I've Swallowed a Planet, Thank You!

Aurora Chevalier

Ex-Coach | Mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cherry wood 12" Core of Fairy Wings and Phoenix tail feather
April 29, 1987 - January 24, 2043
Julien Chevalier better be ready for this kid. The child inside of Aurora's belly had a huge kick and loved to use her bladder as a trampoline. Since she wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprise, she did not know what it was. However, right now, Aurora was seven months pregnant and she was going on eight. Her stomach stretched so far, she could not see her toes. She was bigger this time around than the other times, so she wondered if she was having twins. She could not tell since she did not see the pictures as much. Aurora slowly got up from the bed and got herself dressed in maternity clothing to show off her belly. She was quite proud of it, and really glad that she was still able to carry children. This would be her last child though. She would not let Julien touch her if she got pregnant again. She laid down the law with this baby. She would not have anymore! She sent out the owl to invite her future sister-in-law to come shopping with her, even though Desdemona was not engaged. Bidding her husband goodbye with her lips, she apparated off to go to the mall to go baby shopping for her future child.

Once Aurora arrived to the baby store, she found herself somewhat tired and went to go sit down on a bench to wait for Desdemona. Aurora could not wait until she got to spend some time with her. Aurora was a Hufflepuff back in the days, and she remembered Desdemona in school. She was not that good looking as she was now, but she was still really nice, and someone that she wanted to get to know a little more. After all, Aurora convinced herself that Desdemona and Amauri were perfect for each other. Amauri changed so much within the past couple of years since meeting Desdemona. Amauri grew happy, and seemed to be able to relate more to other people and spent time with his grandchildren. So, Desdemona was the best thing that had ever happened to him and it was about time that they get started on their lives. Aurora sighed and she remained sitting before she propped her legs up on the bench to let them rest a bit. She was getting tired of the pregnancy, but she was also sure that it was something that Desdemona needed to see for herself too. And experience for herself. She waited a few moments for Desdemona to arrive.
Big blue eyes were the first thing that greeted Desdemona when she took a look at herself in the mirror. Getting ready for the day always took Desdemona quite a bit of time, since she wanted to look her best. Today she was supposed to meet up with Amauri's sister in law, Aurora. Desdemona didn't really want to go, but she didn't want to be mean and tell the woman no. It wasn't that Desdemona didn't like Aurora, since she was actually a very lovely woman. It was the fact that she was not only pregnant, but also that they were supposed to go shopping for baby things. Desdemona was jealous of Aurora because she had the ability to make babies. Desdemona had wanted to be a mother, even back when she was only a student in school. But thanks to the time it took her to get married and then with the whole divorce thing some years later, Desdemona had never had the chance to have children. Even when she was married, Zannon never wanted children. Every time she asked, he told her no. Now that she was free and out of marriage, and had another wonderful man in her life, she figured she was too old to be going around and having babies. Plus Amauri didn't seem too thrilled with the idea either. Then there was also the whole werewolf thing, but Desdemona tried to disregard that.

Once ready, Desdemona apparated herself to the mall to meet up with Aurora. It took a minute of searching, but it didn't take long before Desdemona finally spotted Aurora. "Whoa, you look huge! Er....in a good way! That baby is growing fast!" The first thing that came out of Desdemona's mouth wasn't the way she intended it to, and she hoped that Aurora understood that. It just seemed like every time she saw her, the poor woman got bigger. Staring down at the belly, Desdemona felt herself begin to fill with envy. Oh how she would love to be shopping for her own kid, she'd spoil that baby rotten. If Amauri and Desdemona ever married it wasn't like she wouldn't have Vincent for a son, but she doubted that he would let her baby him like she wanted to. There were also Amauri's grandchildren, but it wasn't like Alyssa was going to share them all of the time. Desdemona hoped she would last a couple of hours in a baby store without breaking down and sobbing like a little girl. Her heart was already broken just thinking about those little socks and shoes she'd have to pass in the store. Aurora probably had no idea either.
Aurora looked up when she heard Desdemona mention on how huge she was. But in a good way, and how the baby was growing fast. Aurora let out a hearty laugh before she slowly rose to her feet. The baby kicked what felt like a kidney, and Aurora winced a bit. She was definitely going to be a soccer mom with this one. She finally managed to catch her breath and she said, "Yeah, she is definitely going to be one big baby. My last one too. Four is more than enough, trust me." Her hand rubbed her enlarge stomach to settle the restless child within. The baby seemed to sense that there was someone else around and wanted the world to know. But the world was just Aurora at the moment. But this child needed some clothing since she had gotten rid of Isabeau's baby clothing, believing she would never be pregnant again, and here she was. Aurora motioned toward the inside of the baby shop before wobbling toward the door. She knew that right now, it was mighty ridiculous to see a Quidditch coach that could not even walk straight. So far, she did not really talk to anyone. People asked what she was going to do, like taking a maternity leave. She rejected that, and just promised that practice would not be in session while she was in labor.

