Ireland, The O'Brien Home

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Andromeda arrived inside the fireplace of the lodge, the floo network was alive and kicking and working quite well in her grandparents lodge a mile from the main house and well away from prying eyes. She couldn't wait to unpack and go up to see everyone. Her jeans and t-shirt had been alright for travelling but she really wanted to clean up and change. She also wanted to get letters off to Kat, Bruin and Cyndi to see if they could join her here in a day or so. Knowing that they would all have to get permission first of course. It would be so much fun if they could make it.

Her uncle wasn't far behind her and soon the greenish cloud from the floo powder issued forth from the grate and out he walked.
"I'm going up to unpack and get some letters off. Once I've freshened up can we go straight up to the house then? What time are they expecting us?"

She was excited to be seeing all of them but mainly her grandmother.
Patrick arrived not long after her and smiled at her excitement. It sure did feel good to be back.
"Of course, are you sure you don't want to head straight up there now? I know mom would be thrilled if we surprised her ahead of schedule" he grinned using his wand to banish their trunks to their rooms.

"So tell me again how many you've decided to invite for the next few weeks? You know you'll all have to share the attic room. There's two bunk beds and two singles up there so you won't be wanting for space or anything."
Patrick had been a bit peeved at first that she had taken it upon herself to invite some of her school friends but thought better about it when she told him that they knew her secret and were very close friends to her. Two of which were already her room-mates back at school. Apparently one of these had been about to spend the entire summer back at the school, how could he have said no to that.

"Ok go freshen up and I'll sort a few things out down here"

Andy skipped off to the attic room, and tossed her bag down at the end of one of the beds. She didn't mind which one she got but really did prefer the bunk beds, climbing to the top of one she threw herself across it and stared out the window. Hopefully this summer would be a good one, she still hadn't mentioned a word about the quidditch accident to her uncle, nor would she. She owed her life to her team mates dearly. Cyndi's quick thinking with the hovering charm and even though Ellie hadn't been strong enough to hold and keep her on her broom, she had tried. Hilary summoning her other broom and Bruin. Her thoughts strayed to the boy who was fast becoming a really close friend of hers. He had risked his own life to save her. All in a days work for him of course but Andy was still reeling from the shock of it all. Kat's rapid responce to get help was another life saver. What Andromeda wouldn't do for these housemates now was no-ones business. They each had earned her long lasting loyalty and respect, which they had anyhow but now it was cemented for ever more.

She could just make out the roof of the big house from where she was lying, she smiled before clambering off her bed to freshen up and begin her letters. Would it be wierd to use a pen and notepad now? Of course it would, so she took out her parchment, ink and quill and set about writing to Kat, Cyndi and Bruin.
"Alright, time is up" he laughed up the stairs, "lets get going the walk will do you some good, too much time on that broom of yours will make you fat and lazy."

He watched as she bounded down the stairs two at a time and jumped the last four steps to land at his feet. He raised his eyebrows as he looked at her.
"If your nana catches you doing that she'll mangle you, you're only back an hour and your bouncing around like you never left" he put an arm about her shoulders and led her out of the lodge and up the grassy verge to the path that led to the main house.

"You didn't bring your broom did you? I hope you wrote to your friends not to bring theirs either. Can't have the lot of you out flying late at night over the lake and do not say you wouldn't. You did it when you were only ten".
As soon as she heard the mention of a broom, she clammed up. The broom her mother had bought for her with the 'falcon', her fathers patronus, engraved on the cuff had broken not long before the summer holidays. She was still pretty much upset by it and now would have to use a school broom for flying.
"I didn't bring my broom" she told him truthfully.

Of course Andy didn't realise he had simply not heard her when walking over to the house he asked again. She snapped thinking afterwards that she would never do under interogation, she'd fold at the first hurdle.

"Ok, I don't have one anymore. Happy. It broke, so lets just drop the subject for now alright!"
she frowned, folding her arms across her chest. The summer was off to a great start already.

