Open Is This A Sports Field?

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie had used the fact she got up early to be first at breakfast and then headed outside for a little exploring. She had slept well, the day had been a long one and she found herself very far from home. The grounds were beautiful, expansive, and green. She was sure it was gorgeous in the spring and the summer. The lake looked inviting, though she knew that the water would be ice cold. She ventured towards the forest, standing outside it for a moment before she kept going, stumbling upon a pitch. Not like one she'd ever seen before, there were huge hoops up in the air. She couldn't imagine anyone could throw anything that high, so she wasn't sure how it could be played then. There were lines on the pitch so it would be a sport with positions, but just...she felt like she was missing a piece of the puzzle.
As much as Dorian loath spending extra time at the Quidditch Pitch when he didn't have to, he wanted to find Ezra and since he'd rather kiss a toad than try to talk to one of Ezra's roommates at their house table, he figured he was better off just checking all his friend's usual haunts first. The pitch had been a last ditch effort, but it was seeming more and more likely Dorian was going to have to accept he wasn't finding his friend before class started today unless he turned up here.

"Are you just here to gawk at it then?" He asked, nearly bumping into a girl who was standing gormless around the pitch, Dorian's voice pitching in annoyance when he noticed the bottom of his robes had soaked through with dew from the grass on the walk over.
Callie hadn't noticed that she was standing in anyone's way until a person almost walked into her. She turned to the boy and nodded. "Sorry," she immediately apologised, taking a step back and away from him. "I was just curious, it's unlike anything I've ever seen," she said quickly with a slightly hurried tone. "I'll leave,"
Dorian raised an eyebrow at the girl's response, mirroring her movement so they were out of each other's space as she stepped back. "You've never seen a Quidditch pitch before?" He asked dubiously, squinting at her as if he could tell if she was muggleborn or just very sheltered. "Lucky," he added quieter under his breath. "You're not missing anything. It's just grass and ego on brooms," he said dismissively, glancing around the pitch and stands in a last ditch effort to catch site of Ezra.
Callie shook her head, not sure what quidditch was, but at least the pitch and the sport with the high hoops had on it had a name. She wasn't sure what she was missing out on, or what the ego's on brooms part meant. "Why are you out here?" she asked, given that it seemed like he was against the sport and therefore shouldn't be there at it if he disliked it.

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