Lukas had no worry or fear of being harmed by anyone, he never feared the dark or who might be in it any longer. It would just give him the chance to watch another life burn out like kindling. Lukas' parents kept him kept away for too long, being alone with no one to talk but yourself for so long did give you such problems with yourself. An ash covered hand went up to bush back some of his midnight colored hair before his one blackened but purple tinted eyes closed softly. Lukas had not rested for some days not, all the excitement of having so many fires started kept him awake for a long time now. 'I'll need to sleep soon, perhaps maybe for once I'll actually find a hotel or an abandoned home. I dislike sleeping on the ground.' The rising flames could still be seen from a distance as Lukas once again opened his eyes and continued his way down what he thought was a completely alleyway. When he rounded the corner and his eyes caught the site of the flames again, as well as the smell of burning ash, he noticed there was another smell somewhere in the air. It did not smell like ash, sulfur, or burnt pine, or anything else he was used to smelling on himself all the time.

Stopping for a moment Lukas took in the scent, it smelled almost pleasant for something not on fire. It smelled definitely like something a woman would wear, but still he liked the smell of it and pause in his walking. Someone else was around alright, a woman on top of that, but where she was and if she would be happy to see Lukas was another story

Valefaria walked down the streets in her gown that engulfed her body like a glove, and her black hair flowed down her shoulders in an effort to conceal her pale shoulders. Normally, a young woman like herself that looked like she could be easy prey to drunken and lustful men would have to think again. After leaving the orphanage and living from a Death Eater's home to another, she had become rather fluent in the art of killing. Her own obsession was with taunting men with their own lustful desires, teasing them and finally killing them in the end if they were worthy enough to touch her flesh. Valefaria glanced up at the sky with her purple eyes, and she wondered from time to time if she would ever find someone she would cherish in the art of intercourse as much as she would cherish hearing their heartbeat slow to a steady stop. She had a little blood on her dress from her last kill that was not worthy to touch her flesh, and she did not bother to clean it off. It was more like a fashion statement than anything. She loved the most gruesome things while growing up and it was a wonder why some children did not speak to her while she was growing up. She had a brother from what she knew, but when she attempted to seek him out to have a chat, he was never around. Sometimes, she felt like he was watching her rather than the other way around.

Both of them shared many of the same characteristics. She had heard that he had the blood of the noble Zhefarovich's, whereas she had the blood of a Hurley for a father. The differences were many, but she did not mind this. She was grateful that she even had someone of the same blood as her. Something unfamiliar entered her air passage, and she could smell smoke. She stopped walking, and she glanced up at the sky once more. As she was walking down the dark alleyways, she had not paid attention to where she was going. She could see the light orange glow in the sky from flames. She cocked her head to the side, and she thought, Hm, someone's building is on fire. It would be a shame to see someone survive. Valefaria gave a light shrug and continued walking down the streets. She could feel the coolness of the stones against her bare feet. There was another thing, she hated wearing shoes. She walked around the world without shoes yet her dress basically screamed out that she had plenty of money to spare even if that was not true. She had placed a charm on her feet to keep the dirt repelled. It was useful in the end. Her feet could feel some vibrations of people walking, and it was useful for her. A sense that needed much time to develop, and it was still musty for her. She was training though to use all of her senses so that she could be a nightly predator. It would be nice to use something other than her body to lure in men for the kill.

She could feel some vibrations of heavy footsteps, and she could not tell who it was, and if it were a male or a female. However, it was proof that someone was indeed coming. Valefaria reached inside of her holder around her thigh and pulled out little stars that she could throw. She held them between her fingers on her right hand. They were hidden from view as the person was coming from behind her. She closed her eyes, breathed, and then when she turned, three stars flew at the target. She said nothing as the stars were flying at a speed that would be almost blinding to the eye toward whoever was coming. Her purple eyes blazed with a look that seemed almost feral. Those stars could do some real damage if they hit. Valefaria did not even look at the man yet, as her eyes were mostly on the flying objects that could easily kill. Such a mystery, this woman was. She was given her own choice of a name, and in the world, she belonged to no one.
'Watching lies received as you silently conspire'

