J'Adore Baby

Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
The last dying lights of the day could be seen flickered weakly in the clouds over the horizon from the space of Izaak’s own kitchen. And of course he was right there with his elbows resting against the counter top and his chin settled in his palms as the azure of his irises absentmindedly followed the curling swell. A smiled was slicked across his lips, but not one that any amount of barrelling waves could ever rouse. This was something different and much more manipulative. Love, it was love, for Isabella that is. And although he knew that Alexis still held an important place in his heart, tonight was not hers, nor was he particularly thinking about all too much in his plans for his girlfriend.

“Is, come on Izaak groaned as he whipped his head down the hall towards his bedroom. He had taken all of two minutes to change into a more formal pair of jeans and a softly plaid shirt and besides Isabella was stunning enough as it was, she could have gone out in her sleepwear and pulled it off so well that it would take your breath away. Izaak was almost tempted to tell her this but instead he called out with a tinge of a smile sidling in his voice, “The Junction waits for nobody, not even you baby.” Although Bondi Junction did have a score of wonderful restaurants and its reservations were often filled before dinner had even begun, unbeknownst to Isabella it was not where he had actually planned their date. Izaak would so much rather stroll with her through the Parisian streets.

lame, sorry
She seemed to spend most of her time now apparating back and forth from working at the Leaky Cauldron to spending time with Izaak in Australia. Her smile had returned and it was so apparant to everyone who frequented the Leaky that she was happy. Sakura commented once too often to be more guarded but how could she be? Isabella was with the only man she loved and after all they had been through to get to this point, she was not going to risk being stupidly cautious for even a second. Life was too short and with him her happiness knew no bounds.

She heard him calling to her from outside and laughed quietly as she shimmied into her dress she knew of course that he had decided on jeans and a plaid shirt but after wearing boring old clothes for the Inn everyday when she went out especially on the arm of Izaak she wanted to look good. The dress was new and showed off her long slender legs, especially when she slipped her feet into the patent black sandals. Her short cropped hair was already beginning to grow out and with it began to curl as well, pinning it back a bit she smiled at her reflection.

Again he called out to her so slowly she opened the door and walked slowly towards him. A distinct sway to her hips, slow and seductive as if she were a predator approaching her beloved prey.
"Not even when I'm wearing this?" she smiled wickedly at him doing a small turn for his benefit alone. Closer she came until the scent of her perfume a distinct blend of lilacs and orchids enveloped him. A hand grazed his shirt front as she smiled, now standing a possible inch or two taller than he because of her heels.
"I'm ready".
Of course Izaak had known that his girlfriend would be dressing up to some degree for dinner. But he had barely had time to register the click of thin heels down the hallway before his azure eyes skipped to her saunter towards him. With an awed double-take, his breath hitched in his throat as it got sucked down sharply through his gaping mouth. Isabella was breathtaking in every way possible. Wide but pleased blue eyes scanned down the full length of her body, tracing each heavenly curve intricately all the way down to the impressive height of her heels. Unable to make much further movement whilst so beneath her spell, Izaak gave a slight jerk of his head and scratched his chin, softly dusted with stubble, ever so slowly.

Realising that he probably looked like a right idiot gazing at her in such a manner, Izaak slicked a tongue over his chilled teeth and closed his mouth. It was only to find himself at the same, if not lower, level of height of her as she drew in close to him, doused in the most irresistible of floral scents. Vanilla of course would almost be his most favourite thing to smell but that was so far from his mind it seemed as if Alexis had never been inside of it in the first place. A purr, a growl or something somewhere in between rolled playfully from Izaak’s lips as he rubbed his hands from her hips to her thighs and then back up again. “I would.” The young man muttered slyly, not quite sure anymore what they were talking about. But right now for Isabella, Izaak was ready to do just about anything. Unable to deny himself of her beauty much longer, he swept in and softly frenched her mouth which seemed to be a sign of his devotion to Isabella and her absolute anything.

Izaak was almost swept away in the moment, wanting nothing more than to lead her back through his bedroom door and to peel the stunning green dress from her whilst so enrapt. But his plans suddenly shot through his mind and Izaak was then brought to the brink of excitement as he broke away from her lips with a wild grin. He spoke not a word, nor did he need to, as he led his lover tantalisingly slowly through the household until he had locked the front door behind them, of course grabbing all of his necessities along the way. “Hold on tight,” He breathed hotly into her ear as he melded their bodies together, just knowing that she’d take what he’d said literally.

With one pop the young couple disappeared from the Bondi scene. Then with another, appeared in a shadowed back alley. Izaak quickly darted a kiss to her cheek before dragging her out onto the main street with an excitement not even the strictest of confinements could restrain. And there it was, all the parallels of the glowing street running straight towards it. The Eiffel Tower, doused in a parade of glinting lights. The twenty year old smiled giddily over at his girlfriend with his heart jittering in anticipation of her reaction to their major detour.
With each step down the hall way towards him she gauged his reaction to her and it was everything she had hoped for and then some. A smile lit her face, biting her lower lip almost with a shyness she did not understand as this was her Izaak. Not able to help smiling as his lips claimed hers, she kissed him back. Arms circling his neck and holding to him fast as her breath was stolen from her very soul. It still amazed her that he could have such a strong effect on her after everything they had been through but she knew without a doubt that even when they were old and grey pushing zimmer frames around some old folks home that she would always feel a spark for him. That he would always set her heart to racing wildly.

It was so tempting to want to blow whatever romantic night down around the Junction he had planned for her, the taste of his mouth and the playful tango of his tongue with her own was nearly enough to send her back down the hall pulling him behind her. Visions of doing so were so vivid in her mind but he broke apart from her. Eyes widened in dismay and a beautiful pout so evident on her full glossed lips told him she had wanted that kiss to continue some more but he did not speak to her, just guided her to the front door where they stepped outside. Holding a pashmina loosely in her hand the same color as her dress she figured it they walked late down around the boardwalk she would need it against the chilled breeze that often wafted up from the sea late at night. He locked the door and asked her to hold tight.

