It Was All You, None Of It Me

Keeva Fitzgerald

Pride of Portree Beater // Stubborn // Foodie
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Set July, 2043

Keeva Fitzgerald was a sneaky woman, and that sneakiness had to be used in some place. This place happened to be Shane's. Her father's friend had been helping her practice now since December of two years ago. There was no doubt in Keeva's mind now that she was graduated that she was going to play quidditch professionally. Her try out was only a month away, so her practices needed to be more rigorous and more frequent. She got practice with her friends, but nothing was better than practice from a real professional player - and it helped that the player knew her parents. And that he was nice to look at. Not that Keeva was slightly interested in dating him. She had never been the kind of girl to really date. She'd had a few guys whom liked her and a few snogs in school - but nothing even close to the relationships her cousin Viviana always talked about. They seemed too time consuming and energy eating.

Having a vigorous training regimen often stressed Keeva out. She practiced like it was a full time job, five days a week. So that Friday after practice she'd planned to go out with her friends and get some drinks. Turning seventeen had it perks after all. She had picked out an outfit but knew she'd need to change at Shane's, her parents would never let her leave the house wearing the leather skirt - even if she was an adult. So after practice she requested to shower and got dressed in the bathroom of friends - coaches? what could she call him - house. Once ready she packed her things in an enchanted bag, and exited the room. "Shane where did ye put my coat?" She inquired, looking around to see if she'd just tossed it on the floor.
Shane found himself in a very strange position. He was spending a lot of time with his buddies daughter Keeva, the girl was eager to play professional Quidditch and after Shane put in a word with his coach she had a tryout with his team. That meant the girl was determined to practice, every since she graduated the days were long and grueling but Keeva was showing a lot of promise, her talent was evident and her enthusiasm and work ethic more than made up for anything she lacked. All the time he had been spending with Keeva had put a strain on his friendship with Cormac. Shane knew Keeva's mother wasn't a fan of his, no doubt for actually encouraging her to pursue her dreams, he was clearly a terrible influence on the girl.

The week had come to an end and fridays practice was less long or grueling than the rest of the week, but it did signal the weekend and a break. They would both spend a couple of days without seeing each other, strangely Shane was coming to miss Keeva when she wasn't around. Keeva was heading out for her birthday with friends so he allowed her to shower and change at his place. Shane was in the kitchen when she asked about her coat, he put down his drink and came out to answer her when he was stopped in his tracks by the sight of her outfit. She looked jaw droppingly gorgeous but he couldn't say that, she was barely an adult. "Its hung up by the door, I can not let you leave here dressed like that, your mother will have my head dangling from the goalpost,"
Keeva smiled and found her coat easily, but the next words out of Shane's mouth made her roll her eyes. The brunette girl turned and began slipping on her coat. In all fairness she could aparate away if she really wanted to, but she couldn't afford losing the help of Shane. Or his friendship. He was a pretty cool guy after all, and Keeva had grown to admire his abilities on the quidditch pitch. He also listened to her whine about her parents - and even though Cormac was his friend Keeva felt she could trust Shane not to tell her father anything she said. It was a strange dynamic, but the woman didn't mind it.

Once her coat was on and she'd given herself a moment to think she put her hands on her hips. "Shane. I'm an adult now, not a child. My mum can't control what I wear anymore. And frankly it's amusing you're afraid of her." Keeva let a small smirk onto her lips. "Besides, what is the matter with my outfit. Skirt is finger tips length you know!" She argued, putting her hands to her side. Though her midriff was bear she was correct in saying at least the skirt was finger tips length.
Shane felt like he was digging himself a hole even though he wasn't really doing anything. He watched Keeva as she put her coat on, he thought it was a shame she was covering up. More thoughts he would never share with her or anyone. He almost felt guilty by the mere mention of the girls parents, he really didn't want to think about her parents but how could he not when she was about to leave his home dressed in practically nothing. "Hey its not you I'm worried about, I've seen you handle your mother quite well, me on the other hand, I haven't fared so well up to this point, in case you hadn't noticed."

When Keeva drew attention to her outfit and asked Shane to explain what was wrong with it he was momentarily at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say, he wasn't the one with a problem, he could just imagine her mother yelling at him for allowing it to happen, not that he had anymore control or influence over her than her mother did. "Nothing is wrong with your outfit, you look hot, I'm not the one who takes issue with how you dress,"
Keeva gave a laugh at what he said. It was true. Especially when Keeva had actually turned seventeen last November and he'd given her two tickets to a Quidditch match. Her mother made sure to go with her so she could not take Shane. Though Keeva wasn't sure why. Of course she and all her friends thought he was fairly good looking - Keeva knew he was her dad's friend. Nothing could happen or would happen between them. As far as she was concerned even if it did it would happen once and then never again. After all - Keeva wasn't about to get romantically involved with anyone and let it ruin her career. Not even another Quidditch player.

