Its a secret...

Lauren Gem

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Lauren decided to go to the fifth floor to chill since she has had a busy week. She has essays to write for every class, she wondered whether she could do them in time.

She sat down on a window ledge opposite a number of portraits of wizards & landscapes. She got out her note pad & a pen & drew out a homework & study time table. Best be organised she thought. After she finished she double checked over it, folded it up & put it back in her pocket.

Lauren sent an Owl to Immy asking her to meet her here. While waiting for her, Lauren looked at the portraits opposite her. She still thought it was amazing how the portraits could move & talk. If only the photo’s could move back home she thought.
Imogen had recieved the letter about meeting Lauren on the fifth floor. Immy had thrown away her study plan she had beenmaking and gotten ready to meet her best friend. Immy had chosen wear her favourite gryffindor t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts.

Being quite close to the fifth floor it took Immy less than a second to get to the floor. She began to walk down the corridor until she spotted her friend Imogen walked over quickly smiling brightly.

"Hey!" Immy said brightly.
Lauren heard a 'Hey' & looked round. She saw her best friend Immy, "Hey" she replied smiling.

"Hows your week been?" she asked wondering if she was the only one who seemed to have masses of homework.
Immy smiled. She had been pretty busy with class lately. She had not had too much homework lately. She'd begun her studying for mid term tests. Immy had been fearing these slightly ever since she had started class. Imogen kept smiling at her friend.

"I've been really quite busy lately. Started studying and I've had homework." Immy said a hint of fustration at the homework part. "Hows your week been?"
Lauren smiled, "Oh you know, the usual. Homework & lots of it, studying for tests too. My week has been busy but not very exciting" said Lauren a little disappointedly. "That's why i thought i'd send an Owl to you, to catch up since we havnt talked to each other in ages" Lauren sighed. She didnt see her friend much. Only in herbology where they couldnt talk anyway. All the homework took up most of Lauren's time so she couldnt do hardly any socialising.
Immy smiled and nodded. She'd missed talking to her friend. They saw each other during herbology but Immy did miss the chats with her friend. Immy remembered the map they had drawn, which Immy had used a lot during the first few weeks but know Immy pretty much her whole way around the school.

"Yeah, we haven't." Immy said. "Do you still use the map we made?"
Lauren smiled as she thought back to the awesome times of making the map. "Yeah, i did for the first couple of weeks, but ive sort of got used to the school now. I still get a bit confused down some of the corridors though" Lauren giggled.
Immy nodded. She got confused sometimes with the corridors, they were all the same. Imogen smiled and looked to the painting opposite where they were standing, she'd been a little upset that they'd not found any secret passages. There had to be a few.

"Same. I get lost sometimes, but I think I have the hang of the corridors now." Immy said smiling. "It's a real pity that we didn't find any secret passages."
Lauren nodded, she too was disappointed about not finding any secret passageways. "Theres bound to be a few" Lauren said. "You never know; there could be one right in this corridor & we wouldnt know. Maybe on thats hidden under the paintings". She explained.
Imogen thought about this, looking towards the painting in front of them. It could very well be true, Imogen wanted to check. Find out if there couldn't in fact be secret passage ways.

"What about that painting there?" Immy said pointing to it.
Lauren looked at the painting that Immy was pointing to. It was a possbility that there was a hidden passage. "Shall we go & see?"Lauren asked.

She cautiously approached the painting & looked at it. There was nothing abnormal about it, so Lauren prodded it. Nothing happened. "Oh, well" she thought a little disappointedly. Then she heard a sort of rumbling noise behind her.
Imogen looked on excitedly as Lauren moved towards the painting in front of them. The excitment in her was building up bigger and bigger by the second. This would be a massive let down if nothing happened. Imogen was bursting with excitment as Lauren touched the painting. Her smile quickly faded as nothing happened. Then from behind a noise, Immy looked round her smile growing again.

"Oh my gosh" Immy said staring.
Lauren turned round & looked at the painting she touched. It was making an odd sort of rumbling noise, as if something was happening behind it. The painting started to shake. Lauren moved closer to see what was happening.

The painting opened as if it was on hinges and revealed a dark hole. "Oh my.." she said. she waved her hand to Immy beckoning her to come over.

