Open Just a walk amongst the roses

Chase Edwards

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
OOCOut of Character:
Open, but please be patient on replies as I work full time lol

Chase didn't really get out much, if he was being completely honest. It wasn't that he hated going outside, he just enjoyed the comforts that being inside offered him a lot more than he liked the icky bugs and the weird smells that being outside offered. Today, however, he had decided to chance it, he would face the outside world and hope that he didn't come across something that made him feel like he wanted to run back home, and so he found himself walking through a small garden.. he loved flowers, they were his favourite part of the outside world and roses were easily his favourite one of them. They were beautiful, red, and also spiky! What wasn't there to love? He sighed contentedly as he walked throughout the roses in this beautiful garden, and smiled to himself at the same time that he absentmindedly picked a rose from the bush to take home with him.
January was still getting used to things at their new house but she was trying to make the most of it as she got to redecorate her room and she got to see her grandparents more, or well her other set of grandparents at least. They even lived right down the street and she was allowed to walk there all by herself. Usually she took a shortcut through a neighbors garden but today her usual path was blocked with a boy who seemed around her age. She hadn't seen him before but that wasn't saying much. He seemed so focused on the rose and she hovered behind him not wanting to disturb him. But when he picked one of the roses she let out a shocked gasp. "What are you doing?" she said, her voice rising in panic.
Chase looked up as somebody else seemed to approach him and they let out a startled noise, he wasn't really sure why she was getting so upset to be honest. Did it really matter if he took one rose for himself? There were hundreds on the little bush in front of him, but apparently this newcomer was hell bent on making him explain himself. He turned to face her and visibly shrugged. "What does it look like? I like roses, and I wanted one, so I took one." He told her, with a roll of his eyes. Then a thought occurred to him. "Oh, would you like one?" He asked her, offering her the rose he had picked. He was still a bit confused why she had seemed so shocked over him, but he wouldn't let it bother him, it was her problem. He hadn't done anything wrong.

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