However the resolve of all of that came to a head and a falter when he said he didn't have a problem with her outfit and that it did indeed look good on her. The blue eyed girl returned her hands to her hips and looked at him. "Then why does it matter? i'm not going out fer drinks around the corner we're taking a port key to a club in Scotland anyways. Listen me mum will never see the outfit. And if she does how could she be mad at you? It's not like you're related to me, yer not my boyfriend or anything. You've no control over what I wear. Neither does she. I'm 17 now, I choose what I do!" Keeva was frustrated, gripping her jacket. However her face was a light pink and had been since the compliment. She was used to being complimented about quidditch - not about her looks. Most guys were too afraid to do so considering her history of fist fights.
It felt like an argument, which didn't make sense as they were both on the same side. It wasn't Shane's fault he was more conscious of her mother's opinion and what would happen, to him, if she ever found out how she went out. It was clear though that her mother in person couldn't change her mind so him channeling her was next to useless. Shane would get on board with her outfit, like he should have been in the first place, as her friend and not her mothers proxy. "You're right, you're are an adult and its non of my business what you wear, like you said your mother will never know so whats it matter," There was little all else to say on the matter, Keeva would go out looking like a goddess and with any luck she would have a good night. Shane would go about his normal evening. "I shouldn't have mentioned your mother, you look great and you should go have fun, I'll see you bright and early monday for more training," Shane smiled at her.
Keeva was surprised to hear the words she was right. Her hands dropped from her hips to her sides and the girl sighed. Her friends were going to wonder what took her so long, she had been late half an hour ago but had to make sure her makeup was perfect. After all doing it by hand was so much more relaxing than doing it with magic. She wasn't used to being right in general in her household. She felt bad for arguing with Shane in the first place. Of course it had nothing to do with respect for him - it had everything to do with being his friend. "Listen I'm sorry. You wanna maybe come out with us to and get some drinks?" She invited, regardless on if it was appropriate or not.
Shane wasn't expecting the next words that came out of her mouth, it was a nice gesture of course it was but it was a ridiculous idea and the thought of saying yes had never really crossed his mind. Keeva needed to go out with her friends and have fun, and she needed to get away from him for a few days after having spend most of the week being barked at by him. "That's sweet Keeva but I'm a little too old to be drinking with a group of seventeen year olds, you go out and have fun," Shane followed her to the door as she made her way. "Oh, maybe come back here after to change, you can't go home like that, at least agree with me on that,"
The brunette woman sighed inwardly that he hadn't agreed to come up. Though she had to admit that many of her friends could be annoying, they'd have all been awe-struck to see a player in the flesh. Keeva had no problem agreeing with Shane about her outfit. She agreed to return after the night was done, and honestly she expected it to be a long night. However expectations and reality were completely different and it was no more than two hours later that Keeva returned to the man's house. Her friend had apparated her there after taking the portkey back to it's original spot. She asked if Keeva needed anything else, other than another couple of tissues for her bloody nose or more eyes for her soon to be blackened eye. The embarrassed woman told her no though, and when her friend left she knocked on the door - her fist still sore for punching the other patron in the face.
Once Shane had watched Keeva walk out of his apartment he expected that he wouldn't see her again until the small hours of the morning. Much to his surprise, just a couple of hours later there was a knock at the door. Shane jumped up onto his feet and answered and was shocked to find Keeva standing in his doorway, looking a little worse for ware. "What happened to you?" He asked noticing the bloody nose. "Come in, get cleaned up," Shane said stepping back and holding the door open. He would at least let her get cleaned up before he pressed her for details about her night, or lack there of. At this rate, her parents would barely notice she had been out that night.
Keeva gave a half smile. "Eh I'm fine, the other girls though will probably have quite the St. Mungo's bill." The brunette walked in, and in the light it was evident she was bruising around her left eye. The bloody nose was stuffed up by some cloth tissues of some sort and her hand had what looked like someone's teeth marks on them. It had been quite the fight. Keeva walked toward the bathroom but began talking anyways. "Some girl had the guts to come up to me and tell me and me mates we looked trash yeah? I told her if that was so why'd her boyfriend give me his number and she threw her drink on me. Wouldn't have been so mad but the drink is so sugary, swear I'm still sticky." Keeva removed her jacket once in the bathroom and ran water, still telling the story in a loud voice - in case he'd not followed her. "So I swing at her yeah? And her girls that are with her all jump in. There were like three of them. Pretty sure I came out on top but me mate dragged me away before the authorities were called." Keeva dabbed her face with the damp cloth wincing. "Merlin's short whiskers that hurts." She grimaced. "You know how to fix any of this?" She asked, referring to with magic.
Shane stood aside so Keeva could enter the apartment. Her black eye was even more clear in the lights. Once inside Keeva began to tell the story of her night. Shane kept quiet an listened. After seeing her out on the quidditch pitch he wasn't at all surprised that she could handle herself in a fight, he just couldn't believe she had got into one on what was supposed to be a night celebrating her birthday. "Not surprised you got the guys number in that dress...but go on," Once she was in the bathroom she raised her voice so she could be heard. Shane went into the kitchen and took out too glasses and filled them with vodka and took them out to the den. When Keeva asked if he knew anything that could fix her he laughed. "I can fix the nose, the blood and stick, take a shower," Shane laughed.
The brunette heard his comment and laughed. Why did he insist on complimenting her. Was he coming on to her? For a moment Keeva froze while washing her face and looked into her own startlingly blue orbs. Was he coming on to her. The idea made her chest tighten in excitement - but it was thrown to the side. He was at least thirty - she was seventeen. While they were both adults how would he even find her in that manner? Sure they were both into quidditch, and they both had common interests in politics, they had a lot in common. Keeva had of course thought he was attractive but her mom would kill her.

