I've told you I left my heart in Paris

Maybelle Grimm

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
It had been a while since Maybelle got time to go back to Paris, beside that she was busy with quidditch, the work in the ministry was getting busy and busier each day. New victims, new targets each day and because of this, the young girl was exhausted. Last time, she ended up in a pub in Paris and someone awkward stopped her from hurting her own friend. Yes, she pointed her wand at him while she was drunk, luckily he stopped her. This was a public humiliation, but luckily he covered her up and no one knew what really happened. No, this wont happen twice. Or would it? The girl sighed as she remembered what happened. Yes, she had learnt her lesson and she wont do the same mistake twice, no one had to know, no one.

As the winter breeze travelled around Paris, Maybelle walk toward the lamp post beside the bench, sipping on her hot tea and smiled as she smelled the aroma of it. She was actually on a break, she wanted to get out of her busy life for a while. After all she didn't want to end up like the mad woman who lived across her, that woman worked for 24 hours and she ended up looking like a lunatic. She took a few steps away as she walk toward the crowds, feeling the snow falling. It was cold but Belle was used to it, after all she had to suffer wearing a torn up clothes because of her transformation from a werewolf to a human every full moon. She shook her head and glanced to her side seeing a familiar girl, that girl definitely looked like a classmate of hers back in Beauxbaton, but who was she? As she continued walking, she accidentally bumped on a stranger, spilling the tea to her clothes and probably the stranger too. "Dear Merlin, I'm so sorry" She said, bowing and quickly took out her handkerchief offering it to the stranger. "I'm so sorry" Yes, she was embarrassed that was the reason why she started blushing.
Winter had set in, and the cool breeze that carelessly drifted through the streets gave one chills and sivers, and yet Paris had never looked so beautiful. With a three-quarter moon shining off the towns lake, and the light coat of snow on the ground, this town looked stunning to Demyx as he strolled through the streets. People were scurrying offto get to their destinations, most of which meant getting out of the cold but Dem enjoyed the cool breeze.

He sighed as he walked through the main street of the town. He could see a large clearing with a fountain at its centre a little ahead, and that was his destination. He had left London early yesterday, supposedly to track down a Death Eater, but he had needed to get away from work, and the loneliness, and just have a day or two to himself. Since arriving in this town he had done a little exploring, but had left the main part of his endeavour until night, when most of the activities went on.

Now, as he reached the clearing, he truly was stunned. The place looked wonderful, and as he walked and took in the sights, he didnt notice the woman coming towards him. As he bumped into her he snapped back to awareness, and just managed to avoid the main spill of the tea. "Oh, im sorry... I didnt see you there." he said, drawing his wand. He waved it over the wet patches on the womans clothes, and watched them dry. When he was happy with his work he pocketed his wand and looked up at the woman. She was cute."Im Demyx, Demyx Demon Bane." he introduced himself, holding out his hand.
Before Maybelle could take out her own wand to clean herself, the man in front of her did it. She smiled and thanked him as she threw the cup to the bin beside her. "Thank you" She said and put her wand back in her pocket. Actually she wasn't expecting the man to introduce himself after all she was a complete stranger and actually it was her fault, he could have yelled at her because she was clumsy and she did something stupid. "Demyx.... Bane... Bane... Bane..." She said as she placed a finger on her chin, tapping it trying to remember who he was. He did looked familiar, she definitely had seen him somewhere in the office. If it wasn't him then it was probably someone else who looked like him. "You do look familiar" She said not meaning to be rude.

Of course Belle had to introduce herself to him, so she smiled as she shook Demyx's hand before introducing herself. "I'm Maybelle Starr" She said and let go after shaking his hand. It was always a pleasure for Belle to meet someone new, especially if that person was nice as well. Lately she had been meeting people who were bloodthirsty. "I'm so sorry of what happened" She felt guilty, Belle had never hurt anyone except if it was her duty to lock someone up then she had to be able to catch them even if they had a family. "What about if I treat you for lunch?" To show him that she was truly sorry. She felt bad and she felt as if she did a huge mistake.
Demyx chuckled as she said his name. Most people tended to get it wrong, but it didnt bother him so much anymore. "Demon Bane. I dont have a middle name, and whichever of my cursed ancestors decided not to hyphon the Demon Bane has been a constant pain." he explained. He didnt quite get it either. He had tried making it just BAne but it had never sounded right. He had infact seen this woman before, now that he studied her. It seemed he was destined to meet only Ministry women these days. "Im an Auror. I believe ive seen you at work." He said, giving her a crooked smile, half amusing himself. Why was it that he just couldnt seem to get away from work.

