Jessica Matthews

Jessica Matthews

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Style & Charm
Whittled 11 1/12 Inch Rigid Wenge Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core

[Jessica Mary Matthews]

29 September 2031
Hastings, New Zealand

[Little Duck | Sunshine Heart | Without a Guiding Presence]

Spending time learning how to make clothes with her mom and scrapbook planning her future.</FONT></COLOR>
Likes singing, as long as no one can hear her, solving maths problems, and watching 'The Bachelor.'
Is upset when no one wants to spend time with her, doesn't like being given ugly things, and hates fathers in general.​
[Strengths] She isn't afraid to speak up about things that bother her, particularly if she'll gain something from the situation.
[Weaknesses] Her need to be liked, along with her desire to have her own way can land her in less than ideal social situations.
[Hopes] That she'll figure out some way to control the unexpected situation of having magic.
[Fears] That her magic will pull her away from her sister; having creepy crawly bugs anywhere near her.
Jessica has long wavy blonde hair that she absolutely adores, and loves to experiment with matching to her outfits [Hair]
Though behind her back people say her blue eyes can look kind of cold, Jessica believes that no other eye colour is prettier [Eyes]
Jessica is small and slight, and very aware of which foods are more likely to make her chubby in the long run [Build]
With an idea of 'pretty' influenced by fashion magazines, Jessica likes to wear skirts and dresses most predominantly [Style]
And the potato peeler lies forgotten in her hand, her eyes are dancing off through the window to a greater life.
Jessica is known to all as a sweet girl who always has a smile on her face and loves beautiful things. However, those who spend more time with her know that she has a control streak within her that causes her to want her own way at all times, often refusing to compromise. Though those in her immediate family recognise this aspect of her personality, they have grown used to such actions on her part and preemptively allow for Jessica's way of handling things, resulting in her controlling habits hardly ever being challenged. Although she and her twin sister have vastly different interests and hobbies, Jessica is closer to her than the majority of her school friends, and it is often in her twin's presence that she is influenced to rein in her more negative personality traits.

Because of her dependence on her twin, Jessica sometimes finds it difficult to initiate conversation or relate to others in new social situations. While her sister is more immediately open and friendly, Jessica will often stay quiet as she watches the new person and tries to determine how she should best present herself in order to get them to like her. Her intense need to be well thought of by people arises not only due to the fact that she loves feeling admired and worth something to others, but because she also believes that being casually disliked may put her at a disadvantage later. As such she often hides how she really feels in order to stay in peoples' good graces.

Although this tends to make her more closed-off in some of her friendships, Jessica finds herself most drawn to spending time and energy on those she truly respects, and who usually share similar world-views to her own. As long as she agrees with their ideas and actions, or can gain something from their friendship, she is quite happy to follow their lead and/or support them in their endeavours. She may even go so far as to idolise those who sincerely impress her, and therefore is highly susceptible to being influenced by them, as is the case with her sister. On the other hand, those who fail to impress her or act as she wishes are likely to be discarded, ignored, or 'politely' cut out of her life.​
ESTJ | The Executive
is happy leading the way · resists change and demands things be done her way · does not hesitate to show her wrath when people do not do as expected · very direct in confrontation, no emotional tact · social events and activities are her idea of a good time · finds it difficult to express emotions and empathy · her loyalty is dependent upon respect · struggles to even listen to differing opinions · too focused on social status · loathes ineptitude and does not hesitate to let her disapproval show​
OBLIVIOUS · · · · · | · · [·] · · PERCEPTIVE
SHAMEFUL · · · · · | · · [·] · · SHAMELESS
DULL · · · · · | · · · [·] · CREATIVE
COLD · · · · · | · · [·] · · AFFECTIONATE
LAZY · · · · · | · [·] · · · DISCIPLINED
PASSIVE · · · · [·] | · · · · · AGGRESSIVE
ILLITERATE · · · · · | · [·] · · · INTELLECTUAL
INTROVERT · · · · · | · · [·] · · EXTROVERT
DROP-OUT · · [·] · · | · · · · · VALEDICTORIAN
CHASTE · · · · · | · · · · [·] FLIRT
WEAK-MINDED · · · · · | · · · [·] · STRONG-MINDED
CONSISTENT · · · [·] · | · · · · · ERRATIC
MODEST · · · · · | · · [·] · · ARROGANT
GROUNDED · · · · · [|] · · · · · DISPERSE
SINNER · · · [·] · | · · · · · SAINT
ISOLATED · · · · · | · · [·] · · FRIENDLY
STONE-FACED · · · [·] · | · · · · · JOKER
DISLOYAL · · · [·] · | · · · · · DEPENDABLE
UNLIKEABLE · · · · · | · [·] · · · LIKEABLE
UNKEMPT · · · · · | · · · [·] · METICULOUS

