Introductions and Danger

Conan Edogawa

dad • i choose you everyday • obstinate
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Conan had woken up from his afternoon nap and remembered that it was Sunday. The day he had agreed to go to the Cliffs with Satsuke and Ai. Yes, the Cliffs. He knew it was forbidden for students to be there yet, he wanted to face danger with his new friend he had been wanting to introduce to Ai. He hurriedly got ready and waited for Ai in the common room, since he had agreed that he and Satsuke would meet in the Cliffs instead of the common room. When Ai arrived, she and Conan dashed to the Cliffs. "Good thing he's not here yet," he told his sister. Then his sister commented that it would be better to meet in the common room. "Well, we didn't want to, so we said that we'll meet up here," he answered. Conan kicked his ball up into the air while Ai sat on the ground both of them waiting for his friend.
Ai hurriedly got ready for the meeting with her brother's friend. She really appreciated that she was invited to meeting her brother's friend. And, she also just introduced a friend of hers to her brother. She got down to the common room and saw Conan and as always, with his ball in his hands. "Onii-chan always brings his ball whenever we go out of the castle without classes," she thought. She and her brother ran to the Cliffs which was really, really far from the Hufflepuff common room. When Conan remarked that it was good that his friend hasn't arrived yet, Ai agreed, "Hai," she said while catching her breath. "Ne, Onii-chan. Wouldn't it be easier if we just met in the common room and went here together? After all, he's a Hufflepuff to right?" she asked. It was true, if they had met in the common room they wouldn't have had to run all the ways to the Cliffs. She wasn't at the least surprised when her brother told her that it was because they didn't want to. Ai sat on the ground, watching her brother kick the ball, while waiting for their companion to arrive.
Satsuke finished up a couple of assignments before he started to head to the Cliffs. He made sure he wore a jacket under his robes. He was unusually cold, and it annoyed him to bits. He made sure to bring his wand as well. As he headed out of the castle Satsuke wondered what Conan's sister was like. He was a bit tired from all his work, and he strongly hoped that the girl did not step all over his nerves. For a kid that grew up with family in the Mafia he was sensitive, but he could be very rude and evil to people as well. Satsuke had arrived at the Cliffs and he saw Conan and a person he assumed to be his sister. He jogged up to the two. "Gomene. I am a bit late." he apologized. He bowed to the girl sitting. "My name is Satsuke. It is a pleasure to meet you..." he held out his hand and waited for the girl to say her name.
Ai saw a boy approaching them from the distance, and she assumed that it was the boy they were meeting. He apologized for being late, but Ai didn't care that much if someone was late, but, she'd worry if she was the one who's late. The boy introduced himself as Satsuke and held out his hand. Ai shook the boy's hand and stood up. She bowed her head and said, "I'm Ai. Edogawa, Ai. It is a pleasure to meet you too, Satsuke-san. Or should I call you, Nakamura-san? Onii-chan talks about you a lot." Ai wasn't really the friendly type nor the kind type in front of others except for her senpai and three friends back in Japan. But, her brother had asked her to be kind to his new friend, and Ai didn't want to give a bad impression. Since Ai was still shy and she couldn't be mean to the boy, she ran behind her brother and kept silent for the moment.
Conan had stopped kicking the ball and saw Satsuke approach them and apologize for being late. "No, no need to apologize. We just got here, too," he told his friend. Conan watched as Satsuke approach Ai and introduced himself, and he watched Ai introducing herself as well and Conan hoped that she would not be mean. Conan was relieved when Ai didn't show her false mean personality to Satsuke, but her shy personality kicked in and she hid behind him. Conan looked at Ai and said, "Hey Ai, come out." and when his sister didn't react he told her, "Seriously?" Conan was sure that Ai wouldn't act mean to Satsuke since he had asked but he didn't expect that she would hide behind him. Conan turned to Satsuke and said, "Gomen ne, Satsuke. Ai's hiding behind me again," as he flashed a smile at his friend and waited for his reaction.
