Just A Tinsy Bit Lost

Twyla Burke

Active Member
Yew Wand 14" Fairy Dust
Twyla looked at her map of the school and frowned. She had no idea where she was or where she was meant to be but she was definatly sure she was lost. She looked around the deserted corridor and said quietly to herself 'I am the only one stupid enough to get lost on the first day'. She continued to walk, no idea where she was but she was just needing to find someone to give her directions.
Sukie had told himself that he had some exploring to do that day. He really wanted to know they school well. Getting out of the dungeons, he got up the stairs and walked through the First Floor Corridor. He was muttering to himself about random crap when he noticed a girl walking in front of him. Sukie studied her body language.

"Exploring?" he asked excitedly, flicking his short black hair at her.
Twyla sighed in relief when she saw someone come towards her. She smiled lightly at the boy and said 'I guess you could call it that'. She moved her purple hair out of her face and said ' You? I'm Twyla by the way'She said, glad to find someone friendly in the giant castle.
Sukie smiled at her. "I love your purple hair! Its gorgeous," he said enthusiastically. "I'm Sukie Takahiro," he added with a smile. "First Year Slytherin, so you've been here before?" he asked, touching his pair with his pink fingernails.
Twyla smiled and said 'Thanks. I love purple. I was a little disappointed when I found out purple wasn't a house colour'. 'And no. I haven't really, I don't actually know where I am, I'm not very good at tracking where I am. And I'm a first year too obviously but in Hufflepuff. I am probably going to get so many detentions I cannot find my classes at all'She said laughing.
Sukie laughed. "Yeah, it would be great if they had a purple house," he replied as he nodded with a small smile. "Oh don't worry, you'll survive," he added with a wink. "But in case you get lost again, just say my name, and I'll save you," Sukie continued with a chuckle. "And you still haven't told me your name," he muttered.
"Oh, no! This is bad, this is very, very bad!" Jen muttered as she rushed around the enormous castle. "Why is it always me who gets lost!" she whispered to herself furiously, as she ran up and down staircases and through empty corridors. "Getting lost should be illegal." she sighed, stopping and looking around like a frightened rabbit. This was so very different from home, and different was terrible! She ran around a little more, her bright red hair flicking her face as she turned corners. She stopped and looked up at the two people that she had nearly bumped into. Her face turned as red as her hair, as she looked up at the two. "Sorry!" she said, looking more like a frightened rabbit than ever.
Libby came out of her class and was just putting away her papers when she noticed Twyla, a first year from her house. "Hey. What are you guys doing around here?" she asking, smiling to the other two, who also looked like first years. "You should be out enjoying the sun, not wandering the corridors" she grinned.

"Who are you? I'm Libby by the way" she asked the other two students.
Sukie smiled at Twyla. "I hang out with most of the Slytherin Second years, so i kinda know the way," he answered with a big smile. Sukie watched as three more girls joined them. "Pleasure to meet you Libby," he replied with a smile. "I'm Sukie Takahiro, future member of Glam Squad," he said as he introduced himself, as he mentioned the "Glam Squad", the squad that was ruling Hogwarts now, their leader was Isabella Chaos.

Sukie smiled at Libby. "And i was just having a walk, when i realized Twyla here was lost," he added.
Libby smiled, "You too Sukie. You hope to be in the Glam Squad eh?" she grinned. "You're lost Twyla? Well where are you trying to get to?" she asked her, knowing the school better than any of the younger ones here. She glanced to the third girl wondering why she was quiet.
Jennifer was terrified that she had found herself with people talking to her. "J-Jennifer." she managed to say. "Y-Yes, I'm l-lost." she stuttered, talking to the purple-haired girl. What is this Glam Squad? Jenn wondered, she hadn't heard about it before. Oh, now she remembered. Those Slytherins who were supposed to be 'glam'. Jen didn't care about that, she didn't give a toss about fashion. Her blue and red plaid skirt was pretty cute, so was her white blouse, but she couldn't care less about how she looked. Jennifer wished she could disappear.
"It's easy to get lost if you're not used to the castle." The tall, pale boy appeared to materialise out of thin air, moving down towards them with a controlled, easy grace. "More convenient to make use of the shortcuts. Odd how many things you can find if you feel the walls and inspect the statues properly." Henric Lee continued, striding towards Jennifer. "Hello..." He purred; his appearance was oriental and bizzare, with his hair tied up in a tight wandering Samurai's ponytail knot, and his features refined and exotic. "Where do you want to go?" He asked kindly, smiling encouragingly at Jennifer with all the air of someone used to helping others. Odd for a Slytherin.
Jennifer was afraid of this boy. But her sister's kitten scared her also, so that was't saying much. "S-shortcuts?" she stuttered. Maybe I should go looking for some, nobody will spot me then. she thought. She shrugged. "O-outside..." she said, still stuttering. Jennifer always stuttered when she spoke, she had done it all her life and she simply couldn't stop it. She was always being told not to be so shy, but not being shy was like telling someone not to breathe: impossible.
Henric seemed perfectly comfortable with her nervousness. "You mean out of the castle? Into the lawns?" He guessed, rubbing his chin while deep in thought. "You'd have to just go straight down, take a left, and then go down the stairs into the Great Hall, then just go right out of the Gates." He pointed out helpfully, "I'll take you there if you don't know the way."
"T-thank you." Jennifer said, glad that some people in this castle weren't looking like they'd kill her. So far she had broken a guitar and made enemies with some Slytherins. "N-no, I'll be f-fine." she said gratefully, heading the way to the lawn.
Henric waved her off pleasantly, his eyes flashing malevolently. Raising his hand to rub his chin, he murmured, "Jennifer, huh." His eyes were cowled by his fringe as he nodded to the other girls and turned, walking away into the dimly-lit halls where the sun was blocked by the large windows. "Interesting."
Libby glared at Henric, did he think she couldn't manage to look after them herself? She hated people like that, however she didn't say anything. Giving Jenny a small nod and smile as she walked off in the right direction, Libby turned her attention back to the others. "So, where are you guys heading?" she asked them, trying to help them out.

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