Just A Little Extra

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
Audrey liked her subjects this semester - mostly Charms and Defence - but the small amount meant she had a lot of spare time on her hands. Audrey was somewhat used to spare time, having mostly been left to her own devices at home, and had used some of it constructively. But there was only so much a twelve year old could do when it came to workshopping spellcraft and she wasn't so stubborn as to not seek out help from professors if she needed it. As such, she had found herself at Professor Corrins' door. Professor Corrins was really nice, and Audrey felt fairly sure that the professor would hear her out at the very least. Even if she wasn't going to be able to do all the things she wanted to do, at the very least the professor would be nice about it. Plus, she always had really pretty robes and Audrey was a little interested in that side of things, too. Not as much as the spellcraft. But she wanted to learn more about how to look good in nice robes when she grew a bit more. Audrey knocked on the door, clutching her notebook to her chest and bouncing a little in enthusiasm.
Mallory had had a busy morning- it was hard bathing two cats, but thankfully she'd managed to get it done with a bit of help from some well placed spells. Now, she had the cats locked past the curtian to her bedroom. They were clean, and dry, but also very cranky after she'd cleaned them. She sighed and collapsed into her office chair, a little damp in her jeans and white eyelet lace short sleeve, when she heard a knock on the door. Her mahogany hair pulled back in a high ponytail with strands falling to frame each side of her face, Mallory sat back up again, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Come in," She called, waving a hand and having the door swing open. She smiled. "Miss Beauchamp, come in. How can I help you today?"
Audrey wasn't the best at reading people. She was clever, but she lacked a little bit of social grace. She was getting better being around people at school all the time, but it meant that she didn't necessarily fully comprehend Professor Corrins' exhaustion. Though as far as Audrey was concerned, most adults seemed to be grumpy a majority of the time, if the adults in her family were anything to go by. Audrey was cheerful, and not letting that affect her mood today.

"Hi Professor!" she said, brightly. "Well, I've been working on some spell theory, but I know it's gonna take some work. So I was wondering if you could give me a few tips? Or some extra work?" Audrey's eyes were bright, shining with genuine enthusiasm. Though she did remember she was supposed to be a bit more mature and prove she wasn't selfish. "If you need any help with stuff I can do that too!"
Mallory listened to Audrey speak, and smiled warmly. "Of course, my dear. Do come in," She waved to one of the chairs in front of her desk. "Tea?" She offered, waving her hand and having her tea set start to prepare a cup of her favorite blend and prepare to make another cup. "Spell theory is a wondeful thing. Tell me some of your thoughts?" She questioned, trying to decide where to begin.
Deciding where to begin was perhaps a problem for Audrey too, as she had a lot of ideas but limited capacity for organization. Though she had to dial it back, thrown off a bit by the offer of tea. "Um, sure, thanks Profess-" she started, before pausing to think. "Wait, is it after three o'clock? My mum says we can't have tea or coffee after three, 'cause of the caffeine." Audrey didn't always stick to that, but she thought she should probably do the right thing. "Anyway, I've been trying to work on a way to combine lumos and the marking charm so you can make the light a more unique colour to match the caster, or a colour changing charm for parties and stuff." She looked slightly sheepish. "Though I can't really do it yet. It's gotta be possible, right?"
Mallory was a little surprised but she nodded. "It's only a bit after three, but I have some decaf tea if you'd prefer," She offered, having two cups come over. "Would you like some honey?" She asked, stirring a bit into her own tea. She sipped it, listening to the girl go on. "Oh, goodness. You have a marvelous mind for spells, don't you?" She gave the girl a warm smile. "I am all here for it. Why don't you swing by during the weekend for a few hours and we'll start going over your spellwork?" She asked. "If you have any notes or any thoughts on what you want to learn, you could bring them to the office at the beginning of the week and I'll put together some lessons to help you achieve them?" She asked. "Though the first lesson would be to place your skills, of course."
Audrey looked down for a moment. She wasn't the type to get embarrassed, but sometimes she could feel a little as though her upbringing was a little strange compared to everyone else's. Her parents weren't overly strict, but perhaps somewhat rigid and immovable. "Oh, no, it's okay, I actually have to get used to staying up later for Astronomy, now I think about it," she quickly explained, possibly more for her own benefit than the professor's. Rebellion was not new to her, but genuinely becoming her own person was a whole other matter entirely.

"I do?" Audrey replied, her voice strangely soft at the compliment, before quickly blinking and sitting up straighter with her usual enthusiasm. "I mean, I'm glad you think so, Professor! There's so much you can do with magic, I think it'd be super boring to just stop at the basics of a spell." Her eyes seemed to shine as she spoke, the barest amount of encouragement enough to set her off. "Oh, yeah, of course, Professor! I'll pull some things from my notebook. I've got all kinds of ideas, I mean I know they aren't all the best but some of them are really good!" She'd just have to avoid getting carried away before showing she could nail the basics. Of course, she couldn't forget her manners, and calmed down for a moment. "And, um...thank you."
Mallory smiled, and took a journal out of her desk, sliding it over the wood to the girl. The journal was leather bound, with the tree of life burnt into the cover. "Here, my dear, take this," She offered. "I'd like you to make a list of your questions- journal entries, lists, whatever feels the most comfortable for you, and bring this with you when you come by to see me." She encouraged. "In fact, if you drop it off the night before I can go through it and we can see about shaping your lessons around your thoughts and questions," She sipped her tea.

"It could be for any class, any subject, and not just for charms." She motioned to her bookshelves. "Of course I teach charms, but I like to try and assist with all sorts of knowledge. I have several texts on other subjects, on muggle school subjects, information on other colleges and schools and careers. I want you to have the best chance of succeeding in anything you set your mind to."

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