Closed It isn't your original hair but at least our outfits match

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Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx had watched Aurora Chase become bald in one duel, and it was enough to make him scolding. He was not sure why. He could have sworn that the two were flirting, so naturally, Dante felt that maybe it was not true that she liked him. What if she liked everyone? Didn't she also flirt with Theodore Nightray? They both did come from the same school, didn't they? The realization of this made his stomach twist into knots. What if... Dante could not even think about it. He walked next to his date, though wanting to hold her hand but at the same time, not wanting to. It was hard to decipher how he felt, and how he wanted to feel. At least he wore a suit this time and not went casual like the Yule Ball out of protest. He looked at Aurora as they walked in the Great Hall. "You don't look half bad as a brunette."
Aura couldn’t believe he’d brought her a wig. It was incredibly sweet of him, but as a compromise he had made her change the dress she had been intending to wear. She’d liked it but apparently Dante wouldn’t let her out of the common room in it. Well, she wanted to go to the dance in her new brunette wig, so of course she was going to change her dress, and this one was much nicer anyway, black like her dress last semester as well. She appreciated that he’d at least tried this time, dressing in a suit was nice, and he cleaned up well, they actually looked like a proper couple, she thought, rather than someone humouring her for the sake of it. Maybe he was, but she still appreciated that he’d at least put in a little bit of effort, she appreciated that in a man. “I appreciate what you did to help, that Perfect Prefect is a pain in my left foot,” she complained, running her fingers through the hair that was stuck on with a sticking charm. She wasn’t taking any chances.​
A pain in her left food? Dante looked over her leg and foot but remembered their exchange. He did think they were flirting, but now he was not as sure. Still, it burned him up inside. He turned to face her, reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder. "Perfect prefect? For someone who was such a pain, weren't you flirting with him?" Dante asked, since he was not really the type to sugar coat things. While he would deny over and over that he was not jealous, he totally was.
Aura was messing with her wig a little as they walked, and she didn’t really notice the look on Dante’s face until he reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. She dropped her hands from her hair and looked down at the hand on her shoulder before she looked up and into his face. Was he… jealous? interesting. “I was, but not seriously. I was trying to throw him off, it didn’t work though so I switched to insulting him hoping that would work…” she said, frowning, because that hadn’t worked either. She wondered what kind of stuff rattled the prefect, because it clearly wasn’t any of the general stuff. “I’m sorry I flirted with him, I shouldn’t have done it in front of you, that wasn’t very nice.” After all, she wanted him to like her, but if he was jealous did that mean he did? She could work with jealousy. “It won’t happen again.”
So she was flirting! Dante almost didn't hear the rest of it. But that would explain why she shifted from flirting to insulting. Neither seemed to work though. She still lost her duel. And, the fact that she still flirted. She ended up apologizing on how she should not have done it in front of him. So, did that mean that she did that when he was not near her? Just how many people did she flirt with?! "You should not have done it in front of me? I don't think you should be doing it behind my back either!" Dante had no idea if she was doing this just to get a reaction out of him, but it was working. He took his hand off of her shoulder and looked to the Great Hall. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and frowned. This was confusing. He needed to talk to his brother about this because he didn't want to be involved with her, but didn't want her flirting with anyone. Things were hard. He just needed to be blunt. "Do you actually like me, or do you just flirt around without it meaning anything?"
Aura blinked at him, caught off guard by how serious he was being suddenly. She had been prepared for him to tease her a little maybe, give her a sarcastic comment or two, but not this... he was frustrated, he was… whatever he was. He cared, she could see it. Maybe he didn’t even realise it, but he cared enough to be upset that she was flirting with other people. That made something in her chest tighten a little. It felt nice that he was annoyed about it. She smiled at him lightly, touching his arm slightly above where he’d shoved his hands into his pockets. “Dante,” she started, tilting her head slightly. “If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t be wasting my time, and I wouldn’t want to spend any time around you.” she told him, her tone light, but trying to not make him feel like she wasn’t listening. She wasn’t trying to invalidate his feelings. “Flirting has always been harmless and I’ve never had someone I liked before, so it was always just a fun game to throw people off,” her smiles softened for a moment before she chuckled slightly, “I promise I won’t flirt with other people at all, just you. Becuase you're the one I like, not that Pirrip guy.” She would have to tell Theo to back off as well.​
He could have left. But Dante was stubborn and remained firmly where he was. He wanted to hear this because he wanted to know whether or not he was worth the trouble. Some people didn't think so, even if it was a selfless thing, Dante took it the wrong way. He was a bit sensitive nowadays. Aurora let him know that she would not be wasting her time and spending time with him if she did not like him. So, flirting meant nothing to her because, from what it sounded like, Dante himself was the first person that she liked. Ever. Now, that did make him feel special. And she promised she wouldn't flirt with anyone else. Just him. Dante did not have a reason to not trust her judgment since it wasn't like he heard she was snogging someone else. Until then, he could open himself up to her, he felt. "Okay." Dante finally cracked a smile, and took his hand from his pocket to hold it out to Aurora. "Want to go in now?"
Aura sighed in some relief when she realised that she seemed to have managed to calm Dante down. Emotions were complex, especially for a werewolf, and she didn’t want him to be upset with her, after all, she liked him, and she didn’t want him to not spend time with her because she’d been insensitive and not thought about how it might have looked to him. He might not have felt like he was special, but he was, and she wanted him to know that, which meant no flirting. She took his hand when he offered it to her, greatful he was warming up to her. She wasn’t sure how that had happened, but she wasn’t complaining. “Yes, please, let’s go and dance!” She noted Theo with that Hufflepuff girl Callie out of the corner of her eyes, but she tried not to point it out.​
Somehow, just holding her hand made warmth spread through Dante's body. Her hand felt different to Callie's, but it still made him feel butterflies in his stomach. Or maybe it was bees. It was nice to be able to talk to her about how he felt, and how she validated his feelings. Dante needed someone like that in his life. And, from what he heard, her dad was a werewolf too. So, she understood way more than most people here. He led her out to the dance floor, not even seeing his ex with someone else. His light blue eyes were focused more on the dance floor, so that they could start dancing, which happened to be a slow song. "How do you look good with both brown and blonde hair? I don't think many people can pull off that look."
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