It's a Teenage Thing

Austin looked like he was slapped in the face with a fish when Aleyha called him and Arianna 'love birds'. Well, he did talk about her a lot, admitted to seeing her around a few times but was a little too shy to go up to her, and all that. Aleyha was the only one around at the time, so of course he told her. And Azerail... But he was his best friend too. Austin knelt down into the lake, so that most of his bare torso was covered. What in the world was he thinking of coming into the water like this? He should have left his shirt on! Well, it was too late to do anything now. Aleyha sped by him, and he saw that boyfriend of hers, the one she was destined to marry - by force. Austin rolled his green eyes and he focused on Arianna to keep from going and demanding whatever like a brother he was raised to be to Aleyha. "Well, warmer now that I'm in the water. It's um, a nice day out?" Austin was fumbling with words, and he truly didn't know how to behave. "Why yes I did," smiled the Ravenclaw, glad that she remembered, "Did you throw yours away?"
Aleyha was thrilled that she got Theodore soaking wet. She sat up on top of him and she smirked. "I could get you wetter of I squeezed all the water out of my hair too. Plus, don't you remember that one night when we were outside by the lakefront? We almost kissed and we both freaked out and dove into the water? Come on, you aren't going to melt." Aleyha rolled her red eyes, leaned down and pecked him on the cheek before getting up. "I love jumping on you anyway. Fenrir knows that as well." She motioned over with her hand toward her snake which was a few yards away, hunting for mice in the grass. Aleyha gazed over to Austin and Arianna, and she smirked deviously. She knew more about her brother than he did. Aleyha glanced over at Theodore, forgetting that he was a teenaged boy, and she was soaked...and in a bathing suit. Aleyha debated on getting dressed, wondering if she was done swimming for the day.
Theodore blinked and smiled softly when Aleyha kissed him on the cheek, he didn't mind so much that it was her but the fact that he was now all wet and cold wasn't exactly all that thrilling. "Your going to break me one day, you know that right?" He sighed as he got up from the grassy ground and finally got a good look at what Aleyha was wearing right now, and he was suddenly reminded why he hated hormones so much. With a loud sigh he rubbed his cheek and averted his gaze away from her to keep his mind on cleaner thoughts, like playing in Quidditch games. But no matter how much he tried to think of something else, she was still there and he was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey Aleyha, you should put some clothes on." He stated, trying to sound as bored and calm as he usually did when he was speaking to her. His emerald green eyes became fixed on the two in the lake as he tried to figure out what they were talking about, it was unfortunate that he could't read lips. When a breeze blew by, Theodore shivered. "Now I'm all cold and I need to wring out my shirt. " He grumbled, as he peeled his wet sweatshirt off and let it flop to the ground, he wasn't as worried about the hoodie as he was the shirt he was still currently wearing. Not really focusing on who he was around all that much he took off his other shirt too, revealing his toned chest to the world. "What are you doing out here anyways?" Theodore start to wring out the shirt that was all wet as he spoke to her, he didn't want this to be awkward and was actually a little curious about her being out here with others.
Arianna watched Aleyha go and bowl over the blonde boy, and shook her head slightly. She turned her attention back to Austin, glad that he had also sunk down in the water. She wouldn't have as much to stare at now. However, despite the fact that he was mostly covered by water now, she still found herself embarassed. To avoid staring, she looked down at the water, trailing her fingertips through "Yes, it is" she said "A great day for swimming..." she added, feeling lame. Ari looked up, smiling, when he told her that he'd kept his shell "Of course!" she replied. Her friends hadn't known why she now kept a big shell by her bed, and it had taken a while to explain. Nodding towards the shore "Who's that?" Ari asked, reffering to the blonde boy.
Austin needed to get deeper in the water, to keep himself covered, so he slowly approached Arianna but not too close. He didn't need to get to much into the water, but enough to cover him without bending so much. Austin did think that what he asked was rather lame, and he laughed when she revealed that she had kept the shell. "Glad that I'm not the only one. I think that they should be kept forever for memories. Lame, huh." Austin rolled his green eyes playfully. But when he went to answer the question she asked, poor Austin got distracted. Arianna looked - well, devastating! Austin blurted out, "You look so pretty..." Austin bit his lip, averted his gaze before he came up with a clever cover, "I mean, that pretty boy - well, damn, that boy is Aleyha's boyfriend and future husband. Um, they are in an arranged marriage and turned out they like each other." Austin gave a light-hearted shrug. He seriously needed to learn to control what he said. Those hormones sucked!
Aleyha summoned a towel and she wrapped it around herself and she turned to stare at the two in the water still. Aleyha gave a tiny wave to them, before turning to stare at Theodore. Boy, he looked good without a shirt. However, Aleyha had yet to truly blossom into her own hormones. She was a late bloomer. Aleyha smirked, "If I broke you, you would be no fun to play with and you know it." Aleyha laughed softly. She glanced at her clothes which lay in a heap in the grass. She shrugged lazily and she ignored what he said. She had a towel on now. "I was letting Fenrir out and I decided to go for a swim. Then I kinda spoke to Arianna and then Austin came along. I thought I would hate her but I don't. I kinda like her actually. She isn't annoying. Now, put your shirt back on unless you want to go into the lake, again." Aleyha raised her eyebrows as if she were implying something.
Theodore caught Aleyha staring at him before he finally realized that he was wearing no shirt right in front of his girlfriend without not even being aware that he was doing it, he turned a light red color and continued to wring out his sopping wet shirt. By then Aleyha had put a towel around herself so he was able to relax a little and refocus on something else, hormones were getting to be such a pain in his arse. "I prefer not to think about myself as fun but okay." He rolled his eyes softly before he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek quickly but gently, he knew she meant well and didn't intend to hurt him everytime she jumped on him. Once he pulled away he took another glance at the two in the lake, he thought he knew who they were but he couldn't be too sure about anything.

