it gives me hope

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OOC First Name
Cap'n Criss

indie addison king-dixon
Indie doesn't work. Not really anyway, she's not quite as smart
as her sister in terms of school work but wants to know everything
about Magic so she can be somebody and not just fade into the
background. Shes a bit of a loud girl and wants to be famous one day.
She's a bit of a b***h sometimes but she really does mean well and
doesn't want to hurt anyone.


delphi lena king-dixon
Delphi. She's stubborn, spontaneous, can speak some latin, sarcastic,
a dreamer, cyincal and creative. She's a Slytherin girlie who can be
the b***h from your nightmares but is usually nice and sweet.
In rare cases she can be your worst enemy since she has serious
temper swings and if you meet her on a bad day then she won't
like you. She's paranoid and slightly distrustful of those she doesn't
know but smart and nice once you really meet her. Okay so she has
a best friend [Kenzi] from home that she is crushing on but she needs
some more adventure in her life. I think it's time she found herself in
a bit of the kind of trouble you get into when having fun without thinking
of rules.


hyperion jakobi amos
This is Hyperion. His children are away with their aunty until they are
sorted but he is starting to want another person in his life. the boy
is short-tempered sometimes, extremely sarcastically witty, loves
to help and has just found a job in the muggle-worthy excuse committee
in the Ministry of Magic. He's all alone here so plottage [or his family] are
welcome. I'm toying with the idea of a man for him but not sure atm.
please give me your love. and tell me if you love Torchwood :)


patience cassidy rivers

Meet Patience. She's impatient, smart and very blunt. She wants to know
everything right now and finds herself hidden in the library at all hours of
the day, although usually it's her own reading interests not for homework.
She often goes off on a tangent and talks about stuff people have never
heard of before [due to her muggle upbringing] and if someone talks about
something she hasn't heard of, she will spend hours researching and basing
opinions. Her honesty can get her into trouble with people but she doesn't
really care if they call her names, although insulting her sister Autumn is another
situation entirely. She's fiercely loyal to those who are true friends


gabriel augustus ashford

Gabe Ashford is the jewel of his family, the youngest and smartest; he
wants to be the best. His parents have been his teachers for years and
he was in all the best schools even during kindergarten. He is an avid
Christian and wants to find a seat of power in the world, preferably as an
actor but will happily just be something such a UN member. He's impatient,
cares about people and desperate to be number one but not at the cost
of others. He likes to be in control but will listen to other ideas if his are
shot down. tends to begrudgingly admit that they are better. Won't sacrifice
the best outcome for the situation just because his idea isn't the one that's best.
Give me everything :)
I can offer Katie Kain as a friend for Gabe.

She is a clown and loves to play pranks on people. She likes to be in control, although if she needs to then she will pay attention to what other people think. She puts other people first most of the time. She has a twin named Sophie.

She needs people! What do you think?
Joyce: Yep, Hyperion is actually about 28. What did you have
in mind? I'd love to know more about Katherine Bishops if

Vanessa: That would be great, that way Gabe would have a
friend who eminds him that not everything is about getting top
marks or performing life-altering feats each day. Would you like
to start a thread?

Hadan: Nope, that's fine. All my girlies are first years [which
I neglected to mention, sorry] but if you still want to be
friends with one then I offer Patience up to you. She'll try to
learn things about the world through Hadan but can have
a fairly intelligent conversation also, so she won't be too
annoying. As stated, Hyperion is approx 28 but if you're willing
for a friend that is a decade older than you then sure thing.
Delphi King-Dixon said:
Vanessa: That would be great, that way Gabe would have a
friend who eminds him that not everything is about getting top
marks or performing life-altering feats each day. Would you like
to start a thread?
Sure, I'll PM you the link to Gabe's account when I'm done!
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