Joint Birthday

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah beamed as she sat in her normal place by the lake. She hadn't told anyone when her birthday was because she didn't like having people fuss over her just because it was her 'big day'. Scar had managed to find out through Shay's dad. Scar then revealed that her birthday was only three days after Shay's. It was perfect. It was almost as if they actually were twin sisters-almost.
Shay had planned to meet Scar so they could have a party half way between their birthdays. It was only going to be the two of them but it was still fun. As Shay's birthday was the 14th and Scar's was the 17th, they were meeting at midnight on the 15th. This had the difficulty of getting out of the castle without being caught but Shay didn't have far to go so she had found it easy.
She sat down looking at the moonlight over the lake and the stars burning in the sky.
Scar ran down the lawn towards the lake. Her heart was pounding fast. She had almost been caught twice on her way here. If she wanted to keep up her innocent look then she needed to stop these midnight meetings. If she got caught roaming the castle after curfew then her perfect record would have a mark on it. "Hey, Shay. Seriously. We need to pick somewhere closer to the ravnclaw common room." She laughed and sat next to her best friend. "You can get here so easily. I almost got caught twice and that's probably my record for least amount of times almost getting caught."
Scar leant backwards and put her hands behind her head. "It's amazing, isn't it??" Then she realised that Shay probably had no idea what she was on about. "The sky I mean. It's so clear. You can see so much." She turned to look at Shay. "I suppose where you lived in Scotland was similar. London wasn't. Too much pollution." Scar knew that Shay hated Scotland but she knew the areas of it that were safe to talk about and the sky was one.
[Hope you don't mind me joining?]

Since the girl had gone through her things, Lily was in a blind state of panic. The girl would eventually catch her out, and by the looks of it this girl wouldn't take the word sorry. Lily didn't know what to do. She didn't have anyone to talk to about this apart from one. Shay. Lily had tried to look for her, without success. She hadn't looked too hard, Lily had been a little preoccupied with dealing with the girl. She couldn't sleep that night, so when she noticed Shay leave the dorm, Lily decided to follow. Of course, she had to changed into something a little more presentable other than her pj's. Lily didn't really bother thinking about what she was putting on, but still it matched and made Lily look perfect. Her ringlet curls were wild as she walked out the dorm and out. Lily noticed Shaylah walk out the school. Lily also noticed not to far behind, and mere seconds after a running Stephanie/Scarlet followed. Lily had to chose. She chose to go. Ignoring the fact that Shay and Lily weren't meant to be friends.

Lily noticed them sitting by the lake. Lily walked as calmly as she could over to them. She didn't know how to approach them, or even if Shay would help her. But it was worth a try and they were friends. Lily kept walking. She was breathing heavily. But not loudly. She kept walking.

"Shaylah" Lily said approaching slightly, her voice wasn't it's usual soft but icy tone, but a sharp and more worried tone. "Shaylah, I need to speak to you for a second."
Shaylah laughed at Scar but stopped when she heard a voice behind her. It was Lily but she sounded more worried than usual. It wasn't a normal Lily thing. Shaylah only heard her normal slightly snobby voice. She smiled up at her friend and then remembered that Scar was there so she stopped smiling and shrugged. "Yeah, sure, whatever." She stood back up and walked withLily away from Scar. Once they were out of ear range, she asked Lily "What's happened??" She had always seen Lily as being unbreakable but now she looked more worried and upset than Shay had ever seen her.

Lily couldn't help but be a little surprised that Shay would talk to her. They were friends, but this was the first time in a long while that a friend had ever been there for Lily. She walked with Shaylah, feeling just a little better of the knowledge that she had at least one friend at Hogwarts. It was better than nothing. Lily looked to Scarlet as Shay as Lily what was wrong. She didn't entirely trust Scar, she knew she'd have to trust that she would stay seated. A wannabe Slytherin, even in her state of panic, Lily had to fight the urge to scoff at the girl. She turned her attention back to Shay. Looking pretty thankful.

"I don't know how, or when, but a girl seems to have gotten her hands on something of mine, something, that has my real name. She knows its me." Lily said in one breathe. She was panicing, really pretty bad. "I'm probably over reacting, but for 7 years I've managed to go by as Livia, and now somehow, this girl knows. And she is out to prove it. She was going through my things in our dorm, just after the History of Magic lesson. I don't know what to do."
Shaylah frowned. Why would someone want to take something of Lily's. "Who was it?? I'll make sure they give it back and don't say a word about it." She couldn't see why anyone would steal clothes. It was so stupid and immature thing which she didn't expect Slytherins to do. "Why would anyone steal your stuff anyway?? There's no point." She shrugged and looked at Lily with sorry eyes. She knew what it was like to have something stollen but she had never had her secret spread. She would hate having it out across the school.