"Eh, sounds like fun. Relatives crushes or relationships are always annoying to me." He huffed, he remembered her mentioning that Austin liked that Arianna girl once or twice before and assumed that was why he came along. If she wanted to be friendly with her relatives then he wouldn't stop her, but he didn't plan on being too involved with either of them. "I'm not putting my shirt on until it's dry and I'm not going in the lake, I'll just sit here." He shrugged his shoulder and continued to wring out his shirt, he also tried to ignore the raise of her eyebrows because he was unsure if she meant something or not.
Arianna nodded, trying hard to smile too much. So he had liked sharing Halloween with her "Most definetly" she agreed. She was very aware as he began to move towards her. Not knowing what to do, she stumbled back a bit in the water, her face heating up a little. Calm down she told herself. He had only moved slightly, and now she was getting paranoid. About what, she wasn't sure. His next words confused her beyond her belief. He couldn't be talking to her? Well, obviously he was, he wouldn't be saying that about Aleyha, that was plain wrong. Maybe he was talking about someone else "Uhhh" she said, not knowing what to think. But then he started talking about the blonde guy on the shore, and she wasn't sure what he had meant "That's... Interesting" she managaed. Arranged marriages certainly weren't common now a days, so it was quite interesting, but she was still wondering what he had said before.

"Do you want to swim?" she asked, turning a little red, as she gestured vaguely out deeper. There wasn't much point in just standing here talking. And plus it would give her a distraction.
If Austin could out sighed loudly in relief, he would have, but it would have made him look too suspicious. Austin just hoped that what came out of his mouth would not happen again. Wasn't it wrong to call your friends' cute or pretty unless they asked for your opinion? "Glad I'm not in an arranged marriage though. I think it would be rather...freedom-less." Austin didn't even know why Theodore and Aleyha were in an arranged marriage. Maybe it was because someone read out a few tarrot cards and found out they would have nice babies or something? Austin hoped that the whole baby thing would not happen for a long time. In fact, he did not want his sister to even go through the process of baby-making. He didn't really like Theodore, but that was over obvious reasons of him dating his sister. Otherwise, Austin did not really know the guy. Austin glanced down in the water, seeing his reflection, of course he had to be blushing as well. Calm down, you old git! Geez. thought Austin. "Sure, since I am already wet. Do you think there are shells under these waters? I love to dive," smiled Austin as he ventured out deeper, but kept his distance. But the green eyes and the smile never left her.
Aleyha rolled her eyes at Theodore's stubbornness. She dropped the towel and she put her clothes on her tiny body. With a hiss, she called out to Fenrir, before she bent down and scooped him up. She placed him around her neck and Aleyha smirked, "I could always have Fenrir bite you, you know. But I won't. Seriously though, you need a shirt on. People might stare, and that means people's eyes will be ripped out." Aleyha had half a mind to slap his bare back and cause a lot of pain, but she withheld her temptations. Aleyha stood next to him and she shrugged, "I have no idea when Austin will make his moves, cause the ignorant Raven doesn't know he likes someone. But I am going to keep out of this one. Want to go for ice cream? Non-dairy?" Aleyha smiled up at Theodore, and placed a hand on his arm.