Patrick squeezed her shoulder and smiled, so this was what had been bugging her. He should have known that something was up.
"Don't worry angel, we'll pick up a new one when we get back to New Zealand. I think I owe you for two birthdays and two Christmases don't I?" he smiled at her as they came up over the brow of the hill to see the estate in all of its glory.


It was hard to imagine anything else quite so impressive, people were usually blown away when they first saw the house but when you took into consideration that the entire O'Brien family lived there then the house was just big enough. The farm, stables and animal sanctuary were all out the back of the house. All 38 acres of beautiful green Irish countryside. It was good to be home, really good.
"Come on let's go face the music" he smiled letting go of her shoulder, "race you".
With that he began to sprint off in the direction of the house.
Andromeda's mouth hung open when he said he would get her a new one. She was gobsmacked, shocked and speechless completely. He didn't have to do that.
"I'm sure I can pay for one" she muttered, "but thanks anyhow".
He brushed it off of course, adament that he would get it for her as he had missed birthdays and stuff.

"Well if you're sure" she grinned, her heart felt so much lighter. Thoughts of having to give up the quidditch team for lack of a decent broom had been haunting her, now she didn't have to worry about that. She gasped when they came over the hill to see her childhood home. It was still as breathtaking as ever, her heart fluttered and her eyes began to water. She was home, she wanted to pinch herself to make sure this was all real but suddenly Patrick was goading her into a race and never one to back down from a challenge Andromeda laughed and took off after him.

The two stopped on the gravel path, Patrick slightly winded.
"You're out of shape" she laughed, grabbing his hand and racing once more around the back of the house. Family never used the front door, that was just way too formal. Opening the door slowly and peeking their heads in, they discovered every thing to be extremely quiet. Both walked in with frowns on their faces. Where was everyone? Closing the door behind them and going from the large kitchen up the stairs into the open foyer, they turned around to the sitting room where stood just about every family member of the O'Brien home.

"SURPRISE!" they shouted all rushing forward to bestow hugs and kisses on the two prodigal family members. Banners welcoming them back were draped everywhere, bunting and balloons.


{some of the cousins, aunts and uncles}



{more family members}

{Andy's grand-aunts}

{Nana O'Brien}

Andromeda let them all swamp her, smiling and embracing them all in return. There was one person she was dying to see and as of yet, she had not spotted her through the throng and then as if by magic they all parted and there she was. The two looked at one another, both with tears in their eyes. Nana O'Brien opened up her arms and Andromeda rushed into them.

"Welcome home mo leanbh" she crooned, cradling her grand-daughter in her arms. She had been so afraid that she would never see her again but here she was at last. So much thinner and taller than she had seen her last. Her grand-daughters letters and pictures just never did her justice.
"Good grief girl you need fatting up badly" she smiled wiping her tears as she held Andromeda out from her to get a better look.
"Now Romy, Patrick out to the back garden we'er having a barb-b-q this evening in your honour. Come on out with the lot of you".

Nana O'Brien shepherded them all out, making sure that her grand-daughter was held to her side tightly. Her arm about her waist she chatted away with her son and grand-daughter as they all made their way outside.
The Night Before The Gryffindors Arrive​

: Nana O'Brien sat on the back garden swing seat with her arm draped over her grand-daughters shoulder. It was lovely to have her home, she had missed her so very much. There was something not quite right though but she couldn't put her finger on it. Everyone had headed back into the house after a wonderful evenings barb-b-q, the whole family playing games, eating, singing, drinking, laughing. Of course Maeve was missing and she had yet to quiz either Patrick or Andromeda about this. As the outdoor lights flickered off, they sat by the light of the moon and the one kitchen light that was left on.

<COLOR color="#090">"So you've not told me how school is? I mean how it really is now?

Andromeda snuggled closer to her grandmother, she had missed this intense feeling of security. This was the woman who had taught her how to bake, how to cook, how to sew and sing. How to play the guitar, how to do so many things that her mother had not. She loved her dearly.