Lukas didn't have time to react before he felt an immense amount of pain in his right shoulder, he turned his face to look but the moment he did he felt something graze his cheek followed by pain there as well. The sound of something clanking behind him meant that whatever was thrown had hit the wall, or at least a third one had as one was still lodge in his shoulder and the other had fallen onto the ground beside him. 'What the...' Lukas looked up to see a Woman standing before him, the very same woman that smelled so sweet was the one who had sent such a lovely present his way. With a sickening smirk Lukas pulled the piece of metal from his shoulder that was in a least an inch deep and then the other two that managed not to cause as much damage even though one had cut his cheek as well. Blood dripped from two of the starts before he turned his eyes onto the very beautiful woman. "I believe these are yours, sweetheart. Too bad you missed my heart." Lukas said tiredly but darkly all the same before he tossed the stars back onto the ground in front of the woman. He figured she would look lovely on fire if she kept up with that attitude against him when he had no reason to cause her harm..yet. Bringing his wand to his hand in case she wanted to keep up this attitude, all it would take is a simple spell and she's be turned into a piece of art that even he could not ignore. Lukas could smell blood, his blood that would currently leaking form both his cheek and his shoulder, he often didn't mind the taste of blood either but he would wait till later before he decided what to do with his injuries. They were starting to hurt a little bit the man did not show it as he quickly strode over to the woman so he was less than a foot or so away from her.

"I'm afraid you caught me in a bit of a bad mood, you see I'm exhausted and a bit on the run right now and trying to find a place to rest. Being all bloody was exactly what I wanted on the top of my list...give me three good reasons why I should not set you aflame right now?" The tip of his wand lit up with a small spark or two, the closer he got the better she smelt and the prettier she got, but he still wanted to strangle her and cast incendio on her for..well...he wasn't even sure but for some reason he felt the need to threaten her or something. The flames still rose from the building he cats aflame not long ago and now he could hear other voices...whether it was the Aurors or someone passing by he did not know. But he did cast the girl a look.
A direct hit, and to a handsome man at that. Look what fell into my web... mused Valefaria in her mind. Her purple eyes remained on him, watching his every tendon move as he pulled out one of her stars, and tossed the three back to her. She used wandless magic to summon them back into her hand. She inhaled the scent he gave off, and it was instinct that she used to identify the smoke and the sulfur that the man held upon him. That smell did not attract this fair lady at all. She glanced at the blood that was on the stars, and she touched the red liquid of life with her white fingers. She rubbed it into her hand, before her eyes met with his once more. He is a talker. Valefaria said nothing, not even her lips twitched as if they would say something. Her head cocked slightly to the side, and she stared into his eyes. It was as if a civilized man came into contact with a woman raised by forest people or something of the sort. She looked like she did not understand a single word he was saying. Yet, she drank in every bit of it. She lightly traced the edges of the stars, and she heard the man threaten her. She glanced up at him once more, and she still said nothing. Not yet anyway. There was less than a foot from each other, and she stared up into his eyes, unafraid of what he could throw at her. Her hair fell over the side of her face, and very slowly, a glimmer was seen in her purple eyes, as if she were scheming.

"I could have your throat slashed before you could uttered Incendio. I could turn your dead body into the Aurors and tell them you set the building on fire. Finally, I could slice off your manhood with a flick of my wrist. Satisfied?" her voice was monotone, yet beautiful to the ears at the same time. She sounded almost innocent, and her face remained as emotionless as ever. She did not have a wand with her now, and it would be pointless for her to attempt wandless magic on him when he had a wand. She had to rely on her instincts and her training to fight off someone like him. She was never told that she could not kill because her own life was in danger. Her 'family' told her that her life would never be in danger because she knew what to do in most situations that involved death. This man was very attractive. She could easily put her charms on and kill him like the rest but then again, she was not in the mood to be a judge. "Be on your way. There is no point in threatening me with magic when I myself am unharmed without wand." Yet, if it came down to it, she could use her weapons like a small sword, and render him without a wand as well. Wood was easy to break, no matter the type it was.
Lukas had to admit that this one had quite a mouth on her, immediately that made him think of his older sister Kasura whenever she got upset and decided to yell as many awful things at the person as she could manage before she ran out of words to say. He could only wonder what happened to her and where she was these days. Bringing a single finger up he traced it against her cheek lightly until he could grip her chin to have her look him in the eye, it was still gently though almost as if it were nothing but a feather before he pulled it back and gave a sickening grin back at her. "You have quite the mouth on you, perhaps it could be put to better use.." He drawled as he eyed her for a moment, but the voiced of those following him made him snap from his own lustful thoughts. He glanced around for a moment before he turned back to look at her with another smirk. "Then again maybe not." Lukas stated and lowered his wand down so that his arm and hand were resting at his side as for the moment he saw no reason to attack her or anything of the sort. Even if her mouth was a bit on the annoying side and she dared to have the nerve to actually cut him with something without more of a reason than her probably just being defensive or in a bad mood. Just as he was going to turn and leave her he continued to hear those people coming and groaned under his breath.