Satsuke scratched the back of his head nervously. "To be honest I do not really use honorifics. It's like a way to say I am different." he said lamely. People always called him disrespectful when he did not use honorifics. He had his own way of being respectful. If he did not give you attitude within the first five minutes of meeting you you had his respect. It was a simple as that. He shoved his hands into his pockets. He smiled when Ai hid behind her brother. "It is no problem Conan, really. Anyways, what have you told Ai about me?" he asked a playfully punched Conan in the arm. He was not worried about what Conan said about him. Satsuke had not told him anything about his secret.
Ai nodded when the boy had told him that he didn't use any honorifics. "What should I call you, then?" she asked curiously. She didn't want to be rude to the boy because he was kind to her and her brother. Ai continued to hide behind her brother as the boy somewhat playfully asked her brother on what her brother had told Ai about the boy.
Conan smiled at Satsuke's answer to Ai's question. Ai wanted to be polite and Satsuke didn't want to use honorifics, it was a pleasant thought that ran in Conan's mind. He watched as Satsuke asked him what he told Ai about him. "Nothing much. Just told her I met you in the North Tower, made a new friend and agreed to meet here. I wanted you to be the one to tell her about yourself," he said as he winked at his friend.
Satsuke shrugged. "Just Satsuke would be fine Ai." he smiled at the girl. He did not understand why she had to hide behind her brother. He wasn't going to hurt her. He had no reason to. Satuske was sure he could if he wanted to, but there was no reason for him to. It would be a waste of his time. "What would you like to know about me Ai?" he asked and sat on the ground.
Conan sat on the ground smiling as he watched Satsuke talk to Ai, even if she was hiding behind his back. The thought of this made Conan smile, Satsuke willing to talk to his sister even if she kept on hiding. He just watched as Satsuke tried to build a conversation with Ai.
Ai sat on the grass the same time as her brother did. She watched as the boy told her that calling him Satsuke would be just fine. "Hai, Satsuke," she said as she smiled shyly at the boy. When the boy had asked her what she wanted to know about him, Ai wondered what did she want. "Well, anything would be fine," she answered. Ai felt guilty for hiding behind her brother even if Satsuke was kind so she apologized, "Gomenasai for hiding behind Onii-chan. I can come out if you want to," she said and waited for Satsuke's reply.
Satsuke nodded. "Well I have an older sister, I have lived in New Zealand for five years, and I have not been to my homeland, Japan, in five years." he said coolly. He did not know what she wanted to know about him, but he just gave her the basics. He did not enjoy telling people too much about him because at times he could say the wrong things. " It is okay. If you want to come out you can." he said simply. He was not going to get mad at Ai for hiding behind her brother. Sure it was annoying, but he was not going to flip on the girl for it. It was not worth his time.
Ai listened as Satsuke told a little about himself. Ai kind of wondered on why the boy hadn't gone home to Japan all this years. "A-ano. If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you go back to Japan?" she asked the boy. Ai didn't want to pry, but she was curious, very curious. When Satsuke told her that she can come out, Ai hesitantly stood up from behind her brother and bowed her head saying, "Ah. Hai," and sat down again beside her brother.
Satsuke shrugged. "My parents never called me back. I don't want to live with my parents anyways. I would rather live with my sister." he said. He started to twiddle with his fingers. He was lying. His parents had asked him to come back home but he did not want to go back to a lifestyle where his life is always in danger. With his parents being apart of gangs and stuff Satsuke was always in danger. He did not want that anymore. It truly did scare him, and it would break his parents heart if he died so early in his life. Just thinking about it made him very sad.
Ai nodded in agreement to what Satsuke has said. She really couldn't ask the boy on why he was never called back. But why does she feel that something was wrong? Is Satsuke lying about something? She doesn't know, so she just kept quiet about the matter. "I see. Gomen for asking," she told the boy shyly and kept quiet for the time being.
Satsuke shrugged. "Don't worry about it, Ai." he said coolly. He did not mind telling people about his family life. He hoped that there would be one day that he would see his parents again. Satsuke knew that that day was not going to be soon. He was not going to be seeing his family anytime soon, and the thought saddened him. He, of course, tried not to let his sadness show.

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