It Brings Us Many Changes.

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Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
It's coming, the biggest life changing experience for a teenage girl. Okay; a bit of a over-exaggeration, but it will be life changing for her. Her boyfriend and friend of almost three years is about to make a be-line for the door; and she's going to go insane. She's going to change around completely. She will be acting like a Slyterin, and turn on most of her friends. I'm hoping that she can make some new 'friends' and have some fights with the old ones!

So who wants this little fire-cracker in their group?
Angela could come in contact with Hoshi 'Watanuki' again and fight her but end up her friend afterwards because of the change thats happened with her already.
That sounds like a really great plan! =) (Obviously this is me!)

Do you want to start it or shall I? Because this will be fun.
Can you start please. I have to find Hoshi an outfit for asskickery :p
Okay! Sorry it took so long, had stuffs to do =)

I'll have it set up in a jiffy! (pop)

I can offer you a major B!tch who would be happy to help on your destuctive path.

Lily Fossil - 2nd Year slytherin. Doesn't care about anything. Apart from how she looks. Major B!tch. Has serious trust issues. Would really hate Angela, but make it seem like she liked her. Lily would be trying to drive her more insane than she already was.
Tell me whatcha think.
@ Hoshi - Here's the nice little linky link.

@ Kiara - Perfect, this way she could also be like a critique to Angela's clothing. i mean, if she's a fashinista like you had portrayed. This is all wonderful.

Don't be afraid to post if you want. i don't bite... hard.

Also there is one more role that needs filling. A friend, maybe someone who could be a new found friend, or a friend she had tlaked to before. Someone who can watch her destroying her life, and try to stop her when things are going to far. This person must be ready for some major attitude though, and care about her a lot.

Okay, that would be awesome.
Could you maybe start the topic? I shouldn't still be up.

This is Kiara, btw
No problem, I'll have it started soon, Emzies!
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