Closed It's A Funny Story, Promise

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden had been teaching at Hogwarts for almost 25 years now, he'd join the staff as a young man freshly out of his own education and having finished his teaching apprenticeship. he didn't think he'd have stayed at Hogwarts this long, in fact in his early career he had done a brief sabbatical to the charms division of the ministry. But all of that was long gone, and he was now far older, and far wiser. he knew his office, and his classroom like the back of his hand, he was a good teacher and he knew what he was doing. He knew where to go for coffee if he ran out, he knew the best mug for him, and he knew how to not get his coffee everywhere...or so he thought. Misha had somehow managed to spill coffee just about everywhere. He'd managed to clean up his desk with a wave of his wand, but it had gone all over his left hand, which was now red and sore. He felt a little silly, but healing magic had never been his strongest suit, so given it's proximity he went to the hospital wing, and to the nurse's office, "Is someone there?" he asked, there was usually a nurse about.
Picking up a job as a Hogwarts Nurse was not among her list of dream careers, but it would bring home funds that she would need to support her children. That was what mattered to her most of all. She had a long list of careers, and that included an Unspeakable, professional Quidditch player, a coach, and now she was a Hogwarts Nurse. It was like someone just kept throwing darts on a career board and that was what she did. As long as she stayed away from her uncle's business. She would never accept that man's help, nor would she allow him to come forth and meddle in her children's love affairs. So, she was sitting in her new office, still decorating it because she needed photos of her children after all, and their spouses, if it counted. Of course, while putting things away, she heard a voice call out. An adult voice. She opened the door and peaked outside to see a professor. The blonde approached him, her magenta eyes looking over him carefully. "What do you need?" She had yet to learn everyone's names, so she didn't know this man. In time, and with the yearbook, she would learn.
Of course, it felt a little silly to go to the nurse's office with just a coffee burn, but he'd never been good with healing, and it just, well, it seemed like a better idea to get someone with skills and experience to deal with it. He looked at the woman who approached him, noting immediately her magenta eyes and that this was the first time he seen her. He was usually pretty good at knowing who the nurses were, given his proximity to the area. He held up his hand with had the burn on it. "I burnt my hand on some coffee," he told her with a little smile, a little laugh at himself, so she knew that it would be fine to make fun of his idiocy. "It's funny story really," he then added, even though it really wasn't. "I'm just awful at healing stuff, charms, I can do, healing nah, I'm Misha by the way, charms professor," he introduced himself, if she was new it was the best thing to do.
Her eyes went from his face to his hand as he held it up, and saw the burn. A very mild one at that. At least, in her opinion. "You came here, for a coffee burn?" She had to repeat it to see if she heard right. But, apparently it was considering his little tale. "I highly doubt that there is something funny about spilling coffee on yourself." Considering she had the humor of a rake, it was rare that she found anything humorous nowadays. The former Slytherin let out a sigh as she took out her wand and cast a small healing spell on the burned hand. She immediately put it away. "So, Charms and Misha... That makes you Professor Haden. You taught my children before I transferred them. Dragonov, or Dragonova. I'm Isabella Romanes." She looked him up and down. "If you are this clumsy with coffee, can't imagine how your classes are. No wonder my kids loved you." Of course, she only sent her oldest three here. Two in Slytherin and one in Gryffindor.
Misha gave a little shrug. "Well, maybe not that funny, but certainly a little. I'm an adult after all, who teaches kids, I should be better at not spilling extreme hot coffee over myself?" he replied with a little smile. He had his hand outstretched to her and let her do what she needed to, to heal him up. He was sure that it really wouldn't be that bad. He nodded as she figure out who he was. "Yeah, but it's just Misha," he assured her. He was sure he remembered the names of those children, but he had taught a good number of kids. "I like to think it's my excellent teaching style that let them love me and not my occasional clumsness," he joked lightly. "Does that mean you went to this school?" he'd been teaching here a while, and the school had been about when he'd gone to magical school, so there was a chance that she'd gone to it too, just before he'd been teaching.