"Cold shower, got it." Keeva spoke back finally acknowledging his suggestion. The petite woman shut the door and did as instructed, turning the water onto a fridged temperature. She made the shower quick, her bloody nose stopping once the water had hit it. It was a fifteen minute shower at most and the brunette was out once more. She used her wand to dry her hair and detangle it, and then got dressed in the clothes she'd worked out in. Once appropriately dressed she moved out into the sitting area. "Alright. I don't dance around the bush - why do you keep complimenting me? Are you trying to be sly or bein' nice." She asked, standing with hands on her hips, looking at the man.
Shane nodded to himself when Keeva acknowledged his suggestion. He sat himself down on his sofa and picked up one of the glasses and took a sip of the vodka. He could hear the shower running so he gave up on trying to talk to her and just waited for her to finish in the shower. Fifteen minutes later the shower stopped and a few minutes later Keeva came out of the bathroom dressed and she had questions. Shane wasn't sure how to answer Keeva's question at first. "What do you mean? I'm being nice, what I say to you is true, should I not be nice to you? Do you want me to keep being hard on you even when we're not on the quidditch pitch?" He asked wondering what her issue with him being nice to her was.
Keeva looked down the narrow bridge of her nose at the man whom was sitting. She shook her head. "It's not both." She spoke in her thick Irish accent, her voice low and assuming of him. "You mean what you say you said? So you think I'm attactive?" She inquired, trying to be sure of what she was accusing this man of. Not that she was accusing him of anything she disliked - she just had to know. Though the age gap should have bothered Keeva it didn't. She was an adult as was he. They could make their own decisions. If it turned out he was attracted to her and wanted to do something about it and she was uncomfortable she could just leave and tell her parents not to let him contact her whilst she lived there. She had nothing to lose in the knowledge. Keeva moved until she was directly in front of him, looking down at him. "What do ye plan to gain from telling me that?" She inquired.
Shane wasn't sure what Keeva was getting at, or what she wanted from him. He was just trying to be honest with her and it felt like she was trying to twist them. "Yes, I think you're attractive, I'd have to be blind, gay or both to think you weren't," Shane shrugged his shoulders. He watched as Keeva walked over and stood in front of him. Shane placed his glass on the table and looked at the girl. "I don't plan to gain anything from telling you, not everyone has an agenda, I find you attractive, whether you are in a dress that leaves nothing to the imagination, or in your quidditch uniform caked in mud, so what?" Shane asked, looking at the girl. She was seventeen, even if he told her he wanted her what would it matter, he was too old for her, and he was friends with her father, it wouldn't work.
Keeva crossed her arms over her chest. He said he had no agenda, but he was eyeing her earlier had given her the vibe he did have an agenda. "On your position in your quidditch team you swear you've no agenda with me?" She asked, unsure what she wanted his answer to be. Though something in her gut told her to step back she stepped forward. Her knees were against the edge of the couch now. He'd nearly have to knock her over to go anywhere. Her nature was almost predatory, blue eyes narrowing on him. She wanted to know exactly what he thought - it was a shame she wasn't a legilisman, or occlusmens. She wasn't sure which it was if she were honest.
Shane was in a tricky situation. Sure, he had no agenda with Keeva, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about more happening between them. What self respecting, red blooded man wouldn't. "Keeva, I have no agenda with you, I swear on my position on the Quidditch team," Shane sighed. "That what you wanted to hear? That I am actually here to be your Quidditch coach, and to get you on the team," What he said was true, but the temptation to kiss were was growing as she stepped closer to him. He knew he couldn't get passed her without physically moving her, and he was almost afraid what would happen if he touched her. "What does it matter to you?"
Keeva uncrossed her arms and placed her hands back on her hips, popping one out as she stood. Keeva heard his words and looked away from a moment. What did it matter to her? "I just wanted to know. Okay?" She was defensive, it was obvious in her tone. "You said things that i'm sure anyone else would say were flirtatious - I wanted to know if that's what they were but they weren't obviously." There was a small hint of dejection, but mostly it was a tone of expectancy. As if she'd known better. "So I'm going to go. Thanks." She spoke, turning to grab her bag."I'll see you for practice obviously. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding i hope it didn't make you uncomfortable. Some of the girls just said that you were interested so I needed to be able to set them straight." She spoke, her tone a little more flat than normal.
Shane listened to her words and to the tone she used. She didn't seem ok with what he had said to her, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. When Keeva said she was going to leave Shane found that he was disappointed. He didn't think she wanted to leave, at least not really so he needed to do something to let her know he didn't want her to go either. Keeva had made it to the door before he decided that it worth the risk, "Wait!" He called making his way over to her. Shane walked up to her till he almost had her pinned to the door. "The girls were right," He said quietly and kissed her.
Keeva was disappointed. Whether this was because she'd grown to be able to tolerate Shane's personality or because she genuinely just wanted the adrenaline of being with an older man, she couldn't decide. Being with anyone she could tolerate rushed her blood quickly - considering she could barely tolerate her family. Keeva had just reached the door when Shane called out for her. She turned on her heel. "Y - " She barely got the words out before he was right there in front of her, her back against the wood frame of his door. He spoke and gave her no time to react before his lips were on hers. He tasted of vodka and something else and Keeva felt her heart pick up the pace in her chest as if she'd just hit a bludger into the seeker and knocked them from the game.

