Jake's Kind of a Loner

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Jacob Esquire

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey guys! Viv here :)

So this is Jacob.. he's the owner of Makutu Music. Since I really just made him for the shop, I've never actually properly roleplayed with him outside of the shop. So yeah, he's a cool character, and I feel it's time that he actually got a life. :p

He doesn't have a biography yet, so I'll tell you guys a bit about him:

Okay, so he's reeally into music, and has a great knowledge of music history and heaps of bands and stuff. So yeah, he's a bit of a geek when it comes to that, but not in a snobby, posery "I'm so cool, I know more indie bands than you" way. xD He used to work an office job, spending his nights as the guitarist/bassist in various bands in pubs and stuff. He wasn't very successful, and the office job was boring, so he decided to open Makutu Music. Personality-wise, he's pretty chillaxed. Jacob was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland (I know I know, all but one of my boy characters are Ravenclaws, but they're awesome!), so he's creative and witty. He's quite romantic, but isn't a player or anything. Uhh, he was rebellious in his youth, living in dodgy flats as he tried to get his music career off the ground, making him the total black sheep of his family. But now in his mid-20's Jake's really just a normal dude. He's kind, but a bit insecure (like all the Esquire kids, it's a family disease :p ) unless he's onstage. When he performs, Jacob's confident and awesome, and all that stuff.

Now, onto what Jake needs:

Friends - Jake needs a few close friends, preferably guys. As long as your character's not a jerk, and is into music and joking around, etc, then I'm sure Jacob will like you. :p I think it would be pretty cool if he had a friend or two to tell things to, and go for beers with, etc. xD I'm sure he'll have a few female friends too, but they might just be more casual than close.

Enemies - I'm sure he'll have a couple of enemies, but nothing very strong. If your character is self-absorbed or rude, then Jacob won't like you. Or maybe your character will just think he's an annoying hipster or something? Either way, everyone has people they dislike/that dislike them, and Jacob's no differrent.

Loves - Jake's a hopeless romantic, and has always kept his eye open for his soulmate. However, he hasn't been too successful on that front, and is currently single. Maybe he could have an ex-girlfriend or two (lol), that would be fun to RP. Or maybe a friend that he's infactuated with, but the feeling isn't reciprocated? Orrr, maybe he finally meets his soulmate, or maybe just a girlfriend for a while. :lol: Either way, I'd like him to have a romantic relationship of some sort, as that's a big part of his personality.

Others - If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear it. I'm open to pretty much anything! :p

Thanks guys! :D
I can offer Maya as an ex-girlfriend since she was in Hogwarts Scotland, and a perfect. And they could sort of be friends now?
If you need enemies or people that he knew before Jake could have a run in with my formar Beauxbatons girl that could have gotten on his nerves with her uptight attitue. She would make a good girlfriend if you can get her to loose up a little but mostly I'm going for enemy :D
I have another shop keeper, Candie Torres, She owns the muggle market. She could be a friend or girlfriend. She went through a bit recently and is looking for a little fun.

She a bit mad but in a good way, a great artist, quite flirty and can be very proffesional when it is necceccery (SP).
I have Noelle Viera. She is twenty-four, a really sweet girl with two children and an ex-husband who is soon to be her fiance if the thread gets rolling. So I'm thinking good friends between them and OOOOH! Maybe Noelle could set him up with his final? I'd be cute.
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