"School is fine Nana. I got really great results practically top of my class this semester" she knew she would have to tell her some of the other stuff too, her grandmother was no fool.
"I made the quidditch team again this year, I didn't think I would after being away last year. Of course I went out all Bull McCabe one day and paid for it. I got whacked by a bludger and fell nearly 200 ft. The team were great, Bruin ended up saving me. You'll get to meet him tomorrow of course the broom never survived."

"200 feet, good lord child. Were you not hurt?" she proceeded to move her grand-daughter to give a brief check. Andromeda laughed and shook her head.

"No Nana, I'm not hurt. I think my pride was on the day but if it weren't for Cyndi, who's also coming tomorrow using a hovering charm on me which slowed me down and a few of the others making attempts to stop me as well before Bruin finally grabbed me. Of course we fell the last 10 feet or so and Kat got us help, that's my other friend whose coming. Did I tell you that I love you by the way and thank you, for not giving out to me for inviting them here. I know it was a bit of a cheek of me".

"I don't mind them coming at all and I want to meet some of your friends anyhow. All from Gryffindor eh? I'll throw a big party tomorrow night then, I need to thank them for saving you" she kissed the top of Andromeda's head before snuggling her into the crook of her arm once more.
"So Patrick tells me you've got yourself a boyfriend then. It's not the boy that's coming tomorrow is it?"

Andromeda laughed and shook her head.
"No Nana, Bruin is our head of house, our prefect, our team captain, one of my very close friends and as of that particular day also my hero, but he's not my boyfriend. My boyfriend will be starting in the school in September, he's from France. He's a transfer student. Carlisle Moonlight. He's lovely Nana. You'd like him actually. He's invited me to go to France with him during the summer".
As they chatted long into the night, they expressed to one another their deep sorrow at the loss of Andromeda's grandfather.

"I'm sorry I never got back Nana. I wanted to so very much but I couldn't" she hung her head low, her grandmother knew enough about the magical world to know that whatever had kept Andromeda from returning must have been very important.

"Romy, I won't lie to you. It upset me greatly when neither you nor your mother returned. At least Patrick as flighty as he always was had the heart to show. But I thought that you and Maeve would floo it in here in a moment. I must have made one excuse after another for whey neither of you showed up, eventually I ran out of them. He loved you more than any of his other grandchildren. You were always his favourite and for you not to show up" she looked out onto the lawn and sighed.
"I won't ask for an explanation now when you are ready I'm sure you'll give me one".

Andromeda moved out of her grandmothers embrace and sighed. How could she tell her what she was now? She knew her grandmother would be horrified but at the same time would be furious for her grand-daughter. Standing up and moving to the wooden railing that ran along the back of the porch Andromeda looked up at the crescent shaped moon.
"I... I wanted to come home Nana, you have to believe that. I wrote but knew that was never enough because I didn't explain anything in my letter. I don't know what excuse my mother had other than she eloped that Christmas with Luxen Silverback" Andromeda hung her head, her fingers picking at some of the chipped paint on the railings.
"That Halloween the school had a party, they do every year. You know me and candy, I eat too much and I can nearly climb a wall. Well that night was no exception... I decided to go outside to dance under the full moon. I thought it would be fun, simple as that." Andromeda paused, how do you tell your grandmother that you're a werewolf?

Nana O'Brien stood up and went to stand behind Andromeda, there was something in the way her grand-daughters recounting of that night that both puzzled and intrigued her. What had a night two months before her grandfathers death got to do with why she couldn't return to Ireland for the funeral? Placing her hands gently on Andromeda's shoulders she urged her to go on.
Andromeda eventually recounted that night not making it expressly graphic, saving her grandmother as much pain as she possibly could. Even so she could still feel her grandmothers hands tighten on her shoulders and rest her head on the back of Andromedas. When she had finished telling the silence seemed so long, too long. She was afraid to say anymore but turning red eyed to her grandmother, who she saw had also been crying Andromeda touched her hand to her face.
"No new werewolf is allowed travel for at least two years after being bitten, unless with good cause. Mom's moving and remarrying was enough of a reason for them to let me go that time to Durmstrang. But there was no way the ministry would allow me anywhere near muggles. Non magical folk. Mom certainly wasn't applying for papers to let me travel back here, it was only Uncle Patrick doing it this time that has let me travel this summer at all. I'm so sorry Nana, I really am".

