Old School Week Just another day

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
Geo ran into the forest. She fainted.
Heath was patrolling, until he came across a fainted girl. This was the exact reason he was in the forest. He bent down next the the girl and shook her. "Get up. I don't feel like carrying you." he said in an annoyed tone.
Even though she was aware of her surroundings she felt like she couldn't move. Of all places to faint, the forest was not ideal. Eventually her eyes blinked open enough to respond. "What makes you think I want to be carried?" She asked, beginning to pick herself up.
Heath rolled his eyes and out his hand on the girl's back in order to support her. "Can you stand up?"
Geo nodded, wondering if this guy was a Professor. "I think so."
Heath took the girl's hand and slowly stood up, still keeping his other hand on her back. "You are going back to your dorm, especially since you are a prefect. I am not trying to take you to your head of house this late."
She knew it looked bad, but she was especially glad that she wouldn't have to face Professor Pratt so close to the beginning of the term. "Thanks. I didn't mean to get so far out here. Long day." She added truthfully.
Heath nodded like he was listening to the girl. He just wanted to send her back to her house. "What house are you in? I can take you there, and I won't even tell your Head of House." he told her. He was not looking to get this girl in trouble.
It was strange to the fifth year that this guy knew she was a prefect, but not what house. "Oh, er, Hufflepuff." She shot him a weak smile as she regained her balance, hoping his comment was sincere given she really didn't feel like losing any points so close to the start of the semester. "What are you doing out here?" she asked, unaware of his role at the school. It wasn't as though she'd seen him before.
Heath nodded. "I was a Hufflepuff prefect when I went here." he told her. He started leading her out of the forest slowly. "I am a groundskeeper. I can be out here if I want to. This place is forbidden for students." he told her in an annoyed tone.
It didn't escape the Hufflepuff's notice that he seemed annoyed she was out here, but it wasn't as though she meant to come this far. "You were?" she asked, trying to change the subject at least to something they had in common. "How did you find it?" Of course being a prefect was brand new to her, so any tips she could get would have been beneficial.
Heath nodded, and let go of the girl's hand, as he felt she was walking fine. He still stood behind her a little bit so that he could catch her if she fainted again. "It was fine. I didn't do much. The Head Girl was pregnant that year." he told her. However, he left out that he used to date said girl.
Geo shot the guy a look of concern as he mentioned the Head girl was pregnant. "Did everyone know?" she asked, wondering whether she would have tried to keep it a secret or not. To hear though that he didn't do much was a little bit of a disappointment, given that he had a little bit more power than before. "Not even take a few points?" she asked, wondering if she ever would herself.
Heath nodded his head once again. "Of course everyone knew once she was showing. A lot of people were very disappointed, even me." he told her. Heath then shrugged. He wasn't very active as a prefect, and nothing seemed bad since the Head Girl had been pregnant that year. "Nope. Nothing was as bad as a pregnant Head Girl. She was a Hufflepuff too." he added.
Even though being pregnant in someone's seventh year didn't seem the most responsible thing to do, it still didn't feel right that anyone should be disappointed with someone because of it. "Why was that so bad?" she asked, wondering why anyone even cared. Surely the head girl was able to look after herself, and it wasn't right that she was judged because of it. It was hard not to take it personally that she was a Hufflepuff by the man's tone. So what? "Did she manage okay?" she asked, curious to know if she knew who this was.
Heath sighed. He knew he shouldn't have brought this up. There were just so many personal connections to this story. "The Head Boy and Girl are supposed to be the example. The best of the best, but what happens when the best of the best make a hug mistake? How are they supposed to lead our school? We become the laughing stock of all schools and houses." he told her honestly. "But that is just how I feel about it, and she managed just fine. She is a Ministry official now." he told he confidently. Heath was proud of Ai and where she was now.
Geo knew that it wasn't exactly ideal, but it was how someone dealt with a situation that meant they were good role models. "As long as she could show that she had things under control, then it should have been enough." she said firmly, hoping that he would agree. Geo of course would do her best not to follow suit, and of course it was a difficult position to be in, but if she should show others a good way of handling the situation then it wouldn't have been so bad. "That's no reason for anyone to be laughed at." She added, slightly shocked that anyone would have done so.
Heath shook his head. The girl had misunderstood his words. "No one actually laughed at her, at least not while I was around. I meant that from a perspective of like school pride and how reliable we are as in institution." he clarified to her. He did not want her to misunderstand, which he felt was already too late.
Geo wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the man, and didn't like to focus too much on what happened in those old days. It wasn't like she was in any position to judge. She knew the prefects and head people would be looked at from everyone and it made sense they would be good examples. "I'm sorry about this evening. You probably didn't need this." Geo hasn't meant to waste his time.
Heath just shrugged. He would have preferred not to deal with this, but it was not like he had anything better to do, which he didn't. "It doesn't matter, kid." he told her calmly as they reached the castle. "Do you need an escort to Hufflepuff too, or do you think you can handle that without fainting?" he asked her.
Geo knew better than to push a subject if she felt it was only going to cause more problems. "I think I'll be fine, thanks." She glanced at the groundskeeper to see if he would let her leave by herself, unsure of why she'd even fainted in the first place.
Heath simply nodded and headed the opposite direction from the girl. He hoped that she did not faint on the way to Hufflepuff.

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