This was a command she had no issue with at all. Her body pressed against his, her hands wound around his neck as her mouth grazed his cheek another smile. She loved when he whispered in her ear like that, the chills coursed through her and all she wanted was him but then again all she ever wanted was him. When they disapparated she thought he was just being lazy not wanting to walk down to the Junction which was unusual considering his penchant for wanting to do things the muggle way. Her eyes had not once left his face but as they reappeared in another place it was also as if they had transported to another time entirely.

The smells were all so vaguely familiar to her and yet at first she could not place them, until he brought her out to the main street and she viewed the hustle and bustle of the Parisian thoroughfare. La Vien Rose was playing in a nearby cafe, the clink of glass and the steam rising from the manholes on the road, the Eiffel Tower looming large and overwhelming in the distance all set her heart beating so fast. She was speechless. Isabella's heritage was French, only her mother and herself had been born in England. Her grandparents on both sides as well as her father were all French. Often as a child they visited the motherland and she loved it so very much. She was fluent in the language of course for there were many arguements in her house and all were in that beautiful tongue. Turning to look at him she remained speechless for just another moment before she kissed him with such tenderness.

"Je t'aime" she smiled at him as she broke away, captivated more by him than the city around her, "thank you. I haven't been back here in so long. Thank you, I love it. I love you"again she kissed him before leaning her forehead against his, soon she would be in danger of getting lock jaw for constantly smiling.
Not even the grandest of monuments could move Izaak the way the expression on Isabella’s angelic face could. No, not even Eiffel Tower in all of its sparkling glory, it didn’t even hold a candle to her. A thrilled smile took his lips captive in the second before he welcomed her mouth against his own with such gentle affection in return. It was a fickle thought to think that after all they had been through he was here kissing his perfect Isabella in this classy Parisian street with the most famed and romantic landmark on earth looming watchfully above them. But no matter how unforseen or unpredictable this date had been, it was as every bit as real as they were and yet all the more magical.

The instant her tongue wove intricately around the romanticised language, Izaak could not help but throw his head back to face the stars and grin for the briefest of moments. Although the translation was not one he could make, Izaak could have made a rather accurate guess as to what she had just told him. “Anything for you baby girl,” He murmured smilingly against Isabella’s lips as she kissed him once more. And after the way Alexis had so unknowingly derailed him, Izaak really was ready to do anything for his new lover.

Izaak allowed a long moment to follow in which he did nothing but bask in her sweet smelling closeness and graced the corners of her mouth with tiny kisses, holding her close to him all the while. If he could have remained in that peace forever he might just as well have. But the jazzy music rolling elegantly along the light and dark street urged him to delve into his romantic side. Not that he hadn’t already though. With his azure eyes brighter and more luminescent than ever in the City of Lights, Izaak smiled at her through them and gently took her hand to spin her in a gracefully slow circle. “Shall we ma chérie Izaak was grinning wickedly now as if to say, That’s right, you’re not the only one. But that and a few other phrases were all he really knew, thanks to a French friend back in his schooling days.
She watched him smile at her, grin broadly as her fingers knotted with his. He had so convinced her all day that they would be going to the Junction, she had pouted and moaned a little as they usually went there. Almost certain that she had brought his romantic nature into question a few times she looked at him now adoringly. Izaak Finch blew her mind. Wrapped her heart up in his own and held it so tight within the confines of his soul that she knew it would be safe forever more. She trusted him completely, believed in him, in the love they shared and all it entailed. Tonight she would not let some petty thought of Alexis creep in to take the shine from the moment, she would enjoy every second as if it were her last.

Turning about once more to gaze up at the Eiffel Tower she sighed before looking back at him. His mouth was not long finding hers, the tiniest of kisses sending her spiralling far higher than the famous landmark could ever hope to reach. Her slender frame held tight to his, she could feel him through the flimsy material of her dress and smiled against his lips.
"We had better be careful or we shall end up having to book a room here as well" she grinned cheekily at him, their fingers slipped into one anothers again and he twirled her as if they were dancing. A bubble of delighted laughter escaped her as she spun back into the circle of his arms. An organ player began calling to them that he would gladly play a waltz if they so wished. Waving her hand and shaking her head, she thanked the man but declined his sweet offer.

Standing in front of Izaak she rested her forehead to his, splaying her hands out at her sides as they locked with his own. Each finger embracing his matching digit.
"So what have you planned for us Mr. Finch?" her lips grazed against his once more but though usually she closed her eyes with the sheer beauty and poetry of their touching she did not this time. Her silver orbs continued to gaze at him as her mouth moved gently across his. Slowly she broke away staring into his blue orbs.
"I'm famished so there so better be a meal in there somewhere" as much as she loved romance, Isabella was nothing if not practical though part of her worried that it was not just food she was famished for now.
An odd jolt tugged on his stomach as Isabella grinned and warned him that they would be booking a room by the end of the night if they weren’t cautious. Izaak Finch didn’t half-ass things, for him it was all or nothing. And just to dine and share a few wildly romantic kisses would, while being deliriously wonderful, feel like a night incomplete to him. “That, my girl, has already been taken care of.” There was a suggestive snicker in his words as he welcomed her back in from the spin but Izaak knew just how to disguise it enough to be charming. And so it was.

Everything about Isabella was making him giddy tonight, not that he wasn’t usual dizzied by her presence but it truly felt as if he were high off of it tonight. Her sweet laugh was especially enchanting as she twirled back into the comfort of his arms and Izaak could do nothing but press his mouth to her cheek and grin and grin until his cheeks ached. But on hearing a musician holler out Izaak arched his neck in their direction with every inch of Isabella still pressed firmly against him. Did they really look that in love for someone to request to play them a waltz? The thought only wrung a wider smile on Izaak’s lips, sure now that if she made him any happier then it would stay that way and he’d be forever hers.

"So what have you planned for us Mr. Finch?" Izaak did not have the time to return his lover with an answer, instead he found himself at the sweet mercy of her gentle kiss once again. He’d never admit it, not on his life, but there was something about the affection in her kisses that made him weak at the knees. And then when he opened his eyes just a little before they broke apart, he was surprised to find Isabella not with her eyes closed and not beginning to flicker them open but instead gazing at him and he wondered if she had been doing it the whole time. Regardless it made him smile and curse her for being so damn cute.

