It's time you go.

Cashlin Darkhart

Well-Known Member
Cashlin was fuming, and for good reason. She worked so hard her whole life to teacher her daughters to be better, to be smart and intelligent, not bludgers and idiots. She was somehwat proud of Amiee, she had graduated from school, though she wished her grades were higher, and that she understood her better, but Annalie... her own flesh and blood, failed her. It was just a little bit much for the woman to handle. How could her Annalie do the monstrous things she had been blamed for? Cashlin wanted to give her daughter the benefit of the doubt, but being expelled was not something she could accept, she had to talk to her daughter, and understand why, and hopefully find out that it was a misunderstanding and that her Annalie was let down by the education system, because her little girl knew better, some thought that she was rough around the edges, but not to Cashlin, not until now.

Hearing the door open and close, Cashlin looked up from the lounge, and walked towards the sound, frowning when she saw her daughter. "Annalie." She said sternly, she wasn't happy with her daughter, not at all. Allowing a sigh escape her mouth, she held the door open to the lounge room. "I have something to say to you, young lady." This was going to be hard, but the guilt talk was needed. Once they were in the lounge room, Cashlin folded her arms across her chest. "Oh Annalie, I am so disappointed in you! How could you allow this to happen? Why did you attack that poor girl? And the blackmailing!" It was all so shocking. "I am outraged at your behaviour!" Walking closer to her daughter, she placed her hands on the young girls shoulders. "You are a smart girl... why?"
Annalie knew this was coming, knew that she was going to have to face the music for what she did. Crimes never went without punishments and she knew that the punishment for her expulsion was going to be harsh. Her mother had always drummed it into her and Aimee's heads that they had to be great students, perfect in every way, getting good grades. But Annalie had hated it, she was smart but didn't appreciate the pressure. Counsellors would probably say that she acted out because of this but Annalie knew deep down it was because she enjoyed the pain of innocent people. Dragging her bag behind her she sauntered up the path to the front of her childhood home. The brunette knew she should have felt some sort of shame for what had happened but she held her head high, she regretted nothing.

Pushing open the door she dropped the bag with an unceremonious thud. "Mother." she said with a hint of a smile. Stalking past her mother she headed for the lounge taking a seat on the couch. "Shoot." Rolling her eyes she sighed, "I'll have you know that, that 'poor' girl started it, she threw the first punch, I was lucky not to get a concussion." she explained, "And the blackmailing, well that girl was a creep and I was bored." she added with a nonchalant shrug. Standing she shook her hair out of her eyes. The dissapointment was worse than the yelling she had expected to get. Clentching her teeth she tried to make her chin wobble convincingly, "I don't know mummy maybe Aimee's wicked ways when she was younger led me astray?" she said repressing a laugh.
Cashlin frowned deeply. That wasn't good enough. "I don't care if she nearly gave you a broken neck, you should have known better than to hit the girl, you should have walked away, told a Professor... anything!" She was yelling, and she knew it. Cashlin didn't want to yell at her daughter, but she wasn't acting like her daughter right now, she was just a girl that looked like her baby, and Cashlin was determined to set her straight and teach her (maybe the hard way) that her behaviour was wrong and she wasn't going to allow it. Cashlin's eye twitched ever so slightly from all the anger and disappointment she held inside. "Bored? You were BORED?!" She was no-longer yelling, it was more like... screeching her lungs out like a banshee. "I'm bored sometimes, do I go blackmailing people? No. I read, I learn I do something productive, not stupid, useless things that mean nothing!" Her voice showed her disappointment and anger, she didn't want to yell, but she was and she couldn't stop it.

When Annalie started quivering her lip, Cashlin could have slapped her. It was fake, a mother could always tell when their child was just being a smartarse, and that was what Annalie was being, a smartarse. "Do not blame your sister for your sloppy behaviour, you were a good girl all through those years, now you are just a little brat. You're behaviour is not the same as my Annalie's would be." Cashlin was fuming, and Annalie was not helping the situation. No wonder why the other girl started on her.
Annalie sighed, "You don't seem to get it. That b!tch attacked me. I had to defend myself." she cried, this was ridiculous, her mother was supposed to side with her, love her unconditionally and all that crap. Why was she yelling at her? Annalie had watched Aimee fall into depression, try smoking, cutting school and yet she was getting yelled at for smacking a girl that smacked her first? Stupid. "Look I'm sorry but I wasn't thinking." she yelled back trying to find her way out of this bad situation. Though it seemed that it was going to be hard to get her way out of this. She had got expelled after all and everyone knew that was supposed to Aimee's thing not hers.