Isabella gazed at him. When worded like that, perhaps it wasn't such a big deal since accidents happened. Maybe not like this to her, but that involved drinking hot coffee when she preferred ice. But that was just what she preferred. She folded her arms over her chest as he introduced himself as just Misha. Right, she was not a student anymore. And had not been for several decades. She did not need to refer to them as professor anymore. "All right then, 'just Misha'." A smile finally crossed her otherwise stern features, even more so when he brought up his teaching methods. "Maybe they did, maybe not. I didn't really ask about the professors. They tend to come and go." Even during her time, there were so many professors it was ridiculous to remember them all, except for Professor Styx - which she was surprised that he was not here when she was brought on for the job. "Yes I did. I graduated in 2032. I was a Slytherin prefect. My twin sister became Head Girl." At least the bitterness was no longer there.
Misha found as she smiled when saying his name that his smile grew a little too. It must be interesting to go from a position of being at this school and calling people professor to then coming back years later and no longer needing to do so. But Misha liked to be just Misha to even his students. "I've been here a little while," he replied, it was likely that he might've taught this woman's kids it would depend if they'd made it to the latter years or if they'd been at the school when he was the professor for all of charms. "Wow, 2032!" he replied, giving a little laugh. "I joined in September of 2032! We were ships in the night at this school then," he joked with her, but he thought it was cool. He had to imagine some of the first kids he'd taught would have now their own fully grown kids. "Where does all the time go,"
Isabella was a little envious that he had been here that long then, since he was here for the time her children where. It was fairly incredible, really. She went through several careers herself - before becoming a nurse at her old school. Her magenta eyes widened as he revealed that he joined just after she graduated. A laugh escaped her lips as she realized just how close that was, not to mention, how far ago that was. "You must have been young then. You can't be more than what, two, three years older than me?" She could not tell how old he was just by looking. "You must love your career. That is pretty admirable that you stuck around for so long. That is what, 25 years in September. You might be here longer than my former Head of House, Professor Styx." Of course, she did not remember his first name. "You probably taught your own kids too."
Misha nodded lightly, "I was a young man, fresh faced, ready to change the world. Now I can't function without coffee," he joked lightly but he nodded. "I do love teaching," he had always loved teaching, it had always been what he wanted to do with his life, and he was very thankful that he was able to do it. "I'm fairly sure Professor Styx was teaching here before there was even a school," he also joked. "I taught my daughter, it was more pressure with her in the class, wanted to be extra good at my job. But she's graduated now," He told Isabella with a warmth in his tone. he had loved having Cyzarine at the school. it had been nice, it felt lonelier without her. "How did your life bring you back here?"
His joke made her smile even more, mainly because Isabella could relate. She needed her daily latte, though over ice. She needed her drinks cold nowadays. "I'm like that with my iced lattes. Often with double espresso." Isabella could not help but glance over his hand to make sure her healing spell worked. After all, he came in here for that, and now they were carried away with conversations of the past. "Pretty sure Professor Styx's ears are itching if we keep talking about him." It was a common saying, but he had been here for many years. When hired, she was surprised that he was no longer around. "Just the one child? Do you have others running around or just the single daughter?" Isabella could not comprehend having just one child. She had seven, for Merlin's sake. Right, what brought her back here? Her lips became a thin line as she averted her eyes. "Divorce. First husband died, second one... The fighting and stuff was a nightmare. So I moved away and came back here to start new." She did leave out the part where they tried to solve their fights and such with another child, and that blew up in their faces - not to mention her expectations were a bit high.
Misha gave a little impressed noise at what coffee she drank, he had to imagine it was pretty intense, he was a straight coffee guy but he got it. "Professor Styx and I were best friends while he was here," Misha said with a little less certainty in his tone than he might've said the same statement with before. But he knew that since the man had retired he hadn't had much contact, so...perhaps they had only been work best friends. He nodded, "Just the daughter and even she was a surprise..," he admitted almost a little shyly. "I always wanted more kids...but..I never married or have really been in long term if I have more children they are unknown to me,"

Misha was always a little disappointed to not have more kids, to not have found love or whatever but he was also not so sad about it. "How many children do you have?" He asked, just as she began telling him about what brought her here and he gave a little sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, that sounds...awful." he told her. "And well...if you ever need someone to talk to who has no experience of real long term relationships then..I'm just down the hall,"
Isabella normally had a good handle on controlling the looks she gave, but she could not help it when Misha said that he and Professor Styx were best friends. She looked him up and down, before blurting out almost under her breath, "But you seem normal and without a stick shoved up your ass..." She even looked around toward his rear to see if there was something there or not. Nope, but... Really? He seemed like a nice guy but maybe there was some sort of darkness in him... No, she could tell that this guy was a good one, considering she was raised by Collineus Cardosi himself. But he only had one child, which was a stark contrast to her. She even put her hand on her stomach as a reminder of how many she carried in there. "Well, if you do, I am sure that they will probably need some help with healing if you can't manage a simple coffee burn," Isabella teased lightly. "I have 7 children. 5 from my late husband, and 2 from my ex. I could go on about how awful the marriage was, but I know I have my flaws. I'm not totally innocent in it. I'm sure you have better things to do than to listen to some bitter divorcee talk about her failed marriages. I can give you tips on how to woo a classy lady though."
