It's My Birthday

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
It was a very important day for Stefan Mason Archer. It was the first time that he'd woken up happy and even excited. Stefan had never had much in life, not much to get excited over, not much to be happy about, and not much to smile about. But, today was the first of April. It was of little relevance to most, but for Stefan Archer it was a day that until a few months before hadn't excited him. However on the morning, when the Slytherin woke, he had a smile on his face, and he was excited. His mind would not stray to his father. He felt confident. Confident enough to remove the bandages and roll his sleeves up. Stefan was never like this. He was a boy of boundaries, secrets and darkness. But, today was April First and it was Stefan Mason Archer's twelve birthday. He was a year older. He'd made it to 12. And for once he knew he would not get the story of how his mother died on his birthday two years after he was born. He would not get the story of how much his father blamed him for his mother's death. He wouldn't be reminded that his colourblindness made him a lesser human. Not close to human His father would yell. It wasn't his father who reminded that it was his birthday this year. He was away from that man, and for Stefan his life could not look any better than it was in that morning. He was for the first time ever happy about his birthday. There were no fears clearly shown. There was no worry. There was just Stefan. And the boy he was without the hard outer shell. Without the constant worry, and thoughts of how his father was right. Yes, he was colourblind. But, today, Stefan smiled at his black, white and grey reflection. He looked at his body and was not annoyed at the bruises or scars. Today would be a good day, and nothing would stop Stefan Mason Archer from feeling that way. The fact he didn't have any present, didn't affect him at all. He was used to that, just the fact he could do what he wanted on his birthday was what kept him smiling. And Kept him happy.

Having little experience in celebrating his Birthday, Stefan hadn't even told all his friends that it would be his birthday. A few knew. But Stefan hadn't told very many, and he had not organized anything so he could celebrate it with others, but this didn't annoy Stefan Archer. The colourblind boy, was happy to celebrate his twelve birthday alone. It would be a million times better than any other birthday he'd had before. It maybe wouldn't make his birthday terribly interesting, but, it didn't bother Stefan. He was just happy that it was his birthday. The simple things were what Stefan really enjoyed. The sun rising. The cool autumn air. The slowly shortening days. It was those things that made Stefan smile. It wouldn't ever be the big things. Presents meant little to him. He wouldn't know what to do, so, Stefan Archer was happy to on the first of April, to get up, get dressed and just head out. Stefan's black eye was almost completely gone. He was beginning to get a more normal colour to his face. The other bruises, were fading. Slower than his eye, just due to the sheer amount. But, today, Stefan was walking, with his jumper tied around his waist. Lightly of course. The bruises on his stomach were not on show, but the bruises on his left arm were, and so were the bruises that went from his shoulder and the top part of his chest to his mid back. Some of them could be seen too, but it really didn't bother Stefan. he was happy, and no matter what happened in this day, he wanted to be happy. He didn't want to feel closed off, and separate. He wanted normality, and not having to always were his jumper properly was how Stefan achieved that. He was heading to the kitchens, where the weird creatures lived, so he could get food. He was heading to village. He knew that there was a grass area. And since the sky was a perfect blue, with only small clouds, Stefan decided he'd go out. But he needed food.

After getting an abundance of food from the kitchens, Stefan had just started walking to Brightstone Village. He wasn't busying himself with looking around. He knew where he was going, so with his mind set, he just walked. It didn't take long for Stefan to reach the grass area that he wanted. And he was glad, when it appeared to be alone. Stefan from his bag took out a blanket, and put it out onto the grass. And after removing a little of the food from the bag, lay himself against the blanket, letting his blue eyes find there way to the sky above. Under his breathe Stefan was humming the tune to Happy Birthday. He was smiling. He was happy, and the sun was warming him. Stefan sat up and with a smile took a bite into a sandwich, and was thankful for such a start to his 12th birthday. He was thankful, because his life was better now. And because he'd made it another year. Mentally raising a glass in his mind, "Happy Birthday, Stefan" Stefan muttered to himself. For the first time in his short life, actually smiling because it was a day that was meant for him, and finally he was enjoying just for exactly that. Now all he needed were friends, to see past the outer shell of bruises, paleness, and colourblind and just enjoy Stefan Mason Archer's Birthday with Stefan.