Annalie could have screamed, this was ridiculous, "Aimee was a good for nothing little wart, we both know that! She did worse things than I did. She tried smoking for crying out loud! And you think I'm bad. You're just taking out the anger you have for her out on me." she screached right back and stomping her foot. "Argh. This is so unfair!" she said her face red with anger.
Cashlin put her hands on her hips and stared in disappointment at her daughter, it was heartbreaking, where had her Annalie gone? "Don't use that language at me, young lady. There are better ways at defending yourself, without a wand, and certainly without trying to kill the girl!" It was hard, but it had to be done. Cashlin couldn't allow Annalie thinking that what she did was okay, because it wasn't, she had harmed another person. "And if you're so intent on saying that you're innocent, than answer me this. Why did that girl attack you? What was her reasoning?" She demanded. Annalie must have done something, because people didn't attack people for no reason, it didn't work like that. Running her fingers through her hair, Cashlin sighed. "Annalie, you have to keep your cold. I did not raise you to be stupid, I raised you to be intelligent and use your talents to further yourself, not get expelled!" Cashlin only wanted the best for Annalie, that's all she wanted, but Annalie wasn't helping herself. "What will you do now? You have no magical education, no wand, no references and you don't seem to care, why Annalie, why can't you be like you used to be? A good, smart girl with the world at her feet?"

"Don't talk about your sister like that! You are no better, in fact, you're worse! You purposefully harmed those people, you get expelled! You have shamed the family and you are backchatting and fighting with me! You are out of control and you need to be taught a lesson in life!" She yelled, walking over to the cupboard mirror and opening it, looking at her wallet. Looking back at Annalie, she growled lowly. "Annalie. I'm giving you one more chance. Drop all of this and behave like the daughter I know you are, then everything can go back to how it used to be." She was being serious, she only hoped that Annalie wouldn't take this as a weak bluff.
Annalie mimicked her mothers stance, placing her own hands on her hips. This was stupid, she didn't deserve this, Tamalia did. She was the crazy cow the started this, she should be the one that was facing her crazy mother. "She is a b!tch and now you're being a b!tch! Seriously you think I've changed what about you? You have turned in some crazy monster, you're not my mother at all!" Annalie was almost in full tantrum mode, something she hadn't experienced for a great many years. "You weren't there she was sick in the head, I didn't want to get my head kicked in!" Annalie was furious, her mother was taking things way out of context and ganging up on her, it was so unfair. She supressed the need to throw something and tried to keep her cool, though her hands were begining to shake, a sure sign that she was going to lose it soon. "She just came up to me and started yelling at me, callin me a b!tch and a cow and the rest of it. Then she just started hitting me. I did NOTHING! She was delusional for all I know she was on something and mistaking me for someone else." it was a half truth but she wasn't going to say what really happened. She wasn't stupid. Groaning she threw herself back down on the couch, here was the lecture she had expected from the start. Staring at a spot just above her mothers head she let the words wash over, nothing really sticking. "Yes mother." she muttered without knowing what she was agreeing to. Though at the mention of her future Annalie grinned, she had a plan there, "Well actully, I was thinking of continuing to see my lovely Russian boyfriend and maybe eventually getting married to him." she stated matter of factly though her mother didn't know anything of the boyfriend she had met on thier last family trip to Russia the previous holidays.