Misha gave a little laugh at her statement, he had found Professor Styx not that much of a hard-ass when you got to know him. He was a pretty interesting person, even if rough around the edges. "Would it help if I acted less normal?" he laughed lightly. but he was sure that perhaps it was just remembering a professor and then knowing an actual person for who they were. He would want to know if he had other children, but also knew it wasn't really his place to demand that of anyone. He couldn't imagine having and raising seven children. But it wasn't the important part of what she was saying, he just hand a sympathetic expression on his face. "Lay it on me. I'd love to learn how to woo any lady, especially a classy one,"
Isabella didn't mean for him to hear her words, but alas so he had. She ultimately shook her head to cover up the embarrassment. After all, she didn't want to insult him. Spilling coffee on himself was insult enough, really. "Just don't act around me. I can see through that pretty easily." She was a pretty good judge of character but apparently sucked in the romance department. But after spilling her life story, even just a fraction of it, she hoped that the look was sympathy and not of pity. She would be so pissed off if he pitied her because she loved her children and loved raising them. She had no regrets at all. When posed with how to woo a classy woman, she had to think of herself. "Well, anyone can bring a lady some roses and chocolates, but that is cliche. What you really need is to get to know her, and find out her interests. For example, if someone were to woo me, I would laugh at flowers, but be flattered with lattes or anything to do with Quidditch because I am passionate about both." She paused for a moment. "Just need to get to know who you want to go for. And the other party will be appreciative."
Misha nodded with a little smile. He wasn't usually the one to act, but he wasn't always the best behaved one either. Misha listened as gave him advice. He'd never brought anyone roses or chocolate, but he'd never been in a relationship long enough for that or been particularly fussed about Valentines day. He gave a little nod, "Get to know them," he repeated, it seemed obvious but it wasn't necessarily something he'd considered. He had never really bothered getting to know his dates apart from superficial things. "So if I say that my favourite quidditch team is the Moutohora Macaws, you'd be wooed because I'm interested in what you're interest in? Or should I be stealing the Hogwarts Snitch for you?" he asked. Obviously he was playing a little into using her as an example but it just felt natural for the conversation.
Isabella could see why her kids liked this professor. He had this good personality and aura around him. It was vastly different from her family members. Well, at least from the Cardosi side. Romanes were rather pleasant and kind, but they were not great in numbers anymore. Isabella folded her hands behind her back as it seemed like her advice was getting through to him. To get to know the person so that he could woo them properly. People their age should know this so it was quite interesting for a bitter divorced woman to even talk about this. Of course, she was being used as an example, though stealing the Hogwarts Snitch made her laugh softly. "Pretty much. It opens up an avenue of conversation to help bridge the road, so to speak. Although, I would frown upon stealing the Hogwarts snitch because as a former player, that would be pretty upsetting. The gesture sounds sweet though." Yeah, it was sweet to consider, as long as someone doesn't actually do it. "But yes, things like that will help you woo a classy lady."
Misha gave a little smile as she said logically that it was a little about opening an avenue of conversation. He had to agree, it was certainly a way to get conversation flowing with a person. It just had never needed to be more than a couple of conversations, a couple of dates for him. "I'd wait till after the game of course," he said with a little chuckle. "So you played quidditch, as a seeker, that's pretty neat. How good were you?" he asked with a keen smile, taking an interest in what she was interested in and generally being curious about what sort of person she had been like at school.
Isabella shook her head at the thought of a professor actually stealing the golden snitch, post game, and giving it to her. That was ridiculous and she would return it immediately. Although, when he asked about her playing Quidditch, as a seeker no less, her eyebrow raised. "Actually, I only played a seeker once because I kicked someone out of the game during school. I was the captain and a beater. Although, if I am not mistaken, I caught the snitch that year." It had just been a long time so her memory was a little off. "But I like to think I am a good beater. I rarely miss my targets." Isabella smirked slightly.
