Closed It just slipped...

Kaelan Borisyuk

healer ✠ volatile ✠ 11'9"
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
24" Cedar with Acromantula Web Core
Kaelan Borisyuk never missed out or stood anyone up for as long as he lived. Between his time working, and watching Kirill while his brother and Amethyst worked, he barely had time to make plans. He set up another date with Onyx Smirnoff today, but he managed to forget it about while he had his nephew over. He helped out Amethyst while she was pregnant, and even helped with delivery. It was not something he wanted to do, but it was likely the only way he could get Killian to fully trust him. He even had some perks to go along with it. The point was, his family was coming back together, and Kaelan was not going to burn those bridges after he worked so hard to repair them.

And he might be burning the bridge he was building with Onyx since he managed to not only stand her up, but also not let her know with a simple text or call. Not even a letter. He was in his house, with his nephew on his lap. The young lad was gurgling and laughing as Kaelan leaned against the couch and used one of his ties to play with him. It was odd how little things, not even toys, would have a baby's attention. He could see a mix of his brother's and mother's DNA in there. It definitely awakened the need to have a big family inside of him. He'd love to have kids one day, definitely more than one. He just needed a wife.
Onyx had never been stood up. Perhaps part of that was that she'd never dated before Kaelan. She had never had an interest, but Kaelan kept drawing her in. Like a moth to a flame she couldn't help herself. He was full of himself, but had some right to be - plus she could easily beat him at video games which gave her gloating rights around him. Sometimes about seeing him all puffed up over it made her smile. She was not smiling now though.

She stormed her way to Kaelan's house and in a move unlike her normal self she entered without knocking. Now Onyx was not an insecure woman, she didn't figure he would be with someone else, but she also wasn't prepared for what she saw. Him with a child. "Excuse me?" She asked, flipping back some of her hair in a clearly irritated manner, glaring up at him.
Kaelan heard his door open, and his green eyes looked over to see Onyx saying two words and then glaring at him. He looked at the baby, and then back to her. He seemed confused for a moment, but then remembered that they had a date. "It isn’t what it looks like. Kade had an exam today and I had to step in to watch my nephew." He checked his watch and saw the time. Sh*t he was supposed to call Nyx a few hours ago to let her know that a family situation came up. If she did not know that he was an identical triplet, it would be tough to explain how he had a kid that looked just like him, without the tattoos. Kaelan sighed as he held Kirill closer to him, and shifted to look down at Nyx. "What can I do to salvage our date?" If she still wanted him to do something with her. He would not blame her if that were the case since his mindlessness got him into this predicament.
Onyx listened to him explain himself, but her look of irritation did not fade from her face. She waited until he was done speaking before finally she replied. "You couldn't salvage this date if you wanted to. I have never been more embarrassed in my life. Me? Stood up? For whatever reason it doens't matter. You made me look like a fool." She said, tone serious - laced with frustration and even a bit of hurt. "I thought better of you, Kaelan." She added. "Now if you have to babysit that's fine, but if you ever forget to call em and I wait at a restaurant for you again we are done. Over. No talking, no goodbyes." She said honestly. It was clear this crossed a heavy boundary for her.
Kaelan felt that a hit between the legs would not have hurt him worse than the embarrassment that he had from her scolding him, and how absolutely like sh*t that he felt. Then he felt somewhat confused. They were done? He wasn’t sure that they even wore an item before, but maybe it was getting there. He had a hold of his nephew with one hand, but then stood up to put Kirill over in a playpen and went back to Nyx. "It will not happen again. Do you want me to take you out or make something here? My cooking is pretty good. Maybe not as good as fine dining, but I don’t know if any fine dining place would allow a baby." Kaelan wanted to make it up to Nyx because she was the first person that he might be able to see a future with. He just had not told her that.
Onyx shifted her gaze to the baby. For a moment she thought it was pretty cute. But then the overwhelming knowledge of how fragile and needy a child was passed over her, and she looked back to Kaelan, a glare still on her face. "I don't think you can salvage this. People looked at me with pity." She said, as if it was the worst way they could have looked at her. She had her arms crossed over her chest now as she stood her ground. "Apologize." She said. "You want to make it up to me, apologizing is a good place to start." She said. He had acknowledged he made a mistake but the word Sorry hadn't left his mouth. She wanted to hear that.
"But I did-" Kaelan paused as he recalled what he had said, and realized that though he said that he made a mistake, that is not the same thing as apologizing. How could that have slipped his mind? Wow, he is not doing so well, was he? He relaxed his shoulders so it did not look like he was on the defensive. He knew that body language could speak louder than words. "I didn't say sorry. That should have been the first thing I said. Nyx, I am sorry for not letting you know that this happened, and prevented you from being embarrassed." Just saying it outloud made him sound like such a d**khead. She mentioned how she did not think that they could salvage it, so he wondered if that was the end of it. He glanced to Kirill and let out a sigh before he sat back down on the couch. "So, if it cannot be salvaged, does that mean that I have to leave you alone?"

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