James needs some good plots. ;)

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James Lock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
After a rough separation from his fiance, James and Luna have just about got back together. But now James is beginning to get a little boring, so was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for a role-play? Maybe a new enemy, or a girl to distract James. [Again.] :p Something like that. ;) Or just a new friend will do. :)
I only have Maybelle in my mind, she's innocent and is really nice..
She can be... anything lol
Meyke - Here's the rp for James and Jade. :) http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7326454/1/

Manson - I don't mind, Maybelle sounds cool, James doesn't 'do' innocent to well, but I'm sure they could get along if he tried hard enough. :)
Okay well Eric works at the ministry as an examanier but he also juggles to other full time jobs one being a wedding planner the other being a private tutor. He has lived in texas and new york and also a little bit in chicago. He attened hogwarts scotland and loves to shop and party.

With that all being said how would we either know each other meet up, I could be a childhood friend or even a school buddy? What do you think?
okiez ! ^_^

do u wanna start/ should I?
Okay topic is up just look in my spoiler for the link find your name. And it should be there
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