OOCOut of Character:

It's only for people who have gotten invites.
If you character has met Stefan, but you haven't
gotten an invite, PM me, and you will get one.
it's most likely Because I forgot to send you one.
I have an awful memory.
Kate walked through Brightstone village she remembered it was her friend Stefan's birthday.But he had said he wanted no party so Kate hadn't organised anything for him but she had still bought him a card in town.She had bought some ice-cream and was eating it when she spotted Stefan sitting on his own having what looked like a picnic she walked over "Hi Stefan Happy Birthday"she said smiling "I wasn't sure when I would give this to you its not much"Kate said giving him the card "Do you mind if I sit"She asked
today was the first of april, and also a brightstone weekend where the students could explore the orounding vilage and land. today she packed her bag and made her way down to the kitchens, to get soem food for lunch as she was vegitarian and most of the food in the vilage had meat in it or it was far too expensive for her as she only had a little money from her family, and she knew she couldnt ask for more as ther were not too well off.
once she had her bag packed she made her way down the drav and headed to the village. once she got there she mad her way to the park, her favorate part of the village, however on the grass she was distracted from the plants by a rug. with tow people on. stefan, and kate. both her friends. "hello, happy birthdat stefan. I got you this" she hadn't actually bought it, as soon as stefan had told her his birthday she had gone to the owlery and wrote a letter to her brother asking if he could carve her a small elephant to give to him. It had taken a while for it to get there, but it had arrived only a couple of days before. and she hoped that he liked it. "how have both of you been? she asked.
It was odd to be enjoying such time alone on his own birthday. The small picnic he was having himself was enough for him. He liked the sandwich he was eating, the sun was clear in the sky warming every part of his body, and he was happy. For today was the only day that Stefan would ever let his guard down. This was the first time, he'd taken off his jumper outside since before the summer holidays. Stefan knew that it would look odd to some but that was just the way Stefan was. Stefan looked round at the sound of his name. Kate Moon, was walking towards him. She had something quite odd in her hand, and was smiling. Stefan wasn't the type to like others since he'd only just gotten to grips with the whole friends thing. But, he liked Kate. She was normal, happy, confident with a smile to match. She didn't really hold back, and Stefan thought she deserved a lot more than just Hufflepuff. Strangely at times he'd wish she'd be a Slytherin, just so he would have a friend in his own house, but he knew that it would most likely change her. Stefan didn't liked Slytherin for the fact that he saw people change. Girls that had seemed lovely and nice, turned mean b!tch like creatures. Stefan stood up as she walked near."Kate! hi. Thank you" He took the card and then sat back down nodding to her, a smile upon his pale face. The clear blue eyes showing the joy that he felt, which was something hardly ever seen. "Thank you, It's amazing. Thanks" Stefan had never gotten a card before. This was almost seeable in the way he smiled at the fact that it was addressed to him, and the way he turned it over in his hands, never able to get enough of it. Even if he had no idea of the colours it had or how amazing it would be with colour. None of that bother Stefan. Stefan almost wanted to pull Kate into a hug for it. "Sure, sandwich?" Stefan took the plate of sandwiches and offered them to her. "The creatures in the kitchens made it for me. They made a lot, though I only told them it was for one. They are pretty tasty."