Her grandmother could see no reason in the world why she had to be sorry. Andromeda had explained further about Durmstrang and her leg, her mothers absence in her life and how wonderful Esmerelda had been. She explained about the potion she had to take and how supportive her friends were. Margaret O'Brien was even more adament about throwing a party for the friends that were coming tomorrow. She had already started on a cake for the boy whose birthday was being used as another excuse to celebrate a bit longer. She went to her grand-daughter and hugged her, reassuring her that she loved her no matter what. Being a farmer she knew the next full moon was not until after they left Ireland but even so, she didn't think she had anything to fear from her own grand-daughter.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed now, you've got a busy day ahead of you tomorrow and you'll want your energy for when your friends arrive" she kissed the top of Romy's head before sending her on her way. Glad in her heart that her daughter Maeve was not here or she would give her a good hiding.
The Welcoming Party

Andromeda stopped at the brow of the hill as they walked up from the lodge. It was also the nicest view of the house in her opinion. She smiled waiting for the others to join her on the hill before then walking around on the gravel path to the barn around the back. It was about a miles walk but as they said in Ireland that was just a good stretch of the legs. The weather was holding and that was the main thing.

She could hear the music already as they approached, laughter and the noisey chatter of her relations. The barn was decorated with chinese lanterns outside and inside. Fairylights dangled everywhere and there were tables ladened with food. Smiling that Bruins stomach was taken care of at least, she laughed as her family gave one uproarous welcome when her friends entered. It was probably overwhelming for them but her family never stood by ceremony as they walked forward to introduce themselves. Andromeda laughed.

"I tried to warn you" she grinned and went to her grandmothers side. Of all her relatives this was the one she wanted them to meet the most. She brought her grandmother to where her three friends were.
"Nana I'd like you to meet Kat, Bruin and Cyndi. My fellow Gryffindors".

Nana O'Brien smiled at the three of them and welcomed them in turn. They all seemed so lovely, she linked her arm back into her grand-daughters.
"So you're the three that saved Romy from falling to the ground huh? She would have only bounced off of it anyhow. She's always been known to land on her feet this one" she smiled indulgently at her grand-daughter.

"On her feet or on her backside" one of her many cousins laughed,"what about the time we were all camping, that wasn't her feet she landed on was it?"The laughter that ensued only increased as Andromeda blushed crimson.

"That particular story does not need to be told. I was only six for goodness sake."
she shook her head hoping that was the end of it but should have known better.

Marcus one of her 19yr old cousins, patted her on her back and looked at the three Gryffindors.

"We were all out camping and Nana called us in for grub. The grown ups had all eaten already so it was just us kids at that point. We all stood or sat around this huge table when Nana turned to Romy and told her to sit down as she was the only one still standing. So she simply sat. No chair behind her just the hot ringed gas fire. She burnt that left cheek something alright. We all laughed of course but Romy screamed once and that was it. Tough as nails always has been. Do you still have the scar though?" he laughed before introducing himself to his cousins friends.

Andromeda blushed harder and patting her grandmothers hand looked at her friends.
"Enjoy yourselves and take no notice of any other stories they tell you." she winked and walked her grandmother over to a few chairs, sitting down to talk with her for a while.
Kat followed Andy and the rest to the barn where the party already seemed to be in full swing. She absolutely loved the atmosphere in the place and was ecstatic that Andy had thought to inculde her in this fun time. When Andy brought her grandmother over to meet the three of them Kat smiled politely and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for having us!” She listened in amusement as her friends cousin told them an embarassing childhood story about Andy. “Wait…I thought I was the resident klutz of Gryffindor house! Do I have some competition?” she mused as she stuck her tongue out at the red head.

