It's always the quiet ones

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Melody Wilde

Aurora borealis witch
OOC First Name
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worked into a violin bow
now it is no surprise i have exams going on at the moment, but they are due to end soon, and when they do i would like to get a little RPing done, especially with my smaller accounts that dont get much use. and i learned my mistake yesterday after i typed all this out i lost it when i was looking for pictures, so i am going to post it and maybe look for images of each of them tomorrow.


Melody wilde
Born and raised in ireland she is now studying Elemental, music and dance magic in a wizarding academy (think uni kind of thing) in europe. she is rarely seen without her violin as that is what she mainly uses to work magic. and in the weekends she tends to work as a performer in fairs both muggle and wizarding.
What she needs, friends, aquantences, maybe a few people who aren't really fans of her.
playby: Lindsey stirling.


Bridget McGowan
Bridget is my newest account. she is Rhiannon's Aunt and lives in scotland, specifically on he isle of mull where she works as a silversmith making celtic jewellery, some simple which she sells at muggle shops, and some with charms worked in which are sold in wizarding ones. She is a bit of a hippy/gypsy at heart. She was married when she was younger but they got divorced many many moons ago. so now she is 38 and single.
what she needs:Friends, aquantences, a love life maybe.
PB: Stevie Nicks

Maka Kickett
Maka is Myuna and Lowans younger sibling. compared to the older kicketts he is very quiet, and soft hearted, certainly not leaving the same reputation his sister left in her wake. he is a second year hufflepuff, and though i didn't use him much last year i would like to get a few RP's for him.
what i want: A bully, friends, aquantences etc.
Pb: Can't remember


Alyce Brown.
There isn't really any other way to describe Alyce than a party girl. She loves going out, drinking, flirting, having flings, basically having a good time. even when she is at work she is in a club. She grew up in england, but moved to new zealand, basically because it is as far from her parents as she can be.
what she is looking for: Flings (male and female). nights out, fun times, maybe a jelous boyfriend/girlfriend of someone she is tryng to hit on to have a bit of a fight with. and possibly a slightly longer term girlfriend (though she will have to put up with Alyces promiscuity, and generally flirting, or keep up with it. I can sort of see her with someone with a PB of Jessie J, who is just as tough as she is).
PB: P!nk.


Elvera Le Fey
Professor Le Fey, is not one of my 'quiet' accounts. she is one of my more active ones. though i am including her in this list as i would love some more RP's with her and her two daughters out and about. Friends, both old and new would be good, Students, professors/staff, other new mothers. or anyone who would like a chat with her basically.
PB: Amy Lee


Briar Rowan-Cullen
another one of my not so quiet accounts. well i guess she has gone quite quiet recently after her whirlwind time at school, and my muse for her is slightly diminished. she is rather vocal about werewolf rights (and mixed species rights, and the underdog), she works in the ministry and is leader of werewolf support services. and she is mother to a four year old.
what she is looking for: friends, rivals, people who don't like her/what she stands for. anything really
PB: currently in transition from Juno Temple to Natasha Lyonne

and all my other accounts if you want to sugest something
So, here are some characters that I may have for some of yours. :)
Hezekiah Mowry
So, before we had some plan's for Briar to check up on him, and she'd meet his daughter and stuff. So, if you still want to do this let me know. :)
Dietrich Cavanaugh
I have Dietrich for Alyce. Dee is pretty wild too, and he is the coach for the foulmouth falcons. I think these two would be really fun together.
Boston Adams
For Maka I have Boston. She is also a second year Hufflepuff. She is extremely energetic and kind of controlling. She likes leading people, and she loves going on adventures. Maybe they could be friends. Tell me what you think.
Hey Mia! :hug: I have a few ideas, but they don't have much thought behind them because it's 2am and I'm practically asleep :tut: Anyway...
The first is for Bridget and my new sweetheart Levi Prescott. Because he's so new I only know a few things about Levi at this point. He's currently coach for the Wimbourne Wasps, and before that played quidditch as a keeper and even earlier than that played as a beater. Personality wise, he's generally a wholesome, kind person that gets along with everybody (your typical Hufflepuff & boy next door can I get a hell yeah?) but when it comes to quidditch he is extremely competitive. It's kind of scary actually. He's just very passionate about his team being the best, I'll put it that way. I think Levi and Bridget could make interesting friends. I think he would admire her hippy nature, and I can see them hanging out and having a cup of tea (or whatever Bridget drinks) after Levi has finished being coach for the day and needs to wind down. They seem like the kind of people that could have very interesting conversations. They could even be old friends? Maybe from school? Everything's up for suggestion!

Second of all, we need to thread Alyce and Laura because they are my faves. I always loved their threads even though I was anything but prompt with my responses (I promise to do better if you want to thread them again!) Need I say more?

The last idea I have is for Briar and Samuel (Are you surprised? I'm not.) But anyway, I really want to thread them now that Sam is in New York and needs something to think about besides his oh so tragic break up from Mari's evil little grasp (what the hell am I saying?). They could have coffee, walk around and see the sights because I don't know about Briar, but Sam has yet to see the parts of New York that aren't down the street or in the view from his window. Maybe they could make a day out of it, and Briar could bring Willow along with her? Again, all up for suggestion!
Hope you're having a lovely day/night :wub:


Hezekiah and Briar
yes, we really should get those two to meet each other. I can't remember how old his daughter is, but it is willow's fourth birthday this month, so maybe they should have like a picnic in the park, with cake, and sort of chat whilst the kids play?

Boston and Maka
this sounds like fun. maybe they can get to know each other a little better once the school year gets back into swing again.

Dietrich and Alyce
sounds good. though maybe we can put it on the back burner until the others get going.


Bridget and Levi.
this sounds fantastic. she should get other people. they should meet over some tea, coffee or whiskey. I like the idea of them being old friends, maybe they were at school together and haven't seen each other in years.

Alyce and Laura.
they are always great together, another plot would be good, maybe we should wait a couple of weeks (i ma going away next week for a week, so when i get back) maybe they could go out clubbing on halloween or something.

Samuel and Briar.
I dont think briar would be particularly willing to go to new york. I can sort of see him have to ask her to visit a few times before she actually realises he is really not in a good place and needs some company.
Hezekiah and Briar
Rama is five. They are in a close enough age range to make some trouble. xD I like that idea. Hezekiah needs some adult time. Who do you want to start it?

Boston and Maka
Boston needs more people in her circle. She would love to run into Maka in the common room or in the hallways. ^_^

Dietrich and Alyce
We can definitely wait for these two. Dee isn't going anywhere. xD
sorry i only just saw this.

do you want me to start one for Hezekiah tomorrow,
and do you want to start one with boston and we can see how it goes. I don't know were he particularly likes to hang out so anywhere would be great.
That sounds fine with me! I will start Boston and Maka today! ^_^
that sounds awesome.
actually, i am heading on holiday on monday. so would it be okay to start the briar one after I am back in a week and a half. it gives the winter a little time to pass IC as i don;t know how good an internet i will get (if any) and probably wont have chance to RP much even if i get signal.
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