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Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Approval ID #122747

Lilith was extremely nervous, she knew she had to reach out to someone but finding the right person in this big of a school was tricky. She wasn't exactly sure where to go so she figured maybe the safest option was the Hospital Wing, right? At least back at home in the muggle school she had attended, if you had any issues you were always directed to the nurse first and they'd direct you forward to another person, surely if they couldn't help her at The Hospital Wing directly, they'd know to tell her where to go. The second year looked around the space for a second, taking a deep breath in before approaching the first nurse she laid eyes on. "Hi uh could you maybe help me?" She blurted out, feeling completely out of depth asking for help.
Josephine was glad the school year had started again. Over the years, she had grown to really like her work, even if she still felt like students could be really silly and get injured in stupid ways. She couldn't believe it was only a few years before her own daughter would be sorted, though she hoped she wouldn't see Amanita in the hospital wing with any injuries. Josephine was rolling some bandages when a girl stepped into the Hospital Wing. She looked up and put down the bandages as the girl spoke. "Well, I hope so." She said with a small smile. "What can I help you with?"
Lilith looked at the woman as she spoke to her, the second year was not sure how to go about it. Should she just spill it all out or give some sort of a small speech to sum it all up. Before she had too much time to overthink it the words fell out. "So I wasn't sure where to go, back at my old school these type of things were handled at the nurses office, but seeing as this is a magical school and also on the other side of the globe you know things may work differently, so I wasn't sure..." Lilith was going off the tracks by now and she needed to get to the point. "So I have had issues with sort of daydreams, though I think its more like stress or anxiety induced but also not but it's like not a bodily issue I don't think, so that was why I wasn't sure where to go..." Lilith began playing with her hands, eyes wandering around the space trying to find anything to look at other than the kind friendly face of the woman. It was a big step for her to even reach for help and it was more than a little anxiety inducing to speak about it to someone she had just met.
Josephine waited patiently for the girl to get to the point, as she seemed a bit unsure if she was in the right spot. She listened to her problem, frowning slightly. "Daydreams? What do you mean, exactly?" She didn't think daydreaming was all that odd, but if the girl came to her it probably was something more pressing than simply letting her thoughts wander in class. "Can you explain to me what happens when you have a daydream like that?"
Lilith pursed her lips together, relieved that the woman seemed to be taking her seriously at the very least. "It happens a lot, it's not a momentary you know when your mind starts to wander for a bit, it's affects my sense of time I lose track of it completely and find it very hard to concentrate on this world around us. Sometimes it only happens in crowded places, when I am uncomfortable. It started off that way anyways." The second year began explaining, mulling over how to put it perfectly without sounding insane. "It's like it started as a way to escape uncomfortable situations, where I'd just sink into the safety of a silly daydream, but now it's quite constant if not daily then at least every other day. It's very how do I put this, it feels real so much so that sometimes it's hard to tell reality from the daydreams." There was a pang of fear from the vulnerability in her chest, but Lilith pushed through determined to get it all out, because that was the only way anyone could figure out how to help her. "It's hard to snap out of it and sometimes I feel like I don't even want to, it's very silly I realize but my mum took me to see someone after she noticed me slipping away constantly, they said it was an anxiety coping mechanism of sorts. I'm just afraid it will interfere with my schooling and my mum said to reach out for someone within the castle who could help me navigate through it and find a way to better handle my emotions rather than escaping into my head." Letting out a big sigh Lili felt relieved to have spoken this out to someone at the school, other than Eoghan that is. This way she felt a little less alone. "I was hoping you'd know what to do, if you can't directly help me maybe point where to go?" Her voice became more hopeful as she returned her eyes to the nurse who was very patient with her so far.
Josephine was happily surprised the girl was so open, telling her in detail what was going on. She listened carefully, wishing she had grabbed some parchment to take notes. She was fairly sure she couldn't help the girl the way she wanted, though. "That sounds very tough to deal with." She admitted when the girl was finished. "I can give you some things to combat the anxiety symptoms, like a calming draught, but what you describe your mum found for you isn't something I can do. We do have a counsellor here at Hogwarts who can talk to you about your anxiety and give you more coping mechanisms, I could ask her if she has room in her schedule for you? Her office is in the library."
Speaking to her mum during the break had felt like a dam had broken for Lilith, it had been so easy to tell this nurse everything. If she had done this last year, there would have been no way she could have explained it this well but the chat with her mum at home had definitely worked some magic on the girl. "Yeah, it is which is why I wanted to get help." The second year admitted, glad that her feelings of it were validated. Listening to the nurse made a lot of sense to her. It did sound like a good plan, "Thank you, I'd like that, both I mean the calming draught and to see the counsellor. I was super nervous to reach for help, because again I was so unsure where to go but thank you for taking my worries and guiding me to the right direction, I appreciate it." She would give positive feedback whenever possible, in her opinion people were too focused on getting what they wanted to acknowledge the work someone else put in to help them and this nurse had taken time out of her day to listen and see what she could do for Lilith as well as point her to the right direction. For her it meant the world so she felt the need to thank the woman too.

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