"You should probably come with me if you don't wanna get caught. But if you do by all means stay here and run your mouth more..." He called out as he started to step back away from her slowly, he should have just let her take the blame but not only did he worry that she could get him into trouble, he wasn't that cruel and as much of a prick. but in the end it was up to her if she wanted to get in trouble or not because once they got close enough Lukas was going to be out of here before anyone even knew it. Her turned his head gruffly, he actually wanted to set those coming after him on fire but it would be risky, he would rather leave and get his rest while he needed it.
Valefaria raised an eyebrow at the comment he made. She knew exactly what he meant and she uttered, "Oh please, how cliche. Probably not much for my mouth to go around anyhow." Her own retort was bad enough. She glanced up and down at him, but in her eyes, there was nothing lustful or anything that could be read. She had his descriptions in her mind, could probably draw him out to the Aurors too, but she had no reason to do such a thing. Valefaria shifted on her feet, before she heard him groan. To her, the voices were coming from all around, and she said, "I don't see why I'd go with you. You couldn't satisfy a prostitute." Valefaria's purple eyes caught the blessings of a fire escape. With a jump, and a good grip, she gripped the metal ladder, used her body to climb up. She released the ladder from the lock with a slash of her stars in her hand. "If you want to escape completely, I suggest climbing." Valefaria climbed the steps of the fire escape, her bare feet not making any noise as she climbed. Within a moment, she was on the rooftop, and out of his sight. She crouched down next to the chimney, and she leaned her back against the bricks. The flame from that other man's actions could be seen from up here.

The insane woman almost wanted that man to follow her up here. Her purple eyes were cold, unwanted, and lost but for some reason, she was drawn to that man. She did not understand and it was likely that she would never understand in her life. Her brother was more insane than she was, and she knew this. She wanted to meet with Hades one day, face to face. They knew of each other, but it was if neither really wanted to be around each other. She knew that he killed their mother, and that was it. He was adopted, unlike herself. She was never wanted, and she could not blame others. She had always been a strange child. Nothing has changed.
'This is a heart attack and I want my life back'

This woman was beyond infuriating to him and to put it blunt she was one of many reasons he never actually wanted to meet a girl and fall in love, woman were a pain in the arse most of the time. "We'll just have to test that later now won't we dear?" Lukas but out, blackened-purple shaded eyes lighting up like someone had lit a match inside them as he became eager to see her get angry with him. It wasn't long before the woman herd the voices too and as much of a pain she was he knew that she wasn't stupid enough to allow herself to become caught by a bunch of life-sucking Aurors. Her rude remark to him forced Lukas to roll his eyes before he followed suit and climbed up after her as if he were part cat or something, he refused to let those people touch him and lock him up again within that prison. Lukas wanted his life back, he wanted to stopped being controlled and forced to do what others pleased just because they thought it was right or they didn't like what he did. He had already smitten the hearts of those who tried to steal his freedom like that wretched woman he was supposed to marry as well as her family who wanted for killing their daughter. Sometimes it made his heart hurt to think that in the end he was nothing but a tool to his parents to gain wealth and power, Kasura had been right to leave. 'I'm in control now and I'm not going to let anyone take that from me. Not the Aurors, not this girl, not anyone..' Lukas thought bitterly and hatefully as he finally found himself on the roof, he was able to see the fire he had started not to long ago so easily now. He turned to the woman as more excitement sparked in his eyes, she probably thought he was insane but then again he thought he was too to some degree.