Our opposites make us a whole.
<COLOR color="#000">
Jessica grew up in a muggle family with her two mothers, Olivia and Kristy Matthews, and elder fraternal twin sister, Laura. Her birth mother, Kristy, was not aware that her partner was a wizard and as he left before she even realised she was pregnant, she was never aware that her children may also be prone to developing magical abilities. She married an American woman, Olivia Frankleigh, when the girls were toddlers and the family lives together in a house near Kristy's orchard farm. Kristy and Laura are often outside working and playing, while Olivia and Jessica reign over the inside duties, including a dirt and mess patrol of the other two.

Jessica doesn't have a large number of extended family members, the only ones she sees on a semi-regular basis being her uncle and grandmother. The Matthews' are generally quiet and pleasant people who chip away at their own work without need for attention or drama, simply being content with the small joys that life can offer. Although Jessica enjoys being slightly spoiled by her grandmother she often finds visiting her boring after a while, and is generally impatient with what she finds to be a simple and placid personality with no drive or vision. However, she has been much more impressed with Olivia's family the few times they have been to New Zealand to visit, and hopes that one day she'll get to go over and spend a year or so with them to experience the exciting lives they constantly talk about.

Jessica is very attached to her twin, and would do everything with her if they shared even remotely similar interests. She has always been impressed by the effortless way Laura makes friends and enjoys her life, and thus strives to emulate these actions in her own way. She has more in common with her mom than her birth mother, as Olivia was the one who taught her how to sew and encourages her addiction to fashion, magazines and reality television, as well as being more prone to letting her get away with things. Jessica has a standard relationship with her mother, but as Kristy spends most of her time outside they tend to see each other less frequently.​
Related To:
<FONT font="Georgia">Laura Matthews
14 · Twin
Credits: Jung type and description from here. Trait sliders adapted from here.

I've felt... less grounded this year, waiting to see what's next.
Jessica is halfway through her third year at Hogwarts New Zealand, and is feeling slightly uncertain as to how she would like to direct her attention and energy during her time at the school now. While previously she had been concerned with both trying to fit in with the other students around her and at the same time trying to remove herself as far as possible from anything to do with magic or the strange customs of the wizarding world, coming into this year Jessica felt a little tired trying to keep up so aggressively with whatever stance she had temporarily adopted. Content to focus on fostering the friendships she already had, and mentally burning bridges with those she felt were not moving in the direction she wished, Jessica is mostly unsure what it is she wants from her life right now - an unsettling notion for her.​
<COLOR color="#000">

2045 | Y30
<FONT font="Georgia"></I></SIZE>
<I>Somehow it's almost like things are changing.


[ul][li][October Alcott] Reunited | The Other Jess | I Live For Glitter, Not You</LI><LI>[li][Odette Harper] I'm More Than Just a Picture[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Kauri Tipene] I Live For Glitter, Not You[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Tristan Collins] I Live For Glitter, Not You[/li][/ul]

Having lots of friends makes me really happy.
Jessica Mary Matthews was born at 9:29am on Monday, the 29th of September. Although Kristy went into labour early in the evening the day before, she was kept awake throughout the night at the local hospital as nurses stayed with her through the long delivery period. Though there were many fears of complications in the birth of the twins, at 9:23 the first baby arrived in the world in perfect health, followed six minutes later by the second, who seemed to be the one more eager to see the daylight. Kristy, already knowing that she would be having girls, had named the twins after each of her grandmothers several months back, and finally differentiated between the two by naming the first Laura, as she felt her to be the one who would require the most attention. The truly fussy baby, however, was Jessica, as she cried more often than she was silent, purely because she only ever seemed satisfied when being rocked in her mother's arms.

