🌹 Rose Giving It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
By the sixth yer hugo had worked out where there were often snacks hiding throughout the school. and he himself had contributed to some of the caches. one of those was in his desk in the monthly offices. He had spent all of lunch through the castle delivering flowers to people that he had missed food, and he needed a little something to get him through to dinner time.
He opened his desk draw and pulled out a snack bag of mini Orios. A muggle biscuit that he had grown quite accustomed to. he turned to leave so preoccupied of getting the filling away from the biscuit that it as only then that he noticed he wasn't alone in the room. "hello Elio. how is your day going? he said taking a few more steps towards the door before he remembered that he had a rose for elio. he turned around again to face him. "Actually Elio. I have a rose for you happy valentines" he said flicking through the remaining roses searching for Elios name.

Yellow rose for @Elio Boneheart title from the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Elio had been trying to work on his article for the paper for this semester, though he wasn't sure what it would be yet. He wasn't particularly creative but he wanted to write something, even if he didn't know what yet. "Oh, hi Hugo, it's been very long today I'm afraid," he admitted, yawning slightly as he leaned back. He was about to ask Hugo how his day was when he sat up a little straighter. "Oh? Go on then, what colour is it?" It couldn't possibly be red after the cascade of red roses he got earlier today.​
hugo nodded as Elio said it had been a long day. "It has, but also gone quickly." he said. he had certainly walked up more stairs than usual. when the boy asked what colour it was he raised his eyebrow. "were you expecting a particular colour" he asked before finding the right rose and holding it out. "It's yellow" he said rather unnecessarily. "...and it has no note " he said the only thing on the rose was a tag with his name on it which was on most of the roses to say whose they were.
"I wasn't expecting specifically, but I did get assaulted with a rather large bouquet earlier at the table by Teddy. So," he didn't want to go into detail with Hugo because he didn't feel the need to, but it would be fair to say that Mikael was being a little frosty and he was trying to work out how best to deal with that. He'd been so nonchalant about his own roses, it didn't occur to Elio that his would upset him. He took the rose from Hugo and stared at it. Eury? Maybe? "Thanks! So I was just curious which colour, because all I had was red so far, and I hadn't expected to receive that many, let alone all red." He didn't mean to brag but yeah he was sort of bragging slightly. He wondered how many Anisha got, maybe he should go find out.​

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