An oddly amused laugh rose up from Izaak’s chest as she spoilt the moment by admitting her hunger but it really did only make him love her more. “Well seeing as you're famished, dinner yeah? Some wine, a few... hundred... candles,” Izaak felt his face grow hot as it was brought to his attention just how much of a hopeless romantic he honestly was. “And the rest is for me to know and you to find out.” The blue-eyed boy released the comfortable grip he had held onto her hands with and instead moulded her to his side by curling a well-muscled arm around her delicate waist. “For you and for everything you’ve been through Is, I swear I’ll make this the best night you’ve ever had.” Izaak smiled softly as they began to stroll as one down through the Parisian night. Lord knows she deserved something special and he’d go to all lengths to give it to her, tonight being a clear example.
She should not have been surprised that he had covered all bases, you simply didn't arrange for a brief interlude in Paris. It wasn't somewhere you just apparated for a meal and left again soon after. The city was breathing all by itself, it lived in every pore of every person that visited it and that lived in it. The air was electric with every human emotion imaginable, the smells were so foreign and yet so familiar all in one intake. Paris was all so unforgetable. Isabella's smile broadened as he held her tight to him. She could not have been happier if she had even attempted to dream it. Their lips were never far apart, their hands rarely seperated and it was evident to all who passed them that the beautiful couple were crazy head over heels loved up. Her startling silver grey orbs sparkled with the glare of the few neon lights that lit up some burlesque theater that they walked passed. Her golden tresses seemed to shimmer brightly as did her skin. A celistial vision and all his.

Izaak mentioned dinner, wine and lots of candles and again a bubble of laughter escaped her as she came to stand before him once more. Her hands cupped his face and gently she planted a kiss on his perfect mouth.
"Mr. Finch I think you are trying to spoil me" her lips smiled against his mouth, delighted to be spoilt in such a way by him. Unwinding herself to hold his hand again it was not for long as his arm went about her waist and she sighed leaning back against him. His words caused her to become thoughtful. They were a couple now, a proper couple and as much as they had both been through, she had to make him understand something before they went any further. Her expression serious she stopped walking, gazing down at his hand in her own. Lifting it carefully to her mouth she kissed the knuckles tentatively before looking at him.

"No. If you are going to make this the best night ever then don't do it because of what I went through that was then, this is now. This is us Izaak. Let's have the best night ever because we deserve to be happy and deserve each other" her slender hand reached up, the palm grazing his left cheek.

"I love you so much, I don't need you to feel as if you have to make up for what happened" lowering their hands again she smiled at him before looking off across the street where she could see a bridge about 100 yards from them. A small gasp escaped her and without warning she released his hand and by passing the crazy drivers intent on crushing anyone who got in their way called back over her shoulder to Izaak to follow her. Once she reached the pavement on the other side of the street she stopped to slip her heels from her before laughing and beginning to run once more until she was standing on one of the many bridges over the Seine. A look of wonderment and nostalgia graced her face as she waited for him to catch up to her.
The warm glow of the streetlamps and the scores of restaurants stretching down into the road before them, and the rich shadows of the night fought in stunning silence against one another. The delectable scents wafted through the opened paned doors yet it was mingled oddly, yet fittingly with the distinctive smell of a functioning city. There was a harmonious mix of jazzy beats and the constant chink of glasses in toast. But perhaps the most awing composition of all was Isabella and her dangle at halfway between the most perfect figment of his imagination ever and a reality he was still hard pressed to believe. Either way, Paris definitely looked good on her and that was to say the very least.

"Mr. Finch I think you are trying to spoil me" Izaak’s smile challenged her own as they were pressed mouth-to-mouth in yet another tender exchange of tonight. They were not something Izaak would tire of quickly though and after the months they had spent learning about and exploring one another, Isabella knew just how to work him. “Can’t a guy want to spend a little money on his girlfriend now and then?” The young man grinned wickedly and trickled his fingertips gently along the sweet curve of her waist. The truth was that he absolutely adored spoiling her and judging by the way he was gazing so faithfully at her excitement, that was exactly why.

However his expression faltered instantly as he caught sight of the severity of her expression. Izaak’s feet shuffled to an anxious halt and he stared wildly at Isabella as she brought his hand to her lips. Though as much as her expression had alarmed him, coupled with the words she spoke in soft assertion it did not seem as worrisome as he had initially thought. Isabella was right, she truly was always right and he’d do best not to kick up a fuss with her. “For us then, for right now.” Izaak smiled his words but her attention seemed to be directed elsewhere by now and he was not but to be a little curious.

The azure of his eyes zoned to what might very well be the next famous landmark, the Seine. Izaak had seen it depicted so many times before in movies, in television media, novels even. It seemed as if there was nothing quite so romantic. His intentions were clear and the same as hers but none quite so eager because the split second following she was darting between bouts of road rage so harsh that it made him literally flinch for her safety. But soon Izaak was laughing and chasing after his lover until he caught up with her a few strides later in the very center of the bridge. There was a fierce determination driven into the striking color of his eyes as he paced towards Isabella. Without warning he wrapped his arms around the body he knew almost as if it were the back of his own hand an hoisted her upwards in his grip.

There was just something so sexily romantic about having Isabella kiss him from a higher vantage point that if he weren’t so hungry he would have easily skipped dinner. Drowning in her taste, lost in the tiny moans that escaped them both, choked by her surprises, hungry for more. Death by Isabella, Izaak could think of no better way to go. “I-love-you.... And-I-want... I-need-you.” Breaks between the passion of their kisses was the only chance Izaak got to get a word in edgewise. He shifted her swiftly in his arms, picking up her legs and encouraging her to wrap them tight around his waist whilst his hands cradled the entire length of her beautifully smooth back.
Her hear beat wildly and loudly as she ran through the busy street, giggling with a rush of excitement. Turning her head every now and then to see if Izaak followed her, she knew of course that he would. Reaching the bridge she had looked straight ahead of her, down the length of the Seine and onto another bridge, further down was yet another. Paris was a beautiful network of architectural wonderment. As she stared she felt strong arms about her and turned to face him.