When Andy turned to walk away with her Nana Kat looked at Bruin and Cyndi and said with a big grin, “So do you two want to dance? Or are you going to fill your stomach first Bru?” She probably already knew the answer to that question, but she had to joke about it anyways. Glancing around the room Kat spotted a few cute cousins that Andy had mentioned and so she grabbed Cyndi’s hand and said, “Come…we’ve got some things to attend to!”

((Cyndi if you want me to edit that then I will :D ))
Cyndi walked next to Kat as they arrived at the barn. Andy nor her Uncle had exaggerated when it came to how the rest of the place looked. It was absolutely gorgeous, "Wow! This place is beautiful" Cyndi said as they walked in. Even though Andy had warned them about all of the people that were there, Cyndi couldn't believe how many were there already. When Andy brought her nana over to meet them, Cyndi smiled at her and said, "Pleasure to meet you. Thank you for letting us stay here." She giggled at the stories that Andy's cousins told them. The energy in the room was contagious and Cyndi quickly felt right at home.

Before she knew it, Andy walked away with Nana and Kat turned to her, allowing herself to be pulled away toward the group of cute guys that were standing on the far end. "We most certainly do..." Cyndi said with a mischievous smile on her face as they got ready to walk over.

((It is perfectly fine Kat! :D ))
Bruin enjoyed the leisurely walk to the party, making small talk and taking in the countryside, all the while wondering what lay ahead. Even Andy's warning were not quite sufficient to prepare him for what they found upon arriving at the barn. It appeared that half the county had turned out and there was an incredible array of food laid out on tables. Andy promptly went and found her grandmother and brought her over for introductions. Nana O'Brien seemed incredibly sweet and Bruin offered up a warm smile and appreciative greeting before another relative wandered by and began telling a rather interesting story from Andy's earlier years that resulted in more than a few chuckles at her expense. As much as Bruin enjoyed making fun of Andy himself, he tried to be a little sensitive and not laugh too heartily at the story.

Bruin surveyed the room and then turned his attention back to his fellow Gryffindors and there they were...gone! Bruin did a quick armpit check to make sure he had remembered deoderant and satisfied that it wasn't body odor that had driven them away, simply shrugged his shoulders and headed for the food. It appeared that this party was going to be everyone for themself and Bruin wasn't going into battle on an empty stomach.
Andromeda watched as her friends began to mingle, seeing Kat and Cyndi head in the direction of some of her older cousins was not really surprising. The boys did have a wicked sense of humour though, so she pitied the girls that much. They were nice guys though, so she knew her friends were in good hands. Otherwise she'd have been over like a light pulling Kat especially away from them. Especially after their heart to heart in the common room, Andy didn't want her friend's heart crushed needlessly. This was exactly what she needed though, to be around boys who would appreciate her. Who would appreciate both of them. There had been nothing but talk amongst the boys all week before the girls had arrived of who would be with who, questions about how old they were, were they cute, did they have boyfriends. Andromeda had on that score thought it was alright to say that neither had. Of course Bridget and Saoirse were not to be out done either when they knew there was a boy coming and Andy was quizzed relentlessly about Bruin as well. Sometimes she thought she would reel from all the questions she had to answer.

As she looked out on the gathering of her family, she smiled as the musice began. Tin whistles and the acordian, fiddles and a few guitars. Some good old dancing to the Seige of Venice began and Andromeda thought it would be interesting indeed to see if her friends were roped into dancing.

"Why aren't you out there dancing Romy?" Margaret O'Brien smiled at her grand-daughter.

"Have you forgotten that I can't dance, messing around jumping up and down and pretending to have a clue is different to doing any of this stuff. Remember Dad used to put me on his feet so that I could actually do a waltz. Two left feet Nana, I may be slightly more co.ordinated in the air than what I am on land" she grinned as she spotted Bruin by the food table. And began to laugh heartily when she saw her grand-aunts making their way over to him.