"Isn't it beautiful? Fire destroys everything in it's path but it still manages to look so natural while doing it. I love it so." Lukas turned away from the place he had been standing on and turned to look at the woman that had led him up here, he was all excited and jittery now so she had better be on her guard. He was always much more dangerous when he was hyped up then when he was tired and cranky, whenever he saw his work at it's best he always forgot about being weary and weakened for a moment. His wand was still out and he tapped it against the palm of his hand as he tried to think of what to do now. "I should thank you. But I sort of want to kill you right now, you know the whole rip you to pieces because your a pain in my a** kind of deal. Do you like blood?" Lukas asked her tauntingly, maybe she could tell that he was in a morbid mood but he was only teasing her in the end or maybe she couldn't. He wasn't really going to kill her or anything, he just wanted to because she pissed him off, attracted him, and got him all hyped up in less than a hour.

Valefaria glanced up to see him still rather aggravated with her. It was a natural response. She gazed at the fire so much, and she wondered what it would smell like to set someone on fire. The smell of burning flesh, that would be rather intriguing if she ever come around to it. Valefaria turned her eyes back to the man, and she uttered, "Intriguing." A short word but it said it all. She glanced down at her legs, bare from the clothes she wore and she cut so that she could move willingly around the rooftops and all. Valefaria tucked her stars inside of her strap wrapped around her thigh, and she draped her gown over her thigh once more. Valefaria had another strap like the one that she had on her thigh that she tucked the stars in on the other thigh, only it had throwing knives and daggers. Valefaria was a dangerous killer, but she rarely killed without reason. Those men brought their deaths upon themselves. If they had not given her the lustful eye and tried to touch her flesh without herself wanting to be touched. They deserved death. A slash to the throat, a mark on their forehead that read 'lust' in Latin, and left without a trace. Valefaria turned her gaze from the fire of the building and to the man now.

"I've saved your life; and yet you still stick around. Attempt to kill me if you must, but you will not prevail." Valefaria stood up on her bare feet. With gave him one more glance over the shoulder, before she took off running down the rooftops. She leaped from the one that the man was on and onto the next one. She went to another rooftop before she found a higher chimney and perched on it. He could follow, if he was able. Her purple eyes landed on his figure, a good hundred feet away. She was rather interesting, but she would never let someone close to her find out. She was a mysterious being, and she preferred to keep it that way.
Lukas smirked before he watched her travel away to another roof, she was far to interesting to let go just let so Lukas eventually came to the decision that he was going to follow her until he understood what it was that made her both so irritating and so desirable at the same time. Once she stopped moving he closed his eyes before he whipped out his wand and finally considered to just kill her and get on with his life before she did something to cause him harm. She interested him like no woman had before and that worried him because he didn't know or understand why he wanted her. Maybe he was just sexually frustrated or maybe she did an okay job as seducing him unlike most woman did but right now he know he wanted to do two things, kiss her and hurt her. He hoped he would just be able to spill her blood all over the place and move on because the thing he needed was the touch of a woman to lure him into obsession. With a frustrated growl he Apparated near her and gripped the wooden wand between his fingers tightly. "Fine, I can play a rousing game of tag." He muttered darkly as he apparated once again so he was close enough to her to be bale to hit her easily with spells if he didn't miss or anything, he wanted to spill some blood or set a fire. Destroy her and it would destroy his growing obsession.