Instantly their mouths connected as if the adrenaline surge from racing through the streets of Paris had built up an insane hunger deep within for the other. The taste of him was heady, insatiable and she knew she wanted more. Would not be satisfied with being fobbed off with this appetizer. As if he were as delirious as she with their contact, he lifted her up effortlessly so her legs wrapped about his waist and her arms circled his neck tightly. His words had only ignited her further, a dangerous combination of love and lust under the starlit Parisian night.

"I love you too" hastily whispered against his lips as theirs momentarily broke apart, before she could say any more an elderly man laughingly warned them to get a room already. Isabella laughed as well leaning her head against Izaak's. Her dress as short as it was had ridden up enough for her to appear almost indecent whether pressed up against him or not. Unhooking her arms from his neck she blushed and wiggled until he released her enough to lower her. With feet once again safely on the ground she slipped her feet back into her shoes and smiled up at him. The blush still very evident on her honey toned skin.

Taking his hand and still beaming brightly she pointed out the bridges all down one side then turned around to point to the others.
"For my tenth birthday my grandfather told me that we needed to do something special to mark it, so at 5 o'clock in the morning we apparated to this very bridge to watch the sun rise then after that we headed to one of the early morning bakeries. There is nothing like fresh French croissants. We returned home to celebrate with my family and friends and then later that day, we returned to watch the sun set" she leaned her back against Izaak smiling with the memories of such a wonderful time, "Each birthday after that we returned to a different bridge and welcomed in my birthday with the sun rise and sun set. The last time I came here was for my fifteenth birthday, he passed away a few weeks after it. This is the first time since then that I have come to the bridges".

She turned in his arms, her gaze starting first at his perfect mouth as her fingers glided over his shoulders to rest on the muscles of his upper arms.
"I'll never forget this, thank you. I know it was unintentional you didn't know any of this but it means a lot to me, to be seeing all of this again with someone I care so much about."
There was nothing on planet Earth like the kisses Isabella sunk him into nor was there any he’d rather have at this point in time. It was as if amidst the confusion of his feelings for Alexis, Izaak had experienced a memory lapse of sorts and forgotten just how deliriously amazing she was. So amazing in fact that he was sure she could do far, far better than him. Not that he was dwelling on such a note with their mouths hungrily ravaging one another’s and their tongues intertwining in seductive combat. Bella had perfected dazing him with her affections to an art form, whether she knew it or not. Each deft touch was heavenly, the increasing tightness of her calves squeezing around his waist was weakening in anything but a physical sense and Izaak could feel himself begin to go under.

If it were not for the jesting interruption as the young couple were told to get a room, Izaak would have barely considered stopping. But he spared the elderly man a swift glance and a light-hearted snicker, before catching the blush that had risen along his girlfriend’s cheeks and laughing a little harder. It was not long before Izaak grew hot himself upon realising just how far the hem of her dress had snuck up her thighs. She would have been a sight that he wanted greedily all for himself but in their hotel room, not in the snooping eye of the public. Nonetheless, he loosened his embracing grip and allowed her to slide down from his arms with a sheepish grin flickering over his expression. An apology of some description was mumbled to Isabella as she slipped on her shoes but honestly, how could he help himself? Not that she wasn’t beautiful usually, but tonight with the Parisian lights aglow around her she was heartbreakingly so.

Izaak took her hand with an admirable smile and observed the wondrous excitement that radiated from her as she pointed out the similar bridges arching in front and behind them. Playing the innocent love card once again, Izaak took Isabella into his arms as she went to lean back against his sturdy frame and dusted his fingers over the silken green of her dress. If they ever grew up and got married, Izaak would be wring out every last cent to buy her a place in Paris for the Australian winter. The happiness that pooled from her here was immense, especially as she began to recount the story of her and her grandfather’s birthday routine and Izaak would love nothing more than to please her until his heart’s content. “You lucky thing,” he grinned brightly as she turned about in his arms. Izaak would have loved to have experienced family to that extent but had never been given the chance to, not with parents like his anyway.

“Just say when and I’ll take you Is. I never knew you loved it here this much.” He eyed her with a curious smile and reached out to sweetly brush a fallen bang from her forehead. In the slowest and sweetest manner he graced her forehead with a soft kiss before casting his azure eyes out over the city’s lights that shimmied quickly across the surface of the Seine. A ruffled sigh escaped him and he flicked his gaze back into the line of his girlfriend with yet another cutely sheepish smile. “Hate to be a homewrecker baby, but I’ve got dinner plans for us. Still feeling famished?” His palm smoothed playfully over her thin stomach, remembering in a painfully quick flash how it had not so long ago been full with the baby daughter he’d never gotten to meet.

She loved how his arms automatically draped about her, Bella could think of nowhere else she would be. How picture perfect was this moment, on a bridge over looking the Seine wrapped in Izaak Finch's arms. Crossing her own she held onto his, snuggled deep into the core of him as she watched the ripples across the water, the pools of light from varying street lamps dancing across them. When he spoke to her she looked at him curiously as she turned. It stayed with her a long time after the few infinitely lonesome words 'Lucky you'. She would question him about it of course because she wanted to know everything there was to know and then some.

"I haven't been back since then really, I guess it held too many happy memories that coming back alone without him would have been just too much but it's different now. I'm here with you and it feels so right" lowering her head just a fraction she grazed her lips across his. She would have been quite content to lose herself in the blue pools of his eyes just standing here but for once it would seem her beloved boyfriend had practical matters to attend too. She smiled at him.
"If I said I was famished for you" she quirked a perfectly shaped brow as another burst of laughter escaped her. It seemed so easy here, the two could relax as if at last they had found neutral territory. No past or bad history mingled into the Parisian landscape for either of them. A brief thought flitted through her, an image of the two in a cosy little flat right over a coffee shop overlooking the Seine. Every morning waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and Paris rolled into one, every morning waking up in his arms and feeling heaven and happiness combined.

"Dinner it is" she relented standing back and holding her hand out for him, "guide me where you will Mr. Finch".
If there was one thing that Izaak had had relentlessly been made aware of it was the fact that Isabella loved him and him only. The twenty year old didn’t know how it made sense for him to have the such faithful love of a beautiful young woman. She was just so sweet and wholesome, and he had honestly felt bipolar lately. Going from not knowing who or what he wanted so grabbing a taste of everyone and then becoming hung up over her in the next instance. Yes, it had been months since he had kissed or even really thought about anyone but her, Alexis aside from the latter of course but still he felt so damned lucky for everything she brought him. And right now Izaak honestly could not have wanted something more than he did to spend day in and day out just basking in her company.