"Oh come on! You can't honestly tell me you weren't the littlest bit happy to see the back of Aimee when she left for her birth fathers. She screwed up our family and now look what's happened! You're yelling at me like I killed some one or something!" she yelled crossing her arms. Aimee caused so much drama for year after year and when she had done one little thing she got a deadly storm. Aimee should be lucky, the cow never got any of this crap. Annalie smirked, "Or what?"
Cashlin frowned, for a second, she could've sworn she saw her younger self in Annalie, but that wasn't possible, because when Cashlin was younger, she wasn't an idiot, she behaved herself and listened to her parents advise because she knew that in the end, they would help her. The words that fell out of Annalie's mouth were words Cashlin would never have even thought of using at her parents. "How dare you! You are ungrateful, I have put sweat and tears into you, making be the perfect daughter I know you could have been, and what do you do? You throw it all back in my face. You don't deserve to be my daughter." That explanation of the fight was pitiful, it was so ridiculous that if Cashlin hadn't been so angry and frustrated, she could have laughed. "I don't believe you." She said bluntly. It was difficult to believe Annalie now, it was just too hard. Upon hearing of a boyfriend, Cashlin's jaw dropped. Under any other circumstances, she would have been rather excited that her daughter wanted to get married and have an actual, decent future, but she didn't know who this Russian boy was, she didn;t even know Annalie had a boyfriend, and she was most certainly not going to Russa anytime soon. "You are not going to Russa, you are not going to see that boy again until you clean up your attitude!" She scolded.

She couldn't believe that she was saying this to her little girl, on the outside, she was like a stone, but on the inside, her heart was starting to break. "You are about to throw a temper tantrum, grow up and learn some manners, I will not be here to baby you any longer, you need to learn respect before you even consider thinking that you're better than anyone." It was hard, but it had to be said. "You think you know everything? You think you'll be able to have a life and survive out in the real world without my help and protection? So be it." Picking up her wallet and opening it, she pulled out a few galleons, and then threw the wallet at Annalie to catch. Then, using her wand, Cashlin opened the front door and the lounge room door. "Take my wallet, and get out of my house. You're no longer welcome here." Venom wrapped her voice, and her stare was cold, but it hurt more than anything to throw out her little girl. But unfortuately, Cashlin was a woman of her word, this was permanent, and she was sure Annalie knew it.
Annalie sniggered, her mother was being so stupid that it was almost comical, "Oh, don't make me laugh you always cared more about Aimee and her future than mine, she was the one you tried to mold into a perfect daughter because she as adopted. Because she needed help. I was always under pressure to do well to be the perfect one so you didn't have two daughters to worry about. I did everything right, do you know how hard that is? I tried so hard and you throw it back at me! You don't deserve to be my mother!" Annalie ran a shaking hand through her hair, "Fine whatever don't.  I don't care anymore." she retorted. She k ew she would get her mother at a mention of a boyfriend, she had purposly kept the news from her because at just sixteen she knew her mother wasn't going to really approve of a long distance Russian boy that she didn't even know. But the fact that she wasn't going to be allowed to see Anton broke something deep inside of her. "I'm of age next month, I can visit Anton in Russia whenever the hell I like, thank you." No grumpy mother was going to stop her seeing the guy she really liked.

Listening to her mothers cruel words Annalie knew instantly that she had taken this way too far. The attitude she was usedto using at school to bully people to do what she wanted didn't work here and she could see the evident pain in her mothers eyes. However, on the other hand her mother was being the biggest cow in the universe so her outburst could be justified. "Oh shut up!" she muttered under her breath, getting bored of the entire thing. Catching the wallet that cane flying at her dumbfounded Annalie sat still for a moment looking from the wallet to her mother, she couldn't believe it. She was being thrown out. Recovering from the shock of the recent turn of events the brunette scowled, "Fine, just bloody fine! Whatever!" she yelled jumping to her feet wallet clutched in her hand. Pointing a finger at her mother she leant closer to her, "Don't expect to ever hear from me again." she hissed. Glancing around she picked up a family photo that sat on the coffee table and chucked it at the wall to release some of the anger. She heard the glass shatter but she stalked out of the lounge without looking back. Picking up the bags she had tossed aside earlier she slung them back over her shoulder. Turning once to look back at her home she exhaled heavily and stepped outside. Hearing the door shut behind her Annalie felt her eyes betraying her as a single tear ran down her face. That was that. She no longer had a home.​
Cashlin watched her daughter throw a family photo out the window, her face not giving away her true emotions. Watching her daughter walk out the door was hard, but closing it behind her with her wand was far harder. That was it, she had no daughters to her name, they had both gone and she felt a little empty inside. Retriving the family photo from outside and repairing the window, Cashlin placed it back on the coffee table and stared at it for awhile, before laying down on the couch and crying into one of the throw pillows, feeling like a young girl again. Annalie was a lot like her, and she knew that what Annalie said would happen. She'd probably never see her little girl again, or her future grandchildren, and it hurt, it really hurt.


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