Lily nodded. She didn't know what to say. She looked to Scarlet before giving a small hug to Shay. It was a little awkward, but this was just Lily. She was still panicked, but she wanted to give her friend a hug, so that was what she did. Lily shrugged. She didn't know why this girl was out to get her. Lily shrugged again. She never wanted trouble. She had never expected people within her own house to do this kind of thing. It was like a Slytherin, but Lily was a good slytherin, she was pretty much hated by most. She was fake, and she had one of the best fashion sense in the school.

"It's this girl Jaden. I don't know her second name. I don't know why she'd take it either. She must have seen it and wondered who it belonged to, and it must have had both my names." Lily said, still quite panicked. "What if she was to find out about the real Livia." Lily muttered to herself.

"We have to get back what is mine." Lily said smiling hopefully at her friend.
Shaylah was surprisedby the hug but liked it. She used to get hugs from Ivy all the time and the two girls had been best of friends bacally since they were born. Their parents knew each other before then so tey grew up together. The only thing that had seperated them was the long distance but now Shay was here hugging Lily.
"I've never heard of her but I will get it back for you. She wont get away with this." Shaylah reassured Lily. "I've taken too much from people over the years and se's not going to be one of them." She hated how much people took advantage of her just because she was short or because she looked different or dressed different. They always had some sort of reason to annoy Shay.

Lily felt a little comforted by this. She smiled at her friend. Really very glad to have a friend like Shay. It was surprising that they had once not gotten along. She looked very thankful. Of course Lily couldn't really say that she'd been as stupid as to lose a diary and let someone else get her hands on it. Lily cursed herself. She looked back to Stephaine and for the first time realised that they both must have gathered for some reason.

"Thank you, so much." Lily said calming herself down as much as she was able to manage. "What are you and the wannabe Slytherin doing?"
Shay smiled when she realised Lily would be fine. She just had to find this Jaden girl. That may prove hard but it could also be easy. Depended on where the girl went in her free time.
Shay looked over to Scar when Lily mentioned her. "Me and her are having a kinda meeting up thing. My dad told her when my birthday was and we realised that her birthday was only three days after mine so we're right in the middle of the two days at the moment. I don't tend to spread around the date that I'm born so not many people know it." She shrugged.

Lily wasn't surprised to hear that Shaylah hadn't told her about her birthday. And while she knew that she probably shouldn't get her anything. Lily was her friend, and one thing she had heard that friends did was buy things for each other. Lily, almost wanted to spend time with Shaylah, but there always seemed like someone was in the way. It was just how it would have to be.

"Oh, well, Happy Birthday I guess." Lily said almost startled. "I think I should get you something, have you managed to find a dress for your dad's thing?" Lily asked, and to avoid confusion about how she knew, "Scarlet told me, or that you need a dress. Unless thats already happened."
Shaylah smiled. "I don't really do presents." She shrugged. "Dad gets me a present every year but other than that I usually keep my birthday quiet. And yeah, that was last week. It looked really bad." Shaylah laughed when she thought about her wearing the dress that she had been bought and her hair curled neatly as it bounced around her shoulders. "I would say I'm never going to wear a dress ever again but my dad's getting married soon so I'm kinda being forced to again." Not many people knew about her dad getting married as not many people knew that Shaylah had found out who her mum was and also who her half brother and half sister were. She couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed it before. It's not like she didn't look like her mum.

Lily shrugged, unless, Shaylah was involved in the Wedding in some way, other than the daughter of the man getting married, then this would make the perfect opportunity for Lily to get something for her birthday. As a thanks, for more than just helping her in this situation she had found herself in. Lily knew she should most likely end the conversation some time soon. She didn't want Scar to think the wrong idea about the two.

"I think you'd look really very pretty in a dress. I can help you find a dress for your dads wedding. I'm a fashion expert, and no offense, but you could use my help" Lily said with a smile. "Consider it my birthday present for you."
Shaylah laughed. "I really don't. Plus, dresses are completely impractical. I'd like to see someone try and climb a tree in a little dress." Shay didn't know how anyone would be able to do such a thing. It was mental. "None taken. I know I'm rubbish with dresses. It would be great to have a hand though." She smiled at Lily. "Does that mean I have to buy you a present for your birthday??" Shaylah giggled. She had never bought anyone a birthday present except Jay, Ivy and Markov and none of them were exactly amazing.

Lily gave a giggle. She nodded. She made a mental note to set a date for when the two would go shopping. It would all be on her, so she guessed that Shay wouldn't mind if Lily picked the day. Immy gave a slight shrug, her birthday had already been. It had once again actually happened. This made Lily smile quite widely and give a small laugh.

