It's lonely on the top

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Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
So most of you know Eden. 5'3 115lbs dark brown hair bright green eyes. Pure evil hidden behind a smile and a giggle. Top grades a Seer in training. The best friends a girl could ever have. So shes got it all right? WRONG! The love of Eden's life Chase Blade is in Azkaban most likely never to come out. So what does Eden need? Well she needs someone that will pull her out of her sadness. She already has someone lined up to marry but she does not know about him yet. She knows that she will have someone picked out for her but she does not know who he is.

Okay here is the skinny. Eden needs.
1) A few more friends that wont treat her like a weirdo cause she's a Seer and her ex is in Azkaban.
2) A guy or two that might have always had a crush on Eden but never said anything because she was with Chase.
3) Maybe a older adult a Professor who knows Eden well and somewhat knows what is going on with Eden and can be someone she can trust halfway with her secrets.

Alright thank you guys so much.
I :wub: you all.
i have two offers.
Elvera Le Fey, could certainly be friends, they have met before, think the rue booth, and i think they will get on okay
Morgan le fey, could be and adult eden can trust, they have met before in her shop the inner eye.
i hope ether one can help her
It would be cool if Elvera and Eden where friends they took classes together. Do you want me to start it or do you want to it?
Professor Weasley could be the trusted adult if you like ^_^ . She likes Eden and based on some of the readings, she would have a gist of what's going on in her life.
Yay I was kinda hopping that you would volunteer Eden really likes her and respects her as a person I shall start the rp and pm it to you I also replied to our other rp sorry it took so long silly RL thinks it comes first.
^_^ Sounds awesome!!
I'll start if you want. where do you want to be?
Somewhere in the castle please. And O I really like the new siggy.
I've started one here. hope you like it.
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