International Bright Young Things

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Willow Holland

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Shedua Wood Wand with a string of Thestral tail feather 9 1/2 inch
As I said in one of the RP’s Penelope Paradox has started moving Willow around with her for fear that they would use Willow to get to her. She still lets Willow pretty much do what she wants while she makes sure that they are both safe. Moving around so much over holidays has given Willow a chance to make friends all over the world.

The ones that are willing to be Willow’s international friends would make up a circle that we would have to come up with a name for later and they contact each other through letters while not on holiday. Through the letters deeper relationships may form and the letters could be a great help the lonelier people from other schools but my idea was a sort of strong friendship between all the members of this little group. Ages can be anywhere from 13 – 17 and out of school.
I do need Death Eaters to be after Penelope. She used to be a Death Eater herself but had to go on the run when her theft of something caused another Death Eater’s death. She moves around constantly in hopes that if she doesn’t stay in one place for too long no one will be able to catch her. Run ins with people that could kill her or Willow would usually result in Houdini type escape unless I decide to kill her off later :D
Ohhh this sounds perfect for Sera :D She is pretty much a loner at Durmstrang but it's her own fault, she keeps herself to herself pretty much and isn't nice to a lot of people, but she never gives them a chance xD She lives in Germany so yeah, I think that counts as International :lol:

Let me know what you think?
It counts and also thinking she could have been in Gemany for a day or two so they could have met somewhere there. Thanks for being the first to answer me :D
Hey, I have Arianna? She's at Hogwarts New Zealand, but her home is in Canada, and she goes back there most holidays. I've been looking for trouble for her anyway so it's perfect :)
Let me know! :)
Heya, I have Jake if you want him?

He's pretty friendly, 'spesh when it's a lady so he would've spoken to her immediately but he isn't very trusting though he appears it.
I have Zascha. She goes to Durmstrang but lives with her adoptive family in Paris, France. She likes keeping herself to herself as her step family aren't exactly her favourite people in the world.
I think we have enough now since the group is small. I'm thinking of how this is going to work but for now I was thinking a post in the Owlry then they could possebly all meet each other again during a holiday and I can add the Penlope situatuion in there somewhere.
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