"Incendio." He shot the fire spell right at her way, he would love to use Fiendfyre but he was not even close to being able to control it or anything. As the fire spell shot from his wand a sickening smirk grew to his face. He hoped it hit her, he prayed it hit her, and oddly enough he hoped she came at him with all the fury and rage of a monster. Lukas wanted to play, and a little bloodshed wouldn't hurt either.
The view of the city with many buildings that were quite familiar with her bare feet and her moves were just marvelous to Valefaria. She regretted not having a wand on her, so she couldn't send out any dark spells that could do some damage, but she was rather confident in her wandless spells that did protect her from harm's way. Her purple eyes glanced over to the side, to see the man apparate closer and closer to her. She preferred to not apparate. For some reason, she was not gifted in that art. That was why she did not travel overseas unless it were by muggle transport where she would sneak in, but even then, it was risky without a wand to disguise herself. She was stuck in Europe for the time being. Valefaria kept the corner of her eyes on him, to see his move. As soon as his lips moved and that wand was aimed at her, Valefaria swung herself off the chimney, barely dodging the spell. That was too close, even for her liking. She was a fast, black blur as she whipped out a dagger, and she knew her own swift and elegant attack. Like a lioness approaching a wounded gazelle, she moved in toward the fire loving man. Dagger held firmly in her left hand, and she whipped toward her prey unlike anything else. She didn't know why he had followed her, but she would get answers out of him, sooner or later.

Her white hand gripped his face, but the dagger was pressed against his throat. A sudden moment, and his blood would cover his clothing. She was not a normal woman at all, she was raised, and she worked on her instincts. She stood on her toes, as she stared into his face and she breathed in his scent from under that ash and all. It was heavenly, but she refused to give in to it. Valefaria spoke, a voice of utter ice yet it had a nice ring to it, as if she were being friendly, "Your element is fire, but mine is the human body. I wonder who could do more damage to the other. What are you called?" An odd way of asking for a name, but really, what is a name besides another label? She liked her own, she picked it herself. She was once a strange, little, ghostly girl without a name.
Lukas did not like her being so close and armed as if she were ready to kill him or bring some large amounts of pain to him, he did not fear the dagger though. He just feared her. When the woman dared to ask what he was called he raise an eyebrow and felt himself growing confused before he shook it off and glared at her. "My name is Lukas Malkov. But everyone refers to me...The Arsonist." She dodged his fire spell which pretty much took all the fun out of the night he had planned for her and him, a roaring fire with her body being the one fueling it. Of course burning flesh was sort of repulsive to smell but the color of flames and the way it would burn already excited him to no lengths beyond. With her being so close though it made him tempt to just take her, and he couldn't have that. Both hands attempting to grip her shoulders or at least land on them he attempted to shove her back before he stumbled backwards himself and fell onto his backside. With quick movements he pushed himself up and retrieved his wand before he breathed.

"Don't ever touch me like that again. Stupid woman." Anything sexually did not fly well by him and it only made him feel more nervous and desired. Lukas had a woman himself once, she was pretty enough but he hated her guts. That was why he killed her as well. He had slammed her face into the mirror as he destroyed the very beauty that lured him and her pathetic life as well. Aiming his wand again he prepared to shoot another spell at her as he could use weapons like she could. Incendio!" He shot the fire spell again angrily. His dark eyes sparkled with hatred and malice as he thought about all the hateful things he could do to her for touching him.
Valefaria lowered the dagger a bit, as he said his name and what he was referred to. She muttered, "I assume your parents gave you that name. Well, Lukas, or the Arsonist, you may live beyond this night. I rarely kill a victim without reason." She preferred to not leave a name with him. Her true name was something she had given herself, the girl without a name. It was a sad story to hear, but she preferred to remain a mystery, a little memory of de ja vu. She didn't want to be in someone's life. Valefaria stared at the man, and thought that he would look better if he weren't so much covered in ash and all. It wasn't something pleasant, and she wanted to back away from him. Strange thing about Valefaria was that she held no fear, and something like that could be a positive trait, but it could be a negative one as well. Some people needed to know how to run, but she never ran out of fear. She ran because she needed to get to doing other things. His reaction to her touch was slightly odd. She withdrew, predicting that he was going to at least fire a curse at her.