His sisters aside, Izaak had no clue how having a family felt, one that loved you unconditionally that is. One that loved you, period. Not that he cared about his family anyway though, they were snooty low-lives by day and death eaters by night. But he would have been ecstatic to share the kind of place Isabella was describing with someone like that. The brush of her lips along his own distracted Izaak from his pensive state and caused a small smile to float over his expression. “Good, I’d be a little worried if it didn’t.” He smiled edgily, playfully this time around placed an adoring kiss against the corner of her eye.

"If I said I was famished for you" Izaak arched his brows at her, silently questioning her seriousness. She was his weakness, he was sure Isabella knew that. So if she said that she was famished for him, Izaak would waste no time leading her back to the hotel room and ordering room service if they truly did get starving. At the turn of this sentence, if she’d told him to jump then he would have asked how high. But then a bout of laughter tumbled from her lips and Izaak felt himself begin to burn up, again! ‘Guy blushing’ as it had so affectionately been called. But then he found himself chuckling too and shaking his head at his lover. “Dinner, right. This way.” Still a little flustered, and he honestly did not know why, Izaak took his girlfriend’s hand and nodded back in the way that they had come from. There were many a loving smile that he cast over at her as they strolled side by side and many times that he purposefully bumped their hips together in nothing but his affection for her. Izaak barely noticed the other couples that passed whilst so caught up in Isabella but there was no denying that if there were to be any object of envy along the sidewalk that they would be it. Izaak fastened his lips to her ear and whispered so softly and so closely that his tongue flicked against the warm skin, “I hope you’re in the mood for extravagance baby.”
Hand in hand they began to walk, a little further down the road where their futures lay. She hoped those futures were entwined as they were. The brief journey was peppered with their giggles and smiles, Bella spoke animatedly about her grandparents but on her fathers side. She did not speak of her mothers family or her Veela side at all. Why mar such a wonderful evening with even thoughts of them. Her upbringing may have seemed idealic but that had only been a brief part. Her paternal grandfather had been a beacon to her but they only visited every few months, the tempers that flared in the home of a veela family was not always the most pleasant places to be and her mother had refused to allow Bella to go stay with them for fear she would get angry about something. How would it look to have her sprout her wings even in front of those she loved?

Their hips bumped off of one another, as yet another chuckle escaped her. This entire evening was simply beautiful. Her fingers gently squeezed his as he whispered softly in her ear. A groan of pleasure, she loved the feel of his breath on her neck, against her ear. Her lips parted slightly, a tiny gasp as his tongue made contact with her skin. Shivers raced up her spine and if she looked closely she knew she would see goosebumps of his creation along her arms. He had a devastating effect on her, had such control with barely the slightest of touches that it often scared her. Children loved unconditionally, she knew this. Adults never usually did because they knew the world and all it's harshness, knew what human beings were capable of and often held back, placing compromises and conditions on an emotion that knew no bounds or limitations. Isabella knew one thing for a fact, she was irrevocably and unconditionally in love with Izaak Finch. He was her morning sun and inconstant moon, he was her rain and shine. All that could make her happy and all that could make her so utterly sad and she would not change any of it or him.

"Extravagance?" she was puzzled now as she looked at him, "you haven't gone to much trouble have you?"surely he knew by now that once he was with her, they could eat from brown paper bags and it would feel like the poshest of restuarants.
Isabella’s sheer presence mingled with the path their steps were taking introduced Izaak to a kind of glamorous comfort he had not even know existed until this very night. It would not have been him who would have guessed that he would be strolling through Paris’ imminent class with his lover on his arm as she bubbled away about her extended family. And as he listened, happily intrigued by her stories, Izaak felt the familiarity of her words as a reminder that whilst this night may seem like a fantastical dream, it was in fact so wonderfully real.

It was a struggle to contain his grinning smile as a pleasured moan rose from within Isabella and a string of shivers convulsed down her back. These barely there touches of his had always had an unproportional amount of power over her and Izaak loved this sort of exchange almost as much as he loved the entire nights that they spent together. A gentle thumb stroked soothingly over the back of her hand as if trying to comfort the hype he had instigated. Tonight made it clearer than ever that he and Bella were such a dynamic match, they merely made sense and technically they had ever since Cassie’s conception. On the other hand, of course, was Alexis and the sense they made together but they had proven to each other by now that his beliefs in her as his one and only and her persistent loyalty was not enough anymore, nor would it ever be again. Izaak was dwelling little, if at all really, on that mess though tonight. Tonight in this beautiful city was for Isabella and Isabella only. Nothing and no one else mattered.

For her concern over the trouble he had put into making tonight special, Izaak returned her with a playful roll of his glinting blue eyes. The known fact between them that they could do anything together and it would feel like a million dollars was cornily true. But they could eat greasy chips out of a paper cup any old day, tonight they were in Paris! And Izaak was pulling out all stops whether she liked it or not, clearly assuming that she’d get over the latter if it were the case. “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Izaak grinned cheekily and tossed her a teasing wink as they continued walking both forward and against one another. But Isabella would not have to wait long as they were soon soaked in a light of warms hues. The restaurant seemed to rise grandly before them through the tall glass windows, donned with crimson hanging, gold trimmings and extravagant chandeliers. He had to keep a chuckle under wraps as he glanced down at his girlfriend, because this was not even the tip of the iceberg.

With all the politeness of a gentleman, Izaak kissed his girlfriend’s cheek and held open the door to allow her to take the first step inside the glamorously romantic restaurant. The chink of wine glasses, the delicious smells of French cooking and the sight of all the loving couples seated at the white sheeted tables; it was all overwhelmingly magnificent, even to Izaak who had known at least to some degree what he was in for. Once again his thumb began to caress her hand as a waited stood to greet them nearby the door, asking in broken English if they had a reservation. The twenty year old nodded and shuffled in closer so that he could mutter something to him out of Isabella’s earshot. His incoherent words were returned by the waiter with a secretive smile to the beautiful blonde and a nod towards Izaak. And then, without so much as a single word, the young couple were led to the back of the restaurant, out of the main dining area and up a couple of flights of stairs. The azure-eyed boy held Isabella close all the while, grinning down at what must have been a look of bewilderment on her angelic features.