Growing up with a twin meant Jessica was conditioned from an early age to be aware of how her actions affected others, and through interactions with her mother and sister she learned to be pleasant and behaved in order not to garner the negative attention Laura so frequently raised in Kristy with her carefree misbehaviour. Despite these differences, Jessica was highly attached to her twin, and often refused to be separated from her when they were out somewhere in public together, holding on to her sister's hand at all times. Many of her achievements - for example, learning how to walk - came as a direct result of trying to keep up with her sister, and right from her early years, Jessica showed herself to be persistent in pursuit of whatever task she set herself to accomplish.

By the time they had reached school-age, Kristy had met and married Olivia Frankleigh and the girls had known no other secondary parent. A few children considered the twins slightly strange because of this arrangement, and it became Jessica's first experience with trying to decide how much she wanted to fit in with others in order to be liked by them. Growing up, she had initially ignored other children in favour of playing with only her sister, but Laura's enthusiasm to involve as many others in her games as possible had slowly led to Jessica discovering she rather enjoyed being the center of attention and was as such loathe to change that status. In her quest to become popular and liked by everyone, she tended to opt for a mild-mannered and complimentary approach wherever suitable, but bestowed an icy attitude upon those who criticised her, and attempted to shut them out of the social circles she was part of.​

2043-44 | Y28
I really, really wish I didn't have to be here.
Comfortable and secure in her life as she had thus known it, Jessica was surprised one day by a visit from a government official concerning her further education. Jessica planned to listen pleasantly to whatever the man had to say - until she discovered that her sister was not required to take part in the conversation. With the knowledge that she was to be completely separated from Laura for the better part of the next seven years, Jessica immediately resented the magical world and everything it contained. She remained in denial about her twin's lack of magical ability right up until the last month before she was to leave for school, where the point was inarguably brought home to her in Ollivander's Wand Shop. Despite trying to convince her mothers otherwise, Jessica did end up attending and completing her first year at Hogwarts, though it remained an educational experience she wished to take no part in. In an attempt to control at least one aspect of her new world, Jessica made sure to meet many people during her time at the castle, putting her social life unequivocally above shaping and controlling her magical ability.​
[ul][li][Norton Gillespie] Now, Where Might I Find Slytherin?!</LI>[li][Brooklyn Vacarius]Why This House?!</LI>[li][April Ward] I Shouldn't Be Surprised, And Yet...[li][Tristan Collins] Cynical Views[li][Lauv Bao] A Sorrow Not Sweet, Actually[li][October Alcott] As Long As It's Worth It[li][Lourdes Brackenstall] The Terrifying Kind of Fairytale[li][Odette Harper] The Terrifying Kind of Fairytale[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Laura Matthews] You'll Be Proved Wrong[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Ursula Ciccone] I Need a New Partner in Crime and You Shrug[li][Bethany Zanders] Not Just What You See<LI>[li][Alana Finch] Not Just What You See[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Amber Chou Wilson] Not Just What You See[/li][/ul]

Club Fair | Slytherin House Meeting | Zurie Pranks

2044-45 | Y29
Not entirely thrilled to be back, but there are certainly some good points.
Upon starting her <I>second year at Hogwarts New Zealand, Jessica came back to the school in a much more positive frame of mind than the one she had possessed when first arriving at Hogwarts, and was keen to extend her social circles and pay more attention to her magic-focused classes - after all, she was sure her friends and classmates would begin to look down on her if she couldn't keep up with their skills of wandwork. Almost halfway through the year, however, she became distracted by Tristan Collins when he asked her to the Yule Ball as his date. Although he and Jessica never became official, she considered them to be a well-known pair with mutual feelings for each other... an ideal that crumbled once Tristan removed himself from the situation late in the school year. Consequently, Jessica passive-aggressively took out her feelings on her schoolwork, purposely aiming to fail all her exams in a bid to remove herself from the school, and the magical world, once and for all.