"I guess you do, though my real birthday only happens once every 4 years." Lily said matter of factly. "I'm assuming you know which day only happens once every 4 years."
Shaylah smiled. "I'd happily have a birthday that didn't happen very often though. Having to cover it up every year can be so annoying." She hated having everyone fuss over her because it was her 'big day' for two reasons. The first was because she ddn't like being the centre of attention. The other was because she would then have to do the same for them. "Birthdays are just a pintless waist of time." Shaylah had a guess that another reason could be that it was when her mum decided to leave. She now knew who her mum was though so she was amazingly excited about that. She just couldn't see how it was possible.

Lily shrugged that was true. It was easier to cover up that way. She wasn't a fan of her birthday. Mainly as it only came every 4 years, but it came in handy. She spent so much of her dad's money, that it was basically her birthday every time she went shopping. She nodded in agreement with Shay. She agreed that they pretty much a waste of time.

"They are aren't they." Lily looked over to Scarlet. "I don't think wannabe Slytherin over there, agrees with us on the birthday front."
"No," Shaylah shrugged. "She likes being the center of attention and getting loads of presents and stuff."Shay knew how Steph could be but was working hard to make her a better Slytherin. At least that way more Slytherins would accept her as one. "She's not getting on well with her family though so she isn't expecting much this year unless my dad gets her something."

Lily shrugged, she thought that the fact that Scar wanted very badly to be a member of the Rouge family and a Slytherin, was a little weird and creepy. She hated her own family, but she wouldn't want to be part of any other. Lily was proud of dancer heritage, and while she was one of the only to not be a full time dancer, she also was siding up to magic.

"No offense, Shay, but I personally think it's kinda weird. I'm not a fan of my family, and I know Slytherin is the best house, but really it's as if she wants to be you. And not that followers aren't great, but it's normally better, when they are like you rather, than wanting to be you. Kinda takes away individuality." Lily said shrugging slightly. "She is a nice girl though, not really Slytherin material."
Shaylah nodded. She agreed that it was weird that Scar wanted to be in Shay's family but she knew why and understood. "She doesn't want to be realated to her dad because he's a muggle and she considers her mum to bea traitor as she married a muggle. I agree with her so much. Luckily, I'm a pure blood." Shay would hate to be realted to muggles. "She may seem nice now but get her in the wrong mood and she'll punch the cr@p out of you. Seriously. I mean, my temper is short but she just takes it so far and neve gets caught. Her sister ended up in hospital loads because of her. Last tme, she had broken ribs. All I can say to that is youch. I know how painful that is." Shay had ended up kocking a muggle boy unconscious when she was in Scotland because he hit her out of a tree and made her break her ribs.

Lily shrugged, she didn't think much of magic. But in a fight, a wand was a lot more useful than a fist. Much cleaner and over a lot more quickly. Lily shrugged again, still to her it seemed a little creepy, but she guessed she could see it, just a little. It wasn't too obvious, and the thought of someone wanting to be in her family, or exactly like her scared her slightly. But she put that down to the fact, Lily wasn't close to anyone.

"Shouldn't she be at the stage, where fists are no longer necessary." Lily remarked. "Fist fighting, is so age 10. I would use a wand. But I've never fist fought. I've always challenged them to a dance off, and I always win. No pain, no blood, just talent."
"Scar's not exactly a stage person." Shay explained." She doesn't dance and she hates acting. She could probably sing because she's pretty good but she's nothing amazing" Shay had taken on the task of teaching Scar how to sing and it was going pretty well. Shay had been taught by an amazing teacher so she had fun in her lessons. "Fighting is something that she's good at and enjoys. Also, she deoesn't get in troule for it because she threatens that she'll do it again if they say a word about it to anyone." Shay laughed slightly. She, personally, thought it was genius.

Lily had to admit, the way Scar went about her fighting ways was one that could be admired. Lily had never had to fist fight. She didn't see the point. It wasn't too interesting and if she really needed to fist fight, she could get her brother to do it. He'd given up on fighting back but he did fight. And could fight. Lily shrugged slightly. She didn't really care about Scar if she was honest, they weren't too close, and Lily had never really liked her. She was just a pretend friend.

"Not a bad system, though, I always think as Slytherins, we shouldn't have to fight, as we are the best." Lily said with a slight nod of the head. "I should probably leave the two of you. Let you get back to your friend."
"I only fight people who don't notice that Slytherins are the best. The rest of the time I just can't be bothered. Plus, my dad's getting annoyed because he's managed to find out from someone how many fights I've been in so I have to keep the number down." Shay grinned. "Yeah, she'll probably be expecting something if we stay talking for too long." Shay smiled up at Lily. "I'll see you later."

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