Keeva's hands allowed her bag to drop to the floor and found his strong shoulders instead. Past that kiss the rest was history. The nigth she meant to just go home after changing shifted into a night where the girl whom had turned into an adult no more than eight months ago would be staying the night with her father's friend. She'd heard stories of girls like this - and while her maturity level had always called for an older man she'd honestly not thought it would be Shane.
Everything happened so fast. Keeva kissed him back and things escalated quickly from there until Shane carried her off to his bedroom. The night passed by quicker than he would have liked and before he knew Shane had dropped off to sleep. The next morning sunlight penetrated the gap between his curtains and woke Shane up. He couldn't believe what had just happened. It hadn't been what he expected from the evening, but he'd be lying if he said it hadn't been what he wanted for a while. Shane turned his head to look at the sleeping form of Keeva, her head was on his chest and her breathing was soft, and at some point in the night she had pulled most of the blankets from him to herself. The whole picture made him smile, he was almost tempted to pinch himself to make sure he hadn't dreamed it. Shane sat himself up in bed, being careful not to disturb her and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. There was no going back now, and Shane wasn't sure he would want to anyway.
Keeva slept like a rock through the night. Whether it be because she'd relieved tension that had been building since she started playing quidditch, or because she felt so comfortable in the layers of blankets of another persons bed, didn't matter to her. She was just glad she was able to sleep through the night and into the late morning. When birds were singing and the sun peaked through the curtain her sleep became light, and when Shane moved she was suddenly awake. Keeva sat up fairly quickly, blankets surrounding her. The brunette turned to Shane then the room. "G-good morning." she spoke with a small laugh, laying back with a poof of the bed. "Last night was uhm... Something." She commented, before looking at him. "My parents haven't called here have they? I was supposed to go back home. I was going apartment shopping later." Though Keeva realized that Shane was afraid of her parents, her tone was more bored than anything, as she really didn't want her mother picking out her first apartment for her.
Shane had hoped that he had woken up Keeva but it quickly became clear that he had as she sat up next to him and bid him a good morning. He smiled at her and put his arm around her, "Morning, last night was...amazing," He said building on her comment. When Keeva mentioned her parents Shane shrugged his shoulders, suddenly not feeling all that bothered or worried about them. "No they haven't, but would they even think to look for you here? Even your mother with her insane paranoia wouldn't actually think you'd spend the night here would she?" He asked wondering how far her suspicions of him went. Not that he was bothered, suddenly the thought of standing up to her bother didn't seem so bad.
Keeva smiled and blushed. "I already told you when you started training me. I'm good at everything." She laughed slightly and turned on her side. "Right. She probably thinks I stayed with one of the girls. Shell question the black eye though I'm sure." Keeva laughed again. "I should probably get going though." There was no part of the woman that wanted to leave that bed, but she knew she needed to. It was half past eleven and she needed to be back to her parents house by noon if she hoped to not make her mother angry. The next words out of Keeva's mouth were nothing she'd ever expected to say. "In no way does this mean we are in a relationship but can we do this again sometime?"

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