It was big enough for a person to get through. It was a bit high for Lauren since she was small. She could probably climb in if she jumped & lifted herself up. Is it safe? she wondered.
Imogen couldn't help her shock and joy. They'd found a secret passageway. Ones people spoke about. But this was the first one she'd ever laid eyes on. Immy approached. She figured they'd both be able to get in. Immy wondered where it lead.

"Do you want to go first or shall I?" Immy asked looking straight towards it.
Lauren didnt know whether she wanted to go first or not, it looked a bit scary. "Erm.." She said uneasily.

Lauren walked closer to the dark hole and took out her wand and said "Lumos". Her wand tip ignited and lit up the dark hole. She saw a sort of slide but she couldnt see how far it went down.

"Well, it looks safe... I dont mind, you can go first if you wish" said Lauren looking at Immy.
Immy watched the light, light up the tunnel. Immy took up her own wand and said lumos under her beathe and the wand lit up. She put it towards the hole and looked inside. She smiled and looked round to Lauren. Imogen didn't mind going first.

"I'll go first." Immy said moving towards the hole and climbing up. She was on her hands and knees and put her lit wand in one of her hands lighting up the way. She wondered where the slide at the end led

((will there be a place for them to stand or will it go straight to the slide))
Lauren watched Immy as she walked over and climbed into the hole. Immy showed no fear which Lauren has a lot of. She walked closer and even though two wands were lit up she could still see no further down the slide. She waited to see Immy down the slide, dreading when it was her turn.

I think that it should go straight into the slide as its a bit more scary, whta do you think?
Immy held the wand tightly in her hand. She continued to walk on her hands and knees through the hole, closer and closer to where the tunnel widened and dropped. Immy continued to move forward. Immy put out her hand and instead of the the ground of the tunnel her hand feel and her body falled down the slide. It was short and Immy let out a cry of surprise as she slide down until she was on the ground and her wand slide to the other side of the room.

"Lauren? The slide is a little sudden. I don't see a door. Come on down." Immy called up.
Lauren watched, her mouth open as Immy went into the hole and down the slide. Ok, just go. dont think about it she told herself.

She approached the hole, climbed in, and muttered "Nox" she put her wand away and sat down. Reluctantly she lowered herself down on the slide and let go. She was hurtling down the slide in darkness. "WOOOO" Lauren said. Instead of being scared (which was her initial thought) she actually enjoyed it. It was like the slides at the playground. The slide then suddenly stopped and Lauren landed on the floor at the bottom.

She stood up (brushed down her robes) and looked around Wow she thought. "How do we get out?" she asked Immy.
Imogen waited a few moments before being joined by Lauren. Immy held up her wand and walked to the wall. She ran her hand against it as she looked for an exit. Soon she came to a door. Immy turned to Lauren.

"There is a door, I wonder where it leads." Imogen said taking a step back from it , smiling excitedly.
Lauren walked over to where Immy was and there was indeed a door. "Shall we have a look?" Lauren asked with a smile on her face. Fear was not one of her emotions now, she was excited, intrigued. Lauren put her hand on the doorknob and pulled open the door. A familiar sight met their eyes.
Imogen whispered Knox and watched as Lauren opened the door. Immy felt her jaw drop as they saw a familiar sight. She counted believe it. The Great Hall. She couldn't be more surprised.

"Oh, my goodness." Imogen said. She turned to Lauren with a massive smile on her face. "I don't believe it."

^^Lame, sorry^^
Lauren's jaw dropped "How far have we come down?" Lauren asked Immy as she walked out of the darkened room and into the great hall. It was empty as it was too late for breakfast and too early for lunch.

"I think we've just found a shortcut" Lauren said as she turned to face Immy smiling.
Imogen just nodded. She couldn't believe it. They had found a shortcut from the fifth floor to the Great Hall. This was brilliant. It was like there own little place. There was enough room at the bottom of the slide to come and just be hidden from the world.

"I think we did. Wow." Was all this little Gryffindor could say. "This is so cool"
Lauren smiled this really was amazing she never thought that they would find a secret passageway and they had. "We can sleep longer, now that we've found this shortcut" Lauren said with a giggle.

She went back into the darkened room and said "Lumos". The room was actually quite big, no-one would ever find them here. It was a way to escape the hectic life. Lauren could tell she would use this passageway a lot.

"Do you think theres a way back up, or do you think we will have to go back up the normal way?"Lauren asked Immy, looking around.

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