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Juliet Angus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey there,

Juliet is in need of some friends. She has lived in Scotland, Italy and France so has met many people (And knows three languages : P ). Her Character development is in the siggy, ask if you need to know more really. She really just needs some friends, whether she already knows them and is reconnecting or meeting them for the first time. If you want her to be a love interest that's okay as well.

Summer x
We've already got her and Shaylah meeting but perhaps she could meet Kenny?? He's always looking for new friends.
I have Veronica who could be a close friend. I don't think that because they are in different schools that friendship wouldn't be possible. We can RP in Europe and then make Juliet and Veronica meet like after every little while or something?
She is friendly to some and rude to others depending on whether she likes the person on the first time or not and she dosnt judge by looks only. She is into reading, swimming, painting and photography. She can be a good listener and talkative as well.If she wants to be someone's friend she'll try knowing them nicely and write to them etc.
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