Closed It's My Turn to Give Back

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
In all honesty, ever since Samantha had been a relationship with Ren, she had always felt guilty. The boy always gave her gifts like cute jewellery she never expected. The Hufflepuff wanted to do something nice for her boyfriend and gift him a beautiful picnic under a tree on the great lawn. It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun was out and it had been bright. It was a bit cooler now than it had been as it was a bit further into the year. Samantha had met up with Ren earlier to tell him to meet her here at the great lawn for the surprise picnic. Samantha had laid out his favourite snacks and drinks on a picnic blanket, along with a couple of pillows. Once she was happy with the layout and how it turned out, she sat happily on one of the pillows, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive.
Ren was running a little late, but he didn't want to make his girlfriend wait too long for him. He jogged across the lawn, smiling as he spotted her. "Sammy!" He called, waving. He jogged up, and worn out, fell over and into her lap. "Oh, this is nice," he sighed, relaxing in her lap like a cat in the sun. "Sorry I was a little late." He apologized to her.
Samantha smiles gently once Ren had arrived and laughs a little as he fell onto her lap. "Hey, you," Sam says with a small smile, as she gently plays with his hair. She had felt relaxed when she was with him, the chaos of school fading away. "I got some of your favourite snacks and I also got you a small gift as well," Samantha says with a small smile. She had felt bad each time Ren had gotten her something, and even though he had kept reassuring her that she shouldn't be, she still did.
Ren smiled, relaxing as his girlfriend played with his hair. "Mmm, that's nice," he murmured. He smiled up at Sam, opening his eyes and sitting up. He leaned in, looking to steal a kiss and brush her hair back. "You're so good to me, love," he smiled warmly at her. "What did you get for me?" He asked, sitting back again.
Samantha laughed a little when he spoke about how it was nice of her to play with his hair. She smiled back at him when he smiled at her, leaning in as well, kissing him gently. Sam smiled when he had asked her what she had gotten him. She dug into the picnic basket that she brought with her and pulled out a wrapped shaped book. "I got you a journal. I thought it would be nice for you to have something where you could do your sketches in. It's also got your initials engraved on the front cover of it" Samantha explains with a small smile, as she hands the gift to him.
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Ren watched as she pulled out a parcel from the picnic basket, smiling as he saw what it was. "Aw, thank you love. This is really thoughtful." He told her, determining already to make her something pretty. He set it aside and scooted closer. "Have I mentioned today that I love you?" He asked, smiling warmly and reaching to tuck her hair behind her ear.
Samantha smiled happily when Ren was happy with the gift that she had gotten him. She had thought long and hard about what to get him, and she also tried to save up as much as she could. But she was glad that Ren was happy with it. Samantha blushes as little as her boyfriend pushed some hair behind her ear. "I'm not sure. I don't think you have..." Samantha says with a small giggle. "But, I love you too"
Ren chuckled, leaning in to try and steal a kiss. "Well, I'll have to say it twice then to make up for it. I love you," he murmured, before shifting to get comfortable again. "Alright, lets see what you brought here," he started going through the snacks. "Ooh, these are some very solid options. What do you recommend we try first?"
Samantha smiles and leans in to give him a kiss. She laughs a little when Ren tells her again that he loves her, she responds by kissing him on the cheek. Samantha watches as he looks through the things she brought. She had hoped that the things she had brought were okay. "Oh, I don't know actually. There's like a lot of stuff in there like sandwiches and fruit, and some sweets as well" Samantha says with a small laugh.
Ren's face lit up as she spoke, and he pulled out a few strawberries. "Aw, Sammy, you are the sweetest," He sat back, taking a moment to enjoy a berry and offering her one. "Y'know, Sammy," Ren turned to look at his girlfriend. "I feel a little guilty sometimes. You're so good to me. I'm content and comfortable with you." He smiled at her, then sighed. "But my cousin Emily is having a rough time. She got into this huge fight with her girlfriend and they broke up. It's left her in a pretty bad spot. She was gloomy and dark anyway, but now she's practically a black hole. Distant, dark, and she'll crush you if you get too close." He grimaced.
Samantha smiles as Ren speaks. "Well, I'm glad that you're comfortable around me. I want you to be" Sam says with a small smile. She didn't want Ren to be uncomfortable around her. She listens as Ren spike about his cousin and her break up. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that they broke up. I'm sure she's dealing with it her own way." Sam says with a bit of concern and a sad smile. She hadn't been in a position of a breakup and it was kinda sad for Samantha to hear how people break up. She couldn't imagine being in that position. "How long ago was the breakup?"
Ren chuckled. "After this long, love, I should be comfortable with you," he teased her with a playful wink. He tried to think of when Emily broke up with Sydney. "I'm not sure. It's been a while... before Yule?" He sighed. "I tried to tell her what would happen dating Sydney. She wouldn't listen," He looked to Sam. "You're... talking with Sydney now, aren't you?" He asked gently. "How is she? I can't tell how she is, I'm pretty sure she hates me." He offered, only half joking.
It was comforting to hear what Ren had said about him being comfortable with her after being together for a while. She blushed a little when he winked at her. She sighed sadly as Ren had explained the whole situation between his cousin and Sydney. She understood. Sam nodded a little. "Yeah, I guess you could say we're on speaking terms... It's a bit awkward still though" Samantha says with a small smile a shrug. Samantha thought it would've been nice if Sydney had also apologised for what had happened in fourth year, but she knew how stubborn Sydney was, and she wasn't going to push it. Samantha chuckled a little. "I wouldn't say she hates you..." Samantha says with a small chuckle, hoping that it would somewhat lift his spirits.
Ren laughed lightly, falling back down into Sam's lap and looking up to her fondly. "Right, sure. She doesn't hate me. She just loathes my entire existence," He teased, before sighing and shutting his eyes. "I'm not sure why Emily is so hung up on this. On her. She says Sydney is this strong, beautiful, intelligent person. But Sydney picked a fight with Emily because she was friends with Eric Holland. And not new friends, either. Emily has always been friendly with Eric." He opened his eyes again to look back up to Sam. "Why is Emily in love with someone who could do that? Sydney didn't bother even knowing Emily, and then punished her for something that's just... always been." Ren sighed, feeling sad just thinking about it. "Em deserves better," he grumbled, his heart aching for his cousin. He had been fortunate enough that Sydney hadn't cost him his relationship with Sam. He just hated that Sydney had turned around and hurt his cousin so deeply.

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