For Stefan Mason Archer he was feeling pretty comfortable in Kate's prescence. He knew she could most likely see his bruisies. Even if he was colourblind the darkness against his pale skin made them hard to miss. But, for once Stefan did not seem bothered by it. He was 12 and on his way to becoming an adult. A tween. Stefan looked up again as Tara appeared also wishing him a happy birthday. "Thank you." Stefan took what she handed to him a gift. His first gift. Stefan turned it round in his hands. An elephant. It was simply amazing. Colourblind or not, it was the single most amazing thing Stefan had ever had the fortune to see. "Wow, thank you. It's really amazing." Stefan took his jumper off from around his waist, and placed the gift into the pocket. Stefan made a little more room, even though there was more than enough. His eyes moved between the two girls. "I've been good. Really. You? My birthday just got a lot better thanks to the two of you." Stefan said his eyes lingering on kate a little longer that Tara. He took the plate of Sandwiches and offered it to Tara. "They are quite nice." Stefan said with a smile, shrugging slightly. He didn't have any food on his birthday at home, well, nice food. This birthday was completely different from all others that he knew. That he could remember. It would be his best birthday of his life, without even trying. He was outside, he had food, he had friends. Gifts and conversation didn't matter, he was with friends.
Kate smiled when she saw the pure joy in Stefan's face when she gave him the card. "I'm glad you like it"Kate said ginning."Sure"she said sitting down she took the sandwich and took a bite "Mmmm thats nice"she said it was a very nice sandwich.She noticed his bruises they looked much better since they last met and she was glad he wasn't hiding them he looked really happy and Kate wasn't goinng to spoil his birthday over the matter. Kate looked around when she heard a familiar voice "Hey Tara"She said looking up at her friend she looked in awe at the present "Thats beautiful"She said feeling bad she hadn't got Stefan a present "Oh I'm good how about you?"Kate said she smiled when Stefan said they had made his birthday a lot better.She looked at him and meet his eyes but looked down quickly he cheeks blushed a little but hopefully Tara hadn't seen "Thank you well my day had just got a lot better now I'm spending it with the two you"Kate said knowing it was true her day would of been very boring if she hadn't spotted Stefan.
Tara was glad that stefan liked the elephant, her brother liked carving things like she enjoyed drawing things, most of the time it was boring stuff he made, bowls, plates, and the like but when he had free time he made beautiful animals, however he had less time now he had started working. "I'm glad you like it, i will let my brother know, he made it" she said boasting slightly.
the others seemed to be eating the sandwiches but one look at them told tara they were filled with meat. she drew her box out of her bag and offered it around. there was rice, naan bread and onion balls, "does anyone want any, there's more than plenty for me she said offering it around, she had realized that the house elves in the kitchen liked to over make the food, so she usually only went down every other day, and ate had a day, but she could always call in tomorrow. "its nice to hear that you are already okay, I'm good too, I have just about managed to get the last of the paint out of my hair she said laughing. because it was holiday weekend she had released her hair from its long braid, instead she had clipped the top bit off her face but the rest fell down her back and pooled on the floor when she was sitting.
Being Colourblind there were a few things that Stefan didn't notice. He didn't know what blushing really meant. And he had no idea he did blush. Though it worked to an advantage for others, as he would never know if they were or weren't, so there would be little awkwardness, Stefan was sure. but then there was no real way of knowing for him. It would of course be easy for him to pass everything off, and just pretend that blushing was something fictional. But he knew that not everything was a work of fiction. School had taught him, that really it was only his father who hated him and everything about his being. His life that had seemed to Stefan to be most likely normal was far from it. He hadn't seen one other person with a difficulty to see colour, he hadn't seen anyone bruised like him, and he hadn't met any who didn't know what Christmas was, or who forgot momentarily when there own birthday was. Stefan his life was pretty much one the worst to be handed out. But, it was his, and Stefan was just putting up with it. Like any one else would do. He didn't try to make it better, he made sure he didn't do anything to make it worse and he went on about his day. Hogwarts helped. It had meant that Stefan was regaining normal colour. That his weight, was ever so slightly moving towards normal for his age. And he was smiling a lot more. His mind didn't even cast itself towards winter break. He really didn't want to think about that, so he didn't. Stefan found it easy on his birthday. His thoughts were on him, and the two people he was currently with. He didn't think it was weird or annoying that Tara had gotten him something and Kate hadn't in his eyes, cards and presents meant the same thing. And although he heard slytherins yell about not getting one or the other Stefan could never be more pleased about getting one of both. Stefan smiled at them both, really meaning what he said about them basically making his day. And making him feel valued and reminding him that he was liked.

