Jade Rousseau needs friends O: or anyone

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Jade Rousseau

OOC First Name
Jade's an 11 year old, 1st year Ravenclaw. She was born in Paris, France and is both fluent in French and English (though her English has a bit of a French tint to it). She's a half blood, mother-witch, father-muggle.

She's pretty social, but at the moment she has a problem with being nervous--it's not usually like her. She's very musical and artistic. Plays the piano and loves to draw. Oh and she loves to read too.

She's extremely new and needs anyone really to start her off. Friends, enemies, anyone. I'm thinking of starting this after she leaves the Ravenclaw common room and when she goes to the lake. =) Suggestions?
Tara, she is a first year puff. she also loves art and likes the lakefront. she is very nice. if you want more info see her CD in the siggy.
I have Nicole Crysin, a first year like you and is at Hufflepuff. She's very smart and knows all about facts and everything, Nicole also knows to write, read and speak on four languages excluding English (Russian, Italian, Spanish, and Arabic). Besides being smart, Nicole is very friendly and a bit shy to new people but when she knows you worth it, Nicole will start being talkative like she was never been shy.

I can still offer someone if you don't like her :)
Hey, I have my firstie Gryffy Shiloh.

Her Bio is here
Hey I have a first year Gryffindor too, who is very lonely I might add :(

Her name is Grace and is quite proper and feminine but not a girly girl, she plays the Violin and loves all art, im sure she could help you girl with nerves since she is a confident person who never gives up and does not hide her opinion, she can be a little rude but never means it, she is a tad scared of muggle borns though, because she grew up on an island with her parents and Nanny so yeah she had never met a muggle born she was only told about them and the image in her head isn’t a pretty one :p she can speak Italian, French and English fluently, she can even hide her slight English/Italian accent too ;)

So how about it? :D

If not then I can show you my second year Gryffy :p or you can wait for Speedy here xD
I have Sara, who you just Met i think in the dorm and you asked to be her and Cierras roomate- I thimk they could be good friends- Sara can speak a little french and she is a loyal friend and is quite funny, but can be argumentative, but mostly with people she doesn't like.
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