It's hard to believe

Leah Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

The young Death Eater gazed around her curiously, her blue eyes barely masking the excitement that she truly felt at being near home again. It wasn't really her home, but more her cousins, but ever since she was a young girl and she had ran away from her foster family, she had visited there and practically lived there so much that she began calling it home. Ever since she had heard that Chase got sent to Azkaban, she wanted to quickly visit there, and console Mikayla but she wasn't allowed as there was too much to do for the Death Eaters where she was. Alex would've been devastated as well, but Leah and he rubbed the wrong way, especially since he wanted to be an Auror. But since Chase and Leah were pretty close, especially since Leah joined the Death Eaters, Mikayla and Leah were rather close as well. This was because Mikayla adored her older brother, and wanted to be like him, and even though Leah was older than Chase, she admired him as well.

She couldn't forget the shock that she had felt when she got told that Chase got caught cursing a young girl, who was now a Professor, and when she had heard, she vowed to herself that she would avenge her cousin, even though he wasn't dead. Being in Azkaban was a fate worse than death in any sane person's opinion, and when he got out of Azkaban, he'll be lucky to be sane, so Leah would do it for him. She had been ecstatic when she had gotten told to do a mission near the Blades home, and after completing it, she told herself that she would visit Mikayla.

The broad smile that was on her face as she walked down the concreted path, her heels clicking loudly against the ground, would've made anyone around her think that she was innocent and an easy target. How wrong they were. Her wand was easily in reach, and she wasn't afraid of using it against a muggle, but she would make sure that she didn't get caught, no matter what it took. It wasn't a long walk, and she was disappointed that no one tried to attack her as she would've loved to have used the cruciatus curse on them, but she was at the Blades house. She blinked furiously to keep back tears at her first glimpse of the familiar house that she hadn't been able to visit for years. 'Mikayla?' She called out, as she pushed open the wooden door. 'It's me, Leah.' She stepped into the house, making sure to keep her face composed as she waited for Mikayla. Hopefully she was home.
Mikayla held back tears as she stared at her bedroom wall. How the hell had he gotten caught? Why would he be so stupid as to allow there to be a witness? What the hell was he thinking. Mikayla had been staring at her wall for hours. Ever since she had heard about Chase, she had not left her room. She loved Chase and she looked up to him. She had been looking forward to a visit from him, and then to find out it was never coming had completely set her off balance. Chase was her idol, her role model, and she wanted to be just like him, what was she going to do now that he was gone? No-one else in her family would understand. Stupid Alex wanted to be an Auror for crying out loud. He was probably saying that Chase deserved it. That was the sort of thing he would do. Yet deep down she was sure he would be sad as well.

She sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. She couldn't believe this was happening. She wanted so bad to see him, but there was no way she could. She wouldn't be allowed. The fact that Chase would never let her anywhere near the place never occured to her. She would have gone anyway. Though she was sure he would be greatful for some company. The young Blade punched her wall and started screaming in anger. "Why Chase Why?! Why'd you have to go and do it?! Why'd you have to be so stupid!?" With every word she hit the wall again, only to stop when she realsied that her knuckles were sore. She also realised that she was crying and cursed to herself. She hadn't wanted to cry for Chase. It was his fault for getting caught.

She ran down stairs when she heard some-one calling, only to fling herself into Leah's arms when she reached her. She was nearly as close to leah as she had been to Chase. "Why'd he go and do it Leah? Why?!" She asked as she sobbed into Leah's shoulder. She feared there would be no chance for Chase now.
Leah was taken aback when Mikayla flung herself at her arms, but was never more grateful for her fast reflexes that she had learnt in training to be a Death Eater when she caught her. 'I don't know Mikki, I don't know.' She whispered in reply to the young girl as she held her tightly in comfort. 'But one thing I do know, I'll do everything I can to make sure he's not convicted.' She vowed. Even if that meant imperiusing the witnesses and the girl, or even crucioing them or killing them. She would also make sure that she wouldn't get caught, because as she gazed at Mikayla, she could tell that she was distraught now, and if Leah got sent to Azkaban as well as Chase, who knew what it would do to her. And Leah wouldn't allow anything to happen to Mikayla.

She winced when she thought of what would happen to both Chase and her if she got caught, and she knew it was risky, but she didn't care. Despite having been a Slytherin, and Slytherins being expected to care only about themselves, Leah also cared about Chase and Mikayla, and she would surrender herself for them, but after she tried everything else first. And if she had to surrender herself, she wouldn't make it easy for the Aurors and would go kicking, screaming and scratching the whole way to Azkaban.

As she gazed down at Mikayla, she knew that she would've heard her wince. The girl was too observant sometimes, and that was something that Leah disliked. So she quickly changed the subject. 'Are you going to the trial when it happens Mikki?' She asked curiously.
Mikayla shook her head as she watched Leah. She didn't know if she was going to the trial. If Chase was thrown in Azkaban forever, she didn't think she would be able to just sit back and watch. Chase probably wouldn't want her to go anyway. They were the closest in the whole family. The thought of not being able to mooch off of him anymore was scary. She looked up at Leah and shrugged. "I don't know if I want to... apparently there is so much evidence against him, I don't think he stands a chance" She told Leah, wondering just how much of a chance he actually did stand.
OOCOut of Character:
Ugh sorry its crap :doh:
Leah looked serene, her face composed in a comforting expression, hiding her fear inside. She desperately hoped that Mikayla wouldn't be able to tell what she was feeling, and she was grateful for some of the Slytherins that were now Death Eaters with her, teaching her how to control and compose herself when she was in public. They had taught her at Hogwarts and ever since, she had been using it a lot in public. She was a Death Eater, people hated her, despite not knowing she was a Death Eater. They hated her because of her attitude, especially of her thinking that she was better than them. Which to be honest, she was.

'That's not true.' She hissed, venom filled in her voice. 'He always stands a chance and you better not forget that Mikki. I just said I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that he is not convicted, and I will.' First off, she had to Imperius the woman who was prosecuting against him, and obliviate the auror that had found him, and carted him off to Azkaban straight away. He was lucky that she wouldn't do worse, but she knew that if he was found murdered, then it would look even worse for Chase then it already was.

She hastily changed the subject, not wanting Mikki to know what she was thinking, despite her eyes glinting, and a smirk on her face. She knew Mikki would probably guess what she was thinking, but she didn't really care. As long as she didn't tell Mikki herself, plus, she doubted that she would be scared of her though she wasn't one hundred percent sure. 'How's Alex feeling about all of this?' She inquired, curious. She knew that he probably would be excited about Chase being in Azkaban, and the thought made her want to growl but she composed herself. 'Do you know?'

xNo worries.x
Mikayla looked at Leah and glared daggers at her before stepping away. "How dare you tell me not to give up!" She yelled, she couldn't believe that Leah was telling her what to do. "You don't even know him the way I do." She told her, not wanting to be misunderstood in any way. "And that stupid b!tch his fiance gave up her ring!" She yelled again. It wasn't fair, Eden had a chance to be with him and she had given it up for freedom. "I just don't understand" She said collapsing on the lounge. Mikki could see that Leah was planning something, but right now, she could really care less. She was hurt and angry, not to mention distraught and depressed. That when Leah mentioned Alex, her eyes shot up and she almost growled. "Don't you ever mention that name to me Leah... ever" She whispered so low that it would have been hard for Leah to hear it. If Mikki ever saw Alex again. She was sure she'd try to kill him.

OOCOut of Character:
Ergh, sorry :shy:

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