She was prepared however. Valefaria got her body ready, and when her prediction came true, with a flick of her wrist, she cast Protego Totalum up to deflect the spell elsewhere. Valefaria hissed with her musical voice, "Looks like this stupid woman knows your moves already." Valefaria narrowed her purple eyes at the man, her look nothing more than feral, untamed. She was a beast, and she was about to attack. All she had done before was tempt him to attack her, to get her to learn his moves, before she would go in and strike the weak points. He had done half the work for her, and she smirked slightly on her lips. Her position was straight, angled, as if she were about to spring in any direction, to run or to attack him. Her fingers tightened around her dagger, and the breeze blew through the rooftops, showing nothing in her eyes except that of a lost soul.
"I'm going to assume that since you haven't given me a name to call you by it's okay if I continue to just call you woman." Lukas smirked as he continued to lazily grip his wand at his side in case she decided that she wanted to attack him or something of the sort. In a way he wished she would have told him her name because he felt left out not knowing her name, more about her, he wanted to kill her of course but at the same time she intrigued him. However every woman he had encountered before had been someone of the past to him, he and females did not just mix well together because they always ended up dead and him going insane. The only woman he had ever had in his life besides his forsaken mother and his independent sister was the woman he was in an arranged marriage with and he ended up killing her out of anger and fear. The woman was annoying and sort of wanted to control his life in a way he was willing to go. Shakily a hand went up and brushed some hair our of his face before his eyes drifted to the fire in the distance that was dimming down as the hours passed, as the moments he wasted with her. As the seconds ticked by he tried to think of one last thing to do and detach himself before it was too late for him to get away. A wicked smirk came to his lips when he remembered another spell he found particularly useful.

"Incarcerous!" Ropes shot from Lukas' wand as he also advanced onto her whether or not the spell would actually work or not, why fear a woman's touch when he knew nothing would happen. He would be safe as long as he kept his mind clear and away from lustful or soft thoughts, he could not be soft with her, he could not be lustful with her, he could not even think of her in any other away then blood dripping from her body. Maybe flames, only time would tell what he would do to her. "Let me ask you, why is it...I want to kill you...but know you at the same time. What the hell did you do to me you stupid b*itch?!" Lukas wanted to shoot another spell but it seemed that she was used to the spell already and would learn to avoid it. With hateful eyes he continued to advance closer to her.
"Call me...the Black Rose as we will be even," retorted Valefaria in a hushed tone. She was known for her kills with that. Leaving a man in the bed, carving that symbol of lust into his forehead and a black rose in his hand. In a sick way, she was saving the world from disgusting beings such as they. She continued to grip her dagger, as she stared at the man, the Lukas character. She gave him a name, sort of. Something that people have given her, same as he. Her real name, the one that she given herself was known to very few people in this world. She caught the glisten of her dagger in the light, and she moved slowly, as she watched his moves. Valefaria wondered what was going through this poor man's eyes. He seemed to be caught in the past with something. How in the world did he show very little interest for her, in a way that she did not understand, or could not comprehend. She had never in her life had someone love her, someone care for her, someone to be there for her. That is, until the Death Eaters came along, and of course she sided with them, but never became one. She didn't know if she wanted to bare that mark or not. She had her own thing, and that was something she was wanting to keep. Valefaria twirled her dagger in her hand, gaining more control on it, as she pursed her lips together, ready for his next moves.

Yet, instead of seeing the familiar Incendio, she saw ropes. Her eyes narrowed, and she did not try to run. Instead, she put her hands behind her back, her dagger facing up and she allowed them to tie around her torso. Slowly, Valefaria fell to her knees, and she bowed her head. She did this for one reason, to slice through the ropes which she was currently doing with small movements of her hand with the dagger, slicing each thread delicately. "I am without a wand. I could not have cast a spell on you. What you are feeling is yours alone. I have done nothing," murmured Valefaria, a defeated tone seeping into her voice though it was truly false. Her purple eyes glanced up and she uttered, "I do not know you. You sought me out when I came here. All you men are the same. Lust fulfills you, and you let it consume you, and that is where I arrive. I make sure it is your downfall. I don't bring lust, I kill it." Valefaria stared at him with hardened eyes, and she wondered what he would attempt to do. The ropes were slowly loosening. If he were close enough, she could spring up and attack. Though to her, he seemed slightly familiar. However, she would not be distracted from why she was here.
Lukas laughed darkly and spitefully as he stood right in front of her, his darkened eyes staring down at her as if she were nothing more to him than a lowly dying animal or something. His spell had worked on her or so he thought as he didn't notice her knife or how she was starting to cut through the ropes that were currently wrapped around her. "Me feeling lust for you? Don't make me laugh, I don't feel those feelings for any woman. Your just merely weird and I want to know why you act like you do." Lukas was sort of insulted that someone would suggest he had any type of desire for a woman like that, he actually had no idea what he was feeling but the thought of him wanting someone else like that made him feel weak and as if he was throwing away everything he had been working for in distancing himself away from being controlled by another. Then again he would be wanting 'Rose' for all he knew, but he just knew that whether her did or not he was nor going to let her get into his head like most woman wanted to do..not to him personally but they were all vixen's in one way or another.

