Jacqueline and Raziel

Jacqueline Styx

Transfig Professor // Scitorari Leader
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Jacqueline woke up to the sun shining and the birds chirpping. Her sleep had been peaceful and calm which was unusual for her. Jac rarely slept through the night. Her bed had been soft as feathers. She smiled happily as she stretched her arms out and yawned. A small giggle escaped her lips. She couldnt believe how lucky her life had become. Jacqueline was with Raziel now. It couldnt get any better than that could it?

Jac got up out of her bed and looked around the room. Last night, the house elves had brought her clean night clothes. This morning she found her dress hanging on the outside of the dresser. She looked around and found a set of muggle clothes that looked like they would fit her on the counter in the connecting bathroom. Jacqueline grimace slightly. She would have to get used to these clothes now that she was with Raziel.

Jacqueline showered in a nice marble shower with hot steaming water. She felt refreshed as she finished her shower. She dried herself and put on her muggle clothes. Jacqueline checked herself in the mirror. She looked attractive enough. Her bare feet padded across the floor as she went to the main door. She opened it quietly and peeked out into the hallway. She had no idea where to go...
raziel had just left the kitchen with his tray ofbreakfast that he had made for him and jac to eat. He had the house elves set a table out back in the garden so that he and jac could get a little fresh air as they ate breakfast. Raziel knocked on Jac's door and awaited a reply.
Jacqueline smiled as she opened the door. It was Raziel. "Good morning." she said to him. She stretched up on her tip toes and gave him a light kiss. Jac was happy to see him and pleased that everything had turned out alright the night before.
"Good moring to you too!" Raziel said after recieving a lovely kiss, " I thought you may be hungry so I cooked us breakfast and it is out back on the Veranda. " Raziel said with a smile.
Jacqueline grinned at him. This grin was reserved for him alone. It was a smile of true happiness. "Well you thought right. Breakfast sounds lovely." she told him.
Raziel smiled back and then held out his hand in hopes that she would take it like she did the night before. " So how did you sleep?" Raziel asked merrily.
Jacqueline smiled as he offered her hand. SHe twined her fingers with his before they started walking down the hallway. "I slept wonderfully. It was so peaceful and calm." she answered. it was unlike the sleep at her house where she was constantly having to be on call for her family and the Death Eaters. "What about yourself?" she asked happily.
" I sleep lightly and very rarely through the night. " Raziel said a little sadden, Since he was little he could never sleep due to his gift and his visions.
Jacqueline didnt understand. "Why do you get so little sleep?" she asked.
"My dreams Haunt me to often when I sleep, the visions happen and I find tha I lose myself in those dreams and fall victim to obseesion. I feel that I must know more about them and why I see certain thing but I don't indulge in that obsession" Raziel said as his eyes stared off in the distance as if he was lost in thought. Raziel knitted his forhead and closed his eyes hoping that he could find peace.
Jacqueline's heart pained her to see him so upset. She understood now why he couldnt sleep. Jac was glad she had not been giving the gift of visions, it seemed they were not always such a gift. She wondered what kinds of things Raziel saw. Jacqueline wrapped her arms around him, in an attempt to comfort him.
Raziel hugged the woman tight and held her for a moment, raziel never told anyone about his restless nights but he seemed to be unable to control himself around jac and he felt comfortable talking to her. He let go of her and reached for her hands where he placed a sole kiss and gave her a half smile.

"Well dont worry your head about me, i still have a wonderful breakfast for you and it is waiting for use" Raziel said as he approached the doors that let out back.
Jacqueline sighed as he held her. When they were together, she felt whole. Jac could let down all the guards she kept up everywhere else. She smiled as he pulled away and kissed her hand. She was hungry now that he brought that up again. She pushed open the door in front of her and walked outside. Raziel had a wonderful table set up. Jac smiled and clapped her hands in delight. "Raziel this is amazing! How long have you been up preparing this?" she asked.
Raziel took a deep breath as he step out onto the back porch, when he exhaled he looked across the ground and smile. Intricate pathes wove amongst millions of flowers and small ponds. Weeping willows swayed with the wind as the bird flew peacefully overhead. There standing beside him was the most beautiful creature to ever set foot on the earth. The wind blew through the air and wafted her perfume up and raziel took in the scent of his beautiful friend. He was so lost in his sense that he almost did not catch jacs question.

" I have been up for a few hours, but I started this after my morning work out." Raziel said as he pulled the girls chair out for her. Raziel had been getting up every morning to work out his feelings about the visions he has and his nightmare. He would often loose himself in his regiment that he often forgot when to call it quits. His father showed him everything he knew about martial arts and meditation, which he taught Raziel so that he could better not only his physical self but also his mental.

Raziel did not know what jac liked so he made a little bit of every food group so as to give her a variety." Today we have scrambbled eggs, with bell pepper, onions and cheese cooked into them. Next we have a bagels and tosted with what ever you want to put on them. Also so fresh fruit sliced for your satisifaction. And coffee or juice to drink." Raziel said as he uncoverred the food. "Please help yourself." Raziel added.

"SO how is business at your store going these days" raziel asked
Jacqueline did not notice his delayed response to her question. She had completely let down her guard that shielded her from people. She had total confidence in Raziel that he would not harm her. If anything he would make her safer. She smiled warmly at him as he pulled out her chair. She sat in the seat.

Jac listened as Raziel explained that he had already been up and worked out before he even began to make breakfast. She was extremely impressed he could cook. There was something romantic in that ability. She watched curiously as he explained what all he had prepared for them. Jacqueline first reached for the eggs and fruit. She taste each and sighed. "These are amazing." she said smiling at Raziel. Then she answered his question. "Business is slow. There seems to be very few people coming in each week. Its alright though. My family has so much accumulated weath that there is really no need for the shop. Its mostly just a hobby." she admitted.
"I see, I am so glad you are enjoying your meal." Raziel said with a smile. "So do you own a home in new zealand then? "Raziel said taking some eggs and fruit also.
Jacqueline smiled as she took another bite of her eggs. "Yes I do. Its on the other side of the island. Its on a cliff by the sea. Its really secluded from any traffic." she said with a smile.

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