He waved a hand in the air, dismissing the apology. "No need to apologise, i wasnt watching where i was walking, and i was bound to walk into someone, at least its someone familiar." he grinned. He looked around the toen square and spotted a diner. "No, i think i'll treate you to lunch, seeming as you've saved me from being a loner all day." he said, directing her to the diner.
Just as Maybelle thought, she had seen the man somewhere. Well he was an auror and Belle worked with them most of the time or at least she talked to them knowing that their office weren't too far from each other. "I'm one of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad" Their job weren't much different only Auror were more much more elite and harder to be one. "I wanted to be an Auror, sadly..." She paused, she didn't want to continue the next word because then Demyx would ask her why she was rejected and she had to tell him that she was cursed, was bitten by a werewolf and she was one. "Nevermind" She shook her head and forced herself to smile even though she was upset. Well of course, being and auror was a dream of hers but she didn't make it just because she was a werewolf.

Actually Belle had been treated not well lately and she wasn't sure why, people had been loosing their patience worse than a centaur. "You're very kind" She meant it. "It's my city so I'll treat you this time" Actually Belle knew a good restaurant, it was small but it was very nice. She knew some good restaurants, luxurious ones or simple. Some fancy restaurants weren't as good as one of the small cafes. And Belle didn't mind eating in such place, she wasn't one of those princess who needed to be treated like somekind of a royalty. "Let's go then?" She suggested before it got darker.
'Magical Law Enforcement Squad... She can obviously handle herself.' Demyx thought to himself. He liked a girl that didnt need a man to protect them. They were just another thing his enemies could use against him, part of the reason he had stayed single so long. As he looked at her now,he saw things that he hadnt noticed at first. She had a certain air of confidence, and carried herself professionally. "Well it may be your town, but its custom that the male pays for a meal, and its one i follow." he said, giving her another of his smiles.

As they walked over to the diner Dem couldnt help but watch her. She was nice, easy to talk to and gorgeous. She could carry herself with confidence, and could also protect herself. Demyx was seeing things in her that he would look for in a woman. He opened the doors to the diner, ushering Maybelle in first, like a proper gentleman. He directed them to a windowside table, and motioned for a waitress to take their order. "What would you like?" he asked, skimming through the menu. He ordered a class of wine, seeing as it was 3pm. "I think i'll have the Tandori Chicken salad." he said, smiling as her and rubbing his stuble.
Knowing that Maybelle was going to be treated, she felt worse than before because it was her fault and she was making him pay? "Please, let me pay" She insisted as she continued walking, following where Demyx was leading her. "Thank you" She walked in and opened her white gloves of hers, putting it back in her bag as she followed Demyx who led them to the seat next to the window. She sat on it as she placed her purse on her laps and stopped whatever she was doing. It had been a while since Belle could eat with other people.

Not too long the waiter came and was taking their order. "I'll have the same" She said, Belle was a huge fan of salad anyway and of course some Korean food that her mother used to make her. She had no family now tho, so she had to be on her own. "We've been given a lot of tasks and it's driving me crazy" She wasn't even joking, there were too many people that had to be arrested, the targets of hers. The Aurors might have more work than them. But lately there were a lot of mad people when she was patrolling. "Are you on a break?" She asked wondering if he was one of those who would run from their missions or he was on a break.
Demyx smiled, and nodded, handing the menu back to the waitress. He was starting to like Maybelle more and more. He glanced out the window, watching the people of the town go about their night-time activities. He could faintly hear soft music coming from outside, drifting through a half-opened window. He found the source, coming from a busker sitting on the fountain. It reminded him of himself as a child with his friends. The sound of Maybelle voice brought him back to the room. He frowned, as he tried to pick up on the conversation he had drifted from, scolding himself for not paying attention.

He sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair and sitting back in his seat. "Um, i suppose you could say that, yes. Basically, i told our boss i was going on leave for a few days. I suppose he readlised how stressed i was because there was no argument. All he did was give me an assignment for when i was finished, and ironically the assignment led me here." he explained, shrugging softly. "Apparently there have been a few disappearances in this town, and i decided while i was working on getting rid of some of my stress, i would have a snoop around the town." he explained. There was no harm in indulging into his mission with her, seeming as she did practically the same job he did. "As for when my new partner finds out im here on a mission without her, i am dreading returning to work." he added, chuckling. Just then a bottle of wine was placed on the table with two glasses, already filled. He tipped the waitress and sipped his wine. "Hmmm, red, 1970's if im not mistaken." he said, picking up the bottle and confirming it.
The coat of Maybelle's was taken off as she flicked her wand and hung it to the hanger not too far from where they were. She watched it flew and faced Demyx. "Hmm... Interesting, I guess I can help you if you want" A lot of them were founded in the woods and Maybelle knew everything about the woods in Europe. She had to hide in there so she had to know which one was safe and which one was occupied by the wild beasts. "The forest is a dangerous place, I can try finding them there if you want" She wasn't even sure why she was helping him knowing that she work to do but since he had been very kind to her, she didn't mind.

A lot of people had underestimated Belle just because she wasn't a huge fan of wine, so if this man in front of her was one of those then he would mock her for not loving it seeing that he was a lover. "Sorry, I'm not a wine person so I'm not sure what it is" She blushed and called the waiter and ordered two cups of Darjeeling tea. Not too long the tea arrived. "I wanted to order other kinds of tea but I don't think they have it here. I think they sell it in the cafe not too far from here but I have some at home if you want to try" She was thinking of the Tieguanyin tea, it was pretty pricey but it tasted good. She had a lot of different kinds of tea in her place. "This tea is also called the Champagne of Teas." Well at least she knew something about other drink.
Demyx thought about her offer for a moment. The woods did seem like a likely place to start looking, and a bit of help would be useful... But then the thought of Maya finding out he had not only gone on a mission without her, but had worked with someone else on it... He didnt wanna think about what she'd do to him. "Thanks for the offer, but i think its better if i go it alone. Believe it or not, its alot safer that way." he said, smirking at her. When she declined the wine, he smiled, motioning for the waitress to take the wine glasses and bottle away. "Neither am i to be honest." he said, and raised an eyebrow at the offer to try a cup of the tea.

He took the cup and sipped it. It was hot, but the flavour overwhelmed the heat. He laughed softly, and nodded. She had taste. "Delicious..." he sighed, placing the glass on the table and looking up into Maybelle's eyes. He studied them for a minute before answering to her second offer. "I think i would enjoy having a cup of tea with you at your house..." he said, looking down at the table, not sure about how that sentence sounded.
Maybelle was surprised that Demyx wasn't a big fan of wine as well. Well, he did gave her the impression that he owned a lot of those and enjoyed it. "I.... Am surprised" She said not sure why she said that and giggled as she sat back to her chair and crossed her legs. "My sister's a deatheater, so danger's my breakfast. Actually, I've been trying to arrest her, but she has too many backups" Annabelle was smart, smarter than Belle thought. She knew how to hide herself very well and she knew when to come out and showed herself to Belle and start talking cr@p. "If you ever need a partner, I can always watch your back. Even though I'm not an auror, don't underestimate me" She laughed. The only thing that made her not qualified to be an auror was only because she was cursed. That was it.

Knowing that Demyx liked the tea, Belle smiled as she sipped on hers as well and closed her eyes as she smelled the aroma of it. "It is huh?" She said as she placed it down. Actually Belle brought friends over to her place so she didn't mind him coming to her place. After all she lived all by herself, her parents were dead when she was little and her brother was a mafia in Paris and she had never seen him. In fact she thought that he was dead and he turned out to be alive, just like Annabelle, the sister of Maybelle's. "I can let you try some food as well, well... If you want" Honestly she didn't know what to say. Thankfully, the food arrived and it broke the awkward silence. "Bon apetite" She said as she took the fork beside her, seeing herself in it before eating.
Demyx suddenly looked back up into Belle's eyes at the mention of her sister. His mind buzzing, he tried to piece together why that had affected him so... Then he remembered. "Annabelle Starr.... She was one of the Death Eaters that took part in the raid on my manor." he said quietly, looking back out the window. His eyes slightly glazed as he sat remembering that horrible night. "If Vayne hadnt been so intent on destroying everything i loved, she would have killed my brother." he said distantly, "But alas, Vayne was far too bend on tearing me apart to let anyone but himself take my last remaining family member from me." he sighed, coming back to the room.

