Open It's All Music

Zack Choi

Little brother~ music ~ dance ~ herpography
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Holidays were coming. Zack knew they couldn't wait because everyone would be coming home. Of course, it couldn't be denied that he liked being home alone and being blessed with his parents' attention, but he still missed having a sister and a brother. About half an hour ago, he came back from music school, that now he was trying to arrange all the notes in their place, because they were a real mess. The boy was bustling around his room when his mother called for lunch.

He put the folder on the table and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Their mother was already there waiting, but Zack's gaze turned to a clock on the wall that indicated the time when all the other family members should be home. He couldn't wait for that.

@Wyatt Choi and @Kira Choi
Wyatt always enjoyed going home. He spent most of his time on his own at school. He knew it was mostly his own choice, but still, it got lonely. He walked up the front steps, feeling oddly tired. He wanted to just fall into bed. He sighed happily as he opened the door. "I'm home," He called, stepping into the hall and kicking off his shoes. He stretched as he started walking towards the kitchen. He knew his family had to be around him somewhere.

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