Once the two were in the girl section, Aurora turned to Desdemona and asked, "So, when are you and my brother-in-law going to tie the knot and have a few rugrats? Don't tell me that you are too old or something silly like that. We are the same age and I am still ticking." Aurora folded some clothes that she picked out, with the help of her portable table which was attached to her. She knew that Amauri once wanted a few kids, not just one, when Cyrille was alive. Both boys at the time had a fear of dying young since that ran in the family. It seemed to have stopped now, so why not before it was too late? But she was just glad that she did not have any grandchildren yet. She did not want any and for a long time. Amauri was already a grandfather. So, she would make do with being a great-aunt. She did not see the kids that much, but she didn't really live in the same area half of the time.
Desdemona softly laughed when Aurora stated that she felt like this was going to be her last baby because four was more than enough. For a minute there, the jealousy faded. "I woudn't know personally, but motherhood looks like a rough job sometimes. I have no idea how you can raise two let alone four children!" As wonderful as children could be, Desdemona had also seen many times when they weren't as cute as they often appeared to be. In fact kids could sometimes be downright evil when they wanted to be. Yet the mothers she always saw in the grocery stores or even within her own friend circle, they seemed to know exactly what to do. Was it something they learned from a book? Other women? Or was it just something that they learned on their own due to the whole motherly instincts deal? Desdemona was so curious. It was unlikely that she would ever get the chance to find out on her own, so it'd be nice to hear about it from someone who knew what it was all about. Sadly Desdemona was much too shy to ask Aurora to tell her what motherhood was like. What if she thought Desdemona was being nosy or something?

Suddenly Desdemona flushed. Her and Amauri having children? She could possibly see them getting married one day, but having children seemed like it was completely out of the question! "W-what?! We haven't even began to talk about marriage so...." How could she even be sure that Amauri wanted to get remarried one day. Now she needed to talk about why children were not an option for her and her boyfriend. "Children will never happen for us. I can tell that Amauri really doesn't want anymore. I am a little bit too old to just be beginning motherhood, and there's the whole werewolf thing. Which I've heard can be a problem." Those three reasons alone were enough to make the children thing an absolute no. Plus there were smaller things like the amount of hours Amauri worked, how it was hard enough to ever get that man's pants off to begin with, and he was already a grandfather so it would be weird to make him a dad again. Desdemona was happy with Amauri and helping him raise his grandchildren, it was the closest thing she would ever have to her own babies, and she could live with that.
Aurora felt her daughter kick and Aurora felt like she just had her kidney shoved around. That was ridiculous. This was definitely her last baby. Julien was getting one of those operations. She was not dealing with this anymore! "Well, it helps when the dad stays at home nowadays. I coach a team so I don't have as much time to watch after my little ones. Someone has to watch them at all time!" She had some tales about her children, but most of the time, Julien was the one that told them to her. When she came home, most obeyed her. Sometimes, some of them would test her patience. However, Aurora was firm. That was the way things should be in her household. Aurora had to learn things the hard way the first time around, but now, she was a master of motherhood. She would love to help other future mothers in the family, but she didn't have any. Isabeau would not be old enough for years and years. She was definitely not ready to be a grandmother! She could not handle that pressure, even though her brother-in-law was a grandfather. She was a great-aunt! That didn't sound as old as grandmother though.

