Open June's Study Session for Slytherins - 1

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde knew she had to show herself on a social level to make sure she had that headgirl badge, she still believed she was the only worthy person. June had been participating in Heta Omega, but it wasn't her thing so she stopped with that. She was chosen for the elite sisterhood back than when Celia was still on school and Jenna, who she kind of missed. But there weren't any worthy people around, really. June was also part of SDA and that was the club she participated in all she could. Winning dueling was still something on her list, and she was certain she would before graduating. She had been close, but luck seemed on the Hufflepuffs side everytime. But she was looking forward to use fire spells and set some robes on fire for a few times again.

But now she had been putting up flyers and spreading the word in the common room of Slytherin to host study sessions for them. There was no other better person than June to do this, but mostly she did it for herself to show that she put effort in social activities. And to make sure Slytherin won the housecup again. Perhaps there were hidden Slytherins after all who were worthy and motivated to do well. June would even want to help people, from different years. It didn't matter which year you were in, you were welcome. But only people who were motivated, otherwise June would send them away before they could set foot in the classroom. She had found the empty classroom for this and made sure there was space and even a training dummy to practice spells. The blonde waited and decided to study herself, because she was still the most important and had to perform well in classes. June had put some drinks and snacks too, because that looked more welcoming.
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Mikael had seen the bulletin board post and he’d thought it hilarious. Davenport who never cared about anyone but herself hosting a study session for Slytherins. Which included first years. Yeah right. Of course, it happening so soon after the House Meeting where the Headmaster mentioned Head people being involved with school activities. Right. Not fishy at all. He really hated Castillo for giving him a badge - which his mother had charmed to be pinned to any robe he wore. And so Mikael casually entered the Abandoned Classroom before the appointed time just to keep an eye out. Though pissing Davenport off wouldn’t be any less entertaining.
Aura wandered into the empty classroom, her bag slung over her shoulder as she scanned the space. The setup was impressive - organised desks, snacks, drinks, and even a training dummy. It was clear that whoever had arranged this had put effort into it, and that piequed her interest. Spotting the blonde at the front, Aura recognised her as one of the prefects from the common room, June, is she remembered correctly the girls name. "Not bad," she said, offering a small nod of approval as she stepped further into the room. She set her bag down on a nearby desk, leaning casually against it. "You've got snakes and a training dummy. What's next, gold stars for participating?" She noted Mikael towards the side of the room, and she gave him a cutesy little wave and a wink. If she could help in making his life miserable, she wasn't against it. Theo was such a fun person to be around after all.

"Seriously, this is a really solid idea. You’re actually trying to whip us into shape for the house cup, huh?" She crossed her arms, her gaze locking on June. “Guess I should introduce myself properly. Aurora Chase - new transfer. Figured I’d stop by and see what all the fuss is about.” She tilted her head slightly, a small smirk tugging at her lips. “So, what’s the deal? Do we start with studying or do I get to throw some spells at that dummy over there?”
As June read some pages of her Astronomy book she heard footsteps coming in and watched up as an boy walked in. And noticed the boy who out of nowhere became prefect in June's opinion. Another strange choice from Castillo. But how could you ever top an choice like herself for prefect, what came next was all garbage ofcourse. But silently he joined, without saying any word, rude much. But he was here, which ment he was motivated. And before she could say something, another girl joined. Someone June hadn't seen or spoken to before. And June watched her, she figured she had to act nicely to make this an succes, but if someone was gonna annoy her or tried to be funny. And not came here for the right reason she would tell them, for sure. June gave the girl an smile and stood up. '' When you do something, you do it good.'' June replied confidently. Smiling as the girl complimented, when you did that you were always on June's good side. '' Definitely.'' the blonde replied. She wanted to ask the girl who in earth she was, but she introduced herself. '' Nice to meet you Aurora.'' The blonde replied. '' That's a pretty name. Where did you transfer from?'' June asked her, trying to make conversation and act curious. '' Whatever you like. You can choose where you like to begin with. '' The blonde replied. '' Let's see if others are joining.'' June looked at the other prefect. '' And you, were you gonna participate or say something too?'' She asked with an sugar sweet smile. Directly an good way to see how the girl and he knew eachother and how she would react to June's behavior.
Theodore had heard all about the Slytherin study session from Aura and Elio - since he'd heard all about it from Elio, that meant that dear cousin Mikael would be there. If he were anyone else, he'd probably care that it was a Slytherin study session. Unfortunately for whoever decided to host the study session, Theo did not care about houses. Or studying. Well, he did care about studying, but why study when there was chaos to be had. And well, he wasn't planning to cause chaos in the whole study session - just maybe bug Mikael a little. Besides, he was a good student. He had a good number of OWLs - all Es and Os - so he could actually help if there were younger students. If they wanted his help anyway, if they didn't, well, their loss. And so he strode into the classroom, just as the blonde girl from his classes addressed Mikael - one of the three people in the room. "He's not going to be saying anything. Practically mute that one, he speaks in growls and snarls," the only thing that would have made it better was if Mikael actually did growl but he could see his cousin really wanted to with the glare leveled at him. "Like a kitty cat. It was such a shame he was sorted in Slytherin." He let out a low whistle at the assortment of drinks and snacks as he walked towards Aura, draping an arm around her shoulder and giving her cheek a kiss, "Hey darling, heard all the fun was here with the Slytherins, but I think I'm a little early."

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