Misha was quite interested in what her schooling had been like and thought it was cool that she'd been a beater and the captain. He wondered what she might've been like in school. He gave a little laugh at her statement at the end. "Well, just tell me if I need to start running," he gave a little smile. "I was at Durmstrang, and if it's at all surprising, I was a teacher's pet...I used to spend time with the charms professor. Especially when I was doing NEWTs," he told her.
Isabella wondered if she could actually hit a bludger at someone anymore and not feel bad. Well, maybe if she were playing Quidditch again, she wouldn't feel bad. She laughed softly, "Unless you are out on the pitch, I don't think you need to worry. But if you do get injured out there, it is the best way to see me." Isabella gave a small shrug of her shoulders, not knowing that could have sounded flirtatious at all. Knowing that he was in Durmstrang made her nod. She sent a few of her own children there because she heard that it was a decent school, even though it taught Dark Arts. "Teacher's pet, huh. Guess we had that in common. My grades were impeccable. Even my charms." Isabella hoped that there wasn't anything.... forbidden about being a teacher's pet. It used to be shameful back in the day. "Actually, I used to run the yearbook here in my day. I think they have copies of different awards and such so you could have a guess on who I was back then. Of course, since I am telling you this, it won't be creepy if you did."
Misha gave a little smile. "Well, if you ever want to practice and don't mind watching me flail around like a headless chicken on a broom, I'd happily join you outside," he replied joking slightly with her before nodding. "You'll regret that offer of helping out if I get injured, I'll be in here all time for every little paper cut," he liked her, this was a nice conversation. He nodded with her, he had been a bit of a teachers pet, but he hadn't ever thought it was that big of a deal to be, but probably because he had been so unbothered by it. "Oh really? That's pretty amazing, the yearbook is impressive," he had interacted with it a lot in his time teaching here. "I don't think I need to know about who you were really, only what you tell me. I like learning about you from you," perhaps a little cheesy to say but he didn't want her to feel awkward like he'd go look her up when she couldn't do the same for him.
Isabella had to wonder if he was joking or not. With that tone, it was impossible not to, but it made her smile regardless, which was a little unusual on her face. He was something else, and she wondered why the hell he was still single. There had to be something wrong with him, right? Maybe it was something behind closed doors. That was a possibility. Wait, was she really thinking about that with someone who taught her children?! Isabella pointed out, "If you come in here that often, then I will have to teach you some basics on healing." As suspicious as she was, she was relaxed around him. She even smiled a bit more with the yearbook compliment. She really loved working with it once upon a time. It took up a lot of time, but she adored it all the same. "If you keep talking like that, then I might assume that you would want to know more over coffee." That wasn't so subtle with her almost hinting at him being free to ask her more over coffee. After all, a way to earn her trust and affection was over a latte.
Misha laughed lightly, ”That might end up being quite useful,” he didn't know much about magical healing. Just knew, bits and pieces, what could be healed and what couldn't be healed. But knowing a few spells would be practical. Obviously, only if they didn't interfere with him possibly being able to see and speak with Isabella. He let his eyebrows raise a little at her and then nodded, ”Well, I'd love to get to know you over a coffee, maybe outside the school at some point. If you'd like?” he asked. He felt fairly confident that she'd accept it, given she had asked for it in the first place.
Isabella knew that he would likely benefit if someone taught him some basic healing spells. Then he would not have to come in here for minor injuries or inconveniences. But then he would not be able to come in here over something so small. She could gain so much of that, or rather, have an excuse to come to the nurses office. Of course, she should not care about that, right? It wasn't like she wanted him to seek her out? Then again, he was definitely handsome, and a little goofy. That is her type. Just like her first husband. Yet, it would be wrong to compare the two. "I think I can fit you into my schedule. Just let me know when you are free and I'll have someone else cover me. I think there's another nurse here. Josephine? Unsure of her name." Isabella did just start working there after all. And it would take some time for her to know people's names.
Misha gave a little nod, glad that she could fit him into her schedule. He didn't mind when they did it at all, whenever it worked for her, would be fine for him. "Yeah, Josephine or something," he was sure that was her name, he knew he should know it a little better than she did, given that they'd been at the school longer. "Well, when you have the time, you can come by my office, and you can comment on all the health and safety hazards in it," He told her. The coffee would be good, he couldn't wait for it.

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