The moment that Desdemona flushed, Aurora knew that there would be something Desdemona would have something to say about that. They didn't take about marriage yet, but who needed marriage to do the act of making babies? "You don't need a wedding ring to do the thing, you know that, Dezzie." Aurora started to giggle as she picked out some more baby clothing. But she just did not see a reason why they could not have children. She heard some people at a ripe, old age having children. Magic did wonders. "And I can tell you a couple of things. Amauri probably does want children, but he is worried about the whole Auror thing. You are never too old. I mean, look at me. Surely you see my giant stomach right now and we are the same age. Besides, werewolves have kids. I have heard about it plenty of times. So, maybe you just need a little push from Amauri..." Aurora had this little mischievous look in her eyes as she looked over at Desdemona and then smirked. Aurora might have to take efforts into her own hands, and she was not ashamed of anything like that.
So not only did she have four kids, but she also had a job. A coaching job on top of that! Quidditch players traveled a lot, and often didn't have the time to spend with their families. Desdemona was absolutely stunned. How did she manage it all? Sometimes Desdemona had trouble even remembering to turn on and off the coffee pot when she was done with it. "You have a coaching job and soon to be four kids? I'm impressed. Maybe motherhood was just one of those things that you were born to do though." Everyone was destined for something, whether or not it was something super cool and envy-worthy. While Aurora was likely meant to be a mother and a coach, Desdemona was meant to be a furry werewolf to forgot to turn the coffee pot off. How did she draw the short end of the stick in life? Perhaps it was karma. Desdemona used to be the ugly kid in school, but then she changed so people would like her. Maybe this was life's way of saying she was stupid for changing who she was? Or perhaps she just had bad luck. Both seemed likely a likely cause and reason for the recent events in her life.

"Well I know you don't have to have a ring. But I would like one. I'd like to have a husband before I had kids. But on top of that, the last thing I want to do is scare that man off by mentioning the word baby. What if he feels like he's too old to be having children. Hell, Vincent's not the youngest kid on the block himself anymore." Vincent was definitely not a kid anymore, so that should easily reflect on Amauri's age. Desdemona had given up by this point. Maybe she could adopt a baby? Or even get a dog. Dogs were cute and fun to take care of, to a point anyways. By this point in her life, Desdemona would honestly just be happy if Amauri stayed in her life so that she had at least one person she could love and take care of. With him being an Auror she sometimes felt like a mother when she stayed up worrying whether he was okay or if he was getting enough sleep. He hated it but Desdemona figured he'd learn to deal with being babied sooner or later.
Aurora knew that it paid to have someone at the house, watching the children since it would not have worked out with her very busy career. She was a good mother to them all, and made sure that their diets were absent of sugars that could rot their teeth out unless it was a special treat. She shook her head as she disagreed with Desdemona on that part. "Actually, motherhood is not something you are born with. It is something that you really want, and shape it to something beautiful. As long as you try, anyone can be a good, no, a superb mother. That is true." She smiled over at Desdemona with a victorious grin, knowing that she had won, and made her point. She also said, "Oh, and never argue with a pregnant woman. Especially one that can knock you to the floor with this." She gestured to her huge stomach before she burst into a fit of laughter. She knew that Desdemona had some issues to work with, but what she really needed was Amauri. He was super strong, physically and emotionally. He could handle whatever she had thought was wrong with her and turn it into something good. She knew this because she knew Julian. It wasn't like Aurora had a picture perfect life.

The coach folded another piece of clothing before she nodding, understanding where she was coming from. "You'll never know unless you talk to him. I know that you know that Amauri is very understanding. He might want more babies. I know that he once wanted a bigger family. You never really stop wanting that, no matter what." Aurora felt a kick to her kidney, and she gasped as her future daughter basically turned the squashed organs of her mother into her personal gym. She looked to Desdemona before she reached out to pull Desdemona into an awkward hug. "Can you trust me on this, Dezzie? Never give up on wanting a family. Just go to him. I promise you won't lose him. He's not about to let you go." Desdemona smoothed the blonde hair of her friend over her ears, and gave her a sisterly, loving smile. She wanted Desdemona as a sister-in-law, and all the depressing thoughts were destroying that dream!

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