Stefan shook his head towards Tara when she offered a sandwich. Stefan really had his own. And he didn't want to eat into anyone elses stuff. Stefan smiled his thanks to the other though. He then felt self concious. He was sure that he'd managed to get all the paint out. he hadn't actually really checked the back of his head, but he was sure he'd managed to get it all out. Stefan now smiled whenever he thought of that event. It wasn't something that just out of the blue happened. But, it made him smile and even look as though he was about to laugh. "I think I got it all out. My hair is shorter than everyone elses, so I should think that I've been able to get it all out." Stefan said smiling taking a strand of his fringe hair and pulling it lightly. "That was a lot of fun Tara. I've never thrown paint before. It was weird, but fun. I hope you had a nice birthday?" Stefan half asking half stating and wondering. Stefan took a second sandwich and took a small bite into it. "Nothing like that here. This is fine for me. What are you planning Kate? I mean your birthday isn't that far away?" Stefan looked to Kate, his eyes met hers briefly, and a small smile appeared on his face. "What did your family send you for your birthday Tara?" This was most likely the most Stefan had ever said in the one go to either of them. It just seemed with his birthday, Stefan was confident and happy and he didn't feel the need to stay quiet and keep things simple.
Kate shook her head when Tara offered her the sandwich she was quite happy with her own and she prefered meat in hers.She smiled when Tara mentioned the paint fight it had taken three days of washing her air to get it all out her hair was quite thick but she had finally got it all out "Well hopefully its all gone"she said feeling for any dry paint on the back of her head. "That was really some party Tara one of the best I have ever been to"Kate said smiling it had been great fun.She thought about Stefan's question "I'm not really suer usually Sara and I share the party but we have different friends now and we are not as close so I'm not really sure"Kate said sighing she had forgotten her birthday was coming so close "Do any of ye have an idea?"She asked she would need some help deciding what to do.she meet Stefan's eyes for a second and she wondered why he smiled but she smiled back anyway."Ya Tara what did your parents get you"She asked she did a slight shudder when she had flash backs of what her parents more so her father had got her for her birthday of course they had bought her good ones but that was when her mom went shopping
tara looked at Kate when stefan said it was soon "when if your birthday kate? she asked hopeing that it wasnt too soon, as she wanted to get something for her and Sara. she answered Stefans question smiling. "It was a relay nice birthday, a lot different from what i have been used to. she said laughing. she picked up some of the rice with her naan and ate it. "I got a new sari, and a Shalwar kameez, as well as some spices, because the ones over here taste odd" she said, wondering what to get kate and sara, she wanted to get something indian. she wondered if there was an indian shop in the village, probably not, as she hadn't seen another indian since she arrived, except for kayden, but he was an american indian so he didn't quite count. "what do you want for your birthday kate? she asked already formulating a plan, the problem was sorting it without kate knowing it, the only place she could think of was in the heta omega room, as she knew she was the only first year member. "anyway enough about us, what do you have planned for the rest of the day? she said trying to take the topic of herself.
Stefan didn't quite understand the way of siblings. He knew that it would be hard to stay best friends always considering they were in different houses, but that really wasn't what made him wonder. Despite Stefan's family and home life, Stefan was pro-family. He believed that families should stick together, and that siblings should too. Stefan figured that maybe time changed things, but, Kate had a twin and surely they would be close no matter what. Stefan knew he wasn't the type to be able to say anything about how families and siblings work, but he had hoped that Kate and Sara would stay close. Stefan couldn't force it, he just hoped it would be. "I'm sure a joint party would be fine. And it would be a chance to meet others" Stefan finished the sandwich and wiped his hands against his jeans. He wasn't sure what she could really do for her birthday. Stefan wasn't used to the whole birthday thing yet, and he was too busy in those moments thinking about the fact it was his birthday and how truly amazing it felt to be the birthday person. Although he had cast it from his mind, Stefan still knew that his birthday wasn't exactly the happiest of days for him either. It was just, with friends, he was happy and this kind of happy cause all other things to away. A part of him sighed in relief, when neither girl asked him what he had gotten for his birthday. Stefan knew that they both knew it was just him and his dad, but he had said that his father enjoyed christmas and birthdays, and this wouldn't make much sense if when asked what he'd gotten Stefan showed what they'd given him. Obviously an excuse would fall off the tip of his tongue but, Stefan hated lying. He was hating it ever more since he had friends, and lying to friends was not a way to keep them. Stefan Archer knew he didn't have a choice though. It was either he say something or they begin to uncover what would send Stefan Mason Archer into a new home, and Stefan as much as he hated his father, had not idea how he would live in someone elses home.