Theodore shift over to Aleyha as she put on some clothes, he secretly thanked god that she was getting dress so his mind wouldn't wander anymore than it already did. Then she called and picked up her snake Fenrir, he was actually start to get used to the snake and was more tolerant of it then he used to be since he assumed that if Aleyha liked him then she wouldn't allow her snake to attack him. "Are you sure it's not you thats going to bite me?" Theodore asked slyly as he wrung the last of the water out of his shirt and unfolded it to stare at it disdainfully, it was still going to feel wet and cold once he put it on but at least it wasn't completely soaked anymore. Slowly he put it back on and made an unhappy face as he pulled it down a little and looked at Aleyha. "My shirt is on and now I'm all cold. Sheesh, it's not like I would leave you for any of them anyways." He secretly loved how protective she was, but he hoped she would understand that he wouldn't let another girl come between him and her being with eachother. Even if they were in an arranged marriage he wanted things to go smoothly anyways because he liked her.

"I almost feel bad for the guy. Ice cream, sounds good. But only if you promise to keep me company while I study for my OWL's." He also liked how she remembered that he couldn't have dairy products, it showed that she paid attention to the things he said to her. Stepping over he took her hand softly in his own, unlike most people having something he was comfortable with around him while he studied really helped him concentrate more. He actually wanted to do good on his OWL's too so he really needed to fit in some study time.
Arianna nodded "It sure would. It's good that they like each other though, otherwise they'd be having a very un-happy life" she said, glancing at the two on the shore. She couldn't really imagine being in an arranged marriage. She hadn't even looked that far ahead. Marriage was a big thing, not one this fifteen year old wanted to think about any time soon. She smiled, and peered down into the water "Hmm... I bet there are hermit crabs down there... Do they live in the water?" she asked, looking back up. She ducked under the water and swam as far she could hold her breath, popping back up and grinning "Didn't see any" she announced. The water wasn't very clear, and all she had seen was some sea weed.

Sorry, real life stuffs kept me away.
Aleyha didn't want to answer Theodore when he asked if it wasn't going to be her biting him. He probably already knew the answer to that. Aleyha felt almost grateful for his shirt to be back on his body. Her own pride increased when he also said that he would not leave her for any of them. Well, it wasn't like he had a choice either... Aleyha nodded and said, "Okay, deal." Aleyha waved to Arianna and Austin, before her feet carried her toward the castle. She was really wanting some ice cream and a nap. After swimming, this was what Aleyha had always done. Fenrir seemed to be full right now, with an enlargement in his belly, a rat to digest.
"From what I heard before, they hated each other for a while. Got into a fight in the library and well, destroyed it," Austin chuckled. Amazingly, they have repaired that, and now were closer than ever before. Austin was glad now. He didn't have to fight Theodore, and knowing him, Austin would lose. Austin never really pictured himself as someone who would be married. He didn't really put a thought to it. Sure, he had a girlfriend before but they were broken up and have been for quite some time. "They might, but I wouldn't be able to tell you though." Austin made a mental not to himself to research the bottom of the lake. But the lack of breathing made it almost seem impossible. He had yet to learn the bubble-head charm. Austin ducked under the water, his green eyes opening to see well...not much. He searched the bottom, and found nothing. Swimming back up, he popped his head from the surface and he shrugged, "I didn't see any either. I just hope that squid doesn't do anything. That is, if it lives in the lake." Austin had no idea if that was true or not.

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