[ul][li][Tristan Collins] First Strike of Lightning | In the Spotlight | Delicate Rose | Play That Song Again[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][October Alcott] Reading in the Roses | Special Delivery | Play That Song Again[li][Brooklyn Vacarius] Trick of the Light | The Nature of Daylight[/li][/ul]
[ul][li][Gabriella Davenport] Changing Priorities[li][Hayley Elridge] Inauspicious Happenstance[li][Vivian Brackenstall] In the Spotlight<LI>[li][Kaia Rosemary Grimm] Getting Started[/li][/ul]​
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">First Year<SIZE size="50">


Thank you Daphne!
Second Year<SIZE size="50">


Thank you Daphne!
Whittled, 11 1/2 Inches, Hard.
Unlike the majority of other children who find out they will be attending Hogwarts, Jessica didn't give the fact that she was about to receive her very own wand a great deal of importance in her thoughts. In truth, she looked forward to the day for primarily one purpose - to prove to everyone that her sister did in fact have magic after all, and therefore Jessica wouldn't have to go away to school all by herself. Throughout her time in Ollivander's, Jessica paid barely any attention to the process of finding her own wand - picking the prettiest, and then closest, wands offered to her to try - instead being more focused on seeing if any of the wands reacted to her sister. Of course, none did, a fact which Laura had accepted earlier and far more readily than Jessica would for days to come. The rest of her time in the store throbbed with contained - though hardly concealed - anger, and in the end only one wand deigned to stay in Jessica's hand instead of shooting straight out of it at first contact.​
As a wand wood, Wenge best serves those who are even tempered and deliberate in their actions. It requires a great deal of patience, but is well worth it to the right handler.
Despite the less than even-tempered nature in which Jessica and her wand met, it somehow sensed that such a blatant allowance of her true emotions to cross her face was not usual for the girl - and at the very least recognised that her typical method of dealing with challenges would work well together with it's own properties. The wood shouldn't have presented much of a problem, but in conjunction with the core, this wand took a long time to warm up to Jessica - a situtation she herself exacerbated with her stubborn opinions on using magic.​

As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.
Although the core of Jessica's wand could perhaps be read as a metaphor for the true personality she masks under her cheerful exterior, the more prominent role the essence of belladonna played was seen during the first year of her schooling at Hogwarts - or rather, was not seen. Due to the fact that the wand was already predisposed to a lengthy bonding period with its owner, Jessica's ignorance of it throughout the entire first semester (as it was barely required in lessons) caused the wand to refuse casting any spells for a long time, causing her much embarrassment in her spellwork classes.

[/td][/tr][tr][td][STYLE] WHITTLED
Upon realising which wand was to be hers, Jessica asked if she could have one that looked prettier - failing to understand that it is the wand that chooses who it will belong to, not the other way around. She is not all pleased with the uneven surface of the wand, as if someone had prepared it for carving, but never quite got around to completing the design. In small part, it is this aesthetic quality that helps keep Jessica from growing more amicable to using the wand regularly.​
</i>[/td][/tr][tr][td][LENGTH] 11 1/2 INCHES
Jessica is barely concerned with her wand on its own, so she has no opinion about its length or how well it may or may not fit within her hand during the practicality of spellwork.​
</i>[/td][/tr][tr][td][FLEXIBILITY] RIGID
A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
If she knew that a wand's flexibility was sometimes thought to be representative of its wielder's own personality, Jessica would likely be even more offended by the wand that was supposed to be her best match than she already is. Although she often likes to seem agreeable with other people's ideas and opinions, in reality Jessica has a very clearly defined set of her own thoughts and rarely sways from them. This stubborn black-and-white mentality is well received by the wand, and is just about the only characteristic where wand and witch work perfectly in tandem with one another.​



Most of the time I hate it here.
Although Jessica was initially shocked by the arrival of her Hogwarts letter, this quickly turned to dismay when she was told that her sister would not be joining her due to her wizarding status as a Squib. She refused to believe this and quickly turned against the idea of anything to do with magic, helped along by the loss of control she felt at being told she was to be uprooted from everyone and everything she knew in order to join a world she knew nothing about. As such she is deeply resentful of both the place and people of Hogwarts, and is desperately trying to find some solid ground to steady herself on.

Jessica was sorted into Slytherin, but at this point she couldn't really care less about what that supposedly means. This is predominantly due to the fact that she had never heard of the houses before she arrived at the school, and is unaware of the beliefs that people consciously or unconsciously ascribe to them.