At the top of the staircase was a door, one that the waiter swept open with yet another almost excited smile. Izaak thanked him quietly before directing the entirety of his attention on his gorgeous girlfriend. “Surprise baby doll,” he spoke lowly with a sly smile and lifted her delicate hand to kiss it graciously. Now taking both her hands in his own, Izaak shifted a few steps backwards through the frame of the door and into the Parisian night once more. But this time it was from an entirely new perspective, now they were on the rooftop amongst an upper class sort of al fresco dining that they currently had all to themselves. A table had been prepared for them, complete with a lit candelabra and a bottle of champagne but Izaak did not even spare it a glance. He found himself physically unable to pull his gaze away from the silverly gray of his lover’s.
It seemed inevitable in a city full of magnificent restaurants that they would of course find their way to one. It looked much the same as all the others, expensive and grand but she didn't say so of course. Listening to her beloved speaking to the man who seemed intent on beaming her the most ludicrous of smiles, Bella did not know if she should be in fear for his sanity or her life. She was prepared to have them sit anywhere really so when they were ushered to the rear of the restaurant, Bella turned perplexed to Izaak. His blue eyes met hers but he merely looked as if he had a secret that would not be told, yet. She smiled at him looking about her as she did so, not minding that they were so close together and receiving inquisitive glances from the other customers.

At the back of the restuarant was a stair case which the waiter led them up, still she followed speechless as surely there was no seating up this high. A door opened which led them outside to the roof top and Izaak was whispering to her. Her hands flew to her mouth to hide her surprise but of course it was so evident on her face. Blinking back tears of wonderment she turned to face him.
"You did all of this?" again she looked about her as Izaak took her hands in his, looking back at him she smiled unable to say anything coherent for some moments. Yet she truly knew she did not need too. Her eyes were looking into his, as her heart and soul were.
"Thank you" she broke the small distance between them and while still holding hands leaned her face close to his and kissed him with such infinite softness it felt like the wings of a fairy flitting past.
"I love you so much" she didn't want to break from the kiss but had wanted to tell him once more, adding it to the long list of times she had already informed him of this fact. This undeniable and unconditional fact.

{sorry for long delay and lameness :( }
It could have very well have been the abundance of light around them; the street lamps, the candles, the stars, the moon, that brought a particular glisten to his girlfriend’s eyes. But despite the brilliance that was the lights of Paris, Izaak could not help but drift modestly towards the possibility that this was the happiness he wrought in her. He stared in delight at her expression, glad that she had been so unsuspecting, that he had gotten the chance to sweep her off her feet. It mattered not in that moment all the hurt of their past, of Alexis, of their baby daughter. Paris was theirs tonight and it would be forever in their memories. “Yep. While you’ve been slaving away on kitchen duty.” Izaak sniggered as she questioned his plans but flashed a proud grin for having organised it all in absolute secrecy.

A pleasing hum vibrated through his lips at Isabella’s thank you, initially set to be a ‘you’re welcome’ but thinking better of it as he heeded her lips drawing close. The sensation of her feathered kiss pleased Izaak to no end as he drowned there on that Parisian rooftop beneath the height of her charm. The gentle touch she possessed went so closely hand in hand with her sweet nature that it seemed uncanny. "I love you so much" Izaak cast another smile towards her angelic features and pressed their mouths together momentarily. There was no denying the depths of his feelings any longer as his lips ghosted across the yielding warmth of her cheek. It was a known fact to all that had experienced it that to love and to be in love were two very different things. Isabella, Izaak was aware, knew this like she did the lines of her palm. So when he caressed her ear with his warm breaths and gentle lips to speak, “I’m in love with you Is”, she would realise just the extent of his feelings. It was a far cry from their unsteady beginnings and his many encounters with puckering girls. But, excluding Alexis and the flame he would always have for her, his azure eyes were set firmly on one girl now and happily so.

so sorry, so tired.
When you have loved someone for so very long and have acclimatized your heart to accepting a love in return from that person of a secondary nature to your own, it comes as a shock to discover that with the passage of time love grows. Isabella knew that better than most that love was unpredictable, a force to be reckoned with. A power far greater than any she had ever learnt about in magic school, though she was vaguely aware that there was one lesson that had touched upon it. Izaak Finch had fallen in love before, twice before in her mind to some girl he had brought to Bondi and to Alexis. She knew Alexis had fallen in love with two men at once, something she had apparently not planned for but it had happened. How utterly strange love was, the heart truly wanted what it wanted and now he was standing here enveloping her in those strong warm arms that she loved so much, confessing that he was 'in-love' with her. With her Isabella Ormonde.

She took a step back from him and stared up into his eyes, the silver grey irises finding the soul she had come to shelter in within the depths of his azure orbs and she knew. Stifling a sob but unable to stop her eyes from filling with tears, she flung her arms about his neck and held him so close. Her head resting on his shoulder inhaling his wondrous scent, an aroma of Parisian night air and Izaak was a heady aphrodisiac. Turning her face she began to leave a trail of butterfly kisses along his neck and up to his jawline, up his cheek and over both eyes, along the bridge of his nose and finally coming to rest before his perfect mouth. A smile before a small bubble of laughter escaped her. Pressing her forehead against his she closed her eyes. They were words any woman madly, truly deeply in love with her man wanted so badly to hear, but she had never forced them. Had never expected them, that was the biggest surprise of the entire day so far and she loved him all the more for it.

Finally opening her eyes and looking up once more into his, she smiled.
"What did I ever do to deserver you?" as if to break such a solemn and beautiful moment, her stomach chose then to growl auspiciously and she laughed. There was nothing else she could do, the world had put itself to rights in her mind. She had the love of the man she loved, nothing else would ever matter again.
A grin so wide that it challenged the Chesire cat’s had already been plastered to his expression once Isabella had cast her light-catcher grey eyes up to the stirring blue of his own. The tears that sparkled within them was evident, the ecstasy on her features was contagious as he welcomed her back into his arms with a pleasured sigh. Izaak had planned the night down to every last candleholder but a confession that sincere had not been on the agenda, nor would it have had quite the same effect if it were. But it had felt so fitting all the same, it had felt right.