"I never said it had to be magic that you used against me." Lukas picked up a piece of debris from the ground and used his wand to conjure himself a sharp blade that glistened in the night, probably not one as sharp as hers appeared to be but still one that could do what he had to do. His fingers tested the tip of gently before he pulled back his finger with a hiss of pain. It was sharper than he thought. He pulled his finger close to his face and watched as a small drop of ruby red blood dripped from his finger. His hand dropped by his side before he too dropped the blade and sighed. "You know what, I think I'll just stick with setting you on fire." Lukas grumbled underneath this breath. Whether or not he was going to release for this he had yet to decide. Pulling his wand close Thomas readied himself to fire the spell.
"I did not mention feeling lust for me. I merely mentioned it, for anything. Lust for fire, not just for women," Valefaria corrected. She had much experience in feelings of lust. She hated it, how someone could want it so much. It was similar to envy, but it wasn't as well. Valefaria smirked slightly, but it could merely be a trick of the light. She could go after someone for having one of the seven deadly sins. That would be much more fun, and something that would have her kill more. People consumed by something so small drove her insane. She shrugged lightly, "Kill me and the question will not be answered. You will find yourself dead if you attempt to kill me. A half of me is out there, and is a lot worse than me..." Valefaria raised her head up at him, her hair falling from her pale face, purple eyes staring into those that stared back at her. She saw him as nothing, nothing in her eyes. Valefaria could feel the ropes loosening, and this was a sign to herself, that nothing could hold her down. She was the wind, a powerful force. Nothing in her records, she was nothing to the world, nothing but a shadow. And she used this to her advantage. This was why she had not stayed in one country for long. She could not waste time to let those catch onto her trail. Valefaria was greatful to be tied with the Death Eaters, but doing her own thing. She lived in one house of one after the other.

"What I did was not my intention," Valefaria spoke, defending herself against the insanity of this own man. She thought that he was about out of his mind. Lukas, the Arsonist. Her knife sliced through the ropes, but she used magic to keep them hovering, taking most of her concentration. She watched his wand point at her, and she measured the distance. She spoke, her face and eyes showing nothing to suspect her of anything suspicious, "But...this was intended." The ropes dropped and with her dagger in her hand, she wiped with much speed. She aimed for the wand to be sliced in half. He had tempted her enough, and she would not tolerate it anymore. She was going to kill this man, because no one stayed in her presence for this long. He was a lucky man. She may give him a free funeral in fire, something he seemed to love so much. She rose to her feet.
Lukas barely had time to react when the woman had told him that 'this' was intentional and broke free of the ropes he had cast around her as she aimed her blade at his wand. Luckily he was able to move himself back just in time to avoid that little mishap. He darkened eyes glared darkly at her before he felt something strange take over him, a feeling that told him he had to have her. Why it had taken over him just now was nothing he could answer but had to act on. Lukas lowered his wand ever so carefully before he smirked. "Your nothing but a wildfire my dear." He chuckled before his hand shot out to firmly make it's place on her shoulder, one thing about a wildfire that he indeed loved with all could was the fact that it seemed to destroy everything in it's path and lasted for days despite people's attempts to stop it. This 'Dark Rose' was nothing but a wildfire that destroyed everything in her path despite a man's attempt to stop her. There was going to be no killing tonight, maybe a little blood and pain depending on if she was one of those woman or not. With a smirk he apparated the two of them off of the Roof and to a place where he knew they would not be bothered for some time. Nothing would lead off of this and they would never run into one another again, Lukas would make sure of that but why not indulge a little tonight.

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