+it ain't a canvas it's a taboo

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Alina Sidorov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Olivia xx
+ALINA sidorov

+DURMSTRANG, this one is empty-hearted and cold-blooded. she sits alone, not really thinking as such but keeping away from the noise. alina has no ambition, no dreams for her life other than to become your typical death eater. she is russian, daughter of adam sidorov. her best subject is transfiguration, closely followed by the dark arts. alina has no friends, and no wish to make friends. she would rather be alone.

+ALTHOUGH she's against the whole friend thing, alina would never make enemies. she's incredibly conscious of her own decisions and avoids confrontation, a trait of general anxiety disorder.

+WHAT i need here, is one person, likely from durmstrang, who could meet alina. this is almost an experiment for me, to see how people's characters would react to the nothing-girl. the roleplayer needs to write more than a few lines each post, i want to see what your character is thinking. i would also prefer to roleplay with someone i'm not used to roleplaying with, no offence to my regular partners-in-crime.

+PLEASE note, i am getting slowly back into roleplaying after a slight break, so bear with me. my posts might be vaguer than usual with long gaps between, i don't want things to be that way but i don't get a choice. who knows, maybe a quiet roleplay is exactly what you need to wind down?

+THANK you, and lots of ♥ to whoever is first to post,

+FROM alina and olivia​
+BUMPING this topic, i know she isn't exactly the funnest character to roleplay with... but. i'm extending this out to teenagers from all schools, over the winter vacation.
i know i'm a bits busy soonish and i feel like crap, but i have dederick cullen to scare her for a bit? Idk just a thought again crap!

+METHINKS that might work? i seem to be quite busy too, so that suits us both. haha weren't we just saying we need to roleplay again? xD right, do you want to start something somewhere and i'll post asap?
I have Veronica White to offer.
Veronica is the funny, bubbly girl who will enter her seventh year. She is even very emotional and has a rough past but her life has settled a bit now and she has changed her behaviour from being isolated and mean to friendly so maybe she could help Alina find her friendly side or show her the light side of life or something :)
why can't it be you :p grrrrr -growls- okay i will start something and scare the little death eater wannabee :O

+WHOA, i suddenly have a lot more excitement for the holidays :D if you don't mind starting that'd be amazing, i don't intend for alina to be 'bubbly' or happy, but she's content so meh. she'll probably get grumpy and brush veronica off, methinks. hope you don't mind :r


+SOUNDS good :)
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