- Messages
- 1,567
- OOC First Name
- Pat
- Sexual Orientation
- Bi-Sexual
- Wand
- Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather.
- Age
- 5/2010
... ... ...
Full Name:
Joceline Aimee Richarde
Birth Date:
Current Age:
11 years old
Basic Appearance:
Joceline has soft, wavy, brown hair that touches her shoulders when relaxed, she usually has her hair down. Recently the common expression Joceline has worn is one of anger or sadness. She has bright blue eyes that show her emotions clearly, even when her facials don't (common trait in the Lorka family) and has very small features.
Tanya Richarde (Muggle) Deceased
Gaspard Lorka (Mixed Blood)
Siblings, if any:
Aiden Lorka
Giselle Lorka
Pets, if any:
Area of Residence:
New Plymouth, New Zealand
Blood status:
Half or Mixed I think..
Five word to best describe you:
Stubborn, Depressive, Idiosyncratic, Kind & vulnerable
Hogwarts House (And why):
Slytherin because she has acts a lot like one when she needs to, and treats people how she believes they should be treated.
Best school subjects (And why):
Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, because she enjoys those classes, and usually when you enjoy something you thrive in it.
Worst school subjects (And why):
Probably Divination (I am going to have her take it) because she doesn't understand how you can see the future, as it is constantly changing.
What would your Patronus be?
Joceline's patronus would be currently working on it
What would your Boggart be?
working on it
What would your Animagus form be? (If you ever were to become one)
working on it
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
Joceline would want to see her mother alive again.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?