"What's a Shalwar Kameez? But that sounds nice" Stefan asked. He was still growing used to many different things that the outside world had. Stefan shrugged to himself. This was his day. He tended to plan little. Go where the wind took him. And when he'd awoken sitting on the grass had become his plan for the day. "Nothing to be honest. This is what I have planned. It's how I want to spend my birthday. I might go to the lake when back up at the school. Nothing too major. What about you?" Directing the question at both girls. He knew his birthday would be completely different from Kate's and it was completely different from Tara's most would claim it to not be as much fun, but that was really due to the fact that Stefan didn't need to have fun on his birthday. This to him was perfect and he was happy. And in a sense, to him, it was fun.
"Its the 17 of May"Kate said suddenly dawning on her that it was very close.Kate thought about what Stefan said "I suppose you right maybe we should do something with an Irish tradition"Kate said more so talking to herself. ''I'll talk to Sara about it anyway''She said smiling. Kate knew what a sari and spices were but she didn't know what a Shalwar Kameez but Stefan asked first so she said nothing "I might have a ceili"she said knowing they probably didn't know what they were talking about but she wouldn't say what it was so it would surprise them on the day. "That sounds "Kate said smiling it was different from usually birthdays but everyone had their own way. Suddenly Kate had an idea "Tara come with me for a second"She said grabbing her hand "We'll be back in a few minutes"She called to Stefan she ran with Tara into the village she ran towards the bakery she walked in "Were going to get him a cake"She said to Tara she went up to the counter and saw a small cake in the window there was icing on it but there was no writing when the baker came up she asked him for the cake.When they came out she had the cake in a box in her hand there was twelve candles on she had borrowed a lighter off the baker.She lite the candles when they were a bit behind Stefan and she started singing Happy Birthday.
the 17th of may was far enough away for her to do what she had planed. a Shalwar Kameez is a sort of tunic and trousers, warn with a dupatta, i mean a scarf. I'm wearing one at the moment, not the one i had fo my birthday"[/b] she said standing up and showing them her clothes. Tara also had no plans for the west of the day but it looked like she had to go shopping. she was taken by surprise when the Kate jumped up and dragged her into the village to get a cake, she had only ever had one cake for her birthday, the year that they had an australian border in their house and she had found out that it was her birthday. she followed Kate and pointed at a cake, "how about that one" she said unsure on what qualities a birthday cake had. when they got back to the park they started singing Happy birthday wondering what stefans reaction would be.
Stefan could hardly say that he wasn't looking forward to Kate's birthday, it would be the first time that he'd really set apart a day specifically for a birthday. He was glad that Tara described what it was. He was still learning the little things about other people and what they did in fact believe. It was obviously going to take him a little while to get used to everything and he was, but there were somethings that he just needed a little push with. Stefan knew that eventually he'd be smarter than most. He'd prove it to everyone. And they'd all be happy for him, like he would be happy that he was finally not as bad as his father made him. Stefan knew he'd prove it, he'd show himself to just like all other people. Stefan had been about to ask what exactly a ceili was. It sound Irish. But, Stefan couldn't be sure. He didn't know enough about Ireland or the UK to be able to say anything on the matter. But, it was weird, since suddenly Kate had taken Tara and they were now leaving him to go into the town. It puzzled Stefan but, it didn't really bother him. He had been having a nice time, but he could live with others having to go, she had a few minutes but Stefan a few minutes was really any where in the time frame of two minutes to 4 hours. So a part of him wasn't even counting on them returning. Stefan wiped his hands against his jeans and looked up at the sky, it was a clear white to him, he couldn't made out any clouds. Which he assumed was a good thing. It made it somewhat hard to see, but it did not bother Stefan. It was on this day, that being colourblind really didn't matter to him. He was glad to just be able to see the sky, it wasn't so he could try to imagine what he missed, but because, he knew that it was magical and what he saw was maybe not as magical, but, to him it held the same importance. And that was what really mattered.

