It's a Giveaway!!

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Lolli Lovre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 8 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Lolli is my newest character. She is a small girl with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. She is sweet, caring, and living in an orphanage! Yay, right? She needs friends. She is a determined, and loving young girl. She enjoys dancing, Karate, can belch the alphabet, and is protective over her friends and loved ones. If you need someone like her, let me know. Everything you need to know is right here, in her bio! Please post here or just send me a Pm on any of my accounts!
Further more, I have 12 lovely family members, that I will need taken care of! They are all wonderful, and I will give basics on them if you are interested, they can all be found in the second part of her Development.
Anyone who is reading this, I must as you to pardon my horrible spelling. I'm not at home, which means no spell check! So just PM me on whichever account i'm on, and I will give you any information you wish to know about them. The most important family members that need to be taken are Kaysee and Corey. Corey is her Def sister, so i'm hoping this person is talented. And Kaysee is madly in love with Lolli and doesn't know it!


I realized that everyone might actually want the character list here, So I'll put it down, and the ones that are taken, will be crossed out. Also, The parents need to be taken very soon, as soon as they can be! So below is a list, and also, You can make them look any way you want, because once the character is made, her development will be linked to the character's development!
If you'd like an example of what a character looks like once taken, Laura was the first one taken, there!

-Unbiological Father-
Name: Richard Carell Ricci III
Age: 46
Occupation: Helps to run the Bayview orphanage with his wife, but is looking for other work, such as a job in a restraunt or even to open up his own restraunt.
How They Get Along: Richard has always pushed Lolli to be her very best in everything. So naturally, she dislikes him a lot. She finds that he is pushy, and doesn't believe in childish behavior. She loves him though, and knows deep down, that if he hadn't of pushed her, she wouldn't be the way she is now, smart and brave, and strong.

Dianna Ross Ricci

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Richard Carell Ricci IV
Age: 22
Occupation: Piolet for muggle passenger planes
How They Get Along: Richard adn Lolli, though literally oceans apart, a re the best of friends and she is closer to him then anyone else in the household. Richard has been looking to adopt Lolli, but because he is unmarried, and his career keeps him from home, he can't. Him and Lolli write as much as they can though, she she sometimes rides in his passenger planes at a discount price.

-Unbiological Brother-

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Andria Rose Ramone (Anthony's Twin Sister)
Age: 18
Occupation: Babysitter (recently graduated Beuxbaton)
How They Get Along:Lolli and Andria have a normal sister relationship, which means they annoy and love each other to death. Andria picks on Lolli's size, adn Lolli picks on how tall Andria is. But they do it in fun, because they do care.

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Traci Cori Rachetti
Age: 17
Occupation: Attending a Muggle school
How They Get Along: Tracy adn Lolli talk everyday to share information about each others worlds. When Tracy was eight, she showed up at the orphanage, because her parents didn't want a squib. Tracy learns about magic from Lolli, and Lolli learns more about muggle schools from Tracy.

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Laura Ray Simone
Age: 17
Occupation: None (Expelled from B:cool:
How They Get Along: Lolli doesn't like Laura at all, it's simply because she is a trouble maker. Laura has been adopted many times because of her beauty, but has never stuck in a home unfortunantly. Lolli knows it's because of her troublesome ways.

Noah William Cray

-Unbological Sister-
Name: Carri Lynn Alexander
Age: 15
Occupation: Beuxbaton student
How They Get Along: Carri and Lolli have a mutual respect for each other, but haven't really spoken since Carri arrived. She only speaks with her sister, Lynnie.

-Unbological Sister-
Name: Lynnie Ray Alexander
Age: 14
Occupation: Beuxbaton Student
How They Get Along: Lynnie and Lolli hardly talk, but more then what Carri and Lolli do. They are both smart, and respect each others art tastes. They tend to dace and train in the same places, and know a lot about each other without speaking.

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Kaysee Eric Lornn
Age: 13
Occupation: Durmstrang Attendent
How They Get Along: Kaysee is a bookworm whom keeps to himself. He has never spoken to Lolli but is constantly watching her. Lolli has helped Kaysee out when Laura steals his books, but he never really talks to her other then that.

-Bological Sister-
Name: Corey Lynn Lovre
Age: 12
Occupation: Buexbatons Student
How They Get Along: Corey and Lolli are rarely seen apart. They are the best of friends, and though Corey is deaf in both ears and can only hear enough to read lips, they are contantly talking. Corey is very protective of Lolli, and vice versa. They've always taken dance together, and even Karate. They read the same books, adn sometimes wear the same outfits. They are always color coordinated when they are out of school. And they love each other more then any sisters could.
I can offer Amanda Pike as a friend. She is seen as a quiet person, but with friends likes to have fun and be funny/act random. She can be serious when she needs to, though.

I would offer to take up one of the family members, but I don't think I can. I already have a lot of characters and if I did make one, I don't think the character would be very active. :(
If i ever meet you in real life, I will give you a batch of your favorite kind!!

Amanda would be perfect for Lolli.
Would you like to start, or shall I if you are busy?
Also, I will eat two of those cookies for not taking a character (obviously, I would have eaten two cookies worth of doe while making them anyways :p )
I will!!
Okay, I'll start it soon, soon, soon (isn't saying things in threes fun?)!
Oh, yeha, I can't start it right now, because I'm waiting for approval on my character's plot. But after I find out, I'll start!!
Hi again Cole :p

Laura Ray Simone sounds fun xD ... if no one's playing her can I can I? pweaseee... tee hee

Or Noah... :erm: :erm: :erm:
Oh Sally! I love you.
And remember, the play by is your choice, so if she's an Asian, then she is.
If you know anyone else interested, let me know!
So yes, you can Have Laura, once you make her, link me and I will most definintly cross her off my list.
Heya! I reckon i could take Dianna Ross Ricci
:) I love playing the mother type(L) Lol
Oh of Course.
Once you get the account set up (and this goes for Sally too) PM me on Lolli, or any of my other accounts, and I'll send you all the information you need.
Once you get the PB up, let me know please!! =)
I change my mind... Can I make Noah instead?
Yep, I'll just put Laura back up :p

Once again, I'm sorry for the delay. Like I have stated, I'm waiting for approval on something, so it will have to wait until Nicklypoo comes back =D
Thanks for the patience!
Lanaphant :hug:
i'm very sorry it took so long, but I had to take care of something before starting. So here it is
Hope it's okay! I'm slightly Museless right now, because i have so much on my mind :p
It's fine, Cole! :hug: Don't worry about it. :)
Now I'm off to reply *disapparates*
i don't like the concept of apparation, because it would make me dizzy, anyways...
I still have slots open for family and such!!
Of course not, Maddz!
Take him and PM me when he's set up!
Here I change the name and stuff, I think I'm done making characters now xD just a question is he twin with someone? If he is they have to be from India :D I was gonna make him black African American but I decided on him!
I'll make sure that's known ^.^
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