He tried to manage a smile when she went on with the offer to come to her house. "Perhaps, depending on how lunch goes, we might have dinner at your place? You could show me more tea, and it would give me something to do tonight other then sit in a hotel alone... That it, of course, if i dont ruin lunch with the past." he said, managing his perfect smile as he picked up his fork and tried the salad. It was delicious.

(OOC: Hope you dont mind me using Annabelle for dramatic effect)
Maybelle wasn't surprised that Annebelle did attacked Demyx in the manor, they were enemies anyway but she was surprised that he didn't suspect her as her twin sister. "How come you didn't point your wand at me when I bumped you? I mean.... We both looked alike, we're identical" She asked as she listened to him talking. "I'm so sorry of what she did, I'm trying to lock her up in Azkaban but maybe I'm too dumb, or weak, or..." She paused as the flashback started playing in her head. Well she was weak, she couldn't even fight other people but not now. She knew what to do and she worked hard to not be her old self. "I... I'm sorry, I was thinking about..." She paused trying to think of a reason "Stuff" Now she felt stupid for not being able to explain goodly.

The girl nodded, she liked the idea of Demyx coming over to her place for dinner. "That would be lovely" Yes she was lonely and she loved it when someone accompany her. "I live in Tokyo tho... I'm Toyohashi Tengu's Chaser so I lived there to be nearer to them. But I guess we can apparate eh?" She said smiling, magic made it all quicker and easier. She didn't have to put much effort in traveling. "I'm quite surprised that the salad is good here" She said as she continue eating.
Demyx smiled weakly when she went on about being identical twins. "Ah, because ive never actually seen Annabelle. I wasnt there when they attacked my manor. If i had of been..." he trailed off. He still blamed himself for Cailan's death, because he should have been there protecting his brother, as was his responsibility. But instead he was out on a mission. "Vayne knew that if i had of been there when they attacked, he wouldnt have lived." Dem said mindlessly. Vayne had killed two people Demyx cared about, and Dem was carrying alot of hate for his ex-bestfriend and now Death Eater.

Demyx snorted when Belle said she was dumb and weak. "Hardly... Ive known you personally a little under an hour now and i can already tell your intelligent, probably more so than half the Auror's i know. And as for capability, its not easy fighting family..." he tried to comfort her by placing his hand on her empty one, smiling still. "Tokyo? Ah that explains a bit." he said, nodding gently. "Im actually the new Beater for Falmouth Falcons..." he chuckled, "Well how about we just have dinner at my hotel room tonight, maybe? I could cook, or we could get takeout." he said, and then realised they hadnt even gotten through lunch yet, so he dropped the conversation for the moment. "The salad is wonderful." he agreed.
It seemed that the twin sister of Maybelle's did something unforgivable. "I'm so sorry" She said as she listened to Demyx who was talking. "It wasn't your fault, I can say that it's my fault because the Anna is related to me but really that's just illogical. You were probably were given a task at that time, that's why you couldn't make it. So it's never your fault" She said smiling, Belle blamed herself for what happened in the past but that was a little different than the situation of Demyx. "My parents were killed in the fire and I thought my sister was killed as well, well about my sister it was pretty much my fault why she's like this." She said looking down feeling blue. If she helped her sister back in the woods, Anna might not end up like this, she might be good as well instead of having such a cold heart. "And I thought my brother was killed as well but I found him" She said still looking down.