Favoured Academic Discipline:
[ul][li]Jessica hates anything to do with magic because it placed her in a situation she had no control over. She can however tolerate History of Magic and Astronomy, as they are relatively similar to the muggle versions of the subjects.[/li][/ul]Magical Skills:
[ul][li]Jessica has absolutely no desire to hone her magical skills, and in the rare case that she does, experiences great difficulty with even the simplest of spells due to the distrust and animosity between her and her wand.[/li][/ul]​
Astronomy · A · 1 · 2
Jessica quite enjoyed her Astronomy lessons, as they were her one true escape to a class with any semblance of normalcy. She was pleased to learn that wizards treated the subject exactly as Muggles did, and though she found herself severely disliking the professor for her hypocritical disregard of Muggles, Jessica stayed quiet and continued to attend lessons as though nothing were wrong - although she steadfastly refused to believe that wizards had anything to do with discovering or furthering the science she was being taught.​
Charms · A · 2 (A)
Although Jessica began the class absolutely unwilling to learn any of the magic whose existence had turned her life upside down, she soon became conflicted between this opinion and the idea that being unable to perform magic at all marked her as inferior to her classmates. As such she refused to attempt each charm numerous times in class (revealing her continuous failures), and only tried to practice the spells for her exam once it became clear that she might fail the subject altogether if she didn't.​
Defence Against the Dark Arts · E · 1 · 3 · 4
Already feeling threatened by the possibilities of how magic could further trouble her and create difficulties in her life, Jessica was horrified to discover how seriously learning to protect oneself against the Dark Arts was considered to be in the wizarding world. As such Defence was the one subject she treated with complete academic focus, determined to know everything she could to keep herself out of harm's way in the future - an occurrence she was sure, in her lack of experience with the wizarding world, would turn up at some point or another. Her lack of skill with the required spells was a major cause of concern for her.​
Flying · A · 2 (A) (:cool:
Jessica was not at all happy to be taking part in flying lessons, and only did so due to the expectations she knew both the professor and other students would have of her to fit in - the experience of seeing another student refuse to participate making her more determined than ever to blend in and not be ostracized for her different opinion of flying than the majority. She took her exam under internal protest, planning to do only the bare minimum to complete the class with a passing grade - something she was sure that failing to achieve would make her a laughing stock.​
Herbology · A · 1 · 6
Jessica was never particularly happy to be learning about taking care of plants - dirt and the mess it made was something she was quite familiar with from her life at home, and she was hardly thrilled to be expected to get immersed in it during time at school. She did try to pay attention to some of the more interesting magical aspects that she knew her twin sister would be interested in hearing about, but overall tended to do as little practical work as she could get away with, and always headed straight for the nearest sink once lessons were done.​
History of Magic · A · 1 · 2
Though Jessica never fully engaged with the subject in a manner the professor might have wanted her to, she at least paid enough attention in classes to gain a passing grade. Her relationship with wizarding history remained in a state of perpetual swing throughout the year, as though she enjoyed the fact that the purely theoretical nature of the subject meant she didn't have to participate in any 'magic,' she also didn't particularly enjoy hearing how magic had always existed throughout time in what had previously been a normal world.​
Potions · A · 1 · 6
Jessica always paid just enough attention in Potions to avoid embarrassing herself, but tended to look upon the subject as silly child's play rather than anything to be taken seriously - an opinion that was reinforced by the fact that they never even went through the process of brewing that would show her otherwise. Though slightly wary of Professor Pendleton's sensibilities after the first lesson of 'mystery' potions, Jessica was glad to learn theory from him rather than engage in the properly magical aspects of the subject.​
Transfiguration · P
As Jessica sat through more and more of her Transfiguration lessons, it very quickly became clear to her that one, the possibilities of the subject were terrifying, and two, that it was likely she would never be able to manage excelling - or even being passable - at such intricate magic herself. Her wand was still refusing to cast any spells after her earlier neglectful treatment, and Jessica hated to attempt practice in class where everyone could see her failing. For a week leading up to the exam she made a last-ditch attempt to pass the course with at least an 'Acceptable,' but it was too little too late and after a week of failure she could no longer even bring herself to care what her classmates might think of her grade.​