"Oh, incoming. I'd rescue him from them but they've been looking forward to this long enough" she laughed once more.
Kat and Cyndi walked out to where there were a few other people dancing. The music wasn’t half bad so Kat started dancing along with the others, looking around and keeping an eye out for any of Andy’s cousins who happened to take an interest in herself and Cyndi. “I’m so glad Andy invited us! This sure as heck beats sitting at the castle all summer long!” she said to her friend as she looked over and saw Bruin standing at the food table. “Picture of predictability that one is! And it looks like he’s fixing to make some new friends of Andy’s aunts!” Kat said laughing.

While they were dancing two guys walked up behind where she and Cyndi were. Kat nudged her friend and had a cheeky little grin on her face. With a wink to Cyndi she turned to face the two boys.
Boy 1 Boy 2

“Hullo! Are you two going to ask us to dance or just stand there?” she asked, feeling suddenly confident in herself and not the least bit shy like she usually would be in a situation like this.

"You have a good point. So would you like to dance?" Daniel asked the blue eyed girl as he held out his hand to her. "By the way, I'm Daniel. I don't believe I caught your name."

Kat took Daniel's hand and let him lead her away from Cyndi and his brother. She looked back at her friend and then to the other boy standing there and gave her friend a candid little thumbs up and a big smile. Turning her attention back to Andy's cousin. "It's Katalina, but most everyone calls me Kat." It looked like this was going to be a fun two weeks and was just what the healer ordered to help her get over her everything that had happened this past year at school.

((Okies...Cyndi I'll leave you to godmod Andy's other cousin...I also think she mentioned something about you wanting Milo Ventimiglia as your 'summer fling' :p ...If not then just let me know and I'll change it...Sorry this post is so short and kinda blah, but I'm getting ready to leave for work and I will post again once I get home later this evening!! :D ))
Cyndi walked next to Kat and laughed as she saw Bruin head straight for the food table, "I know. We may have to go rescue him later!" Cyndi joked as they continued to walk. She started moving to the beat as a song began to play. Cyndi watched as two guys approached them and gave Kat a small grin as they both turned to the guys. She was surprised to see Kat be so extroverted with the guys, but it seemed to work because before she knew it Kat and Daniel were on their way back onto the dance floor. Cyndi was left alone with the other guy, but he seemed nice enough.

He gave her a smile and said "I'm Jake. Do you want to do too? I'm not as good as my brother but I'm not half bad." Cyndi smiled back and nodded as they walked toward the center of the floor, "I'm Cyndi" she said as they started to dance.

((Yea...Milo is the guy I chose...Don't worry about it. Mine is pretty lame too b/c I'm at lunch now and I have to head back))
As Bruin finished plating up his food he turned to look around the room and noticed a pack of older women moving towards him with a rather hungry look in their eyes and by the looks of them they weren't looking at the food table. He barely managed to get a carrot stick into his mouth before they had surrounded him, one relieving him of his plate and setting it on a nearby table while the others began to introduce themselves and barrage him with questions about his name, where he was from, how old he was, did he have a girlfriend, what his hobbies were, how big his wand was, etc.... It was all rather embarrassing, but Bruin managed to maintain his composure as best he could in hopes that he would be reunited with his food plate at some point.

Before he knew it, Bruin was being lead out onto the dance floor by the three Grand-Aunts, who despite their rather advanced ages liked to shake what their mama's gave them. OF course, Bruin had only agreed to join them when they each produced dance cards with his name on them and couldn't disappoint them seeing as they had gone to all that effort on his account. After an hour or so of dancing with only a brief water break afforded to him, and even then the payment had been a kiss on the cheek for each of them, Bruin finally made his way off of the dance floor laughing heartily to himself.