Maybelle looked up at him and forced herself to smile, she hated the past and she didn't want to bring it up. But it seemed that Demyx was in a similar situation, losing someone they loved was hard. She blushed as she heard him complimenting her, she wasn't used to it and was never used to it. "I'm Korean tho" She laughed a little. "I was born here, my father was half Korean and half French" She said explaining a little about herself. "Hmm we might end up against each other in the quidditch pitch eh? And yeah, I don't have anything to do this night anyway" She nodded, agreeing on what he offered. She was enjoying her time talking to Demyx. It seemed that they shared a lot of things in common.
Demyx sat and listened to her in silence, afraid of what his voice might betray if he spoke. He was having so much inner conflict, and was trying not to display in on his face. He sighed, after a few moments in silence. He cast the dark thoughts to the back of his mind, and looked up at Belle, forcing a smile. He didnt want to linger on these dark thoughts and memories any longer than what he had to. "Enough of this... These dark thoughts shouldnt have been brought to surface in the first place, and for that im sorry." he said, and sat back, running his hand through his hair, calming himself.

He had to smile a little at the thought of playing Maybelle on opposing sides of the quidditch field. "It would be an interesting game i think." he commented, trying to hide his grin. He took another mouthful of his food, and wracked his brains for something to talk about. "So, is it just dont you dont take a fancy to, or do you not drink alcohol at all?" he asked, suddenly wondering if it would be wise drinking tonight.
Maybelle felt a little stupid for being carried on with the mood, but her past was her weakness she still felt bad for herself. Gladly he didn't ask what happened back then but soon he would find out or at least that was what she thought. It seemed that she could trust him so she would probably tell him what happened back then. "It's not your fault, it's not, it's not... It's not..." She looked down not sure if she was saying it to Demyx or herself. She had forgotten that he was watching her or other people around her, but her past haunted her and she would do anything to get it off her head. She looked up to him and forced herself to smile once more. "I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that" She said feeling stupid.

"I do drink alcohol but I'm not a big fan, I have some. In fact I own a 1787, I bought it for guests and I'll drink with them sometimes if I want to"
It was actually quite odd that she would buy such an expensive drink but she wasn't a fan of it. "I'm not picky tho, I eat anything I can drink anything" She said as she looked at the people passing by. "Where are you from?" She asked randomly wondering where he was from, well Belle was born here and left the country because of her foster parents lived in the other part of the globe.
Demyx nodded to her, trying to dismiss the conversation all together. No matter how many times she said that is wasnt his fault, he still wouldnt believe it. It would take a long time to forgive himself for his mistake, he knew that. "Whether or not it is, this is no coversation we should be having right now, lets just enjoy our lunch shall we?" he said, the corners of his lips raising slightly. He watched her as she lowered her head, wondering what thoughts were going through her mind. He sighed when she looked back up and apologised once again. "Okay, from now on, apologising is officially against the law..." he said, smirking at her. "I'll take it up with the minister if i have to." he said with a soft chuckle.

He couldnt help but raise his eyebrow again at her next comment. "Im not so much into wine, ionly drink it on formal occasions. Most days i'll settle for a firewhiskey, especially if i feel crummy. It helps, alot." he said, hiding a grin. Admitting he was just a small step down from being an alcoholic wasnt the wisest idea, but he didnt care. She seemed nice enough not to scold him for it. "Im from London, though i was born in Branxton." he said, taking another bite of his food. "I own a large manor in Branxton, my family's estate. And i also own a condo in London." he explained, making small talk.
Maybelle felt comfortable around Demyx already, even though they met probably less than an hour, or an hour? It was pretty odd, usually Belle wasn't too comfortable around other people. Probably because she was pretty quiet and that she tend to act odd when she was around them. But with him, she was different or at least she felt different. "If that's what you want, then brace your self, I might be hurting you in a minute without apologizing" Of course she was kidding, why would she hurt him? Well hopefully he wasn't one of those who were easily offended like these awkward people. "I was joking" She said and giggled as she smiled looking at him.

While listening to Demyx talking, she could picture it all, everything that she lost. Manor, family, other things. She was wealthy as well but she dislike staying in the manor because she was living all by herself and manor was too big for her. "I own penthouses in Tokyo and Korea. I used to have one here in Paris but I sold it because I don't think I'll stay here too long" Well she wasn't working here so why should she live here? But she would probably buy a new one for her brother, that was if she met him. "Everything's crazy lately, some of the aurors were hurt badly and I saw them in St. Mungos. Please be careful" After talking about their home, she remember herself meeting her sister in her place here in Paris, that was one of the reason why she sold it. And Anna could attack her anytime she wanted and knowing that Demyx was an auror, things might be worse and much more dangerous for him.

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