It's just a couple of my third years.

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I'd be down to do a roleplay with any of your charecters. Warren has a big imagination and is super spirited. Loves going on adventures. Well those are the important parts of his personlity. So you wanna RP?
I'd love to Rp with Warren, sounds like a fun character.
Perhaps Daniel or Samual? We could send them into the forest or something :p Your pick ^_^

Okay forgot who and what thread I was starting,
so who will start Madlyn&Andy?
Shall we keep it in the house this time around? Warren & Daniel seems like a good pairing. I'm down for a forest adventure and if we need to spice it up we can invite the latest centaur to join us. Would you like to start or shall I?
I'll get right on it when I get home from school ;)

Well, my sis has a magical creature, so we can beg her to spice it up for us :p we can settle it through a pm.
Would you like to start?
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