Stefan was startled at a sound behind, he quickly good to his feet and looked round. Kate and Tara stood, holding a cake with twelve candles, and they were singing Happy Birthday. Stefan hadn't ever been sung too. He had completely forgotten that there was in fact a birthday song as such. It was nice, it made Stefan smile. It reminded him of how amazing his friends really were. Stefan knew it would be pretty amazing to every year get a cake and sung to. Stefan's smile showed how amazing Stefan was really finding this day. "oh wow, thanks" Stefan said after blowing out the candles. He was aware that he was meant to make a wish. He'd heard someone else do it. But Stefan had nothing he wanted to wish for, nothing he thought would happen. But, if asked he would just say he wished for an excellent birthday, which he was getting. "I don't know how to thank you guys for this.It's really amazing."
Kate laughed when she saw Stefan's face. "I'm glad you like it"she said giving the cake to Stefan so he could blow out the candles.She hoped he had some plates or something because she had forgotten too buy some. "Did you make a wish"She asked smiling she always made wishes even though she knew they wouldn't come true but there was just a part of her that believed it would. "well its not that much if I had more time or notice I would of made you one but sure its better than nothing"She said smiling. "Do you have any knife"She asked wanting to cut the cake.
tara reached inside her bag and withdrew a small flat knife, her plate knife. "you can use this if you want to and dont mind about the paint. I think stefan has to make the first cut she said remembering what she knew about birthday cakes. once the cake was served she smiled and at a pice. IT was chocolate and she knew that it was a well made cake. she smiled at the "others I am sorry about this but i have to go and get some stuff done, I will call back and see if you are here when i am done to see if you are still around but until then Alavidā, it beens bye she said standing up and nodding at them, sorry about her abrupt departure "thanks for a wonderful morning, and hope you have a good rest of your birthday stefan" she said before turning and walking away, to try and find a fabric shop.
Sam had wandered round the village and having seen nothing she wanted to buy was rather bored. She was considering going back to the castle when she decided to sit for a while first so headed over to where she knew there was a nice normally quiet grassy area. She was surprised to see a few people sitting at what looked like a picnic. As she got closer one of them got up to leave and Sam noticed that she knew the other two who were still sitting. She smiled and walked over, "Hey Stefan, Kate good to see you." She said she glanced down at them and noticed a birthday and felt awful for not knowing who's birthday it was. "Oh eh Happy Birthday," She glanced between them to try and see which one reacted hoping it wasn't too obvious she didn't know.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it took me so long to reply back to school is a total nightmare.
"Thank you Tara"Kate said taking the knife and then giving it to Stefan it is a tradition for the birthdy by/girl to cut the cake first"She said smiling.But her smile vanished when Tara said she was leaving before Kate could comment she was gone.She sat there for a minute just going over what happened when she heard Sam's voice coming closer she looked up and saw Sam "Hey Sam"she said smiling "Its Stefan's birthday"She said when she saw the confusion in Sam's eyes "We were just about to cut the cake do you want to join us"She asked hoping that was okay with Stefan
Dear Mr Killian,

It was brought to our attention that your mother was a student of Beauxbaton and that she was in fact a french citizen before she was married and since we have been in formed by the New Zealand magical children services office that you currently have no guardian than we the Ministry of Magic in France have decided that it would be in your best interest if we placed you in the care of a foster family and transfer you to Beauxbaton for the remainder of your school career or until you have been placed with a proper family. This will begin post haste expect a Minister official to arrive at the end of the week.

Head of the magical children protection agency
Tillian Angel

Jamie had read the letter to the point where he could recite it from memory now since the paper had all but fell apart before he placed it in his trunk and waited for the Ministry Official to come the day after today. Jamie did not want to leave however but it seemed to not matter anymore since it was the Ministry that had made the decision and very few people could fight that now could they. He was going to miss his friends but there was one that he would miss the most and would be lost without and that was Stefan Archer.

The two had met on a rain day in the park and since arriving at the school they became some what closer rather Jamie was persistent and was not easily chased off. Jamie had come to view the young man as somewhat of a brother and had in fact promised to protect him for the rest of his life but now it seemed it was a promise that he was forced to break and it was something that made him cry for days. He stopped going to classes and had avoid all of his friends for the idea of loosing them was almost too much to bear but with every passing minute they got closer to the good bye date.

Jamie could not stay hold up in his room and in fact he had to go find Stefan to give him something very dear to him for his birthday which he found out one day about after over hearing one of the professor talking about it with another member of the staff. Jamie grabbed his long slender box and rushed out of the castle as he headed to brightstone. It was a brightstone weekend and so he assumed that was where his young friend would be since he was a rather curious boy like himself. Jamie searched everywhere and after almost an hour he managed to find the young man but it seemed as though he was not alone.

Stefan was in the company of two girls and it looked as if they were throwing him a birthday party of sorts, so Jamie approached slowly as he put a hand behind his head and smiled "Hey boss I see I am late to this party but I am here now so it should be A-Okay!"Jamie said with a laugh as he waited for the man to react to his presence.

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