Astronomy · P
While the previous year Jessica had simply liked Astronomy for it's near-normalcy to muggle schooling, by the time her second year rolled around, and outside circumstances caused her to begin to grow more disillusioned with the castle again, it only caused her to feel a strange kind of homesickness. As her plan to sabotage her final grades came into effect, Jessica just sat in her Astronomy classes with her eyes closed, letting the lecture information wash over her as she pretended she was sitting in her new high-school's science class - with her twin sister Laura beside her.​
Charms · A · 1 · 3
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Georgia">With the irritation and embarrassment from her first year taking the subject of Charms still fresh in her memory, Jessica vowed to herself that this year she would work harder throughout the year to get a passing grade in the class, rather than leave it all down to whatever success she could manage from a last-minute week of practice. She still hated attempting the new spells in front of everyone, and always strove to be away from judgmental eyes during lessons - even if in actuality no one particularly cared enough to pay attention to her efforts.​
Defence Against the Dark Arts · P· 1
<FONT font="Georgia">Though Jessica began the semester with the absolute will to do the best in Defence that she could, by the end of the year outside circumstances had caused the largest feeling of dissatisfaction with her school life since she had first arrived at Hogwarts. As a result, she deliberately sabotaged her end-of-year exam in the hopes that if she failed all of her current classes at once (and clearly on purpose), she would be expelled and finally allowed to return to the life she wished she had never been forced to give up. Despite this plan she still made sure to pay attention to any specific defence information that came up, her magic-wary nature demanding it.​
Herbology · A · 1 · 4
<FONT font="Georgia">Upon hearing that they were expected to raise a potentially fatal plant as the focus for their second year, Jessica's immediate reaction was to try and think of any excuse she could to get out of participating. Of course, she came up with none that would work and so instead steeled herself to do the bare minimum that would satisfy the professor and allow her to pass the class. She paid no attention to the Mandrake beyond the activities that were required to keep it alive, and regarded its dissection at the end of the year as nothing more than the cutting up of any normal plant - which was certainly made easier by the use of the earmuffs.​
History of Magic · P · 1
Jessica planned to treat her second year of history much as she had treated the first - as a test of being told fictitious information and returning it in the exam. However, once she had decided she no longer wanted to achieve good grades that were keeping her enrolled at the school (she hoped), Jessica gladly ceased paying any attention at all in her history classes. Instead she spent the time sketching dresses in her notebook, as she lacked the sense of complete rebellion to blatantly display her lack of attention for the professor and other students to see.​
Potions · E · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6
Though Jessica began the year continuing to look down upon Potions as a particularly rewarding subject, as the class reached the time when she was able to brew her first potion she decided that she was going to pay the utmost care and attention to her efforts - if only in order to avoid causing herself any grievous harm in the process. However, to Jessica's surprise she found that the methodical nature of cutting and measuring ingredients was very similar to the process of baking - something she quite loved to do - and by the end of the course Jessica was almost disappointed to be finished with the subject.​
Transfiguration · P
<FONT font="Georgia">Though Jessica tried to study and practice enough to avoid failing the class a second time, the intricacies of the subject once again proved too much for she and her damaged relationship with her wand to overcome in time for the exam. Although she was mad at herself for being unable to prove she was every bit as good as her other classmates, Jessica comforted herself in knowing that she would be able to drop the subject for her third year, never having to put herself in that situation again.​

Defence Against the Dark Arts · E · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5
Having returned to a state of mind where she didn't feel the need to futilely try and remove herself from the wizarding school system, Jessica continued to actually put effort into her Defence lessons throughout the semester, although she wasn't so impressed to be focusing on a series of subjects that she felt wouldn't be as relevant to her in her everyday life - or at least hoped they wouldn't. Knowing how one could theoretically defend themself from a vampire and actually doing it are two very separate things in Jessica's mind.​
Muggle Studies · E · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4
Choosing Muggle Studies as an elective was a knee-jerk reaction for Jessica, who was happy to take a subject that didn't involve immersing herself in any more magic, as well as hoping it would feel like a return to normality for her. While this occurred for the most part, there were also times when Jessica felt more cut off from the world of her childhood than ever, reminded by this by the way wizards talked about Muggle things, and particularly on the field trip where she realised that her future was beginning to look like a troubling place after she was freed from Hogwarts.​
Potions · E · 2 · 3 · 6
<COLOR color="#000">Although starting the year with the notion that she still didn't like Potions very much, by the time she was beginning to brew the first potion Jessica could no longer deny how much she enjoyed the process. Finding the measuring and following of instructions precisely to be strangely calming, she often tended to forget just what it was exactly that she was making and instead focused on trying to make each of her concoctions perfect - as far as she knew, anyway, never seeing their results for herself, nor particularly caring to.​
Credits: Wand descriptions from here.

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