Izaak held his girlfriend fast against his body whilst her lips made a sweet trail over his face. Hums, moans and tiny gasps escaped him at the spots she hit which flooded goosebumps over his bronzed skin. Though even still it was a struggle not to sweep her off her feet, literally this time, and douse her face with his own adoring kisses. “Is... Isabella...” He breathed against her affections, experimenting with the way that her name rolled deeply off of his tongue. It had such a quality of magic about the way in which he spoke it that it might just as well have been an incantation. Snorting a smiling laugh through his nose as she giggled away, Izaak took extra care in kissing twice the corner of her mouth. A reassurance, a thanks, a wonderment.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" With brows arched in surprise, Izaak stared incredulously at Isabella as if she had suddenly sprouted another head. She had experience so many hurtful memories and battled through agonising situations solely because of himself. Their drunken night together almost a year ago to the date, the prospect of becoming a single mother, his loyalties to Alexis, Cassie’s miscarriage, his and Alexis’ fight- why hadn’t she taken the high road out of his love yet? Why on earth was she still standing here before him? “You’ve done way too much Is, you’re crazy, you’re amazing and I’m not deserving enough but I love you.” He smiled against her cheek and began to flick his tongue against her ear with more secretive whispers when her stomach growled to protest it’s emptiness. A hearty chuckle rose from within Izaak and he pressed a kiss to her jawline, her upper chest and then leant as far as he could over to grace her stomach with a kiss. “Alright gutso, point made.” Izaak grinned as he led Isabella over to the table for two, waiting until she was settled in her seat until he sat down in his own. “We going full course or not?” He asked with a suggestive glint in the azure of his irises because both of them knew exactly how the extra courses would be spent should they opt out.
How his words caused so much tumult inside her she would never know, every whispered syllable against her ear left her breathless and yearning for him though this was not unusual at all. She knew with certainty that she would yearn for him until the day she died.
"I haven't done anything" she whispered back, her hands trailing across his chest as she chuckled lightly. Perhaps she was crazy but it was only crazy and madly in love with him. The sensations his tongue against her ear caused would most certainly have had her dragging him to the very floor of the rooftop had her stomach's insistent but very ladylike growling not saved her from herself. The effect he had on her brought her so close to questioning her own sanity time and again. Was love supposed to be this amazing? This crazy?

A sigh escaped her as his lips kissed her jawline, her fingers curled tightly on his shoulders as his head lowered to her upper chest. Every inch of her bar her stomach wanted him, needed him. Tilting her head back wishing he would not stop, would simply ignore the silly noises her offending tummy made she could only laugh uproariously when romance and passion were flung aside as he spoke to her stomach. Her hand in his as he led her to the table, Isabella felt indecently flushed. She was hungry and there was no mistaking that but she was now completely and utterly ravenous for Izaak as well. There was no possible way she could be expected to sit down through three or four different courses when the only course she wanted was all of him.

Resting her hands on top of the table attempting to be as calm and collected as she possibly could be, she felt every nerve end quiver as he sat down. Relief flooded her at his suggestion and she could happily have pushed the table aside then and there just to kiss him for suggesting it.
"I think perhaps skip straight to the main course and have desert in that hotel room you were telling me about earlier" she smiled at him, the smile grew wide and she had to lower her face a little to save the blush that peeked her honey skin to a peachy shade. When at last she looked back at him again her silver eyes were quite literally sparkling and she realized that she wasn't even going to make it through a main course, "perhaps maybe a starter instead?"she offered.
It had not been his intentions yet Izaak knew he had gone above and beyond in flustering her as his azure eyes caught a glimpse of her blushing expression from across the table. A grin, one that gleamed in the low light of the candles, hitched onto his lips and rode his expression. Sly and knowledgeable. Izaak was sure he knew exactly what Isabella was thinking, just for the fact that he was thinking it too. Many a time before he had yearned for her; desired her mouth against his own, longed for her gentle fingers across his torso, pined for every inch of her pressed up against him. But his ache for Isabella had risen to extremities tonight in this crazed romantic city. “Dessert, eh?” There was an entire compilation of responses, some corny and some wildly inappropriate, lingering on the tip of his tongue as she put forth her suggestion. Instead he simply mused with an underlying, suggestive tone to his curious voice.

"perhaps maybe a starter instead?" Before he was given the chance to respond the waiter hindered the couple’s view of one another and poured them each a glass of the champagne that had been bucketed at the side of the table, Isabella first and then Izaak. The young man showed no sign of his eagerness for their privacy back, save for the shoe that he was drumming against his girlfriend’s stiletto heel beneath the table. Passing an appreciative smile to the waiter who spoke in broken English just to call when they were ready to order, Izaak winked wickedly at Isabella as he turned away. “Eager, are we?” His tones were teasing as he held his tongue between his teeth in an amused snicker. But then, making sure that Is saw as he did so, Izaak gently mouthed the words “I love you” to her.

It was an effort to read the menu he had slid between his lean fingers through the glances he kept sneaking at his girlfriend, distracted by the way the silver in her irises was positively sparkling. It made it seem as if she was standing on top of the world. And if she was, he was right there by her side. Clearing his throat of the silence she had rendered in him, Izaak spoke up as he busied himself in the menu once more. “What d’you feel like?”
Music from the street below flowed upwards, a light romantic jazz tune off set by the seductive streams of a saxophone. Stars twinkled overhead and the crescent shape of the silvery moon cast it's etheral glow about them. Fairy lights strewn about the edges of the rooftop, across wooden trellis's festooned with seasonal flowers. The scene was all so perfect as she looked across the candle lit table at him, she could feel his shoe brush against hers before it began a gentle tapping against her heel. Lowering her head as if perusing the menu she very carefully slipped her graceful foot from the shoe and reaching it across slowly trailed it up his calf to his knee. With tender movements she caressed his leg with the tips of her toes hiding her beaming yet wickedly delighted smile behind her menu. Unable to resist peaking over the rim she nodded.

