I've Got News

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
Being free of school had been incredible, it was only a few months into it, and Isaiah was loving every moment of it. Going out was fun, drinking was fun, and there was just so much for him to enjoy about this new life he was leading. He'd put in an application for the ministry and was just waiting for them to get back to him. So really, all in all, Isaiah was happy, he was excited about what the future would hold for him, how free it would be for him, everything he could've wanted was happening and today he was meeting up with Keye, with whom he had shared a good number of good nights with and was generally just really happy spend time with. She was after all, someone that Isaiah loved. It was a little tricky, he loved Keye, but he wasn't really keen on a relationship, so his love remained purely platonic, despite the amount of times they'd slept together. Isaiah didn't want to be tidied down by anyone, he knew that a job would tie him down but he wasn't too bothered by that outcome, rather he was didn't want to be tied down in a relationship.

Isaiah had come because Keye had wanted to talk to him about something, what, he didn't know but he was happy to go. Maybe she'd gotten a boyfriend! Or even a job! Regardless, Isaiah stepped into the cafe where he was meeting her, he was a little hungover and not too interested in the noise of the place, but he waved at her before taking a seat in front of her, Isaiah didn't waste any time in ordering a coffee and then looked towards his best friend, "So, Keye, hows it going?" he asked casually, "What did you want to talk to me about?"
Keye was nervous and this was indeed something to be worried about - more than anyone being worried, it was her that was worried of course. Nervous was just a word that had never been coordinated with her person. As a matter of fact, it would probably be the last word she would use to describe herself. Nervous and unsure. She had always been a confident person. Silent but always sure and confident in her actions and words - whether it be her rather short replies to people or the way she would hit an injured Isaiah. Ah yes, the current source of her unsureness. Isaiah, the former Headboy, Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, the closest thing to a best friend she could have and to top the list the boy she had a deep affection for that also happened to be someone she occasionally slept with - okay, maybe a lot more frequent than occasionally. There was something she needed to tell him and she needed to tell him today, otherwise, she probably lose her nerves and just postpone telling him till she tries to convince herself that it was okay to not tell him. And so, there she was sitting in the cafe where they usually met.

Keye had remained seated in the cafe for about half an hour already with only a glass of water and a book set on the table in front of her, both of them untouched in the midst of her preoccupied mind. The Hufflepuff graduate merely stared at the window and waited for the former Ravenclaw to arrive. She did not know how to tell him the news. It wasn't exactly good news, but to be honest, in her opinion, it wasn't exactly bad news either. It really wasn't because she was being biased or anything. She had found out about it only recently - recently being the day before - and she was pretty sure that 24 hours of constantly thinking about the situation was enough thinking to be said that she had been considering things pretty seriously. She had not even noticed when Isaiah had arrived nor when he had situated himself in the seat in front of her. Her attention was diverted to him as soon as she heard him give his order and she couldn't help but take a swallow the non-existent lump in her throat. "Have your coffee first. Or share what's been up with you?" she said with a shrug. She didn't want to tell him yet. She definitely wasn't ready to tell him yet that she was pregnant.
Isaiah couldn't help but he curious as to why she had told him to come to here at this very moment, it didn't seem like Keye to do this, sure they met up quite often and they hung out, doing this that and the other, but this seemed more formal than either had been with the other in their entire relationship, which didn't bode well for what was possibly to follow. However, there was a small problem with that and that was that Isaiah was a little hungover and though his mind made the connections correctly and think that there was perhaps something a little odd about the way she was sitting, the fact that the glass sitting with her seemed to untouched. He was too concerned with making sure that the waiter got his order of a coffee and he could just lean back in his seat and listen to whatever Keye might have to say to him. He was a little surprised that she said she would want to wait, but he didn't mind that either, after a coffee he could think better, and think better was always a good thing. If she needed help he would be of more use less hungover.

The former head boy rubbed his eyes tired and shrugged slightly, "I submitted the application to the ministry, shouldn't take that long for them to get back to me," he told her, he'd brought up his interest in working in the ministry with her before, though it was only recently which department he had decided he wanted to work for, though the idea had always been at the back of his mind, it had only been recently that he'd really committed to it, "And while waiting, I've been going out a lot, since I have the time and a little money," he shrugged at that, he had nothing more to do currently than wait to hear back from the job he had applied for, he had a little money left over that he could spare towards going out and drinking until he saw double. Enough that he could still afford the apartment that his father and step-father had gotten for him. A congratulations for finishing school, being head boy and his other school achievements. The coffee arrived at the table and Isaiah thanked the waiter before putting his hands around the cup and bring it to his lips, taking a sip of the all too hot liquid, "What about you?" Isaiah wondered if this would lead her to telling him what she had wanted to tell him.
Keye didn't really know how to feel about the news she was about to share really. She did decide that it was neither that bad of a news nor was it a very good one either - however it did affect both of their futures as far as she was concerned. She had studied in her years in Hogwarts and aspired to be a healer although now, that seemed to be quite the far off achievement. After all, she would have to carry on with her pregnancy and eventually care for her child. The main question however was how. She had not told anyone as of yet - the only ones knowing were her and the healer that had confirmed her suspicions yesterday. Aside from that, the knowledge was unknown to the rest of the world. However, she was going to tell the father of said child today whether she was ready or not.

Keye could have sworn that her fists clenched at the mention of Isaiah's application to the ministry. She didn't want to tell him anymore. She didn't want to know his reaction nor his choice in the matter. She would never admit it but she had never been more scared in her life. It was all sinking in right now. She was pregnant, her dreams of being a healer down the drain, and the man she had a deep affection for did not know all of this yet - he was in for a shock. "Good to see that things are going well for you," she said curtly. She had to think of answer to his question though. What about her? Oh nothing much. Just you know - pregnant. Not a good way to break the news. "Nothing new. I had seen a healer yesterday to inquire about an apprenticeship I could have possibly joined." Well that much was true at least. Although the apprenticeship thing had not really gone all that well, she had gotten a different kind of news after all.
The way that she seemed to half congratulate him was Isaiah's first real indicator that perhaps with Keye things were not really going well. He didn't know what she had to tell him, and it was clearly something that was bothering her to react in such a way. Keye had always been supportive of him, they joked around a lot, and acted silly with one another but they were honest with each other, supportive, so he knew that something was definitely bothering Keye, maybe she had been rejected from something or there was someone new in her life that wasn't treating her well. Maybe she was having some family issues, all of the different things that this could be were flashing through Isaiah's mind as he took another sip of his coffee. He kept his gaze upon her trying to figure out what it was just by her expression, but he'd never been particularly good at doing that when it came to her, she was almost a blind spot to him. But instead of saying anything he just continued to listen to her, she'd been to see a healer about working there, or possibly joining that was good, "That's good!"

Isaiah knew that Keye's dream had been to be a healer, but he knew that she had struggled with classes, and he didn't know if this was a step toward achieving the dream or just something close. However, the man was sure that Keye was leaving something out, there just appeared to be something unsaid about what she'd been talking about. Like she hadn't actually said what had been bothering her. Why she'd asked him to come in the first place, since this didn't feel like a social call, "What's going on Keye?" he asked, putting down the coffee cup and just keep his gaze upon her, he could figure out what was wrong, surely he could get it. But, Isaiah couldn't see anything wrong, and he couldn't figure it out. He just wanted to know, Keye was his closest friend, he wanted to help her, "Just tell me," he encouraged with a light smile.

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