Its good to see you again

Joshua Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Joshua sat under a huge willow tree in some shorts and a t-shirt as he caught the rays. He had some dark sun glasses on as he waited for his boy fiend to arrive. Even though they went to the same school Joshua and Kenny didnt really see much of each other and since the insident with his parents he had seen him even less. Josh was definatly lokoing forward to seeing him and hoped he would actually hurry himself up. Josh shifted his position to lie on his back in the sun as he warmed himself up and shut his eyes.
Kenny ran out his room and down to the lawn where he had agreed to meet Josh. It had been a while since he had seen Josh and Kenny was beginning to miss him. Kenny was still arguing with his parents because of him telling them he was gay. They just weren't open enough to accept the fact that their son was gay. Kenny smiled when he saw Josh under a willow tree. "Hey. How've you been??" He sat next to his boyfriend and smiled at the shirt and shorts he was wearing. He liked them.
Josh opened his eyes and looked through the dark lenses of his sunglasses. With a smile he spoke. " Hey you. Yeah iv been thanks Ken. What about you? How is the whole parents things?" he asked wondering if things were starting to settle down at his house. It was strange how differently his parents had acted to Joshua's parents. They had been fine with him although Josh did like girls too so they probably took that into account more than the gay part of him.
Kenny shrugged. "I've been alright I suppose. My parents are still freaking about it though. They think I'm just going through a phase." Kenny shook his head and laughed slightly. "They've never understood me properly. I've just got used to it. I just used them to get what I wanted really. They were happy to spoil me and I took it." Kenny led on his back so the sun beat down on his legs. It was weird that it was so warm seeing as it was winter.
Josh nodded his head. He knew that Kenny and his parents werent close so this came as no shock to him. " Well they have no choice but to live with it and get over it. Besides when i get the money il get my own place and you can come live with me. At least you wont have to worry about explaining how your gay to me." He laughed at his joke and shifted his position and sat up next to Kenny. " Just a congestion though. Dont have to if you dont want to."
Kenny smiled. "I already have enough money if you want to follow up on your offer. I can just ask my parents for it. They've never said no to me when it comes to money" Kenny loved the thought of moving out of his parents' house an living with Josh. It sounded like an amazing thing to do and he couldn't wait. He just had to search for a place to live. That was going to be the difficult part.
Joshua looked over to him with a slight frown to see if Kenny was really being serius. It surprised him slightly to see that he was really serious. Josh couldnt help but smile at the offer. " Seriously? That would be great. But i want to pay towards it too." He said as he thoght about how his parent would act to him moving out. He was old enough to do so and they would understand. " Ok well i will ask them during teholidays." Joshua said as he started panning i out in his head
Kenny shrugged. "You can if you want." He knew his family was richer than Josh's but Josh seemed to be much closer to his family than Kenny was to his. "I'll blag the money off my parents when I next see them then we can go house shopping." Kenny grinned and leaned over, kissing Josh as he blocked the sun from his face. His hand slid across Josh's chest as he did so.
josh smiled at kenny and kissed him back and rested his hand on his waist. "Hmmm what would we get though i mean we coulld get ahouse that the main things right." josh said to kenny. joshua wasnt an expert when it came this sort of thing so was relying on his partner for the know how. "well its nearly the holidays so not long to wait "josh said happily
Kenny shrugged. "House is the best idea. That way it'll last a while rather than getting a flat and it lasting a couple of years." Kenny thought for a second. "Plus, we'd need a garden. I'd be taking Bow and Merlin there. Dunno about you. There's no way I'd leave them behind." Kenny loved his dogs but never got to see them because of school.
Josh nodded. He ecpected that Kenny would have wanted to take his dogs. " Yeah sure but i want to bring Max with me then. As hes mine and all besides wouldnt trust my sister with him." Joshua laughed playfully. " You leave this year any dont you so while your out and about i will have to suffer an extra year here with out you. How will we cope." He smiled as he played with Kenny
"No." Kenny laughed. "I leave next year." He shook his head playfully. "Tut tut. You don't even know your own boyfriend." Kenny liked teasing Josh like this. It was fun and he knew Josh would never take it seriously. He would always know that Kenny was just joking about.

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