It is a Dull Life I Live

Arabella Lebeau

Active Member
12 1/2 in., Holly wood, Dragon Heartstring core, flexible
Well it had been awhile since she had last been Beauxbatons. Winter cold had arrived, and Arabella could not have been more hateful of the winds chill slapping her face. Standing in front of the huge wooden doors with her hands in her jacket pockets she let out a heavy sigh; she had mixed feelings about this. Part of her liked being back, but part of her wished she could go back to the Hogwarts in New Zealand, and to Marietta. Slytherin was such an interesting house with those she despised, but those she could work with. She was so close to making a new friend too, until her mother had to drag her back to France. Her mother could never make up her mind. Next thing you know she'll be dragged to Durmstrang. Then the Hogwarts in Scotland and back to New Zealand. A full circle. Hopefully she'll at least one friend here as well... or an enemy. Maybe a rival.

She stepped inside through the doors and made her way through the entrance hall that was just like she remembered. Nothing had changed. That was a good thing at least. Familiar places. The palace was so huge that if things got changed it would take ages to learn everything again and she would end up getting lost all the time. She remembered visiting the palace with her mother for the first time. She was seven years old, it was a year after her father had died. Her mother wanted to see the future school of her daughter, especially Mrs. Lebeau attended Durmstrang and not Beauxbatons. They gave them the full tour, from the Entrance Hall to the Towers to the Dungeons. Nothing had changed it seemed to Arabella.

The Great Hall was her first stop. The lunch hour was ending, but famished as she was she still sat down at one of the tables. She picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, took a bite and closed her eyes. Student voices collided with one another, filling the hall all sorts of stories about what they did over break, who the new students were, and only the latest gossip. Arabella wondered what stories she could tell. Nothing amazing she was sure. Depressing maybe. Interesting... depends on who she was talking to. She took another bite of her apple...

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