Bruin picked up a refreshment and mopped the sweat from his brow, looking for the three Gryffindor girls that he arrived with and wondering if they were enjoying themselves as much as Andy's Grand-Aunts were. He managed to scarf down half a sandwich before he felt a light tap on his shoulder from behind, wondering who might be disturbing his snack time.
Andromeda had to laugh when she watched for nearly an hour her friends being put through their paces. The Ceili set that played was not for the faint hearted but they all managed to do themselves proud while seeming to have fun at the same time. She herself stayed with her grandmother and chatted with some of her other cousins on and off. She caught a glimpse of Bruin making his way from the dance floor and looked for her grand-aunts who appeared to be simply regrouping. Where they got their energy from she did not know.

"Now dear if you don't go and rescue him before they've recharged their batteries, that poor boy will be exhausted" Peggy O'Brien told her grand-daughter.

"Nana he's a big boy I'm sure he can handle himself. Anyway I think they need a breather too" she smiled but knew that it was only a matter of time before they did accost him again. Well maybe she should go and give him a slight break, he could spend the rest of the night dancing with all of them. She knew at this point that included practically all the female contingency of her family. He had won them over with how he had been so much fun and up for a laugh with the grand-aunts.
"Alright Nana, I'll go but do not kill me if he ends up with a bruised foot or something" as she made her way over her cousin Paul decided to tone down the music so that those who wanted to remain dancing could slow it down a bit and those who wanted to eat could do just that.

Andromeda saw her grand-aunts perk up immediately, they loved nothing more than a decent waltz. She smiled and winked at them as she made it to Bruin before them. Tapping him gently on the shoulder she bit her lip wondering if he'd even consider dancing after what he had been put through.

"Hey you" she smiled as he turned around, "after that sandwich do you fancy a dance? Right now I could be the best of a bad bunch" she indicated over her shoulder at the three grand-aunts smiling and waving to him.
She chuckled as she turned back to him.
"You're very popular tonight".
Bruin turned around and smiled down at Andy. "That sounds like a great idea, although I'll need to see your dance card first!" He replied with a wink. "And it's not hard to be popular with some of this group...I think the fact that I have a pulse is really working for me." He hoped that Andy took the comment the right way, he was in no way trying to insult her relatives, just attempting to not make such a big deal of his "rock star"-type status with the aunts.

"I'm not all that great with the slow-dancing stuff though, so I hope you aren't expecting to be swept off your feet or anything..." Bruin replied as he offered up his arm and indicated in the direction of the dance floor.
Andy couldn't help but laugh at his quip.
"Not to worry they haven't had anything with a pulse in a long time. Hmm now a dance card... hang on" she rummaged through the pockets of her jeans and shook her head.
"Nope nothing but take my word for it I have it somewhere and you are most definitely down for this one" she looked at the dance floor and sighed seeing the others dancing.
"I don't usually do these ones either, my father used to put me on top of his feet so I wouldn't keep standing on them" she smiled as she took the arm he offered.

"To the floor then Mr. Dumbledez and no laughing at how bad I am ok" she grinned up at him.

[feel free to godmod taking her to the floor and starting to dance ;)]
Bruin led Andy out to the dance floor, talking as they walked. "I wouldn't dream of laughing at you..." Bruin said sweetly as he turned to face Andy. "...especially when you could easily kill me in my sleep!" He added with a wink as the opening of the song played. "I'm sure that the two of us will manage just fine." WIth that said, Bruin began to step slowly in time to the music, leading Andy gently around the dance floor. They were surprisingly good together actually and Bruin nodded approvingly as the song came to an end.

"Well, I must say I thought that went quite well. I don't think anyone will be laughing at us for that effort!" He stated with confidence as he bowed slightly to his partner and thanked her for the dance. "Too bad you've got a boyfriend...with dancing like that, I'd have had to put you in consideration for my final Yule Ball date." He stated, only half jokingly.

The rest of the evening was almost as enjoyable with a little more dancing with Andy's relatives, a lot more food and plenty of laughter. Bruin hated to leave early, but he had some aspirations to get up early tomorrow and join in with some of the farm chores and didn't want to overstay his welcome. He managed to outlast Andy, but Cyndi and Kat were still going strong when he left the party. He wondered to himself what time they would make it back to the lodge.

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