Closed it all works out

Elio Boneheart

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
It was going to be so weird, but he was so ready. He'd never been in a real school before, and there was more than just something new to think about. He could make new friends and all sorts of other things too, and it was really exciting that he would get to know more about how scholl's worked and also more about his family's time at the school, well his mother at least. Not to mention his Aunt's and Uncle's, because he didn't get to see them very often. Still, one of the good things about all of this was that he would get to spend more time with Kael... although maybe that wasn't such a good thing since he was never quite sure if he could consider the other boy a friend. Still, Elio was probably friendly enough for the both of them so he didn't really think it mattered. Grinning as he stepped into the great hall for breakfast, he spotted Kael immediately, since he wasn't hard to spot. He always had a certain look on his face of displeasure, and now with more of his family in the school, Elio doubted there would be any peace for him, not for Kael either, but mostly for him he was sure because he would probably have to deal with Kael's moods. Well, they were sort of friends, right? "Kael!" he called, plopping down at the Slytherin table with the only other person he really knew in the entire school. "Are you glad to see me? My mum says hi by the way."

@Mikael Nightray

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