"Very eager" she whispered before she too mouthed the words to equal his own. Reaching her hand across she picked up the glass of champagne and raised it slowly holding his gaze fast and sure.
"To us?" she smiled before taking a sip, enjoying the sensation of bubbles tickling her nose. His question threw her and looking at him once more when she had attempted to get herself under some sort of control, Isabella knew exactly what she wanted.

Her foot moved infinitely closer, trailing dangerously up his inner thigh. No more smiles as time seemed now to stand still save for the two of them.
"You know exactly what I feel like" she told him, but tearing her gaze to the menu she exhaled visibly. Making a grand theatric production of it to emphasise for his benefit just how she was feeling. Moving her foot very slowly she slipped it back into her shoe, attempting to hide another beaming grin again as she continued to scan a menu she had truly barely looked at.
"I will behave I promise" casting him a mischievous wink assuring him she had no intention of behaving herself tonight, Isabella closed the menu and laid it on the table, "I'll have whatever you're having".
The gentle caress of her toes running along the length of his leg was bearable by Izaak’s standards. If Isabella had kept to his knee like she had been doing he would have carried on chewing feverishly on his lower lip and making dismal attempts to distract himself from her touch. But once he had downed a mouthful of bubbly to honour themselves as a couple, her lovely toes had suddenly found themselves against his inner thigh. Izaak chomped down forcefully on the flesh of his lip and inhaled sharply as a sudden pull of lust struck him square in the chest. It was by the most unfortunate circumstances that he had been swallowing the remains of his mouthful and the alcohol was sucked down his windpipe. Coughing and spluttering, lusting and loving, Izaak eventually came to from his frantic reaction. He must have been an amusing sight. And it was all Isabella’s fault. But Izaak loved it, this little tempting of desire.

“Save me for dessert.” He chuckled softly to Is from across the table, tracing a forefinger along the inner blade of her foot as she slipped it presumably back into her shoe. But just when he thought that his rations of control had been gathered from the scattering Isabella had wreaked upon them, they were lost again at the suggestive wink she passed him. If she was like this here in a restaurant then Izaak could do little else but anticipate in awe the night ahead. A strained groan escaped him and he coarsely raked his fingers through his fringe, wishing that hunger wasn’t a necessity that needed to be fulfilled. “Keep it up Is and I’ll have drag you under the table.” He laughed in a playful warning, trusting that she wouldn’t take him seriously. A beach was one thing, a restaurant was on an entirely different scale.

Feeling as though his girlfriend honestly didn’t care what she consumed whilst she was this hung up on desire, Izaak ordered a pasta dish for each of them. Not remembering what it contained and not bothered by it himself really. Instead he poured some more champagne and took a sip to suddenly find himself staring fixatedly at her captivating beauty. “Your Veela charm...” Izaak mused tentatively, knowing that her blood had never been something she had particular enjoyed the idea of. But he was curious all the same. “Can you turn it on and off, figuratively speaking that is?” There was no doubt in Izaak’s mind that he was in love with Isabella, not her Veela blood though and he communicated this by reaching for her hand and smoothing his palm across it slowly.
She blushed at first when he began to splutter uncontrollably, it was after all her fault entirely. Her hand instantly moved to hide the wide grin and to prevent the bubble of laughter that was building, as her beloved boyfriend coughed and spluttered. Giggling into her open palm she averted her gaze from him for just a moment. If he had only let her control herself once more all would have been well but he offered himself up as her dessert and Bella's eyes widened, her hand slowly slipped away from her face and staring at him with piercing silver grey orbs she knew in a heart beat that she would devour him completely. There would be nothing left of him, the imagery of her own wayward thoughts sent a shiver through her. She bit her lip and cast her eyes down to the table, her slender long fingers rearranging cutlery that did not need to be rearranged.

She had not thought her wink had been all that but Izaak threatening to drag her under the table caused her to laugh outrageously again.
"You wouldn't dare Mr. Finch" she said mutinously, her perfect lips forming a decadent pout. The soft lightening about them causing the gloss of her lips to shimmer more. Of all things that had to be brought up at the table, Izaak chose the one thing she hated discussing, hated speaking about. Her Veela-ness as she termed it. Shaking her head slowly she whispered audibly enough for him to hear.
"No" the waiter had kept his gaze firmly fixated on her when he had been pouring the champagne, Bella was so used to it now but she wondered was this why Izaak was bringing it up. He was around her so regularly that he was practically immune to her veela charms unless he was away from her for a serious length of time.

"I do have a switch though, just below my ... shoulder blades. Did you want to turn me off or ... turn me on Izaak?" she bit her lower lip as she gazed at him across their table. The distance seeming much to great for her.
A wicked grin arched across his lips as she told him that he wouldn’t dare drag her beneath the table. Izaak wriggled his eyebrows to suggest otherwise but naturally it was all in good humour. Whenever he was with Isabella the limitations he had placed upon public displays of affection loosened greatly, if not entirely disappeared. But taking her under a table was plain stupid; even through his lovestruck gaze that had settled noticeably upon her pouted lips Izaak could see that.

Whatever intention he had had to bring her ‘veela-ness’ into conversation, Izaak regretted it now. She hated her blood, he had know that from the very first day that he had met her. So why now? "No", came the audible whisper and Izaak nodded slowly in return as if chewing down her answer and attempting to digest it when really all he was thinking about was how to swing the conversation back to where it had been. Veela or not, Izaak loved her and he wouldn’t want her to think any other way.

Isabella’s voice rang out from across the table, as clear as crystal in his ears. But it was her words that caused him to shudder internally, to tempt him to rise from his seat. That and those perfectly glossed lips she bit down on shyly or suggestively, Izaak barely had the time to distinguish. For he was behind her chair in a matter of moments, swivelling her body gently so that he could reach his target. Her smell was intoxicating him now, drawing him into a point of no return and he dropped to his knees. Slow, smooth and audacious were his lips as they kissed Isabella beneath her shoulder blade, just like she had mentioned. His large palms were flat against the honey skin that the dress revealed as Izaak began to kiss the back of her neck. Though sure enough and soon enough they were against her shoulder blades, massaging them firmly as his thumbs made work of digging gently beneath them. “On...” He murmured through his sucking kisses. Izaak found it more of an effort then to